I hope each of you had a very happy Thanksgiving. I have a question to ask. I feel very embarrass for contacting you guys with so many questions that seem so simple. The user manual does not help in most cases. I have 2 hard drives on my G4 Power Mac. One is used for my graphic design, web design, and desktop publishing software. The other one is used for general computing browsing, e-mail, internet surfing, and using Virtual PC for windows files. If I am using the one for graphics and want to switch to the other to use Virtual PC, I have to open System Preferences and click on the name of the other drive and then restart in order to use that drive with its software. Are there any shortcuts I can use instead of going through so much trouble?
Somehow my keyboard shortcuts got switched, and the dashboard shortcut is now assigned to the F12 key. It says that in order to switch a keyboard shortcut, just double click and hold down the new shortcut key, but that's not working!
On a day-to-day basis I run: Adobe PS, INDD, and AI, Microsoft Entourage, Firefox and iTunes. Just recently, after an upgrade to Leopard, I added Things and Simplify Media to the list.The problem that happens before (on Tiger) and now (on Leopard) is command+tab switching stops functioning and Expose hot corners and shortcuts stop working.
I'm pretty sure this isn't a Finder crash because before, on Tiger, I could quit+restart Firefox and everything would be back to normal. Almost as if some shortcut had causes the system to act differently or there was some app dissonance?
But now, with Leopard, nothing I quit will cause these two features to act properly until I do a restart. Both features (command+tab switching and expose) are very necessary for my work flow. I have checked SysPref to make sure keyboard shortcuts are default and Univeral Access to make sure assisted devices is turned off.
I have had my iMac for about 4 months, i have been using it as my main desktop since. I have noticed black smudges, kinda like finger prints on the screen that would not go away after cleaning it with a damp cloth. I removed the glass panel and cleaned inside the glass and the problem still remained.
This is not the main issue, i can live it with. I have two iMacs with the same specs, one is in my main home office that i used most of the time while the other is my home that i use not that much. The smudges does annoy me when i watch movies a little bit but its not enough to get me to replace my mac. I was thinking since i used my office iMac more is it possible to switch the hard drives on them so that i get all the info from my office iMac onto my home iMac without complications?
Since i dont use the home iMac as much as the office one i can tolerate a few black smudges more and i would have an iMac in the office that looked new.If i switch the hard drives will it be as if i switch macs and if anyones knows how to fix the black smudges it would be a great help.
I'm looking at the specs page for the MacBook Pro and it reads this...
Your MacBook Pro comes standard with a 5400-rpm Serial ATA hard drive. Choose a hard drive with a faster speed for greater performance. Or you can choose a solid-state drive that offers enhanced durability.
Basically suggesting that the HDD option has a performance advantage over the SSD, but is this the case? I always thought SSDs could read & write quicker because they use solid-state flash memory as opposed to hard disks.
I want to go with the 256GB SSD but I want to know how it ranks in speed.
I have a question regarding Time Machine functionality. Here's my situation. I have two hard drives in my Pro: one that operates as a Boot drive, and one for storage. Right now I have Time Machine set up to backup my storage drive, but I was wondering if it was possible to have plug in a second external drive and use it to back up the Boot drive. I searched for a similar thread, but couldn't really find anything. Has anybody successfully done this?
I have given up with the Apple remote on eyetv as I cant get the grip of turning the menu on and off, I keep turning front row on.
I have the small apple wireless keyboard and would rather use this for all my eyetv tasks but dont want to have to use the mouse to operate the remote controller on screen.
In an ideal world I would like to reassign the following keys
F6 - Eye TV menu F7 - Fast Rewind F8 - Play/Pause F9 - Fast Forward
However, I found a problem. I have 16 spaces. But the keyboard shortcuts only allow me to jump to Spaces 1 - 9 with (Ctrl or ^ - (Space No.)) For example, if I were to jump to Space 8 from any space I would press ^ - 8. However, how do I use the shortcut for 10 - 16? I tried pressing ^ - 10. But it simply brings me back to Space 1 as it recognizes the first digit only.
Facebook, Gmail, and other things are basically as native to me as applications, and I really would like to have them on my dock. But I noticed that the .URL extension isn't supported by Safari or Mac Firefox. So how can I do this?
I know in Keyboard Prefs you can add keyboard shortcuts. But can you REMOVE standard keyboard shortcuts? Specifically, I want to get rid of cmd+m (minimize) and cmd+p (print).
