ITunes :: Not Locating Songs On External Hard Drive
Oct 12, 2009
I successfully moved my I tunes library to an external hard drive. When I try to play a song with I tunes I get an error message that the song can't be found and I am foreced to manually locate it on the external drive.
I transferred all my itunes library to an external hard drive.I had all my songs in itunes and then went to "preferences" and set itunes to look on my external hard drive for my itunes. Then I went to "library" and then "consolidate", and it moved all my library over to my external. I can verify that my songs are all there on my externalHowever, now, itunes won't play any songs of mine. I double click on the song in itunes and it just wont play. There's no error message, there's no exclamation point, it just won't play. Any idea what is goign on? Preferences still shows that my library is directing to the external
Why has iTunes seperated a album into indevidual songs, which I have copied over from my external hard drive into iTunes? How can you pull all the songs back together into one album again?
I have the latest version of iTunes. I used to store my itunes music on an 80gb firewire drive. Got a new 500gb usb drive. transferred all files manually to this new drive. in iTunes i changed my media folder to this new drive. However alot of files aren't being read or found so i must locate each manually. Is there anything I can do to make iTunes read from the new hard drive now?
Anyone know how to locate multiple files/songs in iTunes? All of a sudden iTunes only plays some songs while most say it can't be found, would you like to locate it etc. I know I have all the songs in the iTunes Music folder but how do I let iTunes know that they are all there instead of going through each and every song manually? Is there a way other than Adding all the songs back into the library?
I had an external hard drive that started to act wonky and wouldn't mount. I was able to get to mount one last time and transfer the contents over to a new hard drive. Now every time I start iTunes there is a message about checking for gapless playback. I believe there are 82 tracks. It goes by rather fast so it is hard to read each and every title. The ones I have read upon checking I find that the songs have no content. They just don't exist. When you go to control I instead of the track showing the length it shows Not Available.
I accidentally deleted the wrong tracks. They landed in the trash. I found out, pulled it out of the trash and put it back into the folder where they were. Only: iTunes doesn't see them there. How can I import songs into iTunes that are already on my hard drive? Just dropping the song files into the right folder doesn't work. iTunes doesn't see them.
i have got an apple minimac 80gb 10.6.2 with leopard and i have got about 2500 mp3 files on itunes and i want to drag them to a folder called music on my external hard drive,then i will transfer them to my windows 7 laptop but i can only seem to be able to drag about 300 tracks at a time,does anyone know how to drag all the files at the same time?
is there any way to have my 30,000+ iTunes collection on my iTunes without having it stored on my Mac? I'd like to be able to use the songs off my external hard drive on my iTunes and just plug the hard drive in as n when I needed it. Can I do this?
In other words... I have moved my music library to the external hard drive, as per an earlier thread I read here on the forums. It worked like quite well. Now that it is working perfectly, I am having a hard time leaving well enough alone. It is never a good idea for me to think too much...Can itunes be installed and run on/from an external hard drive? If so, how?
This is what im trying to do. I have a macbook with 120gb hard drive. thats not enough space from my music collection. So i was wondering how to make itunes run off a external hard drive. I looked around and found was for a PC.
I have uploaded all my music to iCloud so am under the impression I do not need my local files which are all stored on a 4TB (not fun to move around) G-Tech drive.Â
I cannot run iTunes without the hard drive plugged in, if anybody knows a way for me to play my music through iCloud on just my internet-connected laptop
Info: MBP, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 17", 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB
I just got a new external hard drive and have moved all my music over to it but can't get my itunes to recognize it, I have gone to the preferences and when I try and change the location where the music is itunes does not find my external hard drive. I have tried to repopulating the list and it does not find the Hard drive.
I own a 20-inch 250GB iMac and a 320GB Western Digital External Hard Drive. I recently began running out of room on my Mac, mainly because of all that I have on iTunes. Out of my 250GB I am now down to about 18GB. With this in mind, I went out and picked up a 320GB drive to pluck all my iTunes fluff on. I have changed the iTunes Media Folder location in the Advanced Tab to that of my new drive a la Volumes>Dj22091 iTunes>iTunes. I have also consolidated the library and have successfully copied all of my media to that of my new external drive.
Now, the problem. When deleting the material off of my Mac what am I going to pull into the trash bin exactly? I read here @ [URL] that I am to leave the library files alone and to delete all the media out of the Music>iTunes folder but...I don't see anything other than my music listed. If I am to get rid of everything and free up space I would need to delete my TV Shows, Movies, etc. but they are nowhere to be found. I am still left with only about 18GB left on my Mac, so I know that they are around here somewhere.
