Well, I just recently received a used wired apple keyboard, but whenever I try to plug it into any USB port, I get the following error: Even when I unplug every other USB device, I get this error. I'm using a Mac Mini.
Whilst working on my iMac as per normal, I get this little window that pops up declaring that a USB decice is drawing too much power from my computer and as as a result, one or more of my USB devices has been disabled.
This is not an alien dialogue box to me, I have seen it many times. The problem this time is that, when I removed all my devices to see which one was causing the message to pop up, I discovered that it was my keyboard that was misbehaving.
When the message pops up it states that the offending device has been disabled. This cannot be the case however, as I am able to press enter to close it, and if the keyboard truly is the problem then I shouldn't be able to close it with enter because it would have been disabled... right?
Wondering if anyone else has had this problem. My keyboard is the standard wired + number pad one shipped free with new iMacs. It's not a custom one, it's apple stock through and through.
The baffling thing is that this has only just occured. In the year or two since I bought my iMac it's never been a problem.
Yes I have tried using a different USB slot, and no that doesn't fix it.
This box keeps popping up unless I disconnect my keyboard which of course is no way to use the computer, and I don't have a spare keyboard handy.
This is my first post on the forums, although I'm planning on looking around in here once in a while, to see what people are posting.
For starters, I just wanted to tell you about this little problem I've been having with my MacBook 1,83GHz.
Sitting at my desk at work one morning, peacefully drinking my coffee, I suddenly received a rather discomforting error-message from my shiny new (about 1 month old) MacBook;
"A USB devise is currently drawing too much power and the port will be deactivated.".
My iMac says my wacom tablet is drawing too much power and won't allow it to run. This has never happened before. I've owned them both together for about a year.
Just recently, I keep receiving an error, every couple of minutes or so, thats states: "A USB device is currently drawing too much power. The hub to which it is attached to will be deactivated." Now I have seen this same problem posted, but I have No Device hooked up at all. I have a 2 year old macbook pro 2.4 GHz, running 10.5 I've tried rebooting but it continues to occur.
I keep receiving this message, over and over, sometimes stacked 6 times or so, but the only issue is that I have nothing plugged into my USB at all. I tried restarting, but it didn't work.
In the last two weeks, every time I plug my Apple 27" display cables into my macbook (power, display and USB connections), I get the following error message on my screen about USB ports are drawing too much power. I don't have anything plugged into the USB ports on the back of my display.
Info: MacBook Pro, IMac, Mac Mini, etc., Mac OS X (10.4.8)
I'm using iMac with wireless mouse and keyboard.Once,I've unplugged flash memory directly without eject, USB error message shown on the screen,After that,although I've removed all of usb devices&cables on the connector,But USB error message always pop up periodically.I tried SMC reset, But issue still existed?
I get this strange message every so often, sometimes more often than other times. It says:
USB port drawing too much power. The device that is plugged into it will be deactivated.
There are only two things plugged into the USB-The keyboard and mouse. When I get this message, the mouse freezes. If I jiggle the mouse cable where it is plugged into the USB, it comes back and everything is fine until this message comes up again.
Tonight I've been transfering all my files over from my old MacBook and everytime I try to connect my IPhone 3GS by USB to my Mac a message comes up straight away saying "A device conected to your computer is drawing too much power, apple has disconected this device to prevent damage occuring to your computer"
I have tried to connect my phone numerous times while it has been conected to the power cord and also running on battery.
It also took my new Mac a good half an hour to recognise my external hard drive was connected and let me use it..
I have had this problem once or twice with the same IPhone and my old mac so im thinking it may be a problem with my phone considering it is 2 years old now?
But then again, my old mac that is nearly 4 can still connect to my phone when my new MBP can't.
I have Macbook Pro Early 2011. recently my USB device stops working and I am getting message " The USB device drawing too much power has been disabled"and MacBook Pro getting over heated.
I have just bought aluminium keyboard from Apple and sadly, I have the same problem described here, in this post: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=5593479
Every 5 minutes the keyboard freezes for about 15 seconds. My Mighty Mouse and tablet connected to the keyboard won't work as well. I have tried to connect it to other usb ports but there's no difference at all. Please help, as this issue is really frustrating..
