Intel Mac :: Force The System To Show Options At Boot?
Feb 25, 2012
As per the title, is there anyway to force my iMac to show the boot options of osx/windows/recovery via a setting using terminal as my wireless keyboard doesnt always connect to the iMac at boot in time, thus holding down the option key doesnt always work.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Oct 24, 2009
Normally I build my own machines, but this time around I needed final cut for some projects so I went all out and bought a nice mac pro about a year ago to use primarily as a gaming machine, with final-cut-pro video editing on the side. I've only done a couple FCP edits on the machine and as a result, have mostly used the PC side of things (via bootcamp) and play a game a few times a week on average (Team fortress 2 and FFXI etc). It's run beautifully, easily the best purchase I've ever made.Today is the first day I've had any serious issue with the machine. Having grown up building gaming computers, I am familiar with the corruption (most notably the 'green' corruption that stands out) associated with video cards. Last night I popped on a game called Dragonica that my fiance is into, she needed a hand with some boss thing, so even though I'm not super into it I hopped on. Before I knew it, the screen flickered green-colored-corruption for a second, then locked up. I restarted, thinking its probably a fluke, and before I could get all the way back in, it did it again. I turned off the machine and went to bed (had work in the morning).
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Feb 6, 2012
I have an Intel iMac that came with a bluetooth keyboard and mouse. There are a variety of options that can be used when you boot the Mac, such as hold down the C key to boot from a CD/DVD, hold down the option key to choose the boot drive, etc. When you have a BT keyboard, it doesn't connect until it is booted. How do you get the iMac to recognize, say, the Option key?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 11, 2012
This weird, but today's software update deleted all but 2 of my screen resolution options in the display section of system preferences. The 2 remaining options are not ideal for my iMac. how I might restore the options that were lost?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 22, 2012
Cannot get iCloud on my iMac OSX 10.5.8. The icon does not show up in system preferences. How to install iCloud otherwise?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jan 5, 2011
I've been reading this site for a while now, first time I'm posting. I recently purchased 8 GB of RAM for my 2010 13" MBP. There are two 4 GB DDR3 PC3-10500 1333mhz sticks. When I install them in the laptop my computer does not get past the apple logo boot screen (the spinning disc freezes). However, I can boot into Windows (boot camp) without issues.
Also, when I pair either of the 4 GB sticks with one of my old 2 GB stock sticks the laptop boots up fine in OS X. The system profiler registers it as 6 GB of 1067 mhz RAM (the stock sticks are 1067 mhz)
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Mar 5, 2009
I am new to Mac. I just bought a new Macbook Pro for my daughter for her birthday. Actually she is new to Mac. Anyway, I am setting up Boot camp with Windows for her as well as some other software. When the macbook first booted, it played this wicked cool movie with "welcome" in a bunch of languages, then went through the setup process. Is there a flag I can set somewhere that will force that to happen again when she first starts it up?
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Dec 31, 2009
I've got the latest Mac Mini and have a Mini DVI to VGA adapter and also a Mini Display Port to VGA adapter. My monitors are a 19" 1440x900 one one the left and a 1920x1080 one on the right. I have the 1920x1080 through the Mini DP connection and it displays a perfect 1080p image. My problem is that the 1440x900 resolution does not show within the display options, although other resolutions do.
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Mar 21, 2010
I'm getting rather panicky now. I was trying to connect to a network drive on my MacBook when I got a beachball. Nothing would work, not even force quit would come up. So I held down the power button until it went off, and then switched it back on again. It got as far a blank blue screen but no further. I tried it again and this time it didn't get past the grey screen with the Apple logo and the spinning wheel.So I took the battery out, unplugged from the mains and held the power button down for over 10 seconds. Then held down Command Alt P R to reset the PRAM. That didn't solve anything.This is the first reboot since some security updates on Saturday past. I'm running Leopard and it's an oldish Macbook, Core 2 Duo with 2 x 2 GB sticks of RAM.
