Hardware :: MacBook Speaker Volume Increasing?
Jul 2, 2006
I know the issue of the MacBook speaker volume have been discussed elsewhere, but I was wondering if there are any system hacks/applications that can increase the maximum volume?
I don't really use the internal speakers for anything other than system sounds and listening to web-content -- flash videos, youtube, etc. (In other words, if I want to listen to iTunes or a DVD, I'll use headphones or eternal speakers).
The max volume is just *barely* loud enough unless there is absolutely no ambient sound in the room...
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Dec 13, 2010
is there a way to make the MBA louder?
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Aug 9, 2009
I just got the new 15" Macbook Pro a few days ago. My first Mac
Anyway, when I plugged my external speakers into the headphone jack of the MBP, the volume control (both in the Apple bar thing on the top of the screen and the F10/F11 buttons) switched so it would control the external speakers, as it should. The problem started when I unplugged the speakers and went to use the internal speakers again.
And the volume control doesn't work. If I push F11 for volume up, the little screen appears and it looks like the volume is going up, complete with the little water drop sounds, but it doesn't actually adjust the volume. If I plug the speakers back in, it will control the speakers properly, but I can't figure out how to make it control the internal speakers again
I'm sure that if I restarted it would fix itself (probably), but that's a real pain as I am frequently plugging in and unplugging speakers to my laptop.
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Jan 19, 2009
When I'm in iTunes on my MB I want it to be loud but I cant. iTunes and OSX doesnt allow me to raise the volume as much as I want to. But when I'm in VLC I can raise the volume reaally high.
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Sep 7, 2009
i want to do two part of my external mac osx disk volume without data loss so i decreased it,s size from 77G to 60G by diskutil resize command .now i want to increase it's size from 60G to 70G by the diskutil resize command, but i have the following error
# diskutil resizevolume /Volumes/Untitled 1/ 70G
Started resizing on disk disk1s2 Untitled 1
Resizing Volume
Resizing encountered error The chosen size is not valid for the chosen filesystem (-9962) on disk disk1s2 Untitled 1
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Apr 21, 2010
On my new 15inch mbp the volume keys have suddenly stopped working. I checked in system preferences that the use F1 keys as standard is not selected. When I plugged in speakers or headphones the volume keys work as normal. But with just internal the little picture on screen comes up so the keys work but it doesn't affect the volume?
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May 17, 2012
I have a pretty strange issue about sound in my macbook pro 13". I have NO sound at all. when i try to decrease, or increase the volume, the little window with the speaker shows a little forbid signe there. In the sound preferences its says, no output device. What can i do? I tried to install osx86 to my girlfriends laptop, and i downloaded multibeast. Accidently i installed it, to my macbook, and it messed up my whole system. When i rebooted it, it couldn't boot, and i had to restore my system. Everything looks like good to me, i even got back my personal files too, but the sound is not working. Multibeast installed VoodooHD kext, but i removed it already.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 26, 2012
My TM backups seem to be proceeding normally on my MBP (which is only sometimes connected to its Time Capsule), but spotlight takes about an hour to index my backup volume each time. Looking at my system.log, I notice that the TM backup volume number is increasing by one each time:Â
and so on. Is it normal that the volume name increments each time like this? Could this be related to the long indexing time, which just started recently?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 1, 2012
slider is set to max, yet there is just a whisper of sound. Headphones work fine. harman/kardon mini towers.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 14, 2012
I have an external bluetooth speaker from jawbone called jambox. From the start on I had the normal speaker volume like I also stil have it if I connected the bluetooth speaker with my iPod touch. But some day ago, the volume from my whole Mac (not just from iTunes) dropped through my Jawbone. It is not just about 40% of that, what I know of, that the Jawbone Jambox is able to bring. This problem exists through all audio / video programs on my Macbook Pro. So like in iTunes, also in VLC or MplayerX. Everywhere. The software sound of MacOS Lion is on maximum. Also the sound control of the jambox itself is reached. It seems like there is a protection against to high volume anywhere turned on which just do not allow me to turn up the volume beyond a specifc point of db. But, I can only repeat: The speaker is in a good shape. I am able to play music much more louder with my iPod paired. But just not with my macbook. I am looking for a "hidden" option to disable the maximum volume limitation of my Mac to the speaker.Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Jawbone Jambox
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May 22, 2009
I'm running vista on my alu 08 macbook as well and everything is working great. With the default bootcamp realtek drivers I believe their version 1.14 speaker volume is very loud.Unfortunately I made a "mistake" or downloading the latest realtek drivers from their website and while everything works, speaker volume is at half it's loudness. Earphone output seems unaffected.
