Hardware :: MacBook Pro Connected To HDTV - Screen Cut Off?
Aug 26, 2010
I have a 2010 Macbook pro and I just ordered a minidisplayport to HDMI cord. I was able to get it all set up to my Sylvania 22" HDTV HERE but I can't seem to get the resolution right. I've tried multiple resolutions both via the control panel and NVidia's control panel. Keep in mind I'm running Windows 7 via bootcamp. I'm able to get the resolution to look pretty clear, but by doing so it cuts off the edges of the screen, where as if I get it so it all shows up on the screen, it doesn't look as clear.
I'm using a DVI->HDMI cable to connect my Powerbook to my Sony LCD TV. The Sony's native resolution is 1366x768. For some reason my Powerbook doesn't want to switch to this resolution. I can get 1280x720, but this leaves a black border around the images the whole time.
I've tried setting a custom resolution using the trial version of SwitchResX but to no avail. It won't do it. Anybody have any similar experiences and possibly found a fix?
I have a 27" iMac and an LG 47" 1080p HDTV. I just bought the Griffin Video Display Converter, which is certified by Apple to pass both video and audio from the mini display port on the late 2009 iMacs. Whenever somebody turns on the HDTV the iMac's screen flickers the color blue on and off, sometimes staying that way permanently. Permanently the color blue that is. The only way to get out of it is to turn the iMac off and then back on (restarting it).I have the ?Mirror Displays? checkbox checked in the ?Display Preferences?. When I uncheck that box it treats the connected HDTV as an extension to the iMac display, whether the HDTV is on or off, which makes my cursor disappear off one side of the screen. This is why I leave mirroring on.
Got 2011 Mac mini and connected via HDMI to 15 months old Samsung 46 inch LED TV using 1080p and 50Hz. From start (dec 2011) I have had the problem that occationally (>50% of the times) the TV starts to flicker heavily. It is "war of the ants = cannot see anything" on the TV for like 3 seconds and then I can see the desktop clearly for around 3 seconds an then it is back to the flicker.screen. It keeps on like that until I shut-down and restart the Mac mini. Sometime restart works an sometime it does not. Anyone with similar problems that know what to do?
I have an iMac 27 and I want to connect it to a HDTV samsung 46 full HD. I have conected from displayport to HDMI and i get the screen. But at the same time I have connected a 3,5 minijack from the computer to the RCA audio in of the TV but I dont get sound. I have checked the config of the TV and I dont find any place to activate it. Then, talking about the screen. I have few questions.
How can I stop the screen on the iMac and work only with the HDTV?
How can I config that the windows on the tv have bigger letters while they keep on the same way on the i Mac's screen?
The tv is kind of far away and is difficult to see the letters.
i have a white macbook (2009 version) and am looking to get the best video possible from it on my 52" lcd hdtv. currently i am running a mini dvi (from mac) adapter to vga adapter that then connects to the hdtv using a 25' vga cable. resolution is ok, but isnt it possible to use one of the hdmi inputs on the tv for better quality???
I've got my MacBook attached to my 40" Sony Bravia HDTV (KDL40W4500), and when I mirror the display or use the HDTV as the primary screen it cuts off portions of the screen like the main toolbar on top, as well as some of the dock. I tried to change the Screen Format on my TV but that doesn't seem to work, does anyone know how to fix this?
The top and bottom of the display is cut off when viewing the screen on my Sony HDTV using DVI output with mirroring on. I've tried changing my display resolutions for the Sony from my Mac display preferences as well as changing the display format on the Sony side to no avail.
Since the day I got my MBP two months ago I have always had it hooked up to a small HP HD monitor via HDMI. The other day I tried hooking it up to my 32 inch HDTV and now I am experiencing a weird problem. The TV and the Mac recognize each other but the screen continues to flash/blink every second (almost like it is loosing conenction). I check the cords and everything is fine which I assumed because everything is fine when I'm connected to the HP monitor.
I'm thinking about buying a mac mini to use with an HDTV as the primary screen. I've read some other posts regarding this. My question is, which method of hooking the setup up (i.e., which cables) provides the best picture. I've done this with a PC before but the connection was crumby... is this the case with the mac mini? Will I be able to get the same resolution that I can in a monitor? Also, I have looked at a ton of HDTVs and find the picture to be pretty bad compared to older TVs. Can anyone reccommend a model in the $500-700 range that has a good picture.
I have a Sony Bravia 32 inch HDTV and would like to display movies downloaded to the iMac on the TV. TV has HDMI inputs as well as a USB socket. Can anyone tell me whether it is possible to achieve this aim?
I've seen a few posts about this problem on Macrumors and through Google searches, but I haven't found a solution to the "Black Border" problem some of us are having when connecting Macs to HDTV's via HDMI cables. Nor am I certain what the cause of the problem is: Mac?, TV?, HDMI cable length?
