Hardware :: Loud Speakers On 24" Cinema Display?

Aug 16, 2009

I don't really jam out too loud, but in my opinion, the speakers on the 15" MBP aren't terribly loud. Are the speakers on the 24" Cinema Display any louder? I'm kind of considering picking up one for $599 refurb.

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Hardware :: Loud The 27" Cinema Display's Speakers?

Jul 31, 2010

I noticed that in the specifications page regarding the 27" Cinema Display shows that its speakers are 49 watts. How many watts is the current 24" Cinema Display? I'm just curious how loud the 27" Cinema Displays speaker will be. Is the current 27" iMac speakers the same as the stand alone 27" Cinema Displays that will be released in September?

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Hardware :: Sound Quality Of LED Cinema Display Speakers?

Jan 18, 2009

Short and sweet: how do the speakers on the new Cinema Display sound? I know they won't be phenomenal or anything, but are they at least decent? Balanced? Loud?

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Hardware :: Apple - Design (iMac / LED Cinema Display) Like Speakers?

Jan 13, 2009

I have tried searching about this before but does anyone know if any half-decent (iMac / LED Cinema Display)-like speakers have been released. I was just curious if any company had released speakers with stands that look similar to the iMac or the new LED Display. I have seen the mStand that is basically a macbook stand that is designed like the iMac stand but i have not seen any speakers. If i ever thought about buying speakers i would like them to go with the new LED Display stand (not that i have one, nor a macbook for that matter but things can always change). I just like things to match, like black keys on the new keyboards and and some kind of aluminium+black color mouse. The speakers would have to have a stand that looked pretty much like the display stand (smaller of course) and the actual speakers should be aluminum-color too, possibly with a black bezel and a rectangle shape with curved corners, not round or anything.

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MacBook :: Speakers Volume Not Loud

May 3, 2009

is it just me or did my macbook's speakers get low? it seems like they aren't as loud as they used to be! did i perhaps mess with something? i went to the settings and checked the sound settings but everything there seems to be ok! i have the volume on my mac. all the way up, and itunes is also turned up!

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IMac :: Noticeable Loud Pop From Speakers Occasionally?

Jul 1, 2009

Just got my brand-new 24-inch iMac yesterday, unpacked it and hooked it all up last night (2.93 Ghz, Nvidia120 card). First off, absolutely beautiful computer. But... I'm already noticing a loud "pop" from the speakers on occasion. In doing a little research, I've seen where others have had this problem, but mostly with external speakers. Mine is with the built-in speakers.

Seems to happen when I open a movie or sound file --- and only when one hasn't been opened in the last few minutes. I get a fairly loud "pop" upon opening the file, then everything's fine. If I immediately open another movie or audio file, I don't get a repeat of the pop, but if I wait, say, 5 minutes before opening another movie or audio file, I get the pop again. No peripherals hooked up (other than cable modem) and no software installed that didn't come on it.

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Hardware :: Merge IMac's Built-in Speakers And Display Speakers?

Sep 1, 2010

My new 25" HP 2510i monitor arrived today, all is good except from the speaker system, I can either have the iMac's built in speakers used or the built in monitor speakers used. Is it possible to combine them both and use both?

The monitor's audio interface connects to my iMac via the headphone jack on the back of the system.

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OS X :: Internal Speakers On IMac - Jarringly Loud Noises?

Jul 23, 2009

A year ago next month I bought the best iMac on the market at the time, as souped up as it could possibly be. I have not had any problems with it until now. Last night, my computer began suffering an incredibly strange problem with the internal speakers (I don't own any external ones). It all began when I opened GarageBand: noise was suddenly 10x louder, I tried to turn the volume down and the clicks that usually sound off when I work the volume were not only louder, but different clicks. The only way I could stop the jarringly loud noises was to mute the computer entirely. When I exited out of GarageBand, everything returned to normal.

I thought that was the end of the problem until today. I was on Youtube watching a music video, and in the midst of changing my status on Yahoo messenger, I heard another extremely loud click noises. These clicks don't sound like they're coming from some kind of malfunction in the computer. They sound like the computer actually means to make this sound, like it's stored in the computer's library of sounds. That went away, but the volume was again messed up. It was way too loud and in between turning it down, the volume suddenly disappeared altogether! Without being muted, my computer was not making any noise, although the music video should have still been playing. Only time seemed to solve the problem, as the sound later returned (I exited messenger and re-opened it as I had exited GarageBand--but I wasn't sure if this is what caused the sound to return).

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MacBook Pro :: Can Retina Speakers Be Damaged Because Of Loud Music

Jun 1, 2014

I have a Macbook Pro Retina 15'' early 2013 since one year ago. I´ve noticed some distortion when playing loud music but I cannot say if it happened before. If the speaker can be damaged because of playing loud music? Is there any way of checking if the speaker has been damaged? 

