Intel Mac :: Use Applications Without It Freezing?

Jun 16, 2012

I am able to boot my machine up, but when I try to perform any functions on the machine, I get the spinning rainbow circle of death and the machine freezes. I'm running the latest version of Leopard. I connect to my network via Airport Extreme. This started happening yesterday 06/15/2012. I am receiving no error messages.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Keeps Freezing Up After Its Been 'sleeping'

Mar 14, 2012

The IMac is about 2 years old, we have Lion installed, use a trackpad.  Our mouse is sitting next to the trackpad, and until today, was not turned off. Would that have anything to do with it?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: It Is Freezing All Time

Mar 14, 2012

My mac is freezing all the time, how can I fix this?

Info:IMac, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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Intel Mac :: My Screen Keep Freezing

Apr 18, 2012

I am worried that my computer is heading for a crash. I bought it in January 2007 and it has served me well up until the last couple of months. The screen freezes more and more frequently. Although I have tried all three USB ports on the back, my wireless mouse freezes constantly.  (Yes, I have installed new batteries multiple times.) Sometimes there are very brief flashes of black behind whatever screen I'm working on.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Why Does It Keep Freezing/crashing

Apr 22, 2012

I've had my iMac since January 2011 and it has never had a problem, i've got the Apple care thing and tried ringing them but their offices are closed. Desperately need this fixed as i'm at uni and have deadlines in less than two weeks! Basically, my iMac started playing up yesterday, crashing and freezing, I thought nothing of it and reset it once or twice and it all seemed fine.Today I switched it on and it was fine until it crashed after a few minutes whilst using Safari.When I say crashed I mean the dock at the bottom wouldn't allow me to open any programmes and the top Apple menu won't allow me to click on anything IE Safari, File, View etc.I've restarted and shut down my computer many times, with difficulty - as stated I can't click on the Apple logo to switch it off. Based on google searches i've tried doing permission verify through disk utilities and repair disk permissions.I'm currently on the Mac and it's taken me 6 hours to get to this forum, register, and type this! Signs that it's going to crash or has crashed are the mouse really lagging, not being able to use the magic scroll, unresponsive buttons, unresponsive dock, and menu. Only things that will work when it crashes are the volume keys on my wireless keyboard, multi window button and brightness etc.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: It Keeps Freezing And Rebooting On Its Own

May 8, 2012

Yesterday my wife's iMac froze and she tried powering off manually by holding the power button down on the back of the machine. Then she tried to boot it back up and got the welcome screen but she couldn't select an account to login to. Tries restarting again and gets a blank blue screen. 

Call me out to take a look. 

Not knowing much, I googled some help sites and performed the following: 

SMC reset

PRAM reset

Verified disk permissions and repaired disk permissions

Boot from install disk (repaired permissions and verify disk) 

Restarted and everything seemed to be working fine. Until this afternoon. She was in the middle of an upload and the computer restarted itself. She's in the middle of the upload again (almost finished). But when it's finished, I'd like to troubleshoot this some more. 

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: It Keeps Freezing Randomly

May 16, 2012

My NEW iMac keeps freezing randomly.

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Intel Mac :: 8.1 24'' Freezing On Lion?

Jun 6, 2012

I have a 24'' Imac 3.06Ghz - 4Gb RAM - NVidia 8800GS video card It has been freezing since last month without any logic pattern.Reviewing the logs I supposed it was the memory card, because after the halts I found Nvidia error messages. 

I ran Apple Hardware Test to find the error but it told me that was a phisical harddrive error, so I've replaced it with a new 2TB WD Drive and made a fresh install of Lion. Freezing again. I ran Techtool Pro 6 and does not show any errors. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Intel Based Is Freezing Quite A Lot?

May 7, 2012

This has been happening a lot lately.  I've tried the Apple hardware test and it passed successfully.  I reloaded Lion OS X but I still see an occasional problem with program freeze that I never saw before.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: It Constantly Freezing And Crashing

Mar 25, 2012

The computer freezes or crashes fairly regularly - sometimes within minutes of being started. I have wiped the hard disk several times and done a clean reinstall of Lion. The computer still crashes - again within minutes of the Finder launching.However, it behaves itself when I boot it into Windows, or if I do a Safe Boot. This is starting to drive me nuts.Here's the latest kernel panic


Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Late 2006 20"

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Intel Mac :: Computer Is Constantly Freezing Up

May 5, 2012

My computer is constantly freezing up. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Freezing In Snow Leopard?

