Hardware :: Magic Mouse Tracking Speed "Momentum"?
Sep 30, 2010
I know there's been a problem with tracking speed, and MagicPrefs takes care of that, but is there a way to change the momentum (I don't know if that's the proper term) tracking, I'm not talking about scrolling.
The magic mouse somehow takes into account the velocity? Like if you move it the same distance on your desk, depending on how fast you did that action, the mouse arrow moves a farther distance. Does that make sense? I don't want that. I don't know if you can change that, but my old mouse worked the other way, where if you moved a certain distance on the desk, the mouse arrow would travel the same distance, no matter what speed you move your physical mouse mouse at.
Any one have any ideas or know what I'm talking about? Other than that, I like the magic mouse, otherwise I think I might just switch back.
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Jul 7, 2010
What's up with that? I just was using my brothers iMac and noticed his Magic Mouse felt a little different while web browsing.. I went into the System Preferences > Mouse and realized that he had enabled the check box of "Scrolling" and had it set to "WITH MOMENTUM".
So I figured out that was why mine felt different. I went into my System Preferences > Mouse and have the dialog box for "Scrolling" but I do not have the option to select "WITH MOMENTUM" or "WITHOUT MOMENTUM". I'm using a Macbook, and he has a new iMac. Both with Snow Leopard.. and I just ran a Software Update, and it says everything is Up To Date.
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Nov 19, 2009
I have the latest 10.6.2 update but have a question about the tracking speed for the Magic Mouse.I am happy with the Magic Mouse but the tracking is slower than other mice I'm used to. I have put the tracking at the maximum speed and slower tracking is nice for sometimes clicking just where I need to but when I'm going from one side of the screen to the other it's hard. I also am using it on a mousepad. I know it's not required but seems more comfortable but the mouse goes off the end of the mouse pad when I go across the screen.
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Apr 18, 2010
has the tracking / mouse speed slowness issue that was widely reported last year and early this year (if you still use a third party utility to increase the speed), or whether Apple have fixed that? I'd especially like to know for those that purchased a Magic Mouse last year/early this year. Does 10.6.3 fix it?
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Nov 1, 2009
Open a Terminal Window and type the following: defaults write -g com.apple.mouse.scaling 5.0. "5.0" being the number designating the speed. Change that number to whatever you like. I've got my Magic Mouse set to 150 or so. This does not change the acceleration, just the scaling. Altering the setting via the preferences pane overrides the Terminal command. Log out and back in to activate. For a more complete solution, get USB Overdrive.
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Dec 17, 2010
New to macs. My magic mouse is different from what I am used to. My issue is the tracking speed. When I move the mouse slowly the cursor on screen moves slowly. If I make a quick motion with the mouse the cursor goes and moves much faster and farther while covering the same amount of area on the mouse pad as when I was going slow. Its hard to explain but its the one experience about the mac I do not like. My wifes iMac has a Logitech RX1500 and it works perfect. Moves exactly the same as my old PC razer mouse used to. Does the Magic Mouse have the ability for slow and fast tracking depending on how fast or slow I move the mouse? Can I turn this feature off? Its making bejeweled 3 annoying as well as World of Warcraft.
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Mar 17, 2009
I just opened my brand new 2009 24inch IMac! The Mouse pointer speed is very very slow. I adjusted the tracking speed to the fastest possible, but this is still under par. I typed my question in google and it directed me to download a program called "Mouse Zoom" which was downloaded onto my... "Desktop." I didn't click the icon to run it because I am afraid of a virus. Is "Mouse Zoom" safe to click on? Will it fix the problem, or is there an alternative to this issue? I cant imagine something so nice being crippled by something as simple as mouse speed.
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Dec 29, 2010
I just recently upgraded to SL and have a few issues. I am still kinda new to OSX even though I've had an iMac for a a few years. I mainly was using Windows 7 on Bootcamp, but now want to really get to know OSX.
First, in Leopard there were icons on the desktop for my MAC hard drive and my Windows hard drive. But after installing SL they aren't on there. I liked the idea of having them on the desktop for quick access. Can someone let me know how to get them back on the desktop?
Second I have a Razer DeathAdder mouse I use. I have the latest OSX drivers installed. This problem I've had with Leopard and Snow Leopard is that even though I've set the tracking speed under System Preferences, after rebooting the tracking goes all the way back to down the the lowest setting. I've tried setting it in the DeathAdder's software and in the regular preferences in OSX but after reboot it always goes back down. It is annoying cause it tracks way to slow and I have to manually up it a few notches whenever I boot up.
