Hardware :: Connecting Dvi To Adc Adapter

Jun 29, 2010

I have a Cinema Display that I'm trying to hook up with my MAC G4 (Power Mac Tower) and I Can't figure it out. I bought the expensive DVI-ADC adapter, but the end on the adapter is male and the end on the cinema Display is male. I'm not able to hook it up unless I use 2 adapters... If I get two Female DVI to Male ADC Adapters will the converter still work?

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MacBook :: Connecting To SD TV Using Adapter?

Jul 11, 2009

I'm trying to watch some movies with my family and I'm having problems.

I'm not getting any signal from my tv. I think the item is fine since my macbook's resolution changes to 800X600 I tried to change it to 640X480 (I think) the lowest possible resolution and it doesn't work, Nothing happens to the tv only in my macbook.

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OS X :: Using ADC Adapter For Mac (connecting LCD Monitor To Macbook Pro)?

Jan 10, 2011

i need to find out how to get my hands on the correct adapter to connect my macbook pro to my old G4 20 inch cinema display. i know there is an expensive powered unit, that is an adc to dvi adapter, but there is also just a regular dvi to adc adapter, and im not sure which one i need? or how to get my hands on one that doesnt cost over $200 (the powered one, if thats what i need)

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting MBP To HDTV Adapter - No Sound?

Mar 4, 2010

pretty new to the Mac side of things. I got my MBP about 3 weeks ago I think. I got a mini display to hdmi adapter (off ebay, so this may be the problem). I hooked it up to my laptop and tv and it took me a while to find the mirroring box but I got that working so what's on my computer pops up on the tv. I go to play a tv show, and the sound is just on my computer. I went under system pref and sound but only "internal speakers" is available for the output. Am I doing something wrong? Or do I just have a cheap adapter?

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MacBook Pro :: Adapter For Connecting 5.1 Surround Sound?

May 18, 2010

I am trying to connect some logitech x-540 speakers to my i7 15" MacBook Pro and get the full surround sound not stereo. What adapters would I need? If possible please add links for the adapters?

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To HDTV - Apple Adapter?

Jul 29, 2010

I just ordered a new Macbook pro. I'm going to have a HDTV in my room at school and I want to be able to connect my laptop to it. So I could buy apple's mini displayport to hdmi adapter and then buy a hdmi cable, but that would probably end up costing me like $60. I'm wondering if anyone knows if something like this would work? It seems like it would work but its from hong kong so I donno lol. Anyway, anyone know any cheaper alternative to the over priced apple adapter? Also, I understand that the new macbooks have audio output through the minidisplay port so the adapter has to support audio too.

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MacBook Pro :: Power Source From Adapter Went Off While Connecting

Jun 25, 2012

I have a MBP for 27 months and something wrong with the power source recently. As my MBP is bought for working purpose as a desktop so mostly i kept my MBP connected with the AC adapter. I will let it run on battery once every month or two so as to keep my battery runs. However a couple of days ago I found the my MBP is running with the battery power instead of AC suddenly, then I let it run till 1X% and recharge my battery again.This situation keep happening recently and I needed to keep recharge my battery all the time, and what even worse is the adapter stopped charging in the middle of charging period for two times. It couldn't complete the whole charging cycle and I needed to disconnect the adapter from the socket for a minute and continue charging again.While the battery is charged, i let my MBP runs with the adapter in on as usual, however the green light will go off suddenly while the battery is still in 100% or so, I have to disconnect the adapter from the socket and plugged in again.

As I now always need to keep an eye on the battery icon and coconutBattery and I found that the percentage of the battery won't drop off before the light goes off. Is my MBP got infected or anything will lead to such case? I am just wondering if the recent software updates lead to such case as the it happened coincidentally.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac :: Connecting 24" To Cintiq 21ux - Which Adapter To Use

Jan 11, 2011

Which adapter to use?

Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter


Mini DisplayPort to dual-link DVI adapter

the first one is cheaper (�15ish), but the Cintiq manual says use the dual-link DVI adapter (�50ish)

I don't want to get the dual-link if the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter does the same thing and is the same quality?

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OS X :: Required Adapter For Connecting The Mini Display Port ACD To PC

Feb 19, 2010

I have an apple LED 24" monitor and want to connect it to my PC which has a displayport. Which adapter would I need to connect the mini-display port of the ACD to the display port of the PC?

