When I bring up Safari, It wants to not come up until I do a dinastic check and the only thing that is not green is the internet and the server.In doing the check it will check out ok. Safari come up after i do the check.What is causing this?
all of my apps are very erratic, ex; windows opening and closing by themselves, blue tooth keyboard very buggy, unable to change personal preferences, etc.
As the Title of The Post says, i need to know if Apple Hardware check, Does check the hard drive. I'm getting a little bit more frequent hard drive clicks so i want to make sure my HD is not failing. So i need to know as so as possible if Apple hardware check looks for Hard drive Problems. And if it does not. Can someone point me into some Utilities i can use?
I recently ugraded my fathers iMac to Snow Leopard and he complained of it running slowly, i performed a permission check on the system and restarted, once started up the machine now has no sound from any application.
My wife got an email from a friend that said "check this out". Of course she opened it and now she cannot use Facebook--any ideas on what this is and how to fix it?
I have an iMac running OS 10.4.11. How can I check to see if I have the Flashback Trojan (and remove it, if I have it)? IMy Safari is also crashing frequently.
How can I check if I have the Reverse Trojan Virus on my iMac? Lately I was ping by Adobe to install an upgrade. Given the press about this virus I was wondering if I just loaded it when I updated the Adobe Reader software.
I ma new to Mac and think i might have a virus. every time i select a web page the machine opens various other web pages. How can i check and remove a virus?
i am facing below probelm on my mac ... i have done all the ip setting on my mac Error is software update can't check for updates because of a network problem mac.
I have a 20" mid 2007 iMac I would like to upgrade to Snow Leopard. My problem is I would like to do a clean install but before I erase my hard drive I would like to make sure it in good shape. I found my AHT disc and found that the version number is 3A127 is for a 24" iMac. I don't know why I have the wrong disc. Is it usuable in the 20" iMac?
I ran my usual check on the mac drive via "Verify Disk" option. It came up with "needs repair"...etc., and told me to repair it. I did a command r during boot so I could do a repair, and the software told me "your mac drive seems to be ok"??? Some kind of glitch, or need I worry about it at all?
Info: 27' iMac 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Sony VPCL116FX Intel Core 2 Quad 2.66GHz 6G Ram 64b Win7
I like to check the Capacity of various folders. So I highlight all the folders and click Get Info and all the pop out information are listed. Then I have to use a calculator to add all the memory space. Is there a way to check the way Windows work like in Properties? Just one overall complete info.
I had visited a website then was told that I might get a malware there. I haven't seen anything suspicious on my Mac. I didn't give my administrator password to any pop up dialog either. My OS is Snow Leopard. Here's the link to that website (please don't click on it if you think it might be dangerous) http://x-cafevn-db.info How could I check if my Mac already got infected?
A second question: about Symantec Antivirus. I installed and removed this software long time ago when I was using Tiger. After upgrading (not clean install) to Snow Leopard, there are errors message pop up every time I start the system. This didn't happen with Tiger though. The message says: "Symantec Antivirus Error. Symantec AntiVirus Auto-Protec could not continue. Please run LiveUpdate or reinstall Symantec AntiVirus and restart. (Code: 10)". No file shows up when I search for Symantec in Finder. How could I get rid of those messages?
My ALU iMac seems to be waking up sometimes (so not all the time) when I'm at work. I am 100% sure I set it to sleep and everyone else in the house says they didn't touch it. My work schedule is always about the same, so it's strange that 2 weeks ago it was awake when I got home, and since then 2 times more. I've checked the settings, to be sure it doesn't have a schedule to wake and sleep. Everything looks OK. No schedule whatsoever, except wake after power failure.
I've disabled that now but I don't think we had any power failures recently because iStat Pro indicates an uptime of 20 days straight, which would be hard to do without power. Now is there a way to check any logs about wake and sleep times? I'm sure there is a command for the terminal that does exactly this but I haven't found it yet. I ordered the Missing Manual to learn more about OS X but I would like to check this now because the order could take a while.
I am trying to figure out what is making my June 2009 17" UBMP act up - tons of spinning wheels, lock ups, trackpad issues etc. I have done verify & repair permissions twice, all software updates are in place, done a PRAM reset twice and run Tech Tool Pro Deluxe which shows no issues. Someone asked me to check that my Plug-Ins were OK but I have no way to tell as I know jack about technical things! I have managed to copy what they are on a PDF attached.
I pressed the 6 and 4 buttons when booting up, but I am not sure if it loaded into 64-bit mode. It did take significantly longer to boot up though... isn't 64-bit supposed to be faster?
I realize this is a stupid question, but I can't seem to figure out how to check how much memory I have left. I know that if you do the following steps "About this mac --> More info... --> Memory" you can see how much you have all together, but it doesn't seem to say how much is being used, and how much free space is left.
This guy did an amazing job comparing the 2 processors. This helped me decide the 2.4Ghz is very very closely matched to the 2.66Ghz. Check out the benchmarks for the GPU 256 vs 512mb of vram its very close. I think that was already pointed out in another thread. [URL]
I am going to buy a second hand MacBook pro and I need to know how to check it and what I should actually check. This is my first time with a Mac and I have no idea how to check it and what are the system information software which allows me to check the specs and probable problems in the system.
I am wondering whether there are any program to check the SSD health or the number of the write cycles on the macbook air? I am a little bit worried about the ssd on my macbook air since it only has 2 Gb ram and the ssd drive will be used as the virtual memory.