Hardware :: External HD Not Working / Damaged By Putting In Enclosure
May 5, 2010
External IDE drive,- removed from a dead PC. chock full of files. Mounted via USB perfectly on the 'Vista PC and I am pretty certain the drive mounted on new MacBook Pro running 10.6.2 (using Wiebe's external docking device) Many documents were present and viewable on the Mac
Drive then placed in plastic bag on counter in dining room. Two weeks later I purchased a USB enclosure for the drive. Installed easily. Powered up immediately, I can hear the drive spinning.
Connected to the same macbook pro to which the drive had, two weeks earlier been connected, and mounted. Except now the drive does not mount
Power is on. I can hear the drive spin But now the drive does not mount. Disk Utility sees the drive but it does not mount. Mac asks me if I want to reformat the drive as it is unrecognizable. Drive Genius and Disk Recovery see the drive but can find no files.
What might have happened? Did damage occur by putting in an enclosure? I have put numerous hard drives in enclosures and never had this problem.I know I pushed in the cables tightly and assume that the drive would not power nor the drive be seen if IDE ribbon cable and power line were not properly fastened. I am puzzled. Anything I can do? would like to save these folks' files.
ive been reading macrumors for years now but this is my first time on the forum,with that out of the way i have a questioni need to buy a new hard drive enclosure as my old one is damaged,in the new enclosure i would like a fan, and it should be decent looking.i would also like the ability to have room for 2 disks, incase i were to add another in the future with storage going for beans these days.
I've taken my G Drive mini enclosure apart, and I am pretty sure there is no way it is going to fit with the heat sink taking a couple of millimeters of space. But has anyone actually tried? I don't have a 1tb 2.5" hd on hand.
I was browsing the internet for a couple of hours when I noticed the computer started getting super hot. The fans are going full blast, and the keyboard is also hot. The scary thing is, I'm not running anything but safari. I'm afraid that given where the fall happened (the back of the computer) that I have damaged one of the fans, because one side of the computer (the left) is burning hot and the right is just normal. What should I do? I dunno how much a new fan costs but I'm guessing not cheap.
just wanted to see how these machines handle abuse. I don't plan on abusing mine, but I am thinking about giving my brother one, and he is careful, but sometimes slips. I know the aluminum bodies aren't that strong, I've bumped my 12" into my car door, and it got a dent. Now I'm very very careful with it. Anybody else got stories or pics?
I went to the applestore and, after purchasing one to one, was turned down for a data transfer from my old macbook pro to my new macbook pro. The "genius" recommended that I buy an external hard drive from newegg and get some screwdrivers and do it myself. So I did, except (I think) he told me to get the wrong kind of external hard drive enclosure and now I'm just really upset because I went through the process and got the hard drive out of the old macbook pro perfectly. What do I need to (re)buy to make this data transfer work?
Let's start a thread of damaged but working MBPs! I'm sure this has been done before, but let's start a new one. Cracked, dented, damaged screens... Let's see some pics. Who has the worst damaged but working MBP?
I currently have windows XP installed by VMware Fusion on an internal hard drive. Is it possible to move the hard drive to an external firewire hard drive enclosure and still be able to run windows XP from my Mac Pro?
I want to clone my hard drive to use on my new one. i dont have an external hd enclosure, though, and would be happy if i didnt have to buy one. i was hoping i could make a clone onto my networked time capsule, then replace the hard drives and somehow boot from the clone from my time capsule.
I'm replacing my 320GB HD from my late '08 MBP with a new Hitachi 500GB unit.
It would be a shame to let the old HD go to waste, so I was wondering what SATA enclosures you guys and girls are using? Preferably something that will connect to my MBP using either Firewire 800 or USB 2.0. There are so many out there, I don't want to buy the wrong one and be disappointed with the quality. Thanks in advance.
So I've got an old macbook and I've used up all my internal memory in photos (lots and lots of photos). I'm wondering if I can put all my photos on an external hardrive and then have iphoto use the external as it's source for photos?
I currently have windows XP installed by VMware Fusion on an internal hard drive. Is it possible to move the hard drive to an external firewire hard drive enclosure and still be able to run windows XP from my Mac Pro?
I'm looking to clone my 250gb HD over to a 1TB Western Digital 2.5 HD. I need to get an external USB harddrive enclosure, but most that I've seen say it has a 500GB capacity. Does anyone know of any cheap external enclosures that can get the job done? If so, can you provide a link?
i bought a mini and a external hdd enclosure hopping that i can get my old hd back just for the pics when i when plug it in it doesnt mount to the desktop
I am looking to build my own external RAID setup and have it function as another set of internal ones. Is it possible to buy a computer case and put in a raid card and a power source and just run SATA cables to my mac pro?