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Mac Pro :: Connecting Two 24' Monitors / Requires Display Port Dvi Adapter

Jul 28, 2010

I am about to purchase a Mac Pro and I want to connect two monitors (dell2408wfp).I am confused if I need to buy the displayport dvi adapter or not, does the ati card have two dvi ports? I have been reading mixed things on different sites about requiring two graphics cards for multiple displays etc.

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting External Hard Drive Via Adapter?

Aug 11, 2010

I just upgraded to a new MacBook Pro as some of you saw in a recent post. My external hard drive is connected to a 400 firewire port but the new mbp's have 800 firewire ports. I have an adapter but for some reason the external doesn't show up. It works on my old macbook but not on this new one, doesn't even show up in the disk utilities. Do the fire wire ports have to match up in speed? Can my backup and the files be saved?

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting It Via Thunderbolt And HDMI Adapter To HDTV?

May 25, 2012

I've got a recent MBP with Thunderbolt. I'm trying to connect it via a Mini DisplayPort-to-HDMI adapter to an HDTV with HDMI, but the MBP doesn't seem to acknowledge the addition of the new display. What it IS doing is flickering the built-in screen occasionally, the way it does when connecting to a projector or something, but it never shows any additional displays in the displays CP, and never seems to send any signal out to the HDTV. 

Mac: MBP 2.3 GHz i7 with OS 10.7.4
Adapter: Belkin Mini DisplayPort to HDMI
TV: Sony 32" Bravia 

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MacBook :: Connecting Projector For Presentation - Mini DisplayPort To VGA Adapter?

Feb 1, 2009

In a month or so I'm going to need to do a Keynote presentation with a projector. I have the new MacBook, so I need the Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter. It doesn't seem to be getting good reviews though (many saying it doesn't work for them). I will not be able to test it out with the project until the day of the presentation. Is there any other way to connect the MacBook to what I assume will be a basic projector?

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To HDTV Via VGA Adapter / Achieves Only 1080i Signal?

Oct 4, 2009

When i connect my hdtv to my mbp via vga (using mini displayport vga adapter) I am only achieving a 1080i signal. I did some research and I found that there are two 1080 resolution options in leopard, one being 1080i and the other being 1080p, you simply have to turn the display options on in the menu bar and then select the one you wish to use.

With this new found knowledge i found the two resolution options and tried them however, I found that one of the 1080 resolution options outputted 1080i whilst the other outputted 1050, despite clearly saying 1080. This has me baffled! Is this due to me using a vga cable and has anyone had similar issues? Additionally, is it possible to achieve a 1080p signal from a mbp? Mine is the late 08 model if that makes a difference.

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Hardware :: Low Quality Image When Connecting VGA Monitor Via MiniDP Adapter

May 3, 2010

Macbook Air, generic miniDP to VGA adapter from Ebay, 2 different VGA monitors, one 19" 1280x1024, another 1680x1050. Either one results in a blurry, low contrast image with muted colors. Pretty sure I'm using native res.

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To Monitor Via Mini Displayport And A VGA Adapter - Intermittent?

Jul 4, 2012

I have a MacBook Pro 2012 (Lion) and am connecting to my monitor via the mini displayport and a VGA adapter.  This worked fine for a while, but now is intermittent.  It's not the cable or the monitor as I have tried with several and get same results.  The port works fine with an Apple monitor and no adapter.  I've seen several threads on this, but no solutions other than starting up with monitor plugged in which I've done.I updated the OS and it worked fine yesterday, but today not working again.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Loading Driver For Display Adapter (Connecting To Flat Screen TV)

May 25, 2012

I'm trying to connect my Mac (OSX 5) to a flat screen TV. To do so I just bought a USB 2.0 to HDMI ® Display Adapter w/ Audio (1920 x 1080). The mini CD containing the DisplayLink software drivers that came with the unit won't fit in my Mac CD drive. I then tried to download the correct driver from the DisplayLink website, "DisplayLink USB Graphics Macintosh Driver" which appears to be appropriate for OSX 5 (at [URL]).

This proceeds through the installation steps, then bombs out with the error message that "The following install step failed: run preinstall script for DisplayLink software. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance." In the hopes of finding a compatible driver, I looked for an earlier version of the driver on the DisplayLink site, but couldn't find one.

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), iOS 5.1.1

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PowerPC :: Why I Cannot Use The 65W Adapter On My 12" Book In Place Of The Yo-Yo Adapter

Jun 25, 2007

I have the 65W white square adapter for my 17" Powerbook, and I have the Yo-Yo adapter for my 12" Ibook (G3 500 mhz).Is there any reason why I cannot use the 65W adapter on my 12" book in place of the Yo-Yo adapter? (I know for power requirement reasons I cannot use the Yo-Yo on my 17")

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MacBook Pro :: Mini DisplayPort To DVI Adapter With DVI To VGA Adapter?