For me, resetting PRAM by holding Command-Option-P-R at startup and waiting for two chimes removes the black border for up to several computer restarts, but eventually the border comes back until I reset PRAM, again.
I have a 55' long HDMI cable from Monoprice ("HDMI Tin-Plated Copper CL2 Rated (For In-Wall Installation) Cable (22AWG) - 35ft (Gold Plated)") running from a Mac Pro with an ATI Radeon video card to a 52" Mitsubishi 1080p HDTV.
To clarify, this is not just a black bar at the top and bottom like when watching certain DVD's, but a black border around all four sides that effectively reduces the size of your TV from, e.g. 52" to 46" whether watching movies, surfing the web, or otherwise using the Mac via an HDTV
I have everything connected and working to display my MBP to my Sony Bravia HDTV. I am using the TV as a second display. When I choose full screen for my iTunes movie, it goes black. The iTunes movie plays in reduced screen. Does anyone have a solution how I can play full screen?
I bought a 22 inch monitor. its a pretty generic brand, but its very high resolution and works great on other computers. i got the vga adapter for my aluminum macbook (i posted in this section because its closer to the 13" mbp). i have an apple keyboard connected to it. i try to use it in clamshell mode and when i press a button on the keyboard to wake it up the screen just flickers as if its trying to adjust the resolution. strangely enough, it works perfect in mirror mode. anyone have an idea?
The first time I connected to my HDTV using a mini displayport-dvi and a dvi-hdmi adapter, it worked flawlessly. Stupidly, I set my TV to a resolution it couldn't support. Now the screen only turns blue until System Preferences eventually crashes and the TV gets no signal.
I've tried clearing my PRAM, deleting the profile in the colorsync folder, and even deleting /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.plist out of desperation. I've confirmed that it's not a problem with the adapters by successfully getting another HDTV to work. Where could could OS X be storing the display's settings?
I am using a Macbook (white version) and I am using a mini-dvi to vga adapter and its in the highest resolution it will go, and I have tried all the other resolutions as well, and it still does it. The problem is that the screen is acting like its to wide to fit the TV, it cuts off like a fourth of an inch of screen on both sides, and I have no clue if there is a way to fix this, but I reinstalled leopard a while back and thats when I started noticing it.
I have just ordered a Macbook Air. I have an external monitor that has speakers seperate. If I use a minidisplay port to hdmi adaptor to connect to the monitor, will the sound be able to be played out of the speakers of the Air? If not, can I connect an audio jack and have it play through the seperate speakers?Â
I have a 2 month old 13" MBP which I absolutely love. The only hitch is that there is an oddity when connected to my Dell 2008wfp display. It only happens when I wake the MBP from sleep. A number of things happen sometimes. Usuaully, when I wake the MBP from sleep, i get a black screen on both displays and all I can see and control is the cursor. Sometimes the main display will be black, but the MBP display will show the desktop wallpaper, but again, I can only see and control the mouse cursor. It should also be worth mentioning that the keyboard is rendered non-functional as well.
Sometimes, OS X will appear on both displays, with mouse cursor active, keyboard inactive, but I am unable to click anything or interact with anything OS X.
Anyway, I'm at the point where I need to mention this because it happens quite frequently and its getting rather annoying. The only way I can get out of this hang, is to cold reboot the machine. It happens everyday and at least 50% of the time I wake the MBP from sleep. When not connected to the display, I never get this occurrence. Also, this display worked perfectly when I used to own the classic 15" MBP, so its hard for me to pinpoint what exactly is the anomaly that is happening.
Anyone else experiencing this same issue? I am using a mini display port to DVI adapter to the Dell display.
I just hooked the cable up, and I get the standard Purple Haze in space desktop that I have on my Macbook, but nothing else. No icons, no toolbars, nothing. The only time I was able to get anything to come up on my larger screen was when I went into Preferences, and Desktop and Screensaver. When I click on that, I did get a box to show up on my larger screen, listed as the Secondary Desktop.
How exactly do I get the larger screen to serve as my main screen? When I close up my laptop,the larger screen goes blank. I have no idea what to do, please help!
Another question I have is how the screen will look once I do actually get it to work. The reason why I ask that is because my larger screen is an old 17" Dell, the old 4:3 box kind. I plan on upgrading to a 20" plus HD display in the near future, but cannot at the moment, so the current 17" will have to do.
Anyhow, just curious if the screen is going to be completely wonky looking given the resolution that my Macbook will be feeding it?
