Hardware :: Keyboard Cannot Power UP Two Flash Drives?
Nov 12, 2010
I have an aluminum numeric keyboard. and when I plugged in two scandisk Cruzer usbdrives it said that one of them wasn't getting enough power. So I read online and saw that some people said windows can provide enough power for both. So I turn on my virtual windows machine (which automatically mounted the usb drive that was connected) and then my mac was able to mount the second usb drive! But when I let windows try to host both drives in the keyboard windows said it couldn't power both devices either! this may just be because it was a vm.
But my point is at one time I had access to both drives in my keyboard(with one os for each one) but when using just a single one it wont work. Is there any way to change a setting so I can push out more power to my usb keyboard? I'm perfectly fine with terminal and editing files, but is there a setting to change anywhere?(it's only getting 300mA and the usb drives need 200 each and the keyboard itself needs 20 so that all fits in the 500mA range).
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Feb 17, 2009
A Verbatim Store 'N' Go 4GB is not even recognised by Mac OSX 10.5.6 when plugged in. Is this to be expected and can the Mac OS be configured to recognice it?
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Sep 11, 2010
[URL] Though I've never done it myself, I've gleaned that it's possible to partition/raid multiple HDs together to act as 1 HD Might it be possible to do the same to lots of Flash Drives serially linked with USB hubs? 1 USB port -> 1 hub (7 USB ports) -> 7 hubs (49 USB ports) -> 49 hubs (343 USB ports)
USB hubs /can/ be really cheap (given patience, they could probably be acquired for $3 per 7-port hub) If you go to conventions and stuff like that, they literally give away flash drives with the company's info on them. not the largest around, but I've seen 512MB (maybe larger now? that was several years ago) to get 343 ports, you would need 57 hubs ($171) 343 free 512MB flash drives cardboard box 18x18x18" (if each hub is 7x2x1", then 57 would take up 7x19x6") This would be big, but not ungodly so. This would give us 171.5 GB. (343 GB if each drive is 1GB) I'm not sure of the power requirements of these drives - might have to get hubs with own power supplies. anyways - is this possible? would it work how I think? USB 2.0 offers faster data transfer than SSD, but I don't know the speeds of flash drives.
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Nov 12, 2010
I purchased a 16GB PNY Attache and cloned my hard drive before I installed anything on it. My only reason is for backup and to run a few utilities. It seems to be a little leisurely when I boot from it though. Does anybody know if there are faster read and write ones or is this as good as it gets?
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Jun 25, 2008
Can you guys let me know which flash drives work with the macbook air without the need for a dongle?
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Nov 22, 2008
I really don't want a USB flash drive. USB sucks eggs simply because FireWire can do so much more (TDM, transfer speeds, etc.) OCZ was going to make a FireWire flash drive; heck, they had a FireWire 800 version built! Does anyone know of any FireWire flash drives? 800 is certainly preferable, since 400 is currently dead.
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Apr 7, 2009
I just inserted a brand new flash drive into my macbook, a 16 gig sandisk cruzer. I thought the system would ask me to reformat it, but it didn`t. It looks like i can add and delete files without any problem, though. Is it ok to use this same drive to share files between my windows and mac? will there be any kind of format issues or problems? Just asking to be sure I won`t do anything wrong before I pop it in my pc lol
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Nov 29, 2009
BEFORE I started experiencing problems with my HD, a year or so ago, and before it crashed, I made this backup (see "GREY_USB"). At that time, I was using iMovie 06 to produce video DVD's for animations of clients' products and business plans. AFTER my system crashed (and a move to the other side of the planet!), I was finally able to have my Powerbook rebuilt and restored (see 3 attachments beginning "BLACKORANGE".)
Only after getting fully settled here, did I realise iMovie is apparently not installed....at least, not as far as I can tell. Some version of it may be on one of these USB flash drives, but it's been so long since I tinkered with any of this alchemy, I don't remember a flaming thing about how to go about checking. Is it possible to view only, without downloading anything, exactly what applications/data are on BOTH flash drives, then, IF the iMovie dmg is still on one of them, to install it?
I'd prefer not to install iMovie 08 unless that's all I have; the expense of having to fit Final Cut into the budget right now is absolutely out of the question. If you need more details or info, let me know. As my signature indicates: Powerbook G4, Mac OS X 10.4.11 w/Safari 4.04, iLife 08, occasionally running external LaCie HD (well, when I find it and unpack it).