May 13, 2012

iMac freezing in Snow Leopard, several times a day, screen with turn a single color (blue, green, gray), and I have to hard boot

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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Intel Mac ::Started Freezing When Connecting To TV

May 30, 2012

I've had an iMac (late 2006) connected to a TV via mini DVI to HDMI for a while now, but today it's stopped working. The Apple menu wasn't visible on the TV and after changing the display settings froze. If I keep the HDMI cable in (even if the TV is turned off) the Mac freezes when it get's to the desktop view and jumbles the image with squares all over. If I take the cable out, it boots up fine. Putting the cable in then goes back to the original problem. I've searched around and tried deleting the file from ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost but no luck. 

iMac, Macbook

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Intel Mac :: Crashing And Freezing Continuously?

Jun 3, 2012

Since 2 weeks, after years of 0 problems, my iMac is continuously freezing or crashing when I use Apple software (Mail, Software Update, Garageband).

I've installed Kaspersky and even reinstalled Mac OS Lion, same problem. It goes away temportarily when I restart cleaning the PRAM. or turning off the extensions.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.4), Intel Core 2 Duo

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Intel Mac :: Preview Is Freezing Repeatedly

Jun 7, 2012

I'm running a new iMac with OS X Lion 10.7.4. Whenever I open the application Preview, it goes to fullscreen and stops responding (presenting the rainbow wheel) for a number of minutes. This happens everytime the scanner scans a file and opens in on Preview, and oftentimes when the application is opened normally. It takes about 5-10 minutes for it to begin responding after opening it. I know Preview is a relatively lightweight application

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: It Keeps Freezing Up And When Restart It Freezes Up Also?

Jun 25, 2012

it keeps freezing up and when restart it freezes up also

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Freezing On Start-up White Screen?

Apr 17, 2012

my imac keeps freezing on the white boot up sceen where the apple logo usually appears. But the apple logo does not appear also the computer doesnt go beyond this point just fresses.

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Why Does 2006 20" Core Duo Keep On Freezing

May 4, 2012

I can't do anything longer than 5 minutes before it freezes and I have to restart it. Its really annoying. Also yes it is in a well ventilated area and I downloaded a system prefs add on to control the fan.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), its a white iMac

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IMac (Intel) :: Freezing After Opening Mail

Jun 19, 2014

Last night I was checking my emails on my iMac. It said that I got a junk email frim gmail. I clicked on it so I can delete, and it showed the email like a preview. My computer froze and it said "Loading" and the spinning wheel on the mouse was spinning for a little bit. Then when I would close out, it would like be really slow and it would freeze a lot. I shut down my computer. I turned it back on. It was running nice. Then I opened Mail because I need to send an email with an attachment that I have stored on my computer. I have iTunes and I was iMessage a friend and it's starting to freeze and the spinning circle is spinning a lot. I do have Time Machine set up. The last backup was before I previewed that email. Should I restore from backup, or take it to the Apple Store?   I do have Apple Warrany and I have Apple Care on it.

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Intel Mac :: Keeps Freezing After Screen Saver/sleep Mode?

Apr 30, 2012

I just bought my iMac 4/15/2012 and every time after i return from sleep mode or even just a screen saver, i have to wait 10+ minutes just to type in my password. I tried taking the password feature off and yet it still freezes when i return to the computer. the only thing i know to do is to manually turn the computer off, as i have no other options.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Bad Crashing, Freezing, Lines And Pale Patches And More?

May 3, 2012

I wonder if anyone can help me. I am not very technobod and there are progressively awful problems on my Mac until it is now so slow.I need to fix it before it dies altogether, or I throw it out of the window.....Problems:- Thin black lines randomly appearing across the windows. Ghosting of windows, they leave another version when moved. Sometimes windows just white out in areas with scribbly lines like pretend text. Sometimes windows have large bare patches all of a sudden or go see through Programs keep just quitting for no reason. The whole computer just freezes every now and then. Sometimes it waits and returns, occasionally it crashes completely. It is really painfully slow and can take me considerable minutes to open a new window or get something else up on screen. The tool bar sometimes goes all skeletal with no background. Loads more silly things like this... all random. 

