Final Cut Studio :: Scratch Disc Settings For Multiple External HDD Projects?
Sep 1, 2014
I have never been able to understand the setting up of scratch discs when working from multiple external HDDs? I am using final cut pro 7 to edit 2 projects at the moment, each of which are on separate external hard drives.
I was under the impression that you set the scratch disc folder on the imac itself and obviously set up the projects to direct to that folder. Is this true? Do ALL fcp projects go to same folder?
What I am also confused about is whether or not I should be setting separate scratch disc folders for each project in each external HDD? I need to take my HDDs home to use on MacBook Pro, I'm currently editing on iMac.
I set up scratch folder in one of the HDDs and finished the project and then set up new project and new scratch disc in other HDD and it appears to keep the setting for both projects!?
I've been using FCP 7 for a few years and have just now discovered a problem I can't seem to solve. I have some archive material that I originally injested from HDV tape to HDV 1080 50i 1440 x 1080 and the clip info shows this to be correct. I set up a sequence and and clicked all the settings to match this and no matter what I do, I keep getting either a red render line or a green render line. I'm not entirely sure whether it should be set up for HDTV or just HD in settings, but setting HDTV cause the red render line to appear. Upper field is chosen and 48Khz for sound.
I'm new to Mac and I'd like to ask a question regarding Photoshop. I have 1TB on the hard disc, which is currently designed as a scratch disc (by default), and 1Tb of external drive that I currently use for storing miscellaneous items and as a backup. I would like to ask for opinion of someone more experienced - is it better to use an internal or external scratch disc for Photoshop, and if internal, is it better to create a partition or just leave things as they are.
I installed final cut studio 2 to my macbook pro from my friend external hard drive and I have it all saved up in my memory.
Now i m upgrading my macbook pro and would like to save final cut studio to my wd external hard drive so i can install it in my new macbook pro but it will not allow me it tells me there is an unexpected error code 0.
ive been a PC user for long but recieved my macbook a cpl of days ago, and this weekend im gonna start the incredible work load of converting my Cubase SX3 projects into Logic.Since Cubase suck there is no easy way to "consolidate all tracks...", to mix down each channel to a separate track automatically. I will have to do it manually. Track by track. 50+ projects, maybe 15-20 channels in each. Anyway, that was not a question, but this is.
1. Is there any easy way to copy midi tracks from Cubase to Logic? Just the information that tells the chosen instrument how to play. Not any instrument setting, just the track information. I hope you get what im after. Maybe i should rephrase, Is there any way to copy MIDI information from Cubase to Logic?Even tho i will mix down the miditracks aswell i want to save the information in case i want to try playing it with one of Logics synthesizers instead of the instrument i used in Cubase.
I know that 10.1 uses libraries and events etc are all inside, but I can't find PORJECTS. I was working on a project that is 90 minutes long but I only wanted to export 60 minutes so I delted the last 30 minutes to COMMAND Z after export which has worked many many times, but the disck ejected by mistake right after the export so i had to restart and FCXP autosaves the projects so now it only opens the 60 minutes and not the 90 minutes I have worked on.
So where is the backup projects so I can either copy the older poject before crash or restore it?
Can i create my own FCP X Projects file? I'm new to FCP X and the training I'm on said i should have a project and events folder in but I've only seen the FCP X Events file. I'm afraid that these folders may not be able to communicate properly?
I have a lot of storage space on my computer, but i still can't start a new project. I do command N or File --> New Project and it just makes a sad little bloop and doesn't do anything. It doesn't give me message or anything on why i can't start a new project.
I'm trying to figure out if there is any way I can do 'organizing' in the Browser. It would be great to be able to create folders I could drop the 'projects' or the 'files' into. I do have my 'Library' well organized, with Keyword collections and folders.
But.... I'm working on a large project. Every time I add a new video or audio file to a Library (each Library has only one Event - so I can keep my Libraries relatively small) it seems I have to go digging through all the previous files to find the newly imported one.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have one of the fastest macs available at the moment with full RAM and this new update is crippling my machine. I first dealt with the audio plug ins issue - then deleted those - now I have full functionality BUT - an incredibly slow export time on a 7 minute timeline. This thing should be zippy. I think this update is not so great.
Info: Mac Pro (Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 6 Core
I upgraded to 10.1 and have been working with Libraries for a while now however there are some projects I decided not to move into the new version. Now I need to open then and the project folders are not recognised when trying to import?
Here you can see that the Final Cut Projects folder cannot be selected?
Ive noticed this has been happening recently on a lot of my projects since updating:
Been getting very sporadic color grades upon export, as in some clips will receive the grade while others won't. I can't seem to find an issue related to any of my media, as Ive tried multiple tests of optimizing the media, trying to start a new project, reimporting all of the media, deleting the render files, and nothing seems to work. Ive noticed it does happen more often when I paste attributes but I've done a test of going through and applying a preset manually and it still wont export with the grade.
Deleting the render files on one project seemed to work well although I found there was a clip or two that still didnt export with the grade.
I am unable to open a FCPX library (containing at least 10 projects and events).
Final Cut attempts to load the events and projects in the library but after about 5 minutes the program shuts down and I get an Apple message giving me the option to report the problem.