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Apr 17, 2010
As per the title, is it possible? it's just seems to be one line of code for the magic mouse although that may be because it's pre-built inand may be harder on the mighty mouse.
I searched for this but there doesn't seem to be anything on it. Maybe because it's a feature not wanted but I think it'll smooth out the mouse scrolling and it's something i'd like to try, if anyone knows how to do it or has it themselves
The line of code for leopard and for the Magic is "defaults write com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.mouse MouseMomentumScroll -bool yes"
This may mean you have to take parts from the magic mouse driver if that's possible but to be honest i have no idea.
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Mar 3, 2010
Just purchased myself a magic mouse, adjusted the slow tracking speed MagicPrefs, a really nice tool over all but it doesn't allow me to get rid of the varying tracking speed. I could probably get used to it in the end but it is very annoying and would prefer not to use it. Does anybody know of a tool which allows for constant tracking speed?
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Jan 17, 2005
When moving the mouse about, if you are moving it slowly, the mouse pointer hardly moves atall, is there a way to disable this variable tracking speed affect?
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Apr 27, 2010
My Mac's cursor tracking speed keeps resetting itself whenever I reboot. I can set the preference again but as soon as I shut down or restart it's right back to being super-sensitive. At first I thought it was interference from my other (bluetooth) mouse. But I disconnected it and am still having the issue.
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Sep 2, 2010
buying one of these to replace my mouse.There's no store where i live so i can't go into the store and try both I'v never tried the apple trackpad on their laptops either.I used a lot of windows laptops before and what i can say.They were so bad that i always had a little mouse in my back I rly don't know what to expect for the apple track pad.Can it replace completely the mouse and is it comfortable to work with ? Or should i go with the mouse ?
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Nov 26, 2010
I'm looking to get either a Magic Mouse or the Magic trackpad to use with my iMac. Do they both work with Windows? My wife uses Windows Vista on bootcamp for work. Also, I do play some games, nothing heavy duty.Any other thoughts or suggestions would be helpful, especially concerning the magic trackpad as my experience with it is approximately 10 minutes at my local Apple store.
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Jul 27, 2010
Which one do you want to use for everyday surfing etc?
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Aug 2, 2010
For those who have purchased the new iMac or are thinking of purchasing, definitely go with a Magic Trackpad. The Magic Mouse is a little better for dragging and dropping, but the Trackpad is so much more enjoyable to use for everything elseApple should really figure out a way to make this a packaging option
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Apr 24, 2010
I run both Leopard and Snow Leopard on Macs along with Windows using BootCamp. I have tried the Magic Mouse, Logitech, and Microsoft mice and they all track slow while using the Mac OS. The Logitech and Microsoft mice track fine with Windows. Tracking speed is turned up to the max with the Mac OS. I understand that third party software such as better touch tool and others (don't recall the names). Will they help and are they safe downloads? Do you suggest a particular one?
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Mar 12, 2008
Is it just me or do any of you have a different tactile experience with laser mice on a Mac OS vs. Windows? I have both loaded operating systems on my new MP and it just feels like the mouse tracks better in Windows... like it's just snappier as if it had a higher refresh or sampling rate. I've actually always noticed this going back and forth between Macs and PCs for years -- the mouse just works better in Windows -- maybe Windows has better mouse drivers or something because it just feels more responsive. I should try an old ball mouse to see if it's the optical factor. My mouse on the Mac just feels ever so slightly choppy. Maybe I need one of those special optical mouse pads(?)
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Nov 2, 2009
About a month back, I purchased a wireless mighty mouse and tried using it with my 2009 Mac Pro. The lag and tracking were terrible, making it unusable. When connected to my MacBook Air (on the same desk) it worked flawlessly. I assumed at the time there was a problem with the bluetooth on my Mac Pro so I've been meaning to get Apple Support on the case but just haven't got around to it (using the old wired mouse as before).
Now, I'm reading some stories on the peripherals forum that owners of Mac Pro's have issues with lag and tracking with the new Magic Mouse, and some are stating that it's a known problem with the Mac Pro chassis that it doesn't enable adequate bluetooth operation due to all the metal. Is this true? What's your experience using a bluetooth mouse with the Mac Pro?
