Hardware :: How To Configure Home Wifi Media Set Up
Nov 13, 2009
1Tb Time capsule - latest model (TC)
1Tb Western Digital My Book - World Edition (WD)
Ethernet - all Gigabit using Cat6 cables
Now I think initially TV macbook pro set up will be wired for speed, then set up for wifi back up.
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Jun 12, 2012
I am using at home an iMac connected ( with cable ) to my Home WiFi Router. All other products are using the same WIfI home network ( Without a cable ).Can I define my iMac to use ONLY MY HOME WIFI instead of other unwanted wifi networks ?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 20, 2009
While on a recent trip, my wife tried to connect to an unsecured wifi network named "free public wifi". I told her to cancel it quick since I had remembered reading something about viral ssid's named that. Does anyone know if this would affect a mac? I'm not even convinced that if fully connected, since it wasn't listed in her preferred networks pane, but I just wanted to make sure.
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Aug 7, 2009
Every 5 to 10 minutes, my MBA "seems" to disconnect from the internet, although according to my Mac, it's still connected and shows my current IP address. I know it's not my router (Dlink DIR-624) because everything else stays connected. I don't have a problem with my Dell laptop, AirPort Express (used only to stream iTunes to my home theater), iPod Touch or either of my iPhones. The problem only occurs with the MBA.
Renewing my DHCP Lease fixes the problem for a couple minutes, but then I lose connection again.
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Nov 1, 2010
I have the aluminum iMac from around 2007 and the WiFi card seems to not be functioning correctly. It seems to time out often and is non-responsive many times. When it is working, it only gets about 1/4 the speed of what my macbook is getting.
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Jul 2, 2014
We often have guests or baby sitters who want to use our Mac to browse the web,so I'd like to enable the Guest Account.The problem is that I have FileVault2 enabled on the family iMac. The combination (FileVault2+Guest) means that every time someone logs in to the guest account, they need to select the Wifi SSID and enter the Wifi password. Not all of our guests are confident with that, and if I'm not there it often can't be done. Is there a way I can configure the SSID and Password for wifi for the Guest Account so that the guest does not need to do it?Â
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Oct 13, 2008
I would like to set up a home media hub. I have the following devices I would like to be able to access the media:
Powerbook (1.5Ghz)
Mac Mini (Core 2 duo)
Old Pentium3 PC to an old Sony tube tv.
I also have an old Pentium4 PC which I was planning to use as the server. I was planning to throw in a 750gb HD instead of running this all off my external (which is what I use now hooked up to the Powerbook). How would I go about doing this? The router is hooked up to the mac mini at the moment.
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Apr 4, 2010
On Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 (Intel) and on a FileVault protected user my home directory is appearing as a removabile drive on my desktop and everywhere else. I had to reconfigure iTunes, Firefox and Camino both fail to start and not to mention other applications not being able to find my/their stuff. This started happening after I updated via the Software Update app a day or two ago.
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Sep 17, 2009
Any idea how iTunes 9 Home Sharing would handle media on a Network Attached Storage Drive? Suppose I change the location of my media to the NAS in iTunes settings and then set up Home Sharing. Then I add a song to one machine the song gets added to the library file the .mp3 gets copied to the NAS. If Home Sharing is on and they all refer to the same location for the media files, how would iTunes on the other machines handle that? Would it just add it to the library files on the other machines and see that .mp3 file is already in the proper location on the NAS drive?
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Jan 11, 2011
how to save space on my MBA by pointing iTunes to my library on my Macbook Pro (While it is on). I've got sharing set up and I hold option while opening iTunes so that it asks me to choose my iTunes library. I try to point it to Shared > MBP > Username > Music > iTunes > iTunes library and it opens but doesn't show any of my media. Pointing iPhoto to my iPhoto library with a similar method works fine. Is there a file that I need to point it to hidden somewhere else? Apparently my media location on my MBP is iTunes > iTunes Media but it won't take that either.
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Jul 25, 2008
I am eager to setup a home system with a few Macs, a few iPhones, a Time Capsule (and soon an AppleTV).
I'd like to have my music and photos available from my wife's Mac and vice versa. In addition, I'd like a central backup place. Here are my questions:
1. Am I correct in believing that both of us can use the same Time Capsule for out individual Time Machine backups? If yes, do you have any configuration tips?
2. Can we use the Time Capsule as a file server in addition to a backup hard drive? In other words, can we put our shared photos and music on the Time Capsule? Is this desirable?
3. If we put our photos and music on the Time Capsule (assuming that possible and desirable), how would we sync subsets of the music collection, etc. with our iPhones?
4. Since we have multiple Macs, should we dedicate one to each of our iPhones for syncing and updates, etc.? Or is it just as easy to setup each computer with multiple users?
5. How would we integrate our TV and stereo? How exactly do AppleTV and Airport Express fit into the picture?
6. Finally, how important would a multiple (home) version of MobileMe for creating the glue or some flexibility in this setup?
