I'm currently in the market for a new 2.0 Mac Mini, however, I just can't decide which keyboard and mouse I should get. I don't really like the Apple keyboard and the mighty mouse is pretty bad. I am currently using a slim Kensington keyboard, which I must say is a very good keyboard. My mouse is a logitech G9 gaming mouse which I really love.
Question is will I be able to use both of them on my Mac Mini by just plugging it in to the USB ports on the back of the Mini? I really want to keep them, they are both black and I like to match my desktop. If I can't use them, is there a way to program them to work with my Mini? If there is a way to program them, how do I do it?
I just got a new Macbook and I'm loving it! I also have a desktop PC, although I much prefer using the Mac I have some programs and such that can only be on PC or that I cannot afford to buy for Mac. The one issue about having a laptop is that I find typing when at my desk quite difficult, and have started getting back and shoulder ache from leaning forward to type. I thought about getting a wireless keyboard (and maybe a mouse too) so that I can use a keyboard for the Mac when at my desk. The thing is, I already have a PC keyboard and mouse on my desk and have limited space. Is there an option for a wireless keyboard that is compatible for both PC and Mac? And is it possible to have one keyboard and mouse for two computers? I probably won't be using the two at the same time ever.
I've had the standard keyboard and mouse my iMac came with for 3 yrs now and I keep delaying getting one, but what would you guys recommend as far as a wireless keyboard and mouse? Not really a fan of the Mac ones.
My desk configuration for my imac includes a keyboard tray. I am contemplating just not using it, however it really does put the keyboard in a more natural place for me to sit correctly. If I want to use the wired keyboard though, I will obviously need some type of usb extension. I have read these came with the old keyboards, but they don't come with the new ones. Does anyone know where I can find one that is compatible with the aluminum keyboard? Would the extenders that came with the old Mac keyboards work (in case i can find one on ebay or something)?
Recently, I've been using microsoft bluetooth mouse 5000 for my MBP, but after daily disconnections and much hassle, it finally gave out. So I'm kinda opened to recommendations for a new mouse right now. I wouldn't mind trying another bt mouse as long as it's good. I also won't mind trying wired mice as long as the cables aren't very long (not sure if that exists) since usually wired mice look weird with laptops.
I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for good mouse pads/anything similar to a mouse pads function. I would prefer something that fits well with the Magic Mouse and Alu Keyboard.
So my friend was using his MacBook and went to do something else. He came back and the screen was black, he hit space and nothing, tried the trackpad and nothing. He restarted by holding the Power button, and it go to the log-in screen, but he can't type anything, or use the trackpad. He has tired restarting several times and no luck. He also tried an external Keyboard/Mouse and that didn't work.
He did plug in a Flash drive and the light turned on, so the USB ports are at least getting power, but nothing is working.
So I'm looking for a fairly basic bluetooth mouse for my Macbook (white, Core Duo, 2 gigs RAM, 10.4.11) in an attempt to cut down on wires in my audio production studio. I don't want to get a Mighty Mouse due to some of the problems I've heard about re: the scroll ball. I'm looking on Newegg and a lot of the bluetooth mice look good, but most of them are designed for PC. Will they work with a Mac? Which ones do, and which ones don't?
Well I finally got an adapter to attach my Macbook to my TV. Although now I need a keyboard so I don't have to get up to type (In my defense It is really a hassle to walk across the room to hit pause). I wanted to get one with a built in mouse so it isn't a hassle.
I was looking at many but only found some that worked with Windows. So I am asking if anyone here has one and do you recommend it? And I want to stay away from the joysticks and lean towards a touchpad or trackball.
I want to buy a 61-key electronic keyboard with full-sized, semi-weighted keys. I want to be able to play it by itself, but I also want to connect it to my intel iMac running Leopard so I can use Garage Band. I have researched several brands, but cannot find much on mac-compatibility, particularly Leopard-compatibility.
I have an iMac (24inch first gen aluminum one). The keyboard shorted out and the mighty mouse roller ball at the top doesn't always work. I noticed that the current mac wireless bluetooth keyboard does not have a numeric keypad. What's a good mac compatible keyboard that has bluetooth and a numeric keypad. Also, what are some good options for mice? I don't play games on the computer, I use it for web stuff, MS office stuff, and aperture for photo editing.
I restarted my Macpro, and after that I can't use the mouse or the keyboard, I've tried with a different mouse, tried to disconnect to keyboard and switch USB-port, nothing works.