I have a 500+gig music collection on my home PC. The problem is, 275gig is on a Maxtor External HD (my E: Drive) so the pathway for itunes is different than the rest of the collection which is on a Western Digital MyBook 1T (my H: Drive). I have had no problem until my Maxtor decided to become 'unrecongnisable', thus rendering Itunes unable to find the music on this E Drive. Somehow, I have been able to 'wake up' the Maxtor by connecting to my lap top, disconnecting, and then re-connecting to my home PC. Sensing a problem, I transferred the 275g of music over to the Mybook 1T and renamed this folder 'Music Maxtor'. Of course, I have a folder called 'Music' on the 1T also.
The problem now is, how do I change the pathway in itunes for all of the music that was originally on the Maxtor?? Do I have to do this manually for EACH SONG!?? I don't want to move the music in the music maxtor folder to the other 'music folder, as some of the file names are the same. eg. I have an Aerosmith folder in both. Should I just rename? Is there an easier way? OR, can I purchase another external HD and when I connect it, I make it my new E Drive and just transfer the music maxtor folder back to it??? Would that work for itunes?? I know I have created a fair rod for my back here, but what do you do when you run out of room on an ext HD? Or one packs it in...
my itunes library is on an external hard-drive. I have another external harddrive that is portable and I'd like to have this one to travel with and be able to update it from the main library on the other ext. hd. Right now I have just copied over the entire library of music - no itunes involved - but I realized that this doesn't work for me as I want to be able to update that music file with the newer stuff found on my other main ext. hd.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), external harddrive
So, my iTunes library is getting too large for my computer's storage capacity. I'm thinking of moving some of my library to an external, USB hard drive. However, I've never done iTunes through an external hard drive before and I have some questions. Can I copy new discs (import) straight onto the external hard drive? Or do they need to go onto my computer first then get transferred to the hard drive?Can I still use iTunes Match and pull songs from the library on my hard drive and from the main computer?To partition a library between a computer and an external hard drive, do I need to activate sharing or anything special? Or will the computer/main iTunes library just consider the external drive to be a different location for some of the tracks?How would I backup the external hard drive? Would Time Machine (running off a separate hard drive) back up another external hard drive if they were both plugged in?Can you burn the entire library to data discs anymore? Or do you need to make a playlist of your entire library? If the latter, is there a way to turn off the message about iTunes in the Cloud playlists only accepting songs matched or uploaded? I have some songs that erroneously did not get matched or uploaded. If I try to put them in a playlist and burn it to a data disc for backup, iTunes won't do it.Â
I have added a new Mac Book Pro to the house hold. We currently have one iTunes account that we all use that is located on an external hard drive. What I'm trying to figue out is how to see my iTunes on the new Mac without downloading all the files on to the hard drive as there is 2TB worth of information it wouldn't fit anyway? I have logged into my account and routed iTunes to the external using preferances but I can't see or figure out how to get all of the Albums (Music, Movie, Tv shows, ect.) with out downloading it?
Info: Time Capsule 802.11n (3rd Gen), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have two computers, a PC and and Mac. Each has an itunes library. I want to combine both those libraries on an external hard drive that I keep plugged into my mac, and I'm running into some snags. I went out and bout a 2tb hard drive and was able to succesfly "consolidate" my PC itunes library to it. My plan was to plug the hard drive into my mac and do the same thing (consolidate my Mac library to the same folder that I had consolidated my PC library to). However, I quickly found that since the PC is formated as Windows NTFS, MAC can't write to it. It appears that it can read the drive, but not write to it. What format do I need to make the 2tb hard drive so that my MAC can read/write to it, but also that my PC can recognize it so I can transfer all my PC library to it? Is my methodology correct to rech my desired end?
a. consolidate PC itunes library to external hard drive b. consolidate MAC intunes library to same folder c. then repopulate my itunes on my MAC with the new itunes library on the external hard drive. Does that sound right?
I'm on Tiger 10.4.11, and the latest iTunes. I have an external hard drive on which I keep all my music files, managed by iTunes. I'm running out of room on that drive. At some point, it is not practical to keep increasing the size of the drive, as the reliability goes down. I'd like to keep my drives to 1TB or so. So, the other solution is to add a second external hard drive, where all new music files can go to. How to do it, so iTunes doesn't freak out? Here's what I'm thinking - could you guys help make it work?
