Hardware :: Daisy Chain With Device That Has Only 1 Of Each Type Of FW Port?

Jul 16, 2010

I currently have an external hard drive that has 2 FW400 ports that I use for Time Machine. I want to get at least 2 more external hard drives; one for storage of photos/videos and the other for another backup drive that I can rotate offsite with my current one. My internal hard drive is full and all of my USB ports are in use (however I do have a USB hub). I also have a Mini-DV camcorder that requires a FW400 port.

So, I'm trying to figure out what type of external hard drives I want to build/buy. I'm a little confused about daisy chaining firewire devices and hope someone can offer some clarification.

1. Can you daisy chain with a device that has only 1 of each type of FW port; 1 FW400 and 1 FW800? Or, does the device need to have 2 of the same type of port; 2 FW400's or 2 FW800's?..............

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MacBook Pro :: Daisy Chain USB And FW 800

Jul 25, 2010

This is my first post and I'm after a little help if possible. Have a new i7 Macbook Pro and Im wanting to know if what I am thinking is possible. I have a WD FW800 HD which i have put video and music on, I then have an iomega USB HD which I use for time machine back ups. Can I daisy chain the FW and USB together and if so which way round would it be. In my naieve mind I am thinking the following- Macbook Pro connected to FW HD and then USB (Time Machine HD) connected into the FW HD


Have I got the wrong end of the stick. Essentially I'm asking the USB HD to back up the MBP and the content on the FW HD.

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Hardware :: Daisy Chain Or Firewire Hub

Aug 9, 2010

Getting new iMac i7 in the next week or so. Looking to get a couple of hard drives both will be firewire. I will use one HD to store Music, Movies and Photos (I have about 500gigs worth at least) The other HD will be used to back up everything. I will be using it in conjunction with Carbon Copy Cloner so it will be bootable if I have any probs. Do I daisy chain the drives or get a Hub?

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Hardware :: Daisy Chain - Airport Extreme

Apr 6, 2010

I am new to this 'Daisy Chain" thing. I have a WD Studio 500GB right now connected through USB to be a wireless drive through my Airport Extreme. Thing is, I am running out os space and am wondering if it is possible to daisy chain a second drive to my WD to increase the size. I know how it is possible to daisy chain through FireWire 800, but can I daisy chain to my WD that is connected to my airport through USB?

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Hardware :: FireWire 800 Daisy - Chain Vs USB 2 - Which More Efficient?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm running two of these enclosures: [URL] each with 2x2TB drives in RAID0 (i.e. 4TB per enclosure). I use one 4TB array for my user files, and the other for TimeMachine. My user array is connected via FW800, my question is - is it more efficient to connect the other (TM) array via USB2 or via daisy chained FW800? The enclosures use the Oxford 934DSb chipset, which is capable of saturating the FW bus, so thats 100MBps. As i understand it very few interfaces are capable of saturating a USB2 bus such that practically speaking even FW400 gives greater real-world throughput than USB2, despite the 60Mbps difference in spec.

Since one is a TM volume, when backing up from the user array to the TM array will the data have to pass through the computer's controller? It definitely will if it's FW800 -> USB2, but will it have to if it's daisy chained FW800? I'm told this might not be the case as some FW controllers support P2P communication but i can't find too much info about it. Even if there is P2P support the OS needs to know the progress of file transfers and so forth so can it do this even if the drives are transferring via P2P or can it only monitor that sort of thing if the data goes through it's controller? Essentially is it up to the OS or the controller to select the optimal route for data? If it's up to the OS does Mac OS support FW P2P? That said, even if the data does have to go to the computer from one array and back through the daisy chain to the other array, is it still practically faster than the USB2 route?

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Mac Pro :: Daisy Chain Two Machines So To Use One Monitor And Keyboard?