Info:macpro 2.8 8 core, Mac OS X (10.5.6), 10 gb ram
I just got a new classic MBP 2.5 and I have one problem.
When in System preferences and and try to open "Keyboard and Mouse", it just says; Loading Keyboard and Mouse. Then nothing happens and System Preferences freezes and i have to quit and re-open it to use it.
I searched for an answer but I am quite unsure how to do this. Basically I plan to get a 24" external monitor to mainly use with my MacBook Pro. Also I would like to get a bluetooth keyboard and mouse. But I would also like to use all of them with my PC if/when I decide to use it. I have used KVM Switches before but never with bluetooth. Does anyone know a good solution for this? Should I just get a wired mouse and keyboard?
I own a i7 iMac and a XPS desktop and i am wondering is there a way i could use 1 mouse and 1 keyboard? I have heard of a KVM switch i think its called? not sure if this is what i need? or if i could go another route?
I Got Windows 7 on my Boot Camp And i installed on it libusb. After i installed it it killed all my keyboard and mouse devices and now i can't connect anything and to move back to Mac OSX, I tried to connect many other keyboard and mouses and nothing worked. I've been wondering if there is anyway to move back to Mac OSX And to fix my devices on the Windows by pressing anything in the keyboard while restart or so.
Some coffee fell into my macbook on the lateral side (where the charger is). Now I cannot use the keyboard nor a mouse. It s like pressing constantly the right botton: I am only allowed to copy, paste and so on, but not to write. Keyboard apart, the laptop seems to work perfectly!
I have a PC and a Mac at work. With that I also have a mouse and a keyboard for each. Is there a way that I can just use one mouse and keyboard for both of these computers?
I have a PC and a MBP and want to connect the MBP to my desktop monitor, mouse and keyboard. I know I need the mini displayport adapter for the monitor. What do I need that will let me use my usb keyboard and mouse on my PC and Mac without having to unplug them every time I want to switch?
im creating a new setup for my desk and i wanted to get a black wireless/bluetooth keyboard and mouse for my mac. reason i want black is the monitor and speakers are black so i thought it would go nice.
I have 15", 1.8 GHz Macbook Pro with 2GHz RAM. The keyboard and mouse pad freezes from time to time. No button on the computer works except the power button. I always have to press and hold the power button to reboot the computer.The computer seems to be running normal. Just the keyboard and mouse pad don't work.I brought the computer to Mac guys @ apple for couple of times and the computer acts normal when he guys is testing.
I have set up my Intel Mac Mini in the living room to act as an "Apple TV" but every time I start it up it complains that there is no keyboard and mouse connected. I then have to attach a keyboard and mouse before it will continue booting. Is there a way to disable keyboard and mouse completely? I will either control it remotely or use the remote control for Front Row.
My roommate often hooks his Macbook to his HDTV. The problem he has it sometimes is hard to read text. He can zoom is while holding the Ctrl key and then scrolling up with the scroll ball on the might mouse.
What he'd like to do is be able to map the side button on the might mouse to the control key so he can just click that and then scroll up to zoom in (so there is no need to hold the physical key on the keyboard).
My keyboard and mouse is not responding my 3.06 ghz 24" iMac. A day prior I ran the leopard dfu fix script and it worked fine. I was able to jailbreak my iPhone and everything was okay. Earlier today I used the comuter and it was okay. Othing seemed wrong. I turned it off and just now I tried to turn it on and the keyboard and mouse is not responding. Does anybody have a solution?
Heres a site that has a good Mac mouse and keyboard recorder application.[URL]
The 4.0 version and above will record right clicks. You can try their free version or buy a product code to use it without a time limit. There are other Mac based products there to.
The mouse recorder does have problems with its right click for using on safari and other applications.
The site is currently under construction so the downloads are unavailable.
If you have found a better recorder then this one, post here or on this site, I will be looking.
I just got my new $599 Mac Mini hooked up tonight. Wow. This thing is fast considering I still have only the 1GB of memory in it. For regular stuff, it feels as fast as my 2.4 GHZ iMac with 4GB of memory and normal speed hard drive.
Anyway, it works pretty good with my TV.
However, what type of keyboard or mouse do you recommend? Right now I'm having to use my powerbook to control it, using teleport along with a wired keyboard and mouse plugged into the back, hidden, just so it doesn't complain about not having one.
I don't know if I should go with the two Apple products, keyboard and mouse.
OR should I get a keyboard with a built in trackpad, since I will mainly be using it on the couch. What do you recommend?