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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Hardware :: 30" Cinema Display - Decide To Get The Old 30" Cinema Display?

Sep 27, 2010

I am actually trying to decide if to get the old 30" cinema display or not.I'm a graphic designer and my fear is that apple will never make a matte display...Here in Italy it's still sold in the apple store. I have the unibody macbook pro, and so I've been reading through reviews now for a week ... my biggest concern is the dual-link dvi adapter... I still see posts (August or September 2010) with people experiencing issues, even with the firmware 1.3!I wanted to ask you people if I should go for it or dig the 27 inch even though it's glossy... I have a few people in the office (also graphic designers) working on iMacs and got used to the glossy.

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Mac Pro :: Weird Loud Popping Sound Trough Speakers Macpro 6 Core

Sep 8, 2010

2 days ago i received my new mac pro 6-core 3,33GHz...now something really weird and super annoying is going on with this computer...From time to time there is this really loud POP trough my speaker. I'm absolutely 100% sure this has nothing to do with my amp. cables or whatever and its definatly a problem with the MacPro, i know because of the following:

Plugged in new cables, removed every installed software, plugged onto different amplifier, when there are absiolutely no audio cables plugged into the computer and when i use the build in speakers of the mac pro i still hear the POP/distortian like sound, and finaly even took it at my friends house and tested the machine there on his audio instalation...problem remained! not knowing what to do next i decided to go and see a very good technician (music instruments and studio recording) and told him about the problem, he imediatly stated that it "could be" because of the harddisk drive giving like electric impulses or whatever that causes the distortion...or that the sound card or audio chip set waking up from sleep and every time it does there is this loud POP?..................

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Hardware :: Dual Cinema Displays - How Do Speakers Work

Jul 29, 2010

I wonder if anyone has a setup with two 24 inch cinema displays that have speakers integrated into them...

How do the speakers work? Do you run a USB cable to each monitor so you have both sets of speakers working at the same time? Can you configure the monitor on the left to just play audio for the left channel and the monitor on the right to play just audio for the right channel?

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IMac :: 27" Doesn't Display Full Resolution On Apple Cinema Display?

Dec 24, 2009

The title says it all really... Quite a simple problem that I can't find any answer to!

I've hooked up my 30" Apple Cinema Display to the new iMac 27" and the highest resolution I'm getting as an option is 1280x800... The iMac correctly detects the ACD as a Cinema HD display but limits my resolution. Why oh why?!

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Hardware :: 30" Apple Cinema Display - Is That Resolution Available In A Larger Display?

Aug 14, 2009

I own 23 and 30" Cinema Displays. I like the 23 because everything is larger and easier to read than in the 30". I mostly work in Logic and love that I see lots of things on the 30" but the 23" is much easier on my eyes.Is there such a thing as a display with 2560x1600 (like the 30" Apple) but that is LARGER than a 30 inch so I can see everything bigger in Logic??? Maybe a 34 or 37"? Did a search but haven't come up with anything other than other 30" displays.

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PowerPC :: Connect Power Mac G5 To LED Cinema Display With Mini Display Port?

Oct 8, 2009

As the title says, I need a new monitor for my old G5 as the old monitor for it went bust. Apple does not make the old displays that came with the unit anymore and the only available monitor is the new LED ones ? but they all come with mini display ports

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MacBook Air :: Apple Cinema Display Through Thunderbolt Is Air Getting Power Supply Through Display?

Jun 15, 2012

if i Connect my Macbook air to the apple Cinema Display through thunderbolt is the air getting power supply through the Display?

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PowerPC :: Display For G4 12" - Setup Not Compatible For Cinema Display?

Mar 10, 2008

I am looking for a display to use with my Powerbook G4 12". I am in love with the 30" cinema display, but according to technical support today, my setup is not compatible (supposedly, but the person on the phone didn't sound to sure). I have a mini DVI, but the 30" requires a dual DVI. I think the 23" display requires DVI, which I can attain with an adapter. Does anyone have suggestions for what I can use with my computer? The bigger the better for me. Also what do you think of the older (plastic case) apple displays?

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Hardware :: 24" Cinema Display And I7 IMac Display - Should They Look The EXACT Same?

Jul 12, 2010

Purchased a brand new 27" i7 imac a few weeks ago, display is awesome!!! I was using my old 28" LCD monitor from my PC and running dual displays on the iMac. The 28" LCD monitor annoyed me a bit because i could not get the same color/crispness/brightness that i got from the iMac. ( also it has a Matt screen and i am more into the glossy screens ) So i found a used 24" cinema display locally. Paid 600.00 and it came with 2 yrs of AppleCare. It is only 7 months old ( still have 5 months under orignal warranty ) Got home, hooked it up and it had a "hint" of yellowness to it, It wasn't a exact image of my iMacs display...I tried to calibrate it also, but it still had just a HINT of yellowness....Nothing at all major, but enough for me to be annoyed with it.