Mar 2, 2012

Can I use two mac pro's with one monitor, keyboard & mouse? The two different machines have two different operating systems (Snow Leopard / Lion). One machine is brand new and the other is 5 or 6 years old.I want to use both machines in tandem so that I can leave something to render while I work on something else.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Final Cut Pro X, C4D, CS5

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OS X :: How Many Firewire External Hard Drives Can Daisy - Chain?

Jan 17, 2009

After a fiasco with two firewire hard disks (the courier company lost them), I have to purchase an external firewire HD. Once the insurance company refunds my money (which can take up to 90 days), I still want to get the other 2 disks I ordered. Is there a limit on how many firewire drives I can daisy chain? I was thinking on having all 3 hard drives daisy-chained to my iMac.

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OS X :: Daisy Chain Hard Drives - Combo Of USB And Firewire

Feb 1, 2009

My time machine drive conked out this morning, so I need to get a new drive, and I am planning on either a Western Digital MyBook or an OWC of some sort. (Any thoughts?) So here's what I'd like to do. Once I get the backup running again, I'm interested in running a RAID 1 with two external drives. But the catch is this---I have a late model MacBook, so I've only got two USB 2.0 ports. Here's what I'd like to know. Is it possible to chain things together this way: MacBook <--USB-- First HDD <--FW-- Second HDD That is, connect the first drive to the computer via USB (the only option) and the second to the first HDD via firewire.

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Hardware :: Daisy Chain External Firewire Drives Together?

Jan 13, 2010

My MBP has one firewire 800 port and I have one external firewire drive. I want to get another external firewire drive but since I only have one FW port, does that mean I can only use one drive at a time? There are times when I know I will need to transfer files from one external drive to another. Is there a way to daisy chain external firewire drives together? Also, will daisy chain slow down the file copy process or even slow down my computer?

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MacBook Pro :: Daisy Chain 3 Thunderbolt Displays To 15"?

Mar 25, 2012

I would like to know if there is a way to daisy chain 3 (three) thunderbolt displays to a 15" MacBook Pro, maybe if the laptop is in clamp-shell mode? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Connecting And Daisy Chain External Hard Drives

Apr 5, 2012

Bought the new iMac. I have one La Cie 1-TB external HD from previous Mac that I want to hook up to this new one, plus I want to daisy chain a La Cie 160g HD to that one. What driver do I need, and how do I hook them all up?

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OS X :: USB Port Drawing Too Much Power - The Device That Is Plugged Into It Will Be Deactivated

Sep 13, 2006

I get this strange message every so often, sometimes more often than other times. It says:

USB port drawing too much power. The device that is plugged into it will be deactivated.

There are only two things plugged into the USB-The keyboard and mouse. When I get this message, the mouse freezes. If I jiggle the mouse cable where it is plugged into the USB, it comes back and everything is fine until this message comes up again.

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MacBook :: Use Combination Audio Port For An Input Device?

Jun 14, 2012

I have a preamp connected to the audio in/out jack on my macbook pro 13" 2012. when i plug the audio in from my preamp the sound only shows it as a headphone output and does not list it under input. i also have no button "use audio for:"

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), macbook pro 13" 2012

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MacBook Pro :: System Randomly Disconnects Usb Device / Port Fails To Recognize IPhone

Dec 15, 2010

I have had several issues with the USB on my brand-new Core i5 macbook pro. It randomly disconnects USB devices. I've had the issue with multiple USB devices - same story with each one. Further, iTunes will only recognize my iPhone if it is in the port nearest the magsafe connector. The other port fails to recognize my iPhone entirely. Anyone else having a USB issue on their base 15" that was released today?

Furthermore, any suggestions of what to do about it? I'm having a hell of a time restoring my iPhone with this issue... And the Apple Store is over an hour away-I planned a special trip to buy this laptop.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Possible To Use Mac's Ethernet Port To Extend Wireless Network To A Non-wireless Device?