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Jan 8, 2010
I can plug in an external USB keyboard and mouse however I can not mount and USB flash drives or USB external disks. I get the following error message:
kernel Flash Disk : family specific matching fails
I am running OSX 10.5.8 on a 15" Macbook Pro 2.53 Ghz. Apple Care has not be very helpful so far. I've verified/repaired disk permissions with lo luck.
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Aug 8, 2009
I have a 2008 (2/2008) 24" aluminum imac that is not recognizing certain USB flash drives now. The drive (Sony 8gb) worked before but does not now. When started up with the drive in a USB port, system profiler will find it but disk utilities will not (nor does it appear on my desktop). I have tried all other USB ports in this computer with no results. This drive still works fine on all other macs in the house. This problem is isolated only to flash drives since all other USB accessories still function fine. I recently added a Sandisk imagemate all-in-one card reader to this system and suspect that this might have caused the problem since oddly enough, my Sandisk flash drive still works fine. The only driver I installed with this reader was the application start up button (to launch iphoto).
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Jun 28, 2012
I'm trying to transfer pictures to my macbook pro from an SD card.Â
MacBook Pro
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Aug 25, 2014
First the specs from "About this Mac":
MacBook Pro "13-inch, Late 2011", 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 // RAM= 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Mac OS X 10.9.4 "Mavericks" (13E28)Â
The problem:
None of my USB Flash drives are accessible in Finder.Â
The drives do technically "Mount" properly - they show up in Disk Utility, with the "Unmount" & "Eject" buttons available (indicating it's mounted), and they're mounted to the path /Volumes/<Disk Name>. Also, the disks show up in the Finder Sidebar with the correct name etc.
However, If I click on the Finder icon for the drive, the window flashes white for a millisecond and then reverts back to whatever the window showed before (eg. my home folder's contents). Finder will not access them. This has occurred on 3 different USB Flash drives (all of the ones I own!), which are formatted for ye olde windoze, FAT16 or FAT32 (aka. MS-DOS).
The drives operate perfectly normally on an iMac running OS X 10.8.5 (accessible in Finder). I was able to copy files to/from & list the contents of the Flash drives normally.Â
In Disk Util. I can Unmount & re-mount without error. If I unplug the disk I get the expected "This disk was not unmounted properly" banner. Eject via DiskUtil appears to work properly without error, causing the disk to vanish from Disk Utility (as expected).
The directory /Volumes does not show the drive's directory (just "Macintosh HD") - in fact the first time I list /Volumes/ after plugging in a drive, it appears to show some folder in /Volumes that is quickly removed (kind of scrolls-up into itself) as soon as the /Volumes directory is listed - was it my drive playing hide-and-seek??
The Eject button / option (in right-click menu) is not available in the Finder.
If I use Finder > Go To Folder… and type in the "Mount Point" from Disk Utility, I get a "folder not found" error.Â
In DiskUtil, if I right-click the drive name and select Reveal In Finder…, strangely the folder will actually show up in /Volumes, and I can open the folder and view the drive contents (sometimes I have to Reveal it twice for it to work)! I was also able to create a new folder after this (which did show up on the iMac as well). However, if I tried to copy and files to the Flash drive, I get either
The operation can’t be completed because one or more required items can’t be found. (Error code -43)
(when I try to drag a file into the newly created folder on the Flash drive), or
The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8058).
(if I drop a file on the Flash drive's root directory, or try to copy a file form the Flash drive to my computer).Â
I have tried DiskUtil/"Repair Disk" on the flash drives, which doesn't show any errors or warnings (they appear to be ok - again they work fine on another Mac).
I also did a "Repair Permissions" on my MacBook, to no avail.Â
I seem to remember having this same problem on OS X 10.8 at some point last year, and think I solved it via an online hint, but I have yet to re-find that solution (I'm on OS 10.9 now).Â
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), USB Flash Drives formatted as FAT16
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Nov 7, 2008
I am here because I am interested in buying my first Mac Laptop. I would be mainly using this in my High School during Lunch and Study hall to work on projects and research. My school only uses Apple computers so I don't think there will be a networking problem(heard there can be some unfriendly networks towards macs?). I have been looking into THIS I Book sold used by [URL]it dose not have a airport card (I dont know what that is) and the CD drive doesn't work but that doesn't bother me because I mainly use flash drives and SD cards.