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Feb 22, 2008
I have a small issue on my iBook (G4) that's been driving me a bit crazy lately. I noticed a few months ago that when I selected a song/video on iTunes to play, I would get uneven volume output on my two internal speakers. I tried restarting iTunes, restarting the computer, etc. to no avail. In addition, sometimes this problem would not arise for a few days, and then suddenly start up again.
I then dug up the program Audio MIDI Setup and saw that the sliders were uneven . Once I slid them back together, I thought I had solved my problem. Nope! It came back, and I even saw that if I opened up Audio MIDI Setup right after the computer turned on, the sliders would be skewed even before opening iTunes or Safari or some other program that used audio.
I've come accustomed to manually balancing the volume output, but the irregularity of this problem occurring frustrates me. Attached is a screenshot of Audio MIDI Setup with the issue--note the Audio Output sliders.
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Feb 17, 2010
Set the computer to output to speakers, keyboard vol controls etc control the speaker sounds and "pop" out of the speakers.
Sleep the system and it reverts back to the internal speaker, even tho the output from iTunes, Quicktime or whatever comes out of the speakers.
Does this happen to anybody else?
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Nov 13, 2008
Mine sounds muffled on the left when compared to the right speaker.
Its very noticeable when you play around in your balance settings (max left or max right) that the volumes are different.
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Oct 2, 2008
The tower speaker just doesn't cut it and I want to hook up my 5.1 Locitech speaker system. I couldn't find any Mac sound cards on newegg and am having trouble finding results anywhere else. What card is recommended by most Mac Pro users? My professions isn't in audio so it doesn't have to be perfect, just something to play games, music, and movies.
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Dec 21, 2009
I have a 2.1 Logitech Z4 setup, and the sound is only coming out of the left speaker. I have checked the wires, they are fine, and both speakers do work - but it could be the socket that's the problem. It's plugged into the line-in socket, I have put the output in System Preferences to Headphones, and everything is inserted correctly.
What do I do?
EDIT: My sound system is plugged into the headphones jack. I have tried putting headphones into the headphone jack and the sound also only comes out of the left earbud.
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Aug 31, 2014
When I use the F11, 12 buttons, the pages go away or the dashboard comes up. I've tried to change the settings but that didn't work either
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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Apr 28, 2012
I have a 2Ghz/2GB macbook2,1 (13" monitor ) from 2007. Â
Just replaced the rechargeable battery which finally died, and the memory is maxed, is it worth it or even possible or even to increase memory in this little fella?Â
MacBook, memory upgrade
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Jun 7, 2012
I recently upped the RAM memory in my 2008 vintage MacBook Pro to 8GB. I have not seen a significant increase in speed and it rarely uses more than 3GB of memory. In fact in some instances it seems slower. How can I boost the performance and take advantage of using the increased RAM?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 18, 2012
I am considering buying a Macbook Air (June 2012 13" with i7-3667U CPU and the 4000 HD on-chip GPU) as it fits most my requirements. I occasionally like to play games and it seems that this graphics processor should be enough, but the question is how much memory can it use from the main memory and if the maximum amount can be changed. Â
More specifially I am loking at the requirements of ANNO 2070Â (as this is the kind of game I really like) and even though it has been known to perform ok with that GPU, the minimum requirements would be 512MB of video ram (on low or medium settings). The previous MBA was only able to use ~350MB of the main memory if I understand correctly.
1. What is the limit of memory the GPU can use form the main memory?Â
2. Is it user configurable under OSX?Â
3. Is it user configurable under Windows when bootcamping?Â
4. Is it "somehow" (unsupported software-only method) configurable?Â
5. Is the game ANNO 2070 playable under Windows (AFAIK using bootcamp is the only way to play it currently) on a new (June 2012) MBA?Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 11, 2010
had my MPB for a week and a half now. I have noticed in istat menues that it capacity has been increasing, yesterday it was 6915 now 6945 against the design of 6900, I thought these things could only go down?
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Nov 9, 2009
i've heard that there are some tips on using laptop batteries to increase their life time. nowadays many laptop battery's are lithium-ions. but macbook's are lithium-polymer.
i've heard tips like dechargin the whole battery every 2 weeks. or things like not pluggin in the adaptor when the battery is full!
are these things true? and what are similar tips for increasing the life of a macbook pro battery??
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Mar 29, 2012
increasing the amount of RAM in a MacBook Pro (latest model unibody 15" i7 processor). If I increase the amount of RAM in this laptop from 4Gb to16 Gb, should that in and of itself result in a decrease in battery performance? This is assuming no increase in number of active programs, etc. A friend of mine was told by an Apple employee that just increasing the total RAM in a laptop would result in the battery draining more quickly. I am no computer genius, but that does not sound right to me? After all, why should the battery work harder if the excess RAM is not being used at the time.Â
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Apr 11, 2012
Mid 2010 13". The computer crashed. Wouldn't start. decided to reinstall os x. The progress bar is full but at the bottom it says Time Remaining: about -1hours and -53 minutes. And the amount of time just keeps increasing. Anyone know whats up? or is that how it goes?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Dec 7, 2014
my flash storage seems to keep increasing and less is available but I'm not adding apps just deleting them..?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), iOS 8.1.1
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Jun 22, 2014
My 2011 macbook pro started shutting off with increasing frequency. It was very frustrating. I installed mavericks and now it seems to shut off about every 5 minutes! Only if I'm working, if it's streaming it seems fine. I think it would be impossible to actually get work done. I've read many others are having the same problem and taking theirs in for costly ineffective repairs.
