Applications :: Shortcuts Office For Mac?
Oct 17, 2009
Can someone tell me if there is a shortcut in Word 2008 for Mac, to go to the end of you document or the beginning of it (the "end" and "home" functions of the apple keyboard). I have a macbook pro and don't find these shortcuts.
I discovered that fn+down is one pag down and fn+up is one page up. But a shortcut to the end of the document I did not found. In Firefox and Safari, cmd+down or cmd+up is end and home. But not in office.
I also saw that it is possible to add your own shortcuts in office, and I did so for "new page". In windows it was ctrl+enter, and in mac there was no shortcut set so I made it simpley cmd+enter. Maybee it is possible to add an "end" and "home" shortcut in office yourself?
If there is no default set for "end" and "home", maybee someone can tell me how to set it myself in word? Because I'm not finding that either
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Oct 27, 2010
Ready to install Office 2011 for Mac. Currently we are running Office 2008 for Mac.
What is the best way to eliminate Office 2008 and to ensure a clean Office 2011 install?
For most Mac programs, I would normally drag the application folder to the trash, and then do a library search for some entries related to the program. Will this work for Office 2008 to Office 2011? I ask because the M$ installers seem to more than simply add the app to your app folder and update the libraries - and don't get me started on the horrors of the Windoze registry errors.
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Jan 2, 2011
Somebody told me that Mac version of MS Office is incompatible with MS Office for Windows .
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May 31, 2010
So here is my dilemma. I got a letter a few days ago from the college I am going to, and it included a list of requirements if we were bringing our own computer. One of the requirements was if we had a Mac, to have Office 2008. I have talked to a friend who is replacing her current Macbook with another Macbook later in the summer, and we decided that when she bought her Macbook, that we could split the price of Microsoft Office for Mac 2008. Now, should I just go ahead and continue on with the plan with my friend, or what? Is there a huge difference in Office 2004 and Office 2008?
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Feb 27, 2010
Whilst still waiting for the MBP refresh, I would like some advice on which office software you would recommend.
I have decided to convert from being a pc user to have a go with a mac as i have heard so much positive info about its OSX operating system.
I have many word files etc (obviosuly coming from a pc).
What would you recommend,
iwork (�55 pre installed)
office for mac (�?)
open office (free)
Which one if all of these will enable me to just plug in my usb stick and download all my word/ excel files and pictures without any issues and edit/ change/send again without any issues.
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Feb 13, 2010
I have just got a new mac and I was playing around with it when I found that on the keyboard settings you can create keyboard shortcuts to applications. So I clicked add and it gave me a list of apps to choose from - the one I chose was Safari. It then says enter the menu title (no idea what that is) so I just called it Safari. Then I chose the keyboard command - command S. When I clicked off it and tried it nothing happened.
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May 3, 2010
I just purchased two different types of keyboards and I am going through an elimination process to see which one i like better. One, however, isn't designed for the mac. I was wondering if there is a way to create a shortcut on the keyboard that is not on the default settings? Example: If I press F7, it Opens iMail or if I press F9, it opens iTunes, etc.
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Jan 22, 2008
Where can I find shortcuts that can be used in XCode.
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Dec 31, 2009
When I'm surfing long webpages and want to get back to the top ASAP, how do I do that without having to scroll up? With IE I think I just had to hit "home." There's no "home" on my MBP that I can see.
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Sep 4, 2010
Quite bizarrely, in iTunes 10, shortcuts to skip next song (command - right arrow) or adjust volume (command - down arrow/up arrow) don't appear to work in shuffle (iTunes DJ). The shortcuts work fine in every other playlist other than iTunes DJ.
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Mar 19, 2009
Pretty simple straightforward question here: is there a way to change keyboard shortcuts in Pages 09? If so, how?
I'm asking because I don't like the option+command+u shortcut for the full screen.
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May 9, 2009
I am a network administrator for an environment that has both windows and mac systems. I personally use a MacBook Pro for all of my admin duties. With Microsoft's RDC I can save the connection to each machine as a file and drag the folder containing those files into the dock to create a stack for quick access. My question is, is there any way I can do something similar for the Mac connections for Apple Remote Desktop, so I don't have to launch the app, then go to the machine I want to connect to?
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Aug 5, 2010
i'm looking for a tiny software that would let me associate a keyboard shortcut to a mouse button.
