Hardware :: Extend AEBS Dual Band With N Only?

Mar 23, 2010

I have the latest AEBS dual mode. I want to use my previous non-dual N AEBS as an extension to the dual, but I want to run it in N mode only. When I set the non-dual up in bridge mode, Airport Utility won't let me choose which radio mode to use. Is there a way to set up an extended network which uses N only on the extension?

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Hardware :: Upgrade AEBS To Dual Band AEBS?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm sure there is a few people on here that have made the swap - is it worth it? Is the difference in speed noticible to warrant an upgrade.

My current setup:
2.4 MBPu
Mac Mini (coming soon)
Dell Inspiron
Canon Printer
Slingbox (hardwired to AEBS)
AE (old school version)
WD 1TB external (connected to AEBS via usb)

All currently connected to a AEBS wireless.

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Hardware :: Dual Band On New AEBS

Mar 3, 2009

What does the dual band do for you? I was thinking about buying a second AEBS for Wireless N access only since mixed mode slows down when a G device is connected. Does this new AEBS get around that by having all the N devices at 5ghz and all the G devices at 2.4 ghz? I guess a basic explanation is in order here.

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Hardware :: AEBS - Old Router - Dual Band?

Mar 19, 2009

I've tried searching, but can anyone point me in the directions of how to set up and Airport Extreme (old) and an DI-524 (D-link) b/g router. I obviously am looking to turn my old AEBS into dual band. The two routers will be connected via Ethernet cable.

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Hardware :: AEBS Dual Band Versus 1 Signal?

Oct 26, 2009

After the announcement of the Simultaneous Dual-Band II, I've taken an interest in getting the most out of my version. However, I've been noticing signal issues especially when using the 5 ghz network. I have it set to "wide channels", multicast rate of "High", deselected "closed network" and "interference robustness", and the transmit power at 100%.

I've adjusted the position of the router to avoid potential sources of interference, and when I go to select a network with the airport icon at on the task bar, my 5.0 ghz network is never at full strength. In fact, it rarely shows more than 2 bars. As I type this post, I am literally six feet from the AEBS and I have only 3 bars showing.

When I view the statistics within the Advanced Tab in the Airport Utility I am only showing a rate of 65 mbps on the b/g/n (2.4ghz) network and 270 mbps over the 5.0 ghz n network.

Does anyone have any idea how to get this thing going at full performance? When I'm in the adjacent room, I am rarely able to get over 200 mbps. I know a wall is in the way, but my apartment is modestly sized and it is very disappointing that the signal is this weak on this lil thing - especially given the fact that I've had it for just about a month and its been updated to address the signal issues.

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Hardware :: AEBS (Simultaneous. Dual-band) WAN To LAN Speed Testing?

Mar 10, 2009

I have tested the WAN to LAN speed and WAN to WiFi speed on Apple's latest Airport Extreme out of curiosity.

The test is done with two Unibody MacBook Pro; one connected to the WAN port, the other to LAN. The test was done over FTP with one of them set as server. A 85MB file was transferred

WiFi connection was draft-n, 5Ghz, Wide Channels.

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Hardware :: New AEBS Real World Dual Band Performance

Mar 17, 2009

I am looking to buy a new AEBS to replace my Linksys WRT610N. The Linksys has dual simultaneous 5 & 2.4GHz capability as well, but suffers from constant disconnects and issues with both radios on at the same time. My question is to those of you that have the new AEBS with this capability and are actually using the dual network option. Have you had any problems with the new Apple unit? Any disconnects or other signs of flakiness?

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Hardware :: DIY Dual Band WIFI With AEBS And Netgear WR814v1

May 29, 2009

Having come across this article the other day[URL], I decided to blow the dust off of my ancient, Netgear WR814v1 wireless router in an effort to optimize my home network. My primary router, an older AEBS (802.11n), had been using a ratio mode of 802.11n (b/g compatible) @ 2.4GHz, so that I could connect some not-so-new devices such as my iPhone3G and my Wii.

If i can configure this Netgear monstrosity to my current network and have it broadcast at 2.4GHz, I'd be free to bump my AEBS up to 5GHz and enjoy significantly faster speeds overall. The only thing connected at 5GHz would be this - my shiny, new 15" MBP 2.66. The Netgear unit would be set in bridge mode (or its ancient equivalent), and would handle the lesser capable gadgets, including the iPhone, which would still be able to be used as an itunes remote and all that other lovely stuff.