I got home tonight, placed my MBP on my BookArc after plugging in the Display port adapter, USB, Firewire and Magsafe to then realise that I couldn't turn on my MBP without taking it off the cradle, opening it and pressing the on button! "This can't be right" was what went through my mind, but is it? There surely must be a way to turn on a MBP when it is attached to an Apple Cinema display and a USB Apple Keyboard while in the closed clamshell state. Surely there's a key-combination.
I'm one of the $200 suckers who bought an iPhone. For my $100 "rebate" I bought the new USB AppleKeyboard. I'm typing on it now. But when I first plugged it into the USB port, I got an error message like this: "The USB port is drawing too much power and it will be disabled." This is the same port the computer's original keyboard was plugged into and it worked fine. Now it's dead. The port is one of two USB ports on the back of my (original) Cinema Display. It's still dead. The AppleKeyboard is plugged into the second USB port now, and it works fine. But I thought I'd alert someone at Apple that this happened. Further, I'd like my USB port back but cannot find anywhere in the help files how to re-enable it. Unless it's fried, of course. But then again, how could the keyboard fry the port?
Information: Power Mac G5 Mac OS X (10.4.10) Original 21" Cinema Display, AppleKeyboard
Pretty much what the title states, I have the new alpha numeric wired apple keyboard and I want to use my macbook in clamshell mode without having to open it up to power on, so is there a way to do it?
Can someone tell me where I might be able to get a good quality line drawing (outline) of the apple logo in vector format? I have attached a small copy of what I need but I need something I can scale to about 3/4' to 1" (a little bigger than it is) without jaggies.
Sorry to mention the 'W' word, but wondering if anyone has had this issue.
Basically Apple wireless keyboard works perfectly in Windows, but the Bluetooth power management kills it after just a few seconds, which is extremely irritating. It works after you've 'woken it up' again though.
I can't find anywhere to change this, and no joy with a forum search / Google.
Following on from my recent post regarding the new apple wired keyboard after very helpful feedback from people who responded to my post I decided to take the leap and purchase it! Good news is that I am really happy with it and am glad that I got it! Much nicer then old apple keyboard that I was using.
I also downloaded spark v. 2.1.1 which has enabled me to change the functions of Fkeys to enable to play, pause, etc... in itunes in accordance with the keyboard layout. However, there are two functions that I am having difficulty assigning which are the F1 and F2 keys which allow the decrease and increase of screen brightness. So that I can control my screen brightness using these keys.
I just bought a new 2012 aluminum Wireless keyboard and the function keys do not work properly. I am currently running OS 1.5.8. I would expect most keys to match the icons on the keyboard. I do not want to upgrade to Snow Leopard or Lion. I have installed an aluminum keyboard upgrade 2.0 and this did not help. I just want the the keyboard functions to match the icons on the keyboard.. Volume up...volume down...
i am running awin7 in bootcamp. in this bootcamp i am using outlook 2010. i cannot create an "@" in emails. is there any shortcut to create an @? is there any combination to create the windows "alt gr" on the macbook air keyboard?
I was just wondering what all of your thoughts were regarding these two keyboards. I know I can't get the Wireless Pro new anymore, however I can get it used for $20 from someone I know.
The new aluminum one however, I can get for about $40 used or just buy a new one for $70. I'm looking to buy a used one so it's pretty much the Wireless Pro for $20 vs the Wireless Aluminum for $40.
This will be going towards a set-up with my MBP which will be on an mstand, with an external monitor. I've already gotten the Magic Mouse so I'm trying to find a nice Bluetooth keyboard to compliment it.
Unfortunately I broke my macbook unibody (model A1278... this), I initially tried to sell pieces but I changed my mind. I decided to create a mediabox. When I disassembled the MacBook I realized that the power button is connected to the keyboard. This is a problem for me because i will not put the keyboard in mediabox. I must find a way to power on the macbook without the keyboard. This is the key for the power on.
I just purchased a brand new wired keyboard from apple for my imac G5, I was told it would work with what i have running, leopard. I followed instructions, plugged in
and checked for upadates, there was none, but the volume button is not regonized, the volume button instread brings on gadgets, or make the gadgets leave, in other words, some keys work for something else, or not work at all.
I have an old AGP graphics G4 power mac. Keyboard and mouse are not working and I get no signal to the monitor. Is my logic board fried, or could it be something else?
My PowerMac G5 won't recognize the display most of the time, and when it does, the USB keyboard and mouse are not recognized, so I can't communicate with the computer.