I used to do that in Windows with AutoHotKey and all I find on Mac OS X are complex applications.
To be more specific i just want to generate a Apple+T shortcut to open up a new tab when pressing the fourth button of my Microsoft Arc mouse.
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Jun 21, 2012
Some applications don't respond to minimization shortcuts. Is there any possible way to show desktop (or force show desktop) without actually quitting the application?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 6, 2010
I have been searching online for a few days now for a clipboard manager that can handle shortcuts/abbreviations. I do a lot of copy and pasting frequently used templates into forms for work and right now, it's not working the way I want it to. Currently, I use "Clips" as a solution. It works great... sometimes. I have submitted a ticket twice about my problem and no one seems to get back to me. What happens is that I will type my abbreviation and then it will either paste what I want in place of it, or not. If it doesn't, I have to restart "Clips" to get it to work again. Driving me insane when it stops multiple times during my sessions of filling out forms. I have about 5 phrases that I keep saved with an abbreviation as a shortcut.
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Feb 12, 2010
I recently started using Google Chrome after seeing all of the new extensions. So far a few things are still left to be desired. I was wondering if anyone knew of an extension I could use to enable bookmark keyboard shortcuts, i.e. Command+1 for your first Bookmark in your Bookmark Bar on Safari. In chrome Command+1 will select a tab if you have multiple tabs open.
The lack of the shortcut has severely slowed down my work flow, I have been using Command+L to focus the address bar and manually typing in the website. I have searched a lot today and found Bookmark Launcher, Shortcut Manager, and Chrome Dial. I am not looking for these extensions. I might use something like USB overdrive and map out the key combination (if I can).
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Feb 11, 2009
I was wondering if when in Full screen mode in pages 09, we can still change tracks in Itunes. Is there a lil Itunes player in the full screen mode, so that we can skip songs and control volumes.
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Feb 14, 2009
I've heard Office:Mac isn't that great, and doesn't make up for what iWork 09 is missing. So I'm wondering what people think about it and why does it get such a bland reputation? Also, do people use a combination of the above? Such as iWork and Office:Windows? Both Offices? I do mainly word processing, some soft Excel work (no hardcore giant spreadsheets...yet), and general PowerPoints for presentations. I have access to cheap iWork/Offices (school discount) and a family pack of the top-level edition of Office:PC (family) so it isn't a big deal to get any of the above.
Lastly, what's the difference between Camino and Firefox? I use Firefox currently and love it, mainly due to the add-ons (weather at the bottom, Gmail alert, skins, page views, other customizations). Tabs seem to be on all browsers these days, so are there any other key differences?
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May 8, 2009
I'm sure most people suffer from this but here goes.
So I make a presentation on Mac Office powerpoint, everything is fine. I open it up at university on the PC, all is fine. I maybe change some text on a slide and save it again. Open the same file again on my Mac, and it won't open some silly error comes up saying trouble accessing file from mac HD.
Then luckily I have keynote, so I just open it in that and use that.
Point is why does this happen?? Whilst keynote is better, sometimes I have to edit things on a PC at work or uni and then it becomes a giant mess on my mac.
Is there a quick fix, or will I have to throw Mac Office into my growing pile of Microsoft related garbage.
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Dec 11, 2009
I have installed the beta of Google Chrome but is unable to select "Create application shortcut" (not so sure if its the correct words, because my installation is in Swedish)
The option is there to select but is greyed out (disabled).
Anyone knows anything about this?
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Apr 21, 2012
I updated to Lion on my desktop a few months ago and I swear now I can't read older Microsoft word and Excel documents correctly on this computer using Office 2011. The document opens and you can see all of the data in a preview window (from finder) but once it opens fully the data/words are not there. I have Lion on a brand new Macbook Pro I just purchased and installed the Microsoft Office 2011 and it opened the excel document I was having trouble with fine.I can't find many links for Office for Mac issues.
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Apr 14, 2012
I forgot my administrator's password for my home computer. I purchased office 2008 for mac with a free upgrade to office 2011. I upgraded it to 2011 when it came out (late 2010/early 2011). I have since made a new password and forgotten what it is. The mac tells me to reinstall my microsoft office but when I do, with the office 2008 disc, it tells me I have MORE RECENT SOFTWARE and to use that. I did it on line and cannot find it again.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 22, 2008
Does the new office have the same 1 time use code as the windows version of office?