All other libraries appear to work fine. I am guessing that the last project created within the affected library is corrupt.
I have tried removing the render files in that last project and I have copied the library to another drive and neither worked.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Processor - 2.2 ghz intel core i7
Im an FCPX editor for a local cable fishing show in So Cal (Angler Chronicles) and Im still mailing beta SP tapes to a studio so the show can be aired.
I recently heard that if we covert to MXT files with 8 channel audio and "drop frame"?, in the future we can safely send the files electronically, via the web.
So, how to get my edited shows into the format mentioned above?
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), 2X2.93 GHz 6- core 32 GB 1333 MHz
Experiment Results: Temporarily removing Events and Projects from library
REASON: I wanted to test removing events and especially ram-hungry projects from FCPX 10.1 to unclog the app a bit. I've been getting lots of spinning wheel time and dropdown windows saying projects unopened and unneeded were being loaded.
METHOD: I copied a library to another drive and experimented by manually removing some events made up entirely of projects. Why not remove them? There seems to be hysteria about manually touching the library but no one relates an actual incident that highlights how things can go wrong.
I copied a library to another drive and experimented by manually removing some events made up entirely of projects. The projects are early versions of segments of feature length doc I most likely will never need to bring back in. After removing an Event that had only Projects, FCPX opened no problem and a lot quicker.
ODDITY: Removed Events names still appeared with the twirly triangle beside them tho the event icon didn't appear and the Events were empty. I tried trashing them but couldn’t. I then closed fcpx and removed media. Reopened no problem. Closed.
Returned Event folders and media to their proper place, reopened no problem. The projects were all there tho their icons were blank at first but then after a couple minutes pics started appearing in them and pretty soon all seemed normal. I opened projects, they worked, no problem.
Moving projects & media manually between events—This may be where things get dicey, but you could do this manually with earlier versions of FCPX. It's not something I would do normally since ti's too easy to do in FCPX. But since I have this copy I might try it just to see what happens. If you don't experiment it's not science it's religion.
I have a lot of projects, I go to browser filmstrip view -- some projects have thumbnail images as a reference, others just black.
Is there a way to set the thumbnail/poster image for individual projects filmstrips? Or a way to reset the project somehow so that it grabs an image from a project's video and uses that as a reference poster frame?
It's nice having visual cues of a projects content in the browser window and it's driving me crazy that 1/2 of my project's show up as black.
Looking to put a 120 SSD in my Mac pro as a boot drive but not sure how best to set up along side my HDDs. This was my planned config, but open to advice:
SSD - system + apps
2x 1tb set up as 2tb RAID 0 - work files + home folder
1tb - Time Machine
This leaves one bay spare, but where would be the best place for my scratch disc, on the SSD? If so would a partition be the best option? Working in graphic design, mainly in Photoshop so performance is my main priority.
I think SSD drive with raid card is incompatible.I basically only use photoshop with very big files ( up to 800 mg with layers sometimes). and Capture One ( 34 mg RAW files )1/ I was thinking in getting a SSd drive ( vertex 2 series 120) and get another one as a scratch disk ( entirely for PS use) will 120 as a scratch disc will be enough?2/ If I just get a RAID card with my 3- 2 TB 7200 mp HD will that bit in speed the SSD workstation as I first mentioned?
I am using the version 10.0.9 which might have been an automatic upgrade from my original version.The majority of my connections between library items has been lost. The items show up as missing files both in the library and when I run my project. How can I re-estabish these connections?
I have Final Cut Studio 2.0.1. Retail version. I got it with a 2nd hand MBP I bought recently, and I plan to sell FCS2. I have no need for it, iMovie is fine for me.
But I don't have the big fancy box or manuals included... what is meant to be in the box?
I do have...
- 9 installation CDs in the small black apple box.
- Final Cut Studio Software License agreement.
- 'Installing Your Software' documentation with serial numbers.
- Apple Software 'Proof of Purchase' coupons.
If anyone has FCS2 and can tell me what I'm missing, I can advertise it more effectively and truthfully!
i have a macbook and was wondering if you could run Final cut studio 3 on it? i heard that i wouldnt be able too run motion, but didnt know for sure. I'm geting ready to upgrade the ram in my macbook too.
i was shooting an image film with a CANON XF100, and now i have a severe audio problem! All the data (imported via SD-Card to my Mac) was somehow corrupted. It sounded like "Trash", always cut-off or so. I tried to import it to FCP7, yet no success. Is XDCam going to work or any other method to encode MXF to MOV?
how to encode the MXF-files to (uncompressed) MOV or MP4-files. If possible, without a 3rd party-software to purchase. i know some software too, yet Handbrake or VLC seems to fail, too.
So, simply a way to either convert the MXF-data directly into a FCP7-proejct or maybe FCPX, OR simply to convert it to a MOV or MP4, whatever FinalCut can use and import...
Is there a way to run Final Cut Pro Studio 5.1 HD on Mavericks? An emulator? A patch? Anything? I can't afford to buy a THIRD copy Final Cut Pro! (I now have FCP 2 and FCPS 5.1.)
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Legacy software