I am learning the keyboard and navigation. I have been heavily keyboard-oriented and prefer a keyboard shortcut when they are available. I have looked around for some but am unable to find them. It seems that some things just require the mouse.
An example would be navigating the mailboxes in Mail. Seems there is no keystroke to move up and down to select a mailbox, nor to "expand all" in the mailboxes pane. Instead each flippy triangle has to be clicked, which is quite tedious during my mail conversion process.
I have a mobile broadband dongle from O2 that requires me to go into system preferences, network, and to manually connect to the network each time i want to connect the modem. Is it possible to make a shortcut for this?
I'm using Snow Leopard on an iMac 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo. Anyway, what I'm trying to do is go into Keyboard Shortcuts under System Prefs. and put in an 'All Applications" shortcut for the play/pause command. Is there any way to do this? It says put in the exact name of the command, and when I put in either Play, Pause, or Play/Pause, it did nothing in iTunes. Surely there's a way? I'd really like to be able to do this, as I'm considering switching to an old keyboard soon that doesn't have the play/pause button.
I am still a little new to OS X. I have had a couple older macs to get me transitioned over and now I am using one full time. But there are a few shortcuts that I love for windows and I would like to know if the equivalent is available on my mac.
1. When I highlight something on my vista machine in a browser and click search in Google it opens in a new tab. Is this possible on my mac. I have not tried Firefox on it and that is what I use in windows, but does it work there or is there a way to get it to open in a new tab in safari?
2. When I click a link on my windows machine in my e-mail it opens in a new tab and not another window. Can i make this happen on my mac in Safari?
3. Last one. On my windows machine I hit control enter after typing the address in the address bar and it throws in the www. and the .com/.net Is there a replacement shortcut in OS X?
Can someone tell me if there is a shortcut in Word 2008 for Mac, to go to the end of you document or the beginning of it (the "end" and "home" functions of the apple keyboard). I have a macbook pro and don't find these shortcuts.
I discovered that fn+down is one pag down and fn+up is one page up. But a shortcut to the end of the document I did not found. In Firefox and Safari, cmd+down or cmd+up is end and home. But not in office.
I also saw that it is possible to add your own shortcuts in office, and I did so for "new page". In windows it was ctrl+enter, and in mac there was no shortcut set so I made it simpley cmd+enter. Maybee it is possible to add an "end" and "home" shortcut in office yourself?
If there is no default set for "end" and "home", maybee someone can tell me how to set it myself in word? Because I'm not finding that either
I have just got a new mac and I was playing around with it when I found that on the keyboard settings you can create keyboard shortcuts to applications. So I clicked add and it gave me a list of apps to choose from - the one I chose was Safari. It then says enter the menu title (no idea what that is) so I just called it Safari. Then I chose the keyboard command - command S. When I clicked off it and tried it nothing happened.
I just purchased two different types of keyboards and I am going through an elimination process to see which one i like better. One, however, isn't designed for the mac. I was wondering if there is a way to create a shortcut on the keyboard that is not on the default settings? Example: If I press F7, it Opens iMail or if I press F9, it opens iTunes, etc.
When I press control+shift+space it plays/pauses my files from my iTunes. I want to change this because it's interferring with another shortcut. How do I change it? I already tried looking for solutions online but I can't find anything.
Im pretty new to Cubase but i have mastered all of the features. The only problem im having is that i cant remember the keyboard shortcuts and when im mixing its so much easier to use these!
I am trying to figure out how to use keyboard shortcuts to move from one Space to another. Online, it says it's ctrl + arrows. But when I do that, either nothing happens, or something related to the particular window I am focusing on happens (if I'm in safari, ctrl + up will take me to the top of the page it is currently displaying).
If there is a page with all the trackpad shortcuts. I know two finger scroll, but I think there is some way to use two fingers to right-click, and something else to zoom.
I switched over to Mac last week (new Macbook with Leopard) and set up the Spaces keyboard shortcuts (control and arrow keys or number keys to switch between spaces), and they worked fine, but now for some reason they don't: when I do control-1, I go back to the 1st space, but it doesn't work for any of my other 3 spaces. Control-left arrow will get me from space 2 to space 1, but the rest of the control-arrow keys don't work. I'm in Firefox 3 now, and Control-2 brings me to the search window that I opened before I started this thread, while control-3 and control-4 just make my mouse disappear until I move it again. What happened to my Spaces shortcuts?