Hardware :: New IMac Worth Upgrading To 4 Gigs Ram And 3.06 Processor?
Oct 13, 2008
I'm looking to get the a new iMac and will be using it for iTunes , photo's and hopefully will get into the iMovie for editing family movies etc.
Is it worth me upgrading to 4 gigs ram and 3.06 processor and Geforce graphics card? or will i not really notice a difference from the model below with 2 gigs ram and 2.86 processor?
Also in terms of ripping my family dvd's onto the imac can this be done?
I bought this in sept. of 08. The 24'' 2.8 ghz interl core 2 duoMy mac came with 2gig 800 hmz DDR2 SDRAM. what are good places to upgrade to 4 gigs. I have $200 in amazon gift cards, so that seem to be the front running. Do I need a certain brand or will any brand work as long as its ddr2 sdram?
I'm looking into upgrading the RAM of a late 2006 MacBook Pro from 2 gigs to maximum of 3 gigs. Should I just get a 2 gig chip and replace one of the 1 gig chips with that, or would I be better off purchasing a pair of 2 gig chips and replacing both of the old 1 gig chips with them? So basicly I'm asking wether the RAM chips should be in identical pairs or does it matter?
Sorry if this has been asked recently, (searched but couldnt find it) but i am thinking about upgrading the RAM on my 1.5GHz PB G4 from 1.5 gigs to 2 gigs of RAM. What type of performance increase should i see? Is it worth the money?
I've been researching for a while on upgrading my white intel iMac from a "Core Duo" processor to a "Core 2 Duo" processor. The processor I would like to use is a Intel Core 2 Duo Mobile T5750 processor, which would give me 2 additional cores as well as a small speed bump from 1.83 ghz to 2.0 ghz. I figured compatibility should be fine considering the FSB speed (667 Mhz) is the same. Has anyone tried this? Can anyone tell me if this will work for sure?
I've just installed an SSD in my new iMac 27", see here. I'm fast learning though (diglloydTools and other commentators) that once the application has loaded the SSD isn't involved very much from there on, so there are the same old performance problems. I'm finding in Firefox/Firebug where there is a large DOM (nothing exceptional) performance is still woeful.
So, baring in mind the Core i7 processor is under $200 and it would appear to have been possible to upgrade the iMac's processors in the past, does anybody have any advice for me? What parts will I need, have you done it and what was your experience, any common problems with doing this, are the parts themselves upgradeable (the quoted link only suggests they are) etc.
I'd like to start by saying excuse the stupid questions, I'm still very new with using macs. I'm a long time PC user, but I've recently made plans to replace my PC with an iMac. Specifically a 21.5" with an Intel i3 processor. This mac comes with 4gb ram, and a Radeon 5650 HD graphics card.
Now I'm a fairly big gamer, and I like my hardware to be as high-end and up-to-date as possible. If I were to plan on upgrading the graphics card, ram, and processor, could this be easily done at home?
I'm asking because of the unusual structure of the iMac. i.e. the lack of tower, and all the hardware being merged with the screen. I'm assuming it would be a lot easier on a mac pro because it actually has a tower that I can easily open/customize.
Lastly, granted that the above is possible, are the generic graphics cards, processor, and ram chips compatible with iMacs? Or would I need to buy a special iMac compatible version from an Apple specialist shop?
if it was possible to swap out the first intel processors with the newer ones the imacs are coming with. i found this info and mainly looks just as tricky as open heart surgery to risk my imac doing, and thats just replacing the processor itself.
Im looking forward to buying the MacBook air soon. But I need some help from you guys! I'm going for the 13" model but is it worth upgrading to 256GB and i7?I'm probably going to be surfing the web (about 6 hours/day), a little but of music, maybe 200 photos, and some apps
Just got a free Powerbook G4 15" 1.5Ghz 768MB RAM. I installed Panther 10.3.9 and have notices it's rather primitive. Specs say I can install up to 10.5.8 OS. So my questions are:
1. What is the optimal OS for my G4 and how can I get it (whether it be by purchase or DL)? 2. Should I upgrade the ram and/or processor?
I recently obtained a (free) Power Mac G4 (Dual 500Mhz, AGP, Gigabit Ethernet) I am looking to upgrade the processor and video. Can anyone advise on what video card would work on this machine? Do I have to go with a Mac edition AGP card (ATI Radeon X800 Pro Mac Edition) or can I use any (PC) AGP card, for example the Radeon HD 4000 or Geforce 7 series?
I have a Power Mac G5 2.0 GHZ 1 TB and 250GB Hard Drive, 4 GB of Ram Running 10.5.8 Leopard. Now i bougth this mac on ebay to EDIT VIDEOS AND PICTURES. BUT, i cant do either because all the editing software requires snow leopard or higher. the Mac doesnt even have I Movie, Garage Band. To get any sort of editing software i need snow leopard. To get snow leopardĀ i have to have an Intel Based Processor MINE ISN'T INTEL. So pretty much i have NO WAYS to edit or create videos.