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Hardware :: AEBS Dual Band Slow With IPhone - How To Make It Fast

Mar 20, 2010

I've been trying to troubleshoot this and have yet to find a good configuration. I have the dual band extreme (not the latest) with the following wifi devices:

2 Apple TV's
MacBook Pro
Two Airport Express's (joined to extreme for remote ethernet connections)
2 iPhone 3GS's

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Hardware :: AEBS Dual-Band - Adding SMTP Port Mapping Causes Lockup?

Mar 4, 2009

I just bought one of the new dual-band AirPort Extremes, to replace an older AirPort Extreme (the last generation before this one). I exported my configuration from the old AEBS to a baseconfig file, disconnected the old AEBS, and plugged in the new one. I then imported the baseconfig file, only to find that although its light will turn green, the AEBS will no longer show up in AirPort Utility. To get it back, I have to do a hard reset of the AEBS.

Through painstaking troubleshooting, I have determined that the problem occurs if the configuration includes a port mapping for SMTP (port 25). If I create all of my port mappings (and there are many) BUT that one, then all is well; but as soon as I add a port 25 port mapping and Update the AEBS, it will not restart properly (green light but no one is home).

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Hardware :: Extend Network Will AEBS Connect Wirelessly And Allow Ethernet Ports To Work?

Oct 2, 2010

What I want to be able to do is plug into the Ethernet ports on this AEBS, and I want that to use wireless to the other wireless router to give me network access. Here is the deal, I have a computer that doesn't have wireless network on it, so it's only Ethernet. I have the AEBS at my desk, and I want to connect the hardwired computer into the AEBS. I want the AEBS to then wirelessly connect that computer that is hard-wired to the network...

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MacBook Pro :: Dual HD Monitors - Extend Screen?

Nov 21, 2010

One simple question, do exist the possibility to connect 2 DVI Monitors, both HD, to a MacBook Pro 15" in order to "extend" the screen? No need to keep the MacBook pro LCD on. What is needed to succeed?

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Mac Pro :: How To Extend The Desktop Screen With Dual Monitors

Mar 6, 2008

Having a hard time figuring out how to extend a panoramic background image across two monitors.

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OS X :: Best Dual Band Router?

Dec 16, 2010

I decided I need a dual band router to improve connection among all the wireless devices in my house. Any recommendations other than the AEBS?

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OS X :: Does New Mac Mini Have Dual Band Wireless N

Mar 10, 2009

So I see from the product description that the Mac Mini has "built in Airport Extreme wireless N WiFi", but I'm unsure of what that means. Does the Mac Mini have dual band wireless N WiFi, or does it only operate on the 2.4 GHZ band?

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Hardware :: Using Airport Dual Band?

Apr 8, 2010

I recently upgraded to the airport extreme dual band II. I then moved my old extreme (N with gigabit) downstairs. It joins the network that the dual band is running to supply internet to my xbox, game PC, and ps3. The Dual band is running the newest firmware, 7.5.1 and the 5ghz network is very flaky. I have been forced to give the 5ghz a different name and use the 2.4ghz G band most the time. If I am on the 5ghz band my connection will just stop responding. Sometimes it work for an hour, sometimes for 5 minutes. Rejoining the network will make it ok again. Although last night I transferred 30gigs over the N network with no problem. It's not a distance issue since the problem is no better or worse whether I'm 2 or 25 feet away from the router. This is really driving me nuts right now. I just want to have one network setup and have the N devices use 5ghz and the G devices use 2.4 and not have to constantly worry about it.

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Hardware :: Set Up Dual Band Wifi - Via Engadget

May 1, 2009

[URL:...] over on engadget today was this article, setting up a dual band (for those that havent yet bought apples new extreme). I have a question about doing this. Here is my set up.

1 mac mini - ethernet to router
1 printer, attached to mini, sharing on network
2 laptops using wireless n - main computers
1 laptop using b/g
2 iphones using b/g
1 express b/g to stereo
$10000000 to S. Jobs.

will doing this dual band set up essentially mean i have two independent networks? I would like to have my printer, mini, and wireless music appear on all set ups.

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Hardware :: Homemade Dual Band Network

Jun 9, 2009

I have the wireless N airport base station (not the dual band) and I also have an old airport express (B/G only). Is there any way I can set up my home wireless network so that the express handles all of the B/G traffic and the base stations handles all of the N traffic (thus not slowing down my N stuff with the G stuff). If this is possible, would somebody be able to provide idiot proof, step by step instructions for me.

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Hardware :: Make Two Routers Dual Band

Jul 26, 2009

First, I have a SMC WGBR14-N router that operates only at 2.4Ghz. I have several different routers that are G only. Is there a way I can connect two routers and have one operate at G only and one at N only? That would make my network faster, no?