It is driving me absolutely potty. It's only used by me doing emails, filing pics, designing jam labels, letters, going on forums and things. I don't give it loads to manage unless I'm doing something spectacularly stupid. This computer ought to be big enough to run a design studio..I have tried mackeeper, found it gave more problems than it solved, and uninstalled that, I've tried Clean my mac and only cleaned some, I left the universal binaries and the Caches alone. I then tried Onyx and fixed some listings (I kept the report) and cleaned up the caches in that, then restarted. It is now even slower than before I started fixing it, and all of the problems are still here. I've got time machine for back up. What can be going wrong?

iMac, I mac 6.1 intel core 2 duo

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Intel Mac :: Freezing While Connecting External Hard Drive

May 26, 2012

I am using IMac late 2011 model core i5 4gb ram. I recently bought seagate freeagent goflex desk 2tb version and I am using it as time machine. but when it is connected system is freezing frequently and some times I am getting kernel panic error but after disconnecting it IMac runs smoothly I used my system with out connecting for few days and there is no problem at all but when i am connecting and using it all this happens again. Another thing i am also using freeagent goflex portable drive for last one year and I did not experienced such problems at all.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Intel Mac :: Video And High Content Webpages Freezing?

Jun 24, 2012

I am having problems with video and high content webpages freezing.I am also getting pixel lines across my webpages.  Maybe two or three lines. I was running os 10.4 but I just up graded to 10.6 the other day. I have 2GB of RAM.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: System Preferences Not Responding - Stuck At Freezing Place

Apr 27, 2012

My system preferences is not responding, I have tried to restart the computer and even shut down. When I access system preferences it still stuck in the place where it originally froze. What to do?


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Intel Mac :: Running 10.6.8 Freezing - Force Quit And Even On / Off Button Not Working

May 16, 2012

My iMac keeps semi freezing. When I click the mouse and the little color wheel begins to rotate it always freezes. It cannot complete an order to open a program or even take any action. Not even the internet works. To quit I have to unplug the computer. Force quit and even the on/off button doesn't work. I'm running 10.6.8.

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Intel Mac :: Keeps Freezing Up - Pixels Distorted / Horizontal Lines On Screen

Jun 5, 2012

I purchased a late 2006 intel core duo iMac 20'' with an upgrade to os Lion. I've been using it for less than 24 hours, and it has managed to freeze up on me twice, with a followed appearance of pixel abnormalities, horizontal lines, etc. I did my research and it seems to be a graphics card problem, which is a Raedon ati x1600 ,256 mb.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Late '06 iMac/2.16ghzICD/2gb

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Intel Mac :: G5 Keeps Freezing/crashing - SMU Reset Resulted In A Loud Fan Noise

Jul 3, 2012

I have a refubished iMac G5 OS X 10.6.8 desktop that was purchased in Aug, 2006.  Recently it has been either freezing, shutting down completely, or the display will just shut off multiple times per day 20+ times/day.  I am not interested in purchasing the $49 help from Apple.  Is it time for a new computer? 

I've been attempting some troubleshooting:

I have plenty of RAM- we installed more memory about 8 months ago. Temperature running at 40 degrees C 

I reset the SMU but now am hearing a loud fan sound and there is air blowing out of the horizontal vent in back of the desktop- which does not typically happen.  The computer has not crashed since I reset the SMU 20 minutes ago.  I'm worried about the noise. 

Also, it has been really hot where I live, with a heat index of 110 today and I don't have air conditioning.  Current indoor air temp is about 86 degrees F.    

Also, I have been seeing thin horizontal stripes across my screen for the past few months, related or unrelated issue? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: Firefox Freezing / Anything To Do With It?

Jan 31, 2010

I tried firefox 3.6 recently straight from the .dmg, didn't drag it to the applications folder. It didn't work with a tab add on so I stopped using it.

Ever since firefox has been using tons of system resources at random, both RAM and the processor.

I think I also upgrade flash around then too, to 10.1, could that have anything to do with it?

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Applications :: Messenger Freezing - How To Fix It

Jul 24, 2010

i have messenger for mac 8 beta as i need the video calls option but the annoying problem is is that it keeps freezing in mid-use and is getting on my nerves, i have reinstalled it but that's about it.

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Applications :: Right Side Of Menu Bar Freezing Up

Dec 9, 2004

Lately the right side of my menu bar (clock, volume, user name) has been freezing up. I can use the rest of my menu bar fine and everything else is okay but when I put my pointer by my clock I get the beachball. The only time I know it is frozen is when I realize its been "3:50pm" for a very long time now. Is there a way to reset it without restarting my computer?

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