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Nov 27, 2010
I picked up an 80 GB Intel x25-m yesterday and installed on my 15" i7 MBP but could not get the Snow Leopard disc to show up holding option, and tried "c" at boot.As a work around, I tethered the MBP to an iMac via firewire and installed Snow Leopard on the MBP but after, it would display the apple logo but not boot.
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Jun 3, 2014
I downloaded and installed the OS Maverick's recent 10.9.3 update on my 15" Retina Macbook Pro. However since then I am unable to use certain features, like when I right-click on the Desktop, the menu bar shows only two possible options. I cannot "clean up" the icons on my Desktop anymore. Futhermore, I cannot right-click on some places at all - in Finder for example, nothing happens when I right-click on blank space. Only when I right-click on the icons itself does the menu bar pop up, and that only if the viewing mode is in list, columns, or cover flow (basically not in the "icons" viewing mode).
If I understand correctly instead of showing the possible actions that you can't do in grey, it's simply not showing them at all? Either way it's really ugly, and the usefull clean up application is gone!
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Sep 13, 2010
Say an app has crashed and I then bring up the force quit dialog. I then select the app I want to kill, and press the force quit button. Now as the little popup that says "Are you sure you want to force quit" is coming down, my machine freezes. This has happened 3 times exactly the same way. Other than that, the machine is smooth as clockwork. I'm kinda thinking there is some sort of GFX card bug or something?
17" i7 2.66 MBP
OS 10.6.4
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May 18, 2009
I have used Macs since 1983 and for the life of me I can't figure this out. I can create a folder on the desktop, double click it, and the folder actions are there. I double click on the hard drive itself and no folder actions, and no way to get them back.
I've repaired permissions. I've used OnyX. I've used TinkerTool to see if there's some hidden options. I've Gotten info and Finder/Preferences -- Nothing.
Image here:
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Sep 5, 2014
How do I close an application that won't quit and doesn't show up in the force quit dialogue box? I was trying to open Printer Pro but it doesn't show up in the finder and when I tried to put it in the trash it says it can't throw it away because it's open. The forced quit dialogue box does not list it as open. What do I do?
That was supposed to be APPLICATION
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 14, 2010
I have a MBP running Snow Leopard. The keyboard and trackpad became unresponsive, even though music was still streaming through Google Chrome. So I held down the power button to force shutdown. When something like this occurs, is there anything that should be done upon restarting the system again? Any general maintenance, system checks, etc? From my experience with Windows, not infrequently after similar scenarios, forced shutdown or crash, upon restart it'll automatically go into some type of disc scan. I wonder if anything similar occurs or is necessary with OSX. And lastly, when the system freezes like in my instance, if that's considered a freeze even though music was streaming all the while, is holding down the power button the only resolution? Are there no other safer alternatives to attempt first?
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Jun 23, 2012
Not working at all. Getting message Not responding and I must Force Quit.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Feb 16, 2010
I've just bought the new Airport Extreme Base Station last night. I set up everything just fine. I've set up an external HD to the USB port and got it to work fine so far in terms of file sharing and reading and writing. I also have a dedicated Time Machine external HD attached to my MBP USB drive.Does Time Machine backup shared airport drives? This is a deal breaker for me. When I go into time machine after my latest backup, the shared airport drive doesn't show up .Am I missing something? Can time machine back up anything connected to the AEBS?
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Mar 28, 2012
I updated Efi firmware, but force quit twitter to install. Now system won't come on, it just shows grey screen with the spinning wheel loading. I am running lion 10.7.3.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 9, 2008
My computer stop responding so I had to force restart finder. Now my active programs indicator is not working. How do I get it to work again? I have tried shutting down my computer and that didn't work. I deleted and re-copied over the files, but that didn't work either.