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Jan 25, 2010
When i'm about and about during my day it is very tough to get WiFi, or at least to connect to it and get online.
@ my friends house I can't go online, even though i have this password and says connected. I've tried using diagnostics but in the end am not connected. @ another friends house the same situation. @ Starbucks and McDonalds it won't connect as well....but at home it always connects.
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Oct 26, 2008
I have a Wireless network in my home using an Airport Base Station Extreme. The odd problem I have is for months my computer, a MBP, would stay logged onto it. I could have my computer in sleep mode and come to it in the morning and it would turn on and be logged on.
Now whenever my computer seems to go into sleep mode it either loses the wi-fi or it won't log onto it when it comes out of sleep mode. This never happened. I had some problems with my Airport Base Station Extreme after doing a firmware update so had to set up my home network again. I thought this was part of it but even removed the network from my MBP and set it up again and the same problem.
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Dec 10, 2010
My MacBook, circa 2007, refuses to connect to my home WiFi network, despite having added my MAC address, being WPA encrypted, updated firmware and the like. I haven't had a problem in the last year, until I started taking my laptop to work. It connects to my work wifi network, WPA encryption, and every other network. I have no idea why it wont connect at home. I'm running snow leopard, other macs and PCs at home can connect... It seems I'm missing some odd quirk, I've seen a few threads of similar complaints, but no working resolution. Any ideas? I've wiped out Safari, cleaned all network settings, and it all started once my use shifted predominantly from home to work. Hmpf.
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Mar 30, 2009
I took my macbook back from uni today as I'm home for easter. I tried to connect to our home network and it asked me for a WEP password. I entered the one my Dad used to set up the connection on his PC. I keep getting a connection timeout and hence it won't connect.I installed windows via boot camp and also tried to connect it that way. I put the password in the same way as my Dad had done on his PC and it said the signal strength was excellent, but the status said little or no connectivity.
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Apr 8, 2012
I can see my neighbors network but it doesn't even show my home network. Both iPhones are connected and working fine, our blu ray player is linked and getting good signal.... One day it just happened to not be there and it won't find it anymore. I have the Medialink n-router. I haven't changed any router settings...
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 7, 2012
My macbook pro won't connect to my wifi network at home
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Dec 3, 2014
My problem is at home the wifi works great but at work or on a public network it disconnects every minute. Only happened since upgrade to Yosemite. I'm aware lots of people are having issues with WIFI since upgrading to Yosemite.Â
MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 26, 2014
I Did a software update on my iMac to OS X 10.9.3 and now it won't connect to my home wifi. I've reset the modem and I still have access on my phone and TV to the wifi. But when I type in the password of my wifi it says incorrect when it's the right password. It also won't connect to open wifi next works.
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Nov 30, 2014
I've been having Wi-Fi issues with Yosemite (both 10.10 and 10.10.1), but only on my home network. All other wi-fi connections have been strong/reliable. I also ran the Yosemite beta from July (I think) until the full release, but did not have any similar issues with wi-fi. Â
Here are my hardware specs:
Plus a 500gb hard drive.Â
Here's the info on my computer's wi-fi card, and my wi-fi network itself. Router is a Linksys E1000 (which is ancient, I know, but I can't afford a 5.0GHz router right now and that seems like the only worthwhile upgrade).
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Aug 20, 2014
I have been facing many problems on connection to wifi with my MacBook Pro Retina (mid 2012)
I'm using mavericks and updated to 10.9.4.
My wifi is working well , when I am outside of home , but when I am at home wifi list will not display anything.
Even my iPhone wifi hotspot is not being displayed at home , but out side of home it's ok!!!
When I select join other network , after entering wifi name and password sometimes it can connect , and some times I need to reboot my Mac to connect.
I also installed Windows 7 using bootcamp , And every thing was working very well in windows.Â
for Solving problem I tried removing wifi Preferences files , create a new location , clean re-installing OS, but none of them worked.Â
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 5, 2010
My home WiFi network is currently very unstable. I'm working to improve it and looking for a little advice. This is a little long but I'm trying to provide as much relevant info as possible. First, I have Comcast cable internet performance package (6mbps). My internet speeds vary from about 3-10mbps. I use the Comcast provided cable modem (rented). From the cable modem I run a cable directly into an Airport Express 802.11b/g to create my home wifi network. I have a usb printer attached to the Airport Express for network printing. I have a second Airport Express on the other side of the house used to expand the network and pump music into my home stereo via air tunes.
I use my network for general internet surfing, airtunes streaming to my home stereo, and itunes and bittorrent downloading. No gaming or other speed intensive applications especially within the home network. I have two problems - the internet drops out and requires a reset very often - at least once a day and the airtunes is very unstable. For the internet problem, I thought it was the Comcast internet but I've checked the quality of the cable signal and removed all unnecessary splitters, etc and it still happens. I think the problem is my Airport express. For the Airtunes problem, this clearly seems to be an Airport express problem. I'm thinking of going to a Linksys WRT54GL 802.11b/g as my primary wireless router and purchasing a cable modem (to save money in the long run over renting.)