Oct 15, 2008

Buying both the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter AND Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapter is pretty expensive...

I was wondering if I purchase the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter, will I be able to use a simple DVI to VGA adapter to use it as a VGA adapter also???

I'm not sure if the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter only sends digital signal or digital & analog signal.

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ICloud :: What Adapter Do Need For Thailand From World Adapter Kit

Apr 5, 2012


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OS X :: Can I Take A Generic USB Adapter?

Mar 20, 2009

Is there an alarm function on OS X.

Can I take a generic USB adapter and run it on OS X.

How do I get .exe and other files/CDs to install on OS X. Mainly CS3 as I have the CD for it, but obviously cannot run it.

So recap,

Wireless Adapter/Alarm Function/Can I Easily Run .EXE

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MacBook :: Gets Really Hot Right By The Adapter?

Aug 30, 2009

I have an aluminum macbook. I've had it since April 09 and I absolutely love it. I purchased a 22" Dell external monitor that i am connecting via mini display to dvi adapter. I've just been using this for about three hours and I've noticed that my laptop is REALLY hot right by the adapter.

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PowerPC :: Using Bluetooth Adapter For G5

Sep 21, 2010

I have finally gotten my PowerMac G5 to boot. It was given to me, so I did not know much about this machine. Once I got it working, I realized it is missing a bluetooth and airport module. I do not want to take the pricy route of getting internal Airport and internal Bluetooth. Can anybody point me to link for relatively cheap USB bluetooth and WiFi adapters that will work properly with 10.5.8 Leopard?

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MacBook Pro :: Add Files To G4 - Adapter To Use?

Sep 27, 2010

My old G4 had no DVD drive and I bought Myst IV, but could not load it. My new MBP uses 10.6.4 and Myst IV does not support anything other than X.3 or 4. Can I use my MBP dvd drive to load the game files to my G4? What kind of adaptor would I use?

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MacBook Air :: Can I Use The 85W Power Adapter On The Air

Oct 31, 2010

Don't want to ask the Apple Store since they'll just tell me I can't, but can I use the 85W power adapter that came with the 15"MBP on the new Air with no damage? Ok, to use in a pinch?

Hmmm, how about the other way around (using a 45W power adapter on the 15"), I am thinking "no damage" just that it would take longer to re-charge?

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MacBook :: Looking For Compatible VGA Adapter

Jan 7, 2011

I have a 13" MacBook that I purchased in Feb 2008, and need to do some presentations from it, so I'm looking for the correct VGA adapter for it. I believe there was some change in the display on the Macbooks, so I'm sure if the current MiniDisplay to VGA adapter sold at Apple will work for fine.

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PowerPC :: Put ATA Drive In G5 Using Adapter?

May 27, 2007

I bought one of these for my Dual G5: [URL]. I'm getting another G5 (single this time around since i got no $$) and I need to figure out how to get my 320 gig ata drive in a G5. I need to draw power to that hard drive and I'm not sure how to. Do I split the power between the ata hard drive and the dvd drive? I know I need another part but which one? I should have asked this weeks ago before fiddling around with my Dual G5.

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OS X :: Need A USB Wireless Adapter For Macbook?

Jan 21, 2008

Are there any that a store like best Buy sells that are compatible with a Mac / Macbook? I need to pick up a signal in another room, and the only way would be to run a long USB cord attached to a wireless adapter...but it seems like none of the bigger brands sell Mac-compatible versions. If anyone knows of a compatible adapter, please post about it!

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Mac Pro :: Getting Wireless Signal - USB Adapter?

Jun 14, 2008

I have a 2.66GHz Mac Pro and will be moving it to a room that does not have a wired internet connection but does have wireless in the house. Other than getting a USB wireless adapter is there any way else so I can take advantage of the wireless signal to get online using my Mac Pro?

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OS X :: 75W Vs 60W Magsafe Power Adapter

Aug 27, 2008

I have both a MacBook (personal) and MacBook Pro (work; provided by NASA). The MacBook has a 60W Magsafe Power Adapter; the MacBook Pro has a 75W power adapter. I am going on international travel for several weeks, do I need to bring both adapters with me? Would there be any problems caused by using a higher-power (75W) power adapter to charge a MacBook or vice versa?

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