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Hardware :: Dual Band Wifi With BT HomeHub And TC

Oct 16, 2009

I have just got hold of an BT HomeHub2 and already have a single band Time Capsule. Having read a few posts it looks as though it's possible to use the HomeHub for my g devices and the TC's n network for my Macs. After hours of playing around I've achieved the following: BT HomeHub set up as one network and able to take g and n clients TC set up as a secondary network but limited to n clients.

My TC is connected to the HH via Ethernet and in Bridge Mode When on the N network the iMac has the same router IP as the iPhone which is forced on the HH network I was hoping that g clients on the HH Network would, via the Ethernet bridge, be able to connect to the clients on the TC n only network. However, with my current set up this isn't happening. My Airport Express which I use for AirTunes is an old g type and my iPhones are obviously g. As a result if my Mac and Mac Mini are on the TC N network then they iTunes can't connect with the Express and apps on my iPhone that connect across wi-fi to the Mini can't do so. Apart from getting a dual band TC is there any way I can get what I want (my Express and iPhones not pulling down the n network to G standards)? I guess I could bite the bullet and get an n AX, leaving just the iPhones dragging things down when they're in use. The reason for me wanting to do this was because AirTunes often cuts out (desired solution wouldn't solve this but TC backups are probably causing heavy network traffic when I'm streaming music), I get a poor wi-fi signal in the garden and iTunes Library sharing between iMac and Mini is unreliable.

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MacBook Pro :: Wireless Dual Band N Router To Get?

Apr 30, 2010

My son and I both have Mac Book Pros and a wireless network running at home. We have Snow Leopard, and Comcast 12mb cable internet. I currently am using a 2 year-old Linksys WRT160N router going through my own Motorola Surf Board SB6120 modem. It's been fine the last couple of months after the switch from AT&T, but every now and then, it seems to lose the IP addresses and connection, so I end up having to call Comcast to reset them from their end. I'm beginning to thing that perhaps it's time to get a new router. What is even stranger is that sometimes I still have service and my son, 20 feet away in his room, loses it or vice-versa. What are your esteemed opinions on this? Do you think it's the router or some setting? If it is the router, what do you all recommend in the way of a dual-band, perhaps dual radio, wireless N-router?

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Hardware :: Review Of Creating Dual Band Network

Mar 11, 2009

Here's something I have tried in the last couple of days. I have Time Capsule and Airport Express. I decided to try the dual band. Time Capsule distributing 802.11n only (5GHz), and in a bridge mode, have Airport Express connected via ethernet, and distribute 802.11g only. Wireless N network has a name "xxxn." Wireless G network has a name "xxxg." Two separate networks are on different frequencies, and are in different radio modes. They are positioned about two feet away from each other. I have used various internet speed test websites, and from a distance close to the routers (same room) I get a speed check of about 25~30 mbps. That's the speed that I'm suppose to get. Move to a couple rooms away, I would say about three wooden walls, a wooden door, some "normal" interfering objects in between.

Speed test, and the results are very different. About 20 mbps for Wireless G only network, which is fine. But around 8.5 mbps for Wireless N only in 5GHz. Half the download speed. Upload is same at about 6mbps. In this case, wireless N was slower than wireless G. Harassed an Apple technical support and IP tech friend, and the answer was, "2.4GHz does better at passing through interferences such as large water tanks, electronic devices, glass and metal plates. 5GHz is not as resilient as 2.4GHz. For people experiencing issues with 5GHz, using 2.4GHz might be the better option." So there you go. Performance boost might not be that great. But then again, maybe new device has made a significant improvement.

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Hardware :: TimeCapsule Dual Band - Use Iphones And M Macs?

Mar 16, 2009

I set up my time capsule using the wizard that apple provided. I have one SSID set up and wpa pw. I can use both Iphones (802.11g) and m macs (802.11n). Since they both work (With old TC, iphone would not see it because I set it to N only) am I running the most efficient way? Network utility shows macs connected at 270 Mbit/s and G devices at 54 Mbit/s. The gizmodo review says that they show show as 2 separate access points? [URL:..]

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Hardware :: AExtreme Dual Band - AExpress G Only For Printer?

