I have two files on the desktop. pxsetup-1 and pxsetup-2. when trying to delete I get an error message: The item “pxsetup-1” can’t be moved to the Trash because it can’t be deleted. So how do I get rid of these tywo files?
I have tried moving them to the trash, as well as using the move to trash button. They seam to go to the trash can but when I delete the trash they are still in the file. I am trying to clear out some old files so that I can have room on my start up disk. My Disk is full and it is making it hard for me to open more then one file. I am getting an external hard drive soon but don't want these files on it.
Have just added two external WD My book drives using time machine. In the process files were saved,copied between drives and then sent to trash. I now have have the operating software for the drive backup firmly anchored in my trash bin. It won't get rid of it. How do I overcome this problem.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am selling my iMac 27" and I want to deleted all of my files except for the IOS Lion. how to do this and get the hard drive back to a factory setting so that I can sell the computer and not have to worry about content being on the hard drive. I have a external hard drive backup.
I am working on clearing off some hard drive space, and my first step was to remove some unneeded items from an external HD to make some space there. When I drag the folder I'm trying to delete to the trash, I first get a message that the items will be immediately deleted (I think because my internal HD is quite full?) and that's fine because I do want to delete these, so I say OK. It starts the process of deleting, and counting how many files it's deleting, then gives me a message that the operation cannot be completed because item "xx" is locked. The only solutions I have found on here involve unlocking "xx" but my problem is, when I search the computer and/or the external for item "xx" nothing is found. I'm really not sure if the issue with item "xx" is an issue with the drive or with the computer, or what to do about it?? If it's the drive, I suppose I could back up what I do want to save from the drive then re-format it?
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just deleted yahoo messenger from my computer by going to finder then applications and throwing it in the trash. But when i reinstalled it by downloading from the website it remembered some info from before? How can I totally delete yahoo messenger?
There is no disk space left on a 27" imac. Unable to update any software. There is a ton of hidden files, all highlighted in yellow. How can I delete them?
I found 3,708,612 copies of zero byte plist files in over 50 folders in my Time Machine backup database. One perf-pane application made all of them. Is there a fast way, really fast way to delete all of them at once.The spinning ball takes a long time to delete even one file stored 50 or more times in different or the same folder.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 3.6 GHz Intel Core i5
I purchased a GoFlex Desk for Mac with the FW800 adapter. No issues with stability or performance.The only thing that is weird is related to deletion of files:
1) When I set a program to auto-clean files (for example, deleting source rar files after unpacking) it doesn't work
2) Whenever I try to delete a file, I get a warning that "This cannot be undone", and it's doing a permanent delete rather than moving it to trash.I've verified that I'm not using any Seagate drivers, and the drive shows up as the "Orange" generic external drive.
Here is the back ground information of this situation. I have a IMAC 21 inch 500GB Hard drive 4 GB RAM, which is up to date with OS X Ver 10.7.3. So my wife loves to stream her favorite USA TV shows via the Internet, considering we are stationed overseas. She pulled me away from the NBA playoffs because she kept getting this error of start up disk full delete files (or something to that effect.) So last week, I deleted about 40GB of old shows that we downloaded and various other files and pictures. Not even four days later the Hard drive is full again, and I think it is from my wife's streaming habit. I went to "About This IMAC", to find out where the memory was being used from and its 377 GB used in a "OTHER", and the rest being utilized from APPS, MUSIC, PICTURES, etc. So next I cleared the history and deleted the cache files and reset safari on both our log in profiles, then logged out and restarted the computer, which did not minimize the Hard drive memory being occupied. Where are those streaming files getting saved specifically, for maybe a manual delete?
Is there a way to change the delete button to delete to the right instead of to the left? I always have to reposition the cursor to delete what I want!
I recently discovered, after running Disk Inventory X, some really fat files in my Library. I haven't touched them, as I read on another forum that it could be dangerous but is there anything I can do to get rid of them? I thought maybe they were left there after a recent Time Machine backup because I read that happening to someone else in another forum...
I've attached screenshots (I think) of the two biggest files.
How do I delete files in use? I have a bunch of files... I must have had a HD burp or something. I have a bunch of files under "lost+found". I try deleting it but I can't! The folder has a bunch of other folders ("dir...") but I can't delete them! They are not in use as far as I can tell.
I have a SimpleDrive 500 GB external hard drive. and i have a nice new macbook. when i try to add a folder from my documents folder on my mac to my simpledrive hard drive, it won't let me. when i click on "get info" for the hard drive, it says "you can only read" under sharing & permissions. i can't figure out how to get it so i can edit as well.
I have a standard USB key with no encryption software that I only used on Mac os X. One day I crazily plug it into my iMac g3 running Mac os 9 and my files are gone. I had my iPhone backup file which doesn't open. A 500mb encrypted dmg image and now it says 4.3 mb and no mountable file systems. Is there any way to get it back? I had my whole life on this key and I really wAnt it back.
I was cleaning up my jumpdrive and accidently put a locked safegaurd file in the trash so when I went to empty the trash it emptied everything but that. Then I went in and moved a copy of the safegaurd file from the trash to the desktop then to the jumpdrive. Now the file is safely back on my jumpdrive, but I have useless files in my trash that I can't delete. How do I do it??
I bought my first mc yesterday (15", 2.66 GHz) and have encountered a small problem.
Yesterday, I was able to delete files with Fn+backspace. Today, however, the files just happily stay where they are when I use the same key combination. Using the context menu and sending them to the recycle bin works, however.
I've tried repairing permissions, but nothing I do seems to help...
recently I have been trying to delete files and I'm getting a variation of messages. Either it tells me that the "file is in use" when its NOT or it will delete the file immediately, bypassing the trash.
I would like the files to go to the trash first like they always use to rather than being deleted immediately.
Also it tells me i can't delete alot of files because they are in use. However, they are not in use or open at all...
deleting emlx files that was accidentaly copied to the desktop. When I highlight all the files to drag it to the trash a popup windows appears with the option to Skip, Stop or Continue. I have to manually click on either skip or continue for all the 10,000 files which is going to take me couple of days.
My question is, are there any command or builtin application that can delete these files without asking for confirmation?
There are two files which are generated by some software which I have which go corrupt and screw up the instillation. Until an update is released (and I can afford to upgrade), you need to delete these two flles to fix it.
Anyone know of any way to automatically delete these files? Either on boot, or every day or week or something? Through automator perhaps?
I have 33 dmg files totaling over 1 GB of space. Is it safe to delete these files or should I keep the newest one of each application in case the application doesn't start at a later date? Sorry for the basic question but since I was in the Mac Basics section.