Does anyone know where/if i can get a 3.5" hard drive enclosure with firewire 800? I'm wanting it for backup for my macbook pro with time machine but i'm struggling to find one on the internet.
I'm looking to clone my 250gb HD over to a 1TB Western Digital 2.5 HD. I need to get an external USB harddrive enclosure, but most that I've seen say it has a 500GB capacity. Does anyone know of any cheap external enclosures that can get the job done? If so, can you provide a link?
The subject pretty much says it. Which PCI card to add a External Serial ATA Enclosure to a Dual G5 2.0 GHz? Looking at Sonnet there are PCI and PCI-X SATA/ATA cards.I'm looking to expand my storage and this was a recommendation.
I have just received a Firewire enclosure for a SuperDrive I bought months ago from the same company, Other World Computing. I was told that they would work together, but now that I'm assembling it, I find that the tiny holes on the drive (very near the edge of the drive, and only two on each side of the top, not the many more that the enclosure seems to indicate should be there. In addition, the holes in the drive and the ones in the enclosure don't match up. The enclosure also is very long for the drive, even allowing for room to attach the ribbon cable and other cables inside. I have now spoken with three different people at OWC, and nobody knows why this is or how to work out the problem, except to offer me another, less desirable enclosure that they assure me will fit the drive. (I didn't mention that the drive is an older model and that they no longer carry it.)
Well, I was assured that the one they have already sent me was just fine for my drive, so you can 't blame me for being a bit wary of the assurances for the other enclosure. The drive fits very snugly in the enclosure and doesn't seem to shift around. If I replaced a metal piece around the front of the drive that I took off to make it fit more flush with the front of the enclosure, it would be an even tighter fit. It wouldn't look as nice, but it could be done. My question is I whether I can dispense with putting in those screws, which are meant to secure the drive within the case and keep it from shifting around. (The screws meant to attach the back panel of the enclosure, the one with the internal cables, and the holes in the enclosure will fit together fine, because they are both part of the same thing.)
I'm looking into getting an external exclosure...should I stick with good old USB 2.0, or look into getting USB 3? Is it too new to get it? Anyone have one they are currently using?
im looking for an external enclosure that provides a firewire option for my macbook pro. The reason i am doing this is because my macbook will randomly eject my usb powered one for no reason. I have been reading that firewire does not have this problem. Im only looking for an enclosure as I replaced my stock 320gb hardrive with a 64gb ssd for my main drive. Preferably something in the 30$ range because im a poor college student . Anybody know of a good enclosure to go with?
This is strange. I have a SATA drive that works when it's in an external USB enclosure but when I put the same SATA drive in one of the bays in my Mac Pro, the Mac Pro won't start up.Specifics:-I've reformatted the drive (with GUID and with Mac Partition Map), with no change in behavior-A different drive in the same Mac Pro drive bay works fine, so it's not the drive bay-the suspect drive in any of drive bay keeps the computer from booting (grey screen, no apple)
My iMac G5 logic board has died. I am going to get a new iMac 27" core i5 when they become available and want to take my internal hard drive from my G5 and convert it to an external for use as a secondary back up device. I found the ultra ULTA40273 model at tigerdirect.com. Is this a good enclosure?
I'm looking to set up a 4+ drive external eSATA raid system (likely raid5). My biggest need is quiet. I've tried 2 boxes thus far including the 4big quadra that was supposed to be engineered for noise, but it had an annoying fan speed fluctuation and was actually much louder than my mac pro. I have a drobo and that is also too noisy. I'm wondering of anyone knows of a box or other option that is either fanless (ideally) or has one large super quiet fan.
I just purchased a new 3tb Seagate drive to replace a 2tb drive in an external USB enclosure, I can access, partition and format it using Parallels but can't even see it in Disk Utilities on Mac OS X 10.6.8...?
I have a Macbook with an 80gb HDD, I want to put my leopard onto that external drive and then put that drive into my macbook. Is it possible to put a carbon copy of my original drive to my other one, only with more space.
I changed the import settings and they keep changing back. I now want to move the music I purchased onto my external HDD where the rest of my library lives and take them off of my MBP HDD. I have copied them to my external HDD and they exist in the proper artist folder but how do I associate it with my iTunes library ?
I'm about to buy a MBA, and will need an optical drive to go with it. This will need to be a BluRay Burner. I actually like the idea of an external drive because then I can share one drive among all my computers.I've been waiting for external burners to really hit mainstream, but that hasn't happened yet. It's only now that internals are becoming easy to find. Because I have a lot of store credit, I'd like to get this from Best Buy, but they only have internals in stock. I've contemplated getting an internal and using an enclosure
I just got a new hard drive for my Black macbook 2,1 and no i need a good external hard drive to put my old hard drive. Do you guys have any recommendations, I'd like to get something that has firewire and usb.