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Jan 9, 2010
I don't understand why after 4 Apple Repair Depot visits my MB Pro is STILL killing several USB FLASH and external hard drives a week. It has consistently done this since the day I bought it. I have fried a large variety of FLASH Memory sizes, shapes, through all USB ports and even through attached hubs. Once my mac does this to a USB device, it is no longer recognizable by any Mac or PC ever again. Unrecognized, it doesn't even leave an opportunity for Disk Utility to reformat, rewrite, perform first aid, verify...nothing. Third-party formatters don't work either. It also doesn't seem to matter what brand, size, or port I use. For a certain period the devices would become very hot and sometime actually melt into puddles of liquid plastic and metal.
On the 4th depot dispatch for this issue they did replace the mother board USB ports and EVERYTHING ELSE but the display hard drive, and case. This stopped the heating and melting problem, but I'm still frying the devices and rendering them unrecognizable. Does anyone have ANY IDEA of what may be causing this? Is there anything I can do to stop or prevent it? Apple sure can't explain it much less fix it. This is a huge EXPENSIVE problem, and I can't seem to get past it, and I'm in an endless loop of sending in in for constant repairs. WHat can be done to stop or prevent this from happening?
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Apr 10, 2012
I use Paragon HFS+ for Windows which allows me to read and write to my HFS formatted drives. It works great for any external hard drive I use but when I use a flash drive it doesn't work. I format both my external hard drives and flash drives the same way, I use Disk Utility, I format them using Mac Extended Journaled and GUID partition scheme. When plugging in my flashdrive, my Windows 7 PC will not mount them. Disk Manager shows 3 partitions: EFI, Fat32 and some empty space. If I format my flash drives using the Master Boot Record partition scheme they work great.
So, here's what I have so far: External hard drives work fine when formatted with the GUID Partition scheme. (Mac extended journaled) Hard drives also show 3 partitions in Windows Disk Manager: EFI, HFS and empty spaceFlashdrives show 3 partitions but oddly enough the second partition shows as FAT32. But is completely unusable in Windows 7 Flash drives have to be formatted using the Master Boot Record partition scheme when formatting them as HFS+ volumes in order to work on Windows 7Windows 7 supports GUID partition schemes.
What is causing my Macbook Pro to treat an external hard drive differently then a flash drive when formatting them? Experience and common sense tells me that it shouldn't matter whether it's a flash drive or spindle drive, both should format the same. Granted, I could simply use exFat or FAT32 on my flash drives for cross platform compatibility however I prefer to use HFS+ when possible.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2007 MBP, 2.16Ghz, 3 Gigs of RAM
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Jan 20, 2009
ive googled everywhere for this type of process; whether it be an application or a bunch of scripts that would be able to do this, it didnt help me at all and/or i didnt understand it at all. is there a simple application that will allow me to plug in my usb drive and it will seamlessly sync with the "documents" and "pictures" folders, for example. basically, i want it to act like im syncing my iphone with my computer: how it automatically updates every time i plug in my iphone. also, i want the program to update the old files with newer, updated files, whether it was updated on my computer, or from another computer saved on the usb drive. basically (again), i want my usb flash drive to be exactly verbatim with the personalized selected folders on my macbook pro (with the older files updated with the newly modified files).
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Oct 3, 2007
Except for the drive with the system on it the drives (whether CDs, DVDs, Sata Drives, internal drives, Firewire, network,...) drives only mount randomly. And often after ejecting them they often don't disappear and stay on the desktop. I've got a couple of Raids (one internal and one external Sata II) and one of them is hardly ever recognized on startup and I have to get it in the disk utility. Most recently even toast has started to fail if asked to copy cds or dvds (I presume because they are not mounted proplery).
G5 Quad
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Nov 13, 2007
I have a PowerMac G5 dual 2.3 ghz w/ 1gb ram and a G4 Quicksilver with 2 internal ATA drives
Internal drive specs : 2 IBM 180GB IDE/ATA-5 Deskstar 8MB 180GXP 7200 rpm
There is also an ATA card that was installed to be able to run these drives in the G4 - don't have specs available right now. Is it physically possible to transfer these drives to the G5? Will I have to transfer the card also? Is it likely to cause any problems -compatibility , speed, etc? The drives are currently full of media - how risky is it to move them from one system to another?