Here are my questions:
1) Based on my usage and my current Comcast internet package, my understanding is that 802.11b/g is fine for me. Is this correct? I don't think I need or could benefit from the 300mbps speed of a N network.
2) Can I still use the airport express for airtunes and printing on the Linksys WRT54GL 802.11b/g network?
3) Regarding the cable modem, is there any advantage to getting a more expensive DOCSIS 3.0 modem such as Motorola SURFboard SB6120? I've read that some people see significant improvements in their speed even if they have a slower internet service.
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Mar 24, 2010
Yesterday I got my new iMac 21,5'. After starting it up, the airport would not work. The open network (not password protected) was detected, but every attempt to connect to it ended with a "timed out" error message. I tried to deactivate and reactivate the airport a few times. With no luck. Both my iphone and a cheap netbook would get a valid connection in the meantime. So it's not a network issue.
It's a d-link router and it's about half a meter from the imac. My previous macbook with tiger worked perfectly with this connection. I tried to change the wireless channel from 7 to 6 and this did not solve the issue. Or at least not right away. I tried again after say 15 minutes, and it worked. However, tried again in the morning, and got the "timed out" error message one more time. I have installed the airport software update
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Mar 25, 2012
I keep losing connection with my wifi home netwoek on my mac desk computer and my iphone this just started in thre last two weeks i don't know why
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Apr 7, 2012
My macbook air keeps dropping my home wifi service, I get a message telling me there is no internet service. I still have a PC and it connects to internet service even when my mac cannot so it has nothing to do with the internet provider. I have to delete, reinstall my internet connection a couple of times to try and get it back up and running.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 5, 2012
i upgraded my Netgear DG834PN router to the latest firmware and changed the security to WPA2 encryption and ever since then my MBP doesn't snap back on to the WiFi automatically? when selected manually, it connects fine, just not automatically after sleep or being away from the house?
MBP 15.2, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Sep 8, 2010
I have an AEBS that runs 2 network, one for our laptops (all Mac) and one for our iPhones.Recently (maybe after upgrading the FW) I can?t connect any iPhone 2G, 3G or 4 to our Wifi.They see the network (sometimes), but are asked for password. I get the message wrong password or unable to connect to network.
The password is correct (they used to join automatically) so what is wrong?
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Nov 24, 2007
PowerBook G4, 1.5ghz, 2gb ram, 80gb HD, Superdrive. It shows I have the AirPort Extreme card installed. Problem, I get poor (slow performance on my home wifi) and in some areas I get no signal or drop the signal. On my PC laptops I get good signal and fairly good speed. Using a Linksys wirless 2.4ghz wireless G router. Could my wireless card need replacing? If I get a wireless N router will the airport extreme card pull the N?
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Jan 31, 2010
I will try and be as clear as possible and I hope I posted on the right board.
1. I connect my MacBook air to email via WiFi at home.
2. When I do this I can send and receive emails using the mac email program
3. I can also connect to the internet as well.
Now the problem
1. When I am in a hotel say and connecting to the internet using a WiFi hotspot:-
2. I can surf the internet with no issues
3. But cannot seem to send or receive any emails.
I also have a similar problem with my IPhone except even at home I can't send any emails when WiFi is on but it receives with no issues. Again, using a WiFi hotspot I have the same issue. Turning off WiFi and switching to 3g or edge I can receive and send email.
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Feb 12, 2012
I've upgraded to Lion and everything's fine apart from one problem: using my iPad to access home shared iTunes content on my mac no longer works when my mac is asleep. That's a change in behaviour from Snow Leopard; I used to be able to sleep my mac and then wake it over wifi using either my iPad or iPhone to access all of my home shared libraries.  The mac screen used to light up for ten seconds and then go dark again, but it served me the files.Â
Lion seems to go into a deeper sleep which it can't be woken from. Â If I attempt to wake my mac from my iPad within about ten minutes of putting my mac to sleep then home sharing seems to work and lets me use the home share libraries, but if I leave it any longer than that then the mac seems to fall into a coma and can't be woken. Â The weird thing is that I still see a "shared library" folder on my iPad, but when I click on it nothing happens. Â I think my Time Capsule is listening for wifi access and issuing the magic packet to the mac, but the mac just ain't listening. Â Â
I'm using a Time Capsule in bridge mode from an ADSL modem and I've accepted a TC firmware update last week and I'm on lion 10.7.3.  I've tried using Ethernet to connect the mac to the TC (and temporarily disabled the wifi connection) but that still doesn't work. Also, note I'm NOT suffering from the problem that 10.7.3 seems to be giving a few other people - my mac reconnects to my wifi just fine when I wake it up manually. For the record, This was an upgrade, so there's still a tick in "wake on network" in power settings and home sharing on iTunes is still configured the same as it was before.Â
iMac 27" i5-760, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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