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Nov 10, 2010
Recently I found my mba 13 to have start up times of 25 secs but more troubling is the fact that my shutdown time has gone up. How do I increase this speed? Also has anyone had problems where the MBA has hiccups every now and then?
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Mar 26, 2008
So first off, I absolutely love my MBA. Now that we have that out of the way. Since day 1 I've noticed that the cycle count on the battery seems to be climbing MUCH faster than it should.
- I've had the machine 51 days. I was out of the country without it for 9 days so really, I've had it for 42 days.
- According to iStat and System Profiler my battery's cycle count is 37
- According to System Profiler my battery's health is "Good"
- According to iStat my battery's health is at 98% (It started around 96%, has been as low as 94% but seems to have settled in at 97 or 98% for some time now)
- According to system profiler my maximum charge is 5006 mAh. (It's also gone up a bit since the machine was new).
I thought the definition of a cycle was the equivalent of 100% depletion of the battery -- whether that's one long unplugged stint that sucks it dry or 10 really short ones. A cycle is the same as using ~5000 mAh of battery power. I've been really good about keeping it plugged in while I work (the outlet is conveniently located). I've run the battery most the way down maybe 5 times. I do, however, run it down 10 or 20% almost every day as the machine travels with me in sleep mode or spends the night unplugged in sleep mode at my girlfriend's place).
I haven't done any careful testing but it seems though that if I run the battery down just 20% or 30% or so and then charge it all the way back up the cycle count increases by 1. Considering I've only used it for 42 days, and the cycle count is already at 37, I'm worried that it will hit 200 cycles by the time it's 8 or 10 months old. Isn't the point where battery performance starts to wane? Anyone else out there notice a rapidly climbing cycle count?
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Dec 2, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro 2.2 Santa Rosa Rev. D model. Recently I have discovered gray dots appearing along the top of my screen.
A few at first, but masses growing are growing rapidly. In the past 3 weeks the problem has started to spread to both my right and left edges as well. Under different viewing angles the dots sort of dissapear. The dots are not uniform in size or pattern.
I have a slight feeling that this has to do with my NVIDIA 8600GT graphic card.
I read tonight that that specific card was reported faulty and thousands have had problems and have had to get their logic boards replaced.
I also read that Apple extended their warranty for this specific reason.
Anyways, the dots are increasing and it's worrying me as I am not sure if this will be covered or not.
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Apr 16, 2012
Machine Details:Macbook Pro 13inch model (2011)/Core i5 4gb RAM 250gb Standard harddriveÂ
The laptop was running like a dream and much better than I remembered my last mac (Macintosh LC) ever did. Ive had minor hickups this last year (a trackpad that went bust under warranty and a broken power supply) otherwise its been a wonderfull experience. The final hiccup that might be a cause, not sure hence I will mention it is that my battery is Conditon: Replace Now for about a month now. Â
The laptop, as always was left ON, on its own connected to the wifi home network, when I returned the computer was working very slow. Any load on the harddrive/CPU. The cursor starts lagging (jumping), any keypresses are registered with a 2-10second delay. Any vidoes that i would try to play would suffer freezes in framerates/jams but audio remained fine. First step i was afraid that i may have contracted one of the new trojans so i downloaded an antivirus program, scanned the drive, but came out clean. Second step was to format the drive and perform a fresh install of OSX but no luck. Being inexperienced in Apple products i assumed that my harddrive (used to PCs) was on the fritz and went out and bought a 160gb Western Digital Black series 2.5inch harddrive.
I placed in my installation OS 10.6 CD formatted the drive through the disk utility and performed a fresh install. Before doing any steps I went through the update cycle a couple of times till only the thunderbolt update remained (havent updated as I never used it). Sadly it hasnt solved the problems with cursor repsonse lag, video playback, and keyboard input lag under load. On this install I have performed:
Verify Disk Permissions Many were found so I performed Repair Disk Permissions
Verify Disk Came up with "Appears to be OK"
performed a Pram reset (CMD+option +P +R)Â
My main problem is that I live in europe nowadays (Poland to be precise) and cant go to a genius bar as they dont exist, and sadly the support is a tad behind the US standards and any minor repair will be at least a 4 week wait?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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