May 3, 2012

OK, I asked this question previously, but not quite succinct enough, I think. I have a Pioneer home theater receiver that is network capable, but not wireless capable. I want to get this thing on my home network without having to purchase another device as my Mini resides no more than 36" away from it.So far, I have been able to get the receiver to connect to the internet through Internet Sharing on the Mini, but it remains blind to, and invisible to my wireless network. I simply want to connect the receiver to my Mini via ethernet cable and have it see and be seen on my wireless network. url...

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.7 GHz i7, 256 GB SSD, 8GB RAM

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Turning Off Key Chain

Apr 23, 2012

Turning off key chain

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Daisy Chaining Using MacBook Pro

Feb 11, 2012

If my MacBook Pro has a FireWire 800, AC powered hard drive attached, how should I connect another Mercury Elite FW 800 drive to the AC powered external drive, with an additional AC or just by FireWire? In other words, if the first drive in the chain (the one connected to the MacBook Pro) has AC power, does the second drive in the chain (connected to the first external drive) need AC power? Any cautions so I do not burn out my computer?

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IMac :: Key Chain And Google Notifier

Jun 22, 2009

I'm a recently converted PC user and so far we love our iMac. The only issue we're having is with Key Chain and the Google Notifier. On my account I use the Gmail Notifier with no issues what so ever, on my Wife's account every time she logs in the Gmail Notifier asks her for her account information, when she inputs it, she is then prompted to input another password for the Key Chain. Every time she logs in it happens. The odd thing is that when I search for the Key Chain program in her profile I find the program, and I'm able to access it, however when I search for it in mine nothing comes up. We both have admin accounts, and the first account created was mine. Is Key Chain a separate program or does it come as part of OSX?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Resetting Key-chain In Mac OS X?

May 12, 2012

I am running osx 10.6.8 which i down loaded from the app store. I am having problems with one of my email accounts requiring the password all the time so following advice on hear am trying to access the keychain but for some reason can not find it in utilities.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Find And /or Print To Wireless Device Even See Device Listed

Jun 5, 2014

My Macbook Pro has been running into constant problems actually printing to any wireless device.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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MacBook :: Chain Symbol Shows Up On Screen?

Mar 23, 2010

I am just surfing the Internet and up shows up on the screen a white chain symbol on the screen. It looks almost like a infinity symbol. It shows up for a few seconds then it disappears.

My wife was typing up a document for her University and it showed to her first. This was two days ago. I think this is the first time that this has ever happened to us.

Oh almost forgot. I have a late 2006 Macbook 2,1.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Unlock Chain To Install Or Modify

Feb 23, 2012

Inserting the correct password, I cannot unlock the chain to install programs or modify system preference panel stuff. I tried repairing permission, and repairing keychain, and repairing disk, but I insert the password and the lock doesn't unlock.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Hardware :: Daisy-Chaining Firewire Drives ?

Dec 2, 2009

I have a real quick question about daisy chaining some firewire drives. I'm looking at buying an OWC Mercury for my macmini. I'm going to connect it via FW800. Can I then daisy chain a FW400 device to the OWC? The drive has 2 FW800 ports but only 1 FW400 so can this be done?

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Mac Pro :: Broken Battery Holder - Key Chain Starts Fuzzing

Jan 7, 2011

Edit: Clumsy me, of course I managed to break the battery holder (the little metal thing connecting to the + of the battery) Any chances of fixing it without replacing the motherboard or such? Every time I disconnect the power cord from my 2008 Mac Pro the system time is reset and my key-chain starts fuzzing (I have to re-enter my e-mail password). What could be the problem and what solutions are there? I'm thinking maybe it's the battery but I would like to hear from someone who knows a bit better, that is you lot , before I try to correct the problem.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Searching For Specific Text In An Email Chain

Jun 14, 2012

I appreciate Mail's efforts to streamline the inbox by grouping emails into conversations based on the subject. However, when I search for a specific string in an email, the search returns the conversation of grouped messages and does not indicate the specific point in the message containing the text. In the case that finally prompted this post, the conversation contained 50-odd emails, since all of them contained the appended text of all the previous exchanges in the chain. I am then left with the task of scanning through 50-odd emails, whether they be separate or all retained within a single message, for the particular string I'm after. And that defeats the whole point of searching to begin with. 