PB G4, G4, G5
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Mar 28, 2012
This is an intermittent problem. I have a dual processor PowerMacG5 2GHz. The computer won't boot up. Used disc utility to find out that no hard drive was detected. Thought hard drive was bad. Installed new hard drive. Installed Tiger. Rebooted. Computer won't boot, disc utility shows no hard drive. Unplugged computer. Removed hard drive. Started disc utility from disk. Turned off machine. Unplugged. Installed hard drive. Started up machine. Machine runs fine. Now turned machine off and tried to restart again, now no hard drive detected again. Redid unplugging and reinstallation of hard drives. Now both hard drives works fine. This problem can be repeated. I prefer not to ever turn off my machine again. Startup procedure with unplugging, reinstallation of hard drives is just a pain.Â
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Oct 30, 2007
I have got myself in a very sorry state. I have a G5 powermac with two harddrives, one that the system runs on and the other that i have called STUFF and ....well has all my stuff on it. While on the phone talking i managed somehow( dont ask) to drag the STUFF hard drive into the Trash and it disappeared in a puff of smoke, and well... i need it back.
I cant find the HD within finder, but managed to find it while looking in disc utility but have not been able to drag it to desktop or anything like that.Anyway, if you have any ideas as to how i can go back in time and get my HD i would be seriously grateful.
Mac OS X (10.4.6)
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Dec 27, 2007
Is it possible to install 4 SATA drives into a G5 tower? I didn't open it up yet cause I have to move so much material to get to it. I'm assuming you can purchased a SATA PCI card but is there room in the case for 2 additional drives?
PowerMac G5
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Mar 30, 2009
I am using an external hard drive with Airport Extreme for Time Machine. Should I be worried about my data in an event of power loss because the drive is always mounted? Has anyone loss a drive due to power loss and what have you done to fix it or prevent it? What are you using as backup power and why? I know I can go with Drobo, but are there other lower cost options?
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Jun 9, 2012
I have a IBM Deskstar ATA/IDE hard drive, model DTLA-305040 that came out of a Power Mac G4 (Quicksilver) whose power supply died. I'm trying to install the hard drive in the open bay of a Power Mac G5 9,1 - A1093 with a 1.8 GHz processor, which (I think/guess) takes a SATA hard drive. Is there a cable I can use to make the hard drive "compatible" inside the G5? Or would it be better to just get a cable to access the hard drive externally, copy the data off it and then be done with the old hard drive? It's pretty old and apparently these IBM Deskstar drives had a lot of issues.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Model 5,1/2.4 GHz/8 core (mid 2010)
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Dec 7, 2007
Thinking of using 500GB and 750GB internal drives for a raid 0 startup disc (software raid obviously)?
Dual 2.5 G5
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Oct 17, 2008
Is possible to just swap the 500g hard drive into the G5 Power Tower instead of cloning the hard drive - Both PPC ?
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Aug 27, 2009
Does anyone have any experience daisy-chaining FW 800 drives on a MBP? I've got one right now, but am thinking of adding another but I don't want to use an AC adapter if I don't need to. Will the MBP give enough juice to run 2 daisy-chained FW 800 drives (2.5")? I've got the late 08 unibody 15".
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Mar 14, 2012
My trusty PPC g5 from 2004 has died, or at least it won't start. It shows the grey apple screen, but no spinner, and after a few minutes the fans kick in and build to a wind-tunnel noise.Â
I don't have a backup of this machine, or it's other drive, so I am nervous about taking it into Apple where they might just wipe it.Â
Also, I surprisingly CAN start it up in Firewire disk mode, and both drives seem to be OK when accessed from another computer.Â
So I've copied off the most important things, and I will probably try to make clones. But before I finally cart it into Apple (where it will probably cost more than its worth to fix it),
Powermac G5, Intel iMacs, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Oct 15, 2009
as topic states, what do you think the difference in power consumption between 5400rpm and 7200 rpm?
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May 26, 2012
I followed all the instructions in the previous threads and unstalled my older version on flash. Then installed PPC Mac Flash version and it says installation complete but when I go to test it nothing works. I tried restarting and uninstalling and starting over. I keep getting installation complete but still no go. I checked all my soft updates and everything looks good.
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