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Apr 8, 2012
Ive ran multiple different types of terminal searches for this "flashback" Trojan worm/virus that's going around. I've also searched for and it's not in there at all. I've done safe mode and everything else. I do not have a wallpaper HD lite, I am OUT of options, and I really don't want to have to re install Lion. Can someone PLEASE tell me something, other than those options?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), 4 GB Version 10.7.3
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Jan 8, 2010
my MBP has been really underperforming. Things take longer on my Macbook, then on my 10yr old machine with 512mb of ram and openbox. Also, firefox, has been going extremely slow, and crashing. I'm not using beta, and I have opened it in safe mode, and it still crashes.I know there must be something wrong. Both my brother and some of his friends with macs have also been experiencing stuff slowing down. So the first thing, I though it might be is that there is an update, or something like that. So I updated, but no go. It's still slow. And just the other day, I got to see this for the first time.
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Mar 21, 2009
I was going to install Windows using bootcamp, but stopped before I finished. Now when I turn my macbook on, I have to hold the option key down and select Macintosh HD or nothing happens. I have used the Bootcamp Utility to partition my hdd back to one, but the boot options are still messed up. How do I fix this to automatically boot into OSX?
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Jul 24, 2010
I just got my MBP a coupe days ago, the 13 inch 2.4 GHz with a 320 GB hard drive.I downloaded (legally) a copy of Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate or something X64 from my schools website. This gave me an file called GRMCULXFRER_EN_DVD_x64.iso. I have tried burning the iso itself as well as its contents to a DVD-R but both times I received the no bootable device when attempting to install Windows 7 with BootCamp
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Oct 30, 2010
I keep getting a sending error report when trying to email direct from iPhoto 11.
As I understand it, iPhoto pulls all address details direct from Mail so why would it falter.
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Jan 7, 2011
Is smcFanControl still the best to use to increase rpm's on fans for macs? Or is there anything new out?This iMac get EXTREMELY HOT on the top left corner it can burn your hand how bad it is.The atual temps are within limits with istat but that excessive heat on the back left top corner is concerning me. If i keep my hand on it for more then 5 seconds it will actually burn my hand.
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Apr 28, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro and have been using Microsoft Entourage to automatically connect to and download my e-mail from my college's mail server. All of a sudden my internet got really slow. I began looking around and found that it was probably a DNS issue so I added and to my DNS server list and my internet began to work nice and speedy like it use to. The only problem is that whenever I added these I can no longer access my school's mail server. At this point I am completely clueless and really don't want to have to pick between e-mail access and fast internet.
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Jul 11, 2009
When I try to start up my mac, It doesnt work. A folder icon appears in the center with a question mark, which then changes to the finder logo. (thats as far as it gets)I'll do anything to fix the problem, even if it means clearing all my files. I have no startup disk though, if that's a problem.
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Oct 29, 2009
I recently reformatted my mbp because the filesystem crashed and I couldn't repair it. Everything works fine except it beach balls a lot now and it's driving me crazy. It will beach ball quite frequently for like a minute or 2 randomly. This never used to happen until I reformatted it. I ran the disk utility repair and it still beach balls. I think its just a bad install. I have the Early08 MPB and Snow Leopard.
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May 7, 2010
i'm wanting to build a desktop hacintosh. But i also want the get pretty much the top of the line hardware. I'll also be installing windows 7 for games. I'm wondering if os x will run on core i7s, and also what specific hardware is compatable with os x? CPUs, Video Cards, Ram ETC. I have a 13 inch MacBook Pro but i am planning to sell it. I need a significant upgrade for everything i plan to be doing with computing in the next year.
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Apr 27, 2008
This feature was available in Tiger and dropped in Leopard. Actually there is a compress PDF feature (either via an applescript that can be downloaded) or using Quartz filter "reduce filesize". However, when dealing with bitmap figures embedded in the PDF, both solutions in Leopard yield very dissappointing results. Whilst in Tiger, the results were outstanding for both file size reduction and maintaining the bitmap clarity.
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