So, am I missing some functionality that overcomes this? Really all I want is for the search to return not just the email, but the location within the email (or chain of emails) where the text is found.  Returning 50 hits because each email contains the text somewhere in the lengthy history of the conversation, without actually showing me where in the conversation the text appears,

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Hardware :: Can External Hard Drives Be Daisy Chained Through USB

Dec 28, 2010

I have two hard drive enclosures: a Macally G-S350SUA, which has Firewire, eSATA, and USB 2.0; and an older Ximeta enclosure which is only USB, which I haven't been using. I have been using the Macally recently but I want to set up a second external hard drive so that I can use the Macally for data. Is it possible to daisy chain two external hard drives through USB, or only through Firewire? The USB plugs on both enclosures are Type B female, so I suppose I'd need a B/B USB cable, which I don't have, so I haven't tried it yet...

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MacBook Pro :: Daisy-chained Bus-powered FW 800 Drives - Enough Power?

Aug 27, 2009

Does anyone have any experience daisy-chaining FW 800 drives on a MBP? I've got one right now, but am thinking of adding another but I don't want to use an AC adapter if I don't need to. Will the MBP give enough juice to run 2 daisy-chained FW 800 drives (2.5")? I've got the late 08 unibody 15".

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OS X :: Recovering Data From Daisy Chained Firewire External HDD?

Jun 14, 2010

I am looking into all sorts of backup options. Thinking of getting a Lacie 2big 2TB RAID1 (effectively 1TB) firewire external HDD for backup needs. I am not concerned about speed as it is meant for archival purposes only.

Almost ordered one when I found another way to do it is daisy chaining 2 separate 1TB Lacie firewire HDD in RAID1 configuration using Mac disk utility. The advantage being 1> Lacie 2big 2TB HDDs are notorious for being noisy but the Lacie 1TB HDDs are fanless hence super quiet. 2> having two separate DDs+enclosures gives me two independently failing systems for the non-HDD hardware; meaning for the 2big 2TB RAID1 disk if the power supply or the built-in RAID controller card fails then I will have to buy another similar setup to access my data.

My question is in the second senario of daisy chaining 2 X 1TB HDDs in RAID1; If one drive goes kaput will I be still able to mount the healthy drive and retrive my data simply by connecting it to the mac thru firewire? Or, do I need to mirror my data back to a new 1TB before getting access to my data?

Obviously I haven't had the chance to use any RAID setup before, so comments are welcome, or if anyone is using such a setup what could be the other drawbacks that I am not thinking of.

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MacBook Pro :: Deleting The Whole Of /private File Using Daisy-disk?

Feb 16, 2012

I did a terrible mistake by deleting the whole of /private file using daisy-disk. The file probably would not have been in the trash as they had warn me beforehand, saying that it will be deleted forever. Can anyone tell me how I can solve thi s problem without losing my data, as I have tons of important files inside?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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OS X :: Creating Chain Of Two FireWire Drives Looped Back To One Computer

Mar 4, 2009

I'm wondering about drawbacks or benefits of creating a chain of two FireWire drives looped back to one computer. I intend to setup two external 1TB drives as either a single 2TB concatenated RAID array or a striped RAID 0 array to be used as a Time Machine backup volume. All ports and cables are FireWire 400.

The setup in question would be:

Setup 1 (loop)
Mac FireWire Port 1<--->External Drive A FireWire Port 1/External Drive A FireWire Port 2<--->External Drive B FireWire Port 1/External Drive B FireWire Port 2<--->Mac FireWire Port 2......................

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