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Mac Pro :: Adding A Second Display With ATI Radeon 2600 XT & 30" Cinema Display?

Jun 26, 2012

I have a 2008 Mac Pro with ATI Radeon 2600XT and a 30" Cinema Display. I am considering buying a Wacom Contiq 24 HD screen/tablet and would like to know if the Radeon 2600 will drive both or will I need a second graphics card?  If so, do I buy another 2600 or can someone suggest something suitable?

Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 30" Cinema Display, 10Gb RAM, 2 Tb

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Hardware :: 30" Cinema Display - 24" Cinema Display Or IMac 27"?

Nov 19, 2009

I am thinking of updating my home studio setup which is currently running a Macbook pro 13" 2.26 with 4gb of ram. I was first thinking of upgrading to an iMac with a 3.06Ghz processor and 27" display. However, I now think I might be ok staying with my MacBook and upgrading to one of the two displays;- The 30" Cinema display- Or the 24" Cinema LED displayAt nearly half the price I am leaning towards the 24" display. I am using logic and ableton. What does everyone think and anyone had any experiences running logic and or ableton with a MacBook and display.

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IMac :: LED Cinema Display / Turning One Display Of Them Off

Sep 15, 2009

As you can tell by the thread title I've got one of the latest model iMacs and I'm running an LED Cinema Display as a second monitor. When it gets to the late hours I like to watch some movies on the Mac so I figured the Cinema Display would be a nice addition to do the job.

Now here's my issue: if it's late and I'm watching movies I tend to not have any lights on, but having one of the displays on means having both of them on, what I'm wondering is if it's possible to sleep one display while allowing the other to stay active so I can watch the movie without the light from the other one distracting

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Hardware :: Cinema Display Vs LED Display?

Dec 17, 2010

Right now i'm using Apple Cinema Display 20" that i bought at the end of 2005. You know, the aluminum one. But i've taken interest in one of those LED Displays, especially the 24"...

Now, i've read that the LED Display uses glossy display compared to the Cinema Display? Also, it's completely my own opinion, but the older Cinema Display seems to be looking more nice also having one-coloured.

The technical specifications are in favour of LED Display of course, but taking into account the glossy display, less attractive design and so on... Which one would you get?

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Mac Pro :: Use New LED Cinema Display?

Oct 14, 2008

On Spec in support only MacBook, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro systems with Mini DisplayPort can we use it with our mac pro

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Mac Pro :: No New Cinema Display 20?

Mar 6, 2009

I need a cinema display but the new is expensive, apple will release a new 20 inch? I wait for see? or buy a used cinema display 20inch? by the way any store that still sell new ones?

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Hardware :: 24"/27" Cinema Display (2010 Display) Can Connect With PS3?

Aug 7, 2010

24"/27" cinema display (2010 display) can this be connected with PS3.

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Hardware :: 27'' Cinema Display Next To 24''

Oct 31, 2010

does anyone have any of pix of the 2 next to each other?

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Hardware :: Using LED Cinema Display With PC

Dec 2, 2010

I know there are people in these forums who have an Apple LED Cinema Display hooked up to a PC with a Mini-DP to DVI converter. My question is, how do you guys adjust the brightness of the display? Is it always just left at max brightness? Does the LED Cinema retain the display brightness of the last time it was used... for example, if I hooked up a Macbook Pro to it first, turn the brightness down to halfway, and then hooked up my PC, would the brightness then be at half instead of full?

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Mac Pro :: Mac Pro 1,1 And 27" Cinema Display

Dec 21, 2010

Does there exist a video card that has Mini Display out and is compatible with the original Mac Pro? I had a 23" cinema display that was repaired by Apple and then manhandled by UPS (multiple times, actually). Apple is sending me a new 27" LED display. My computer is the original Mac Pro 1,1 with an nVidia 8800gt and as of right now, I have no way of connecting the two. I would like to just upgrade my video card to one with mini display. I have heard that the converters are either unreliable or don't work at all.

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MacBook Air :: Cinema Display (30 Or 27)

Dec 25, 2010

I am contemplating an upgrade from my 2.2 / 4G MBP with 128M VRAM, as i find that it often chokes on simpliest HD movie files created with a DSLR (weekish video), regardless whether I use it with or without the 30 inch Cinema display. So, I am curious how the new Air will run an external monitor, and whether it has enough juice to at least display the HD movies shot with a DSLR without dropped frames/jerkiness. (I guess I am asking two questions in one).

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Mac Pro :: How To Turn Off Cinema Display?

Aug 30, 2008

My Cinema, which I just got this week is connected to my Macbook. So = Is the Cinema off when it will show the white light or when it's dark with no lights at all? I kinda think its when the screen is black without the lighting because of the pulsing light on the macbook, but just wanted to make sure, 'cause I'm a "green"-guy!

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