I thought to add the second drive and then in iTunes preferences -->Advanced---> iTunes Music folder location CHANGE to the NEW drive. That way, I'd have iTunes copy all new music to the NEW DRIVE. Question: Now, how do I go about having iTunes reference files on the FIRST drive, so that the Library is up to date, and when I select something to play from the FIRST drive, iTunes knows how to find it?
I want to get a mac but one thing that concerns me is my itunes. I have a massive library and if I get a mac I will need to copy the library to my external hard drive from my pc then copy it again to the mac. How could I do this without losing my playlists, rating etc? And also if you have all your photos in iPhoto can you access them without opening iPhoto? If you can how? Because I have played around on Macs in the Apple Store and couldn't see where they would be!
First I am really sorry if this has been brought up a lot but I am seriousply stuck and have no idea what to do and I know this is Mac stuff but I thought it would be better then anywhere else. I have looked on and nothing has been able to help. Well here it is I am having trouble trying to get my music from my external Hard Drive.
So my old laptop took a crap on me. I took it in and they told me it would cost more to fix it then to just by a whole new one so I did just that. Well before the company gave me back my old laptop they asked if I wanted all my files backed up onto a external Hard Drive that way I don't have to fuss with it later. So I went out that day and bought a "My Book" External Hard Drive. They did it and well now I am trying to get my iTunes music from that and there isn't any folders of music when I open up the iTunes folder all I have is
I have tried dragging them in (When I do that a "UB" is under the iTunes symbol) , I have tried adding File, Adding Folder and nothing happens... it shows nothing in there. Then when I click on them to open all it does is open iTunes and nothing happens. I have tried downloading a couple of programs to get the music off my iPod but they all said there is no iPod connected when it was. I have also tried to unistall iTunes and try and go into the iPod and see if I can get it that way and there wasn't anything in there beside the folders for contacts, photos etc. (Still nothing even in those folders) Please I don't know what else to do and I can't just go onto that old laptop and do an easy transfer since the motherboard went out on it. Is there any hope at all or am I stuck with an unusable iTunes and iPod?
I have transferred all of my music library onto my external hard drive and have changed the path in preferences to always reference to the external hard drive pathway. I need to know how to have a list of all that is in my external hard drive and to exclusively run itunes off of it without copying any music onto my internal hard drive... I hope that makes sense!
I have read and plan to follow the advice that was in the insightful post titled "itunes with external hard drive instead of internal hard drive." In addition to running iTunes from an external hard drive on my iMac I would also like to run iTunes, from the same external hard drive, in my living room (with some set-up using the TV as the monitor). I'm not sure exactly how to do this. I'm assuming I need to set up more of a server to serve multiple locations. And, I'm hoping all the smart people that read this can offer some sort of assistance. The end goal would be that I could listen to iTunes (music I want to listen to) on my Mac in my office and my wife could be listening to iTunes (music that she wants to listen to) in the living room. Ideally the setup in the living room would be one in which I could change the TV input from DVR, to DVD, to iTunes, so that the iTunes input on the TV would like the iTunes program on my computer (and that would be the only possible program from that input setting).
When I click the purchased playlist, the songs still show up, though they do not play (due to the missing files on the broken external hard drive) and that annoying gray exclamation mark stares me in the face, as if saying "I can't find it."
Basically, the songs still show up in my itunes library but cannot be played or re-downloaded.
I have a 3TB USB 2.0 "media" external hard drive attached to my iMac. I use it to store all itunes media only, since I have over 300 movies. I also have tv shows, music etc. I just got a new 2TB thunderbolt LaCie Big Disk external drive. I want to transfer all stuff in "media" USB hard drive to new thunderbolt drive. Reason for doing this, sometimes current USB "media" drive lags on responding when I come back to use itunes from sleep or inactivity. I'm thinking about just dragging all content from old drive to new drive, eject old drive, name new thunderbolt drive "media", and relaunch itunes. Would that work successfully? I'd like my itunes to remember my play count. If my content play count is lost, does iMatch remembers play count and once I update my iMatch with new thunderbolt drive installed, will my play count be updated to my itunes?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 27", 3.4 GHz, 12GB RAM.
I put my music library on an external hard drive.When I open Apple TV and try to listen to music it does not find any until I open Itunes on my computer and click on a song.After I do that it seems to find the right path.