May 6, 2009

I have 2x AExpress G's running WDS in my house. 1 is upstairs (aptly named 'upstairs') and the other is downstairs (betcha can't guess that one's name). The one upstairs is connected to the cable modem, while the downstairs one has our Epson printer plugged into it via USB. This works very well providing lots of signal strength and accessible printing from the Mac, the wife's PC, and whatever other laptops I have running around at any given time. The problem :: One of my AExpress units keeps freezing and needs to be rebooted. Right now, it's the one upstairs at the cable modem. Various other info ::

#1 The new mac is a Unibody MBP with wireless N, and I would love to upgrade.
#2 I know with the AExtreme you can run the N network seperate from the G network so the MBP would be fast.
#3 The only N device is the MBP. (EDIT: False, my AppleTV is also N)

#1 Is it worth it to upgrade? I've already trained my wife to go reboot the upstairs one and she's fine with that. I'm not, however... it's annoying!
#2 If I upgrade to the AExtreme, can I still print using the good AExpress I'm currently printing with? (Does this WDS setup really change at all then, or would I have to use client mode on the downstairs AExpress?)
#3 Is it possible to do the same with a DLink dual-band router if I switch the AExpress to a wireless "client," or would that defeat the dual-bandedness (I just made that word up)
#4 My brain hurts.

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Hardware :: Run New Time Capsule With Dual Band Or Two Routers?

Jul 30, 2009

I currently have the first generation 1TB Time Capsule which only supports compatibility mode for 802.11n. Using a slingcatcher, I get better speeds (way less video stuttering) running 5GHZ only mode vs compatibility mode. However, running 5ghz mode is annoying because my Eye-Fi card and iPhone aren't compatible with 802.11n. So I have two options. 1) Keep current Time Capsule. Buy a used Airport Extreme for $100 or UFO one for $30-$50. Connect AirPort Extreme to Time Capsule. 2) Selling my old Time Capsule. Buy new Time Capsule 1TB. Price for the older Time Capsule 1TB is only $20-$30 less than the new Time Capsule.

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OS X :: Airport Extreme Dual Band/transmitting In Wireless?

Aug 5, 2009

I set up my new airport extreme today, but I have a concern. Obviously it supports dual band, but how do you set that up? I don't think I'm transmitting in wireless n because my iPod touch works fine on the network. I only see one wireless network. Does this mean I'm not transmitting in wireless n, or am I?

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Hardware :: Extreme - Express - Simulate Dual Band?

Dec 21, 2009

I've been banging my head over this reading over and over multiple different threads but I can't come to any kind of a conclusion if I can do what I'm trying to do with the hardware I have. I realize when you have a g device connected to an N-network it drops the connection speed down. I was hoping I could get an express to extend the network then put the extreme in N-only and have my mbp connect to that, while the other devices (ps3 and iphone) could connect to the express in g mode. From what I've seen, everything is connecting to the express, including the mbp. Is there no way to force it to connect to the express in N mode? Is there no way I can simulate the functionality of "dual band" with just an extreme and an express?

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PowerPC :: Connecting With Wireless N Router (Dual Band)

Feb 22, 2010

I have an OLD Ti Book. (667 MHz, G4; 1 GB RAM, running 10.4.11). Just bought a SISCO Linksys wireless-n router (dual band), high performance. It is set up properly, as my iphone is connecting and my work PC laptop connects too. I am assuming that my old, but kick ass powerbook does not have an airport card built in? So, I assume I need an adapter? We bought the adapter that went with the router, but after I got it home, realized it is only for windows. Did I miss the MAC one, or can I use this one.

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Hardware :: Dual Band - Wifi Jacked Up And Backups Keep Dropping

Apr 28, 2009

I upgraded my Time Capsule and two AEBS. BIG MISTAKE. Since upgrading, my wifi has been jacked up (Needing reset randomly) & wireless time machine backups keep dropping in error. I have the TC as the main and the AEBS are in bridge mode. I have heard of people downgrading their firmware with success, but the dual band software seems to have this problem across the board.

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Hardware :: AirPort Extreme (dual Band/simultaneous) With 1 PC Connecting...

Nov 12, 2009

I have the newest AirPort Extreme that transmits simultaneously in 2.4GHz and 5GHz. It's been great. My speeds have jumped 2-3x what they were before I upgraded to this router. Now, I'm getting 28-30MB per second download speeds. Before this I was getting 8-10MB per second.

But, I have a problem. My MBP connects great to the AirPort Extreme (802.11n at 2.4GHz or 5GHz). One PC desktop works great with the AirPort Extreme (via Ethernet). And, I have another PC laptop connecting at good speeds (802.11g). But, I have one other PC that sees and connects to the Airport Extreme signal (802.11g) but nothing happens. It's like a garden hose with very little to no water. The signal strength is very strong and, again, the computer DOES recognize the signal. It's an XP desktop (4 or 5 years old) with an 802.11g card inside.

Any thoughts as to why I have this problem with this one computer? It connected fine with my prior wireless router. It's a new problem.

By the way, the Airport Extreme is setup with all of the normal defaults and "automatic" settings, WPA2, etc. My cable provider is Comcast and the router gets it signal from a new modem. There are no other

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