I'd like to install office 08 on my PB, but don't want to risk having to buy a new version once I get a new MBP later this year.
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Aug 12, 2008
Microsoft on Tuesday released stability and performance updates for Office 2004 and Office 2008 for Mac, both of which also patch vulnerabilities that could allow an attacker to overwrite the contents of a computer's memory by using malicious code.
Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 11.5.1 Update
Aside from the security fix, Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 11.5.1 Update [14.5MB] also updates the Japanese postal code dictionary in Entourage and fixes an issue that causes Word 2004 to close unexpectedly when opening a document that contains a numbered list.
Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac 12.1.2 Update
The 12.1.2 update for Office 2008 for Mac [159.6MB] is more substantial, repairing a global issue that prevented all Office 2008 applications from running AppleScript scripts from the Script menu, while also delivering a number of individual fixes for Word, Excel and Entourage.
More specifically, Microsoft said Word should now launch more quickly and tables will no longer included random instances of bold text. Other changes improve the display of form fields and the reliability of headers & footers in the word processing application.
Meanwhile, Excel should now open spreadsheet files that contain invalid characters and see improvements to the overall performance of calculations. Number formatting for some international languages and stability when saving workbooks that contain PivotTable reports has also been improved.
One of the major focus areas for Entourage was to improve stability when using Microsoft Sync Services, Microsoft said. In particular, Tuesday's update fixes an issue that where all contacts in Entourage or in the Apple Address Book would be deleted and re-created when you use Microsoft Sync Services. It should also prevent duplication of events and other items in Entourage or in iCal.
Other changes to Entourage focused on improving junk mail filtering, recurring calendar events, time zone information, embedded images, and the reliability when Entourage establishes a encrypted channel.
Student Office 2008 deal
Earlier Tuesday, Microsoft said it has teamed with a select few Apple authorized resellers like to offer students up to 30 percent off its various Office 2008 productivity suites when they're purchased alongside a new Mac before September 8th.
The offer translates into $15 off Office 2008 Home and Student Edition, $80 off Office 2008 Standard Edition, and $150 off Office 2008 Special Media Edition..
Amazon is also offering between $50 and $200 rebates on Apple's entire Mac line through August 25th.
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Jun 20, 2009
I recently installed Office on my macbook. When using Excel, it quits unexpectedly and a window pops up asking me to relaunch. I relaunch and it takes me back to the last spreadsheet I had open but sometimes it doesn't save the last changes. I uninstalled and reinstalled the Office files and it still continues to happen. Any ideas?
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Dec 9, 2010
Office for Mac is now avalible through the home use program with Microsoft for 9.95. You need a valid email address from business that has a relationship with Microsoft to offer the program and a program code from your business. If youre eligible its a pretty slick way to get office for mac for 10 dollars. They also have Office Pro Plus 2010 for Windows for the same price.
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Sep 5, 2008
I'm not sure if this is the right place for my question, but I wanted to get opinions from you guys. I use Microsoft Word, Excel and sometimes, Power Point quite often at college. They have PCs of course... and I have an iMac. And I wanted to get Microsoft Office at home.
Now, I was looking on the web for different prices and all that. I wasn't sure between buying Windows XP (because I work with XP at college, not Vista) and downloading Bootcamp, or Microsoft Office for Mac. Also, I wasn't sure if the Mac version was similar to the one for Windows... and also if I could transfer files from the PC to Mac versions without problems.
Basically, money wise, if I buy one or the other, there isn't too much of a difference. But I haven't looked everywhere for the best prices available, although I'm guessing it's pretty much the same most places (internet).
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Jun 18, 2010
Does anyone have any recommendations on one software suite versus another? I have used iWork (brief use of the trial) and MS Office in the past, and right now I am looking at Openoffice, which seems really nice.
I am considering dropping some money on iWork, but I am not sure if it is worth it.
Any shared experiences or recommendations or comparisons will be very welcome.
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Dec 28, 2006
I'm wanting to get MS Office, but now that I've heard about NeoOffice, naturally I'm strongly, STRONGLY considering it. Pros and cons?
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Apr 21, 2009
Am I the only one who have noticed that initializing office (word, excel, etc.) got much snappier than before it was updated to 12.1.7? It seems Microsoft has done quite a good job on improving the office for mac.
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