Info: PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2.0 GHZ, 1.2 TB.
My fan has been running all day pretty much.When i received this computer (this was a replacement.) it was very quiet.I added 8 gigs of RAM (from OWC) on top of the stock 4 gigs that came with it.
My family bought a mid-2010 iMac 21.5". Being our 1st Mac, we're still learning it. My son has "toyed" with Garage band a few times. My wife wants to learn iPhoto but hasn't found the spare time. But will soon - once our disabled kid goes back to school. Have't tried iMove yet. Don't think we will...ith above in mind, is the upgrade to iLife 11 (for upgrades to iMovie, iPhoto and Garageband) worth it? Is the updates in iPhoto and Garageband with the $50 cost? Or, is using current version (that came with my iMac) "good enough" for our usage?
I just got my brand new 2.66ghz iMac in the mail. Wondering whether it is worth installing snow leopard before I painfully switch everything from my old computer to this one. I don't want to have to redo my entire system later.
So I had decided to bite the bullet a week and a half ago and order an iMac i7 refurb for $1900 from the Canadian Apple Store...
So here's this refresh that has a new graphics card (and minor speed enhancements?)
I am thinking of buying SC2 (and other games in the future) and I'm wondering if its worth returning my current i7 model to get a new i5 refresh with a new graphics card?
I mainly will be using my computer for online video marketing (creating promo videos for businesses) and keynote/screenflow videos...so I know my i7 will deliver in that aspect...
I just would hate to know that I bought a "new computer" that isn't as "future proof" as this new refresh (I plan to keep my computer for 3-4 years)
I'm seriously considering ordering one of the brand new 27" iMac's, with the 2.8 GHz i7 Processor and 8GB (4x2GB) of RAM. The only thing I'm having trouble deciding about is getting either the standard 1TB Hard Drive or the 2TB Hard Drive for a little over $200. Since the Hard Drive can't exactly be replaced easily, I'm wondering if it would be better to invest in the 2TB upgrade.
I am a long-time Windows user and I'm making the jump to a Macbook Pro, a very expensive one, at that.I'm getting the highest end 15'' Macbook Pro and I'm adding a 7200rpm 500GB drive. One thing I am worried about is the Intel 2.8ghz processor.
I want to upgrade to 3.06ghz and would like to know the effect it would have on my battery life combined with the 7200rpm.
I transferred about 400 gigs of data from my MacBook Pro to my new iMac using Migration Assistant, but can't find any of my data on Finder. I'm thinking that the data got transferred but not cataloged. Finder shows about 400 gigs of my hard drive being used, but the files it shows don't come anywhere close to 400 gigs. How can I find out what is really on the hard drive and how can I access my MacBook files I transferred?
in 2007 I purchased my first ever mac pro 1.1 intel.2 x 2.0 GHz Dual-core Xeon "Woodcrest1GB ram (2x512)GeForce 7300 GT
and right now I'm looking into upgrading processors. somewhere in the apple discussion I find out that I should look at:Intel Clovertown Xeon processors. E5345 (2.33 Ghz), E5355 (2.66 Ghz) or X5365(3.0 Ghz). I need a pair.Those are Quad core processors and are pin for pin compatible with the 2006 Mac Pro 1,1, they say. Bloody hell they are hard to find.
I am getting an imac but am stuck as to which one. I would like to know from users experience if the 3.06 i3 processor is powerful enough and can easily run software such as photoshop and flash. Also i would like to know whether they run games ok and software such as steam, which is quite laggy on pc.
I see a great deal of debate between the quad i5 and i7 but nothing between the two i5's. I'm not super techy so I really can't tell what the benefits or disadvantages there are between the two. In fact, I didn't even notice that there are two different ones until I was poking around on apples site.
3.6 i5 with 4mb lvl 3 cache and HT and TB
2.8 quad core i5 with 8mb of lvl 3 cache with TB but NO HT
*you can build identical iMacs both with the 5750 (5850m) and the 3.6 is only 50 bucs more.
I am finally upgrading to an iMac and I need some help. I was looking at the 21in ones and I have a choice of processors 3.06 Ghz and the 3.2 Ghz (and even the i5 3.6 Ghz). Should I pay the extra $300 and move from the 3.06 Ghz to the 3.2? For this computer, I will be doing photo stuff and some video. Family things - nothing for work or commercial use. Or should I opt for more memory instead and not worry about the processor. From studing Apple, processor choice seems to help keep the machine current (or pertinent) longer than anything else. The low level iMac seems ok, but should I bump up to the next level machine.
A while back I saw a link on macrumors that listed which specific core2duo chip was placed in various macs (example-core2duo E8400, etc.)
I was wondering if anyone knew where I can find this information again? I specifically was looking for my model (2008 24" imac) but would a site where I could find others as well.
And if you are going to post "search google" or the like dont bother as I ALREADY have searched google and cannot find this information easily.