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Dec 6, 2009
Just bought my first mac today. It's a 2.8Ghz macbook pro 15"
This is the "problem" I'm having:
I connected an external mouse (logitech) to my computer, and went into system preferences and set tracking speed to max. The response I get from the mouse is still a bit slow for my liking in Mac OS X.
Also the really annoying bit is that when I move my external mouse slowly, the tracking is extremely slow.
When I boot into windows 7 (via bootcamp), the tracking is just perfect.
I guess external mouse tracking in Mac OS X is not "windows like"?? Is there a way to fix this?
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Jul 16, 2010
I got the Magic Mouse I bought like two days ago. I'm very new to Mac and I've been wondering if there is any way to make the Mouse Tracking even faster than it's possible on the System Preference.
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Dec 28, 2010
I just purchased a Apple Wireless Keyboard for my MacBook Pro. And I was wondering if I should get a Magic Mouse or Magic trackpad. I love to use my computer from my tv while I sit on the couch and I like to use it from a distance from my tv. Please help by reply and tell me.
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Jul 17, 2008
I like this mouse, but may return it: for photoshop retouching it's maddening! I'm wondering if I got a defective unit, but I doubt it. Speed feels fine, but it gets erratic.
If anyone has one, maybe you could try this (in Mac OS X): with DPI set to the middle ("normal feel") option, try to move the arrow in small circles, about the size of a dime on the screen. Slowly. Gradually get faster. Does it do any little movements that aren't what you wanted?
Mine skips every few seconds (darting ahead a few mm suddenly) instead of moving smoothly. Enough to ruin any kind of drawing or retouching, which my Apple mouse handles fine. (It's not so noticeable for broad UI actions, which is why I didn't catch on at first.)
I retested against my bluetooth Mighty Mouse, and the Mighty Mouse does NOT skip in that way. I also tried multiple surfaces. Mighty Mouse is always fine, G5 is not. (It's not just a different "feel:" the mouse jumps erratically, several pixels at a time--and only sometimes..)
I also tested my 10-year old Intellimouse--it doesn't skip either. And I tried different mouse speeds in System Prefs: the G5 skips at anything from the slowest speed to the fastest. (I also tried the other DPI settings on the mouse--they skip too, but it's harder to test since those speeds are so far from normal mouse usage.)
Anyone else see this?
I got a gaming-grade laser mouse for precision, but if it acts like this, then I'll have to return it. Maybe it's only OK in Windows?
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Jul 3, 2010
I have been a long time Macbook Pro user and I finally got around to installing bootcamp to run some windows software for school. I'm sure that many of you have noticed how the acceleration path for the mouse tracking on OS X feel "different" than Windows and my problem is that I prefer the OSX method of tracking and can't stand the fidgety nature of windows tracking (especially while using the new buttonless trackpads which work great on OSX but fail miserably on windows). I did a search on google and found that there are many ways to get the OS X tracking to "feel" like windows using software like USBOverdrive but I couldn't find any solutions for my problem which involves the opposite, getting windows tracking to feel like OS X.
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Sep 7, 2014
How do I change the direction my mouse is tracking. After installing OS X Mavericks, it tracks backwards when scrolling.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Nov 25, 2010
My Bluetooth mighty mouse isn't tracking at the moment. Not at all. Everything else (clicking, side buttons, scrolling) works fine, but the other day, for some reason it just stopped tracking. I've never had any problems with it before, so I'm a bit confused.
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May 27, 2009
My mouse (that came with the s530) just started tracking VERY slowly. It's been knocked on the floor a few times by my cat, but never seemed to mess up before. I'm curious if anyone has any idea what to do.
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Oct 31, 2009
If $$$$ is not an issue, here is an alternative for those people complaining about Apple's old Mighty Mouse & new Magic Mouse:ID titanium laser mouseThis mouse would double the value of your standard 21.5" iMac!
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Oct 5, 2010
If I want to format my Mac Pro (6 core 3.33 GHz) and I have an Apple wired keyboard and a bluetooth Magic Mouse will the Setup Assistant be "smart" enough to pair the mouse with the computer or will I be stuck with no mouse during the setup process? Do I have to run the entire process with a wired mouse?
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Oct 20, 2009
One of my absolute biggest pet peeves with the Mighty Mouse (aside from the input lag), was that you had to LIFT your middle finger off the right side of the mouse for the left click to register. You simply cannot rest your right-clicking finger on the mouse and left click with your pointer finger.
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