Well my unibody macbook display decided to screw up last night, it was working fine last night no problem. Connected to a external monitor. I fell asleep last night with front row left on, obviously it went to sleep and then I woke up and the screen was black. Now the LED lights are working, my external display is also working. The display settings recognize a screen being present (when I click detect displays and gather windows - 2 windows appear). Ive reset PRAM, SMC, reseated the RAM, control+shift+eject (which just made the screen flicker a little after turning it back on) and Im out of ideas. Its out of warranty and about about 18months old.
my screen cracked on my MacBook and I'm unable to see anything (it's just fuzzy white) so I purchased the VGA adaptor so I can connect to an external monitor. When I plug in the screen is zoomed to close and I can not view the entire screen. I can see one application that I have open, which is iMovie but can not see the top menu or my icons at the bottom. How can I adjust the settings seeing how I can not access the menu bar or anything else for that matter. It also appears to be showing a second screen, maybe not my desktop because the background is different. I'm running on OS X Lion. Â
I'm trying to finish an end of the year slide show for my kindergartner that I need completed today, I was five minutes away from finalizing then my two year old threw his monster truck at my screen!
My macbook is running Mavericks OS X 10.9.4, and I'm having difficulty getting rid of the vertical black columns on my computer screen when it is connected to my classroom projector. I've played with the resolutions, and the best resolution for the VGA display is 1024x768...Unfortunately this creates less than desirable black columns on my computer screen. Another teacher in my school has display settings of "1024x768 stretched," and her macbook does not have the issue mine does. However, I don't think she is running Mavericks 10.9.4. I cannot find this display option on my computer.
I don't have a dongle watchamahoozawingle for mini display port (dvi port? idk, I have the Macbook pro 5,5) and I wanted to stream my mac's screen to my ps3. Is this possible? I have snow leopard.
I am new to the forum and am new to Macs in general. My first Mac (a 350Mhz B&W G3) I bought 2 years ago and only used it a handful of times. I'm mostly a PC user. But anyhow here is the issue. I recently bought a G4 Mac Mini (1.25Ghz,512Mb,40Gb) off the bay knowing it had an issue with the USB ports. So I researched as much as possible about the problem prior to making the purchase. I'm a pretty tech savvy guy and figured it would be fun. But this has got me at my wits end. It has OS X Tiger on it and when you start it up it starts the "Welcome" in a billion languages movie, then it shows the the "Tiger getting started screen".
After that it immediately pops up with a white screen of a keyboard that says one is not connected. My keyboard for this is an Apple wired aluminum one with white keys (just bought it about 4 months ago and can confirm it WORKS). My spare keyboard is an Apple B&W G3 keyboard and also can confirm it WORKS. I have two spare mice that I use for these kind of projects. One is a wireless Logitech "Cordless Optical Mouse for Notebooks" and the other is a Microsoft wired "notebook optical mouse 3000" model 1049. So, yes I switched them around on USB ports, nothing. I tried the PMU reset about 10 times, nothing. I replaced the CR2032 battery with a fresh one, nothing. So, I got curious....I have a USB LED light meant to clip on the screen of a notebook to illuminate the keyboard. I plugged it in and guess what it works! I also have a Thermaltake USB 80mm fan sitting on my desk as a fan to cool me off, it has a rheostat on it to adjust intensity. I plugged it in and tunred it all the way up and it worked just as good as it does on my HP desktop.
So it seems it isn't a lack of power from these USB ports, it seems that maybe a controller meant to communicate with a mouse/keyboard just went deaf,dumb and blind. Am I right to assume that when you plug in a keyboard or mouse the PC/Mac sends a signal telling the peripheral to "turn on"? Cause it seems it isn't doing that. The LED light and fan don't need confirmation to turn on, they just need power....so they turn on. but my Keyboard and mouse don't do anything. I though it might have been Tiger (possibly?) so I removed the HDD and plugged in a wiped Hitachi 100Gb (2.5") and put in my Mac OS X 10.5 "Retail" disc in to see if it would change it's behavior. With the HDD blank it booted successfully into the Leopard disc and went right into the "choose main language" screen. Nothing, neither my keyboard or mouse worked at all.
Using an Apple Bluetooth keyboard, when I lock my screen (using the Keychain Access dropdown menu method) and leave my computer for an extended period of time (a matter of hours), the keyboard disconnects and thus, I cannot enter my password when I return. I checked the Bluetooth set up options and while I realize this is likely due to battery life concerns for the keyboard, is there anyway to keep the keyboard connected while not in active use? Is there a screen locking method that still allows me access to the Bluetooth set up menu when locked?
When I have no other internal drives connected I have no problems with Windows 7 loaded in boot camp. But when I connect my other 4 internal drives (in bay 2, 3, 4 and optical bay 6) which are set up as a Raid 0 configuration for Snow leopard I run into problems- I get a blue screen of death almost instantly when I start to move the cursor in windows 7. Seems like if there was a way to tell Windows 7 to ignore the 4 other drives then it would work fine? I don't want to have to pull them from the machine each time I start in windows 7.
when I connect my macbook unibody with dvi to my dell monitor the quality of the screen is not as "good" as when I connect my windows pc to it. Is this only a problem on macbook, or is the mac mini the same?