I recently acquired a used G5. When I look at "about this mac", it tells me that I have a two processor, 2ghz machine but when I open the case I only see one G5 icon. The serial number is from late 2005. I just wanted to make sure that I have two processors as I'm planning on selling/trading up to a mac pro.
All I can find is an old article that details how to get the 2ghz quad core processors into a Mac Pro. Any reports on using the newer processors in the 1st gen Mac Pro 2.66?
So the new MacBook Pro 17" can have 8GB ram and New MacBook Pro 15" can't anyone figured out way it is that way, cuz only difference I can tell is the new processors but those don't matter with memory it is the chip and as far as I can tell is the same unless apple is not saying something. I don't have $1200 for 8GB of Ram anyway, but be nice to know my new MBP 15" in a year when the prices are lower can have 8GB Ram.
I'm about a year into the Mac platform after switching from pc. My first Mac was a 17" MBP and I'm looking to get a Mac Pro. Like most I'm waiting to see when the new ones will come out. I have always been curious and just wanted to know can the processors be swapped out like on a pc? I realize this involves mother board issues and whatnot but the processors we're waiting for are the same ones that can be purchased by anyone. I always wondered why someone with say a 2008 Mac Pro could not just simply swap out the processors since the tower itself is still the same. Again, I'm fairly new but just was wondering if anyone knew the answer (s). Thanks again for any insight as I'm trying to really learn and understand the Mac system under the hood so to speak.
I am looking into getting a new mac. I am a photographer and my major concern/application is Photoshop. At this point in time apple will be releasing (soon I hope) new models. When they come out, I believe I will have the choice of finding the current models somewhere or getting the just released products. Money is a little bit of an issue. I would like to keep as much of mine as possible and give apple as little as I can. That being said I have no problem investing what I need to. I just don't want to waste on something that isn't going to give me any real gain. Like i said I mostly use photoshop. will photoshops usage of multiple processors equal the cost or should I save the money. Purchase the a quad or what ever they release ( 6 core) and put the money saved into memory and ssd drives or drives.
I was recently given 2 Powermac G5's,one of them works but the case itself looks like it was dropped out of a window,it is a 2.0DP and the second is a 1.8DP that isn't working but the case is nearly perfect.Would there be an issue with swapping the 2.0 into the 1.8?
I was recently given a non working G5 dual 2.5ghz machine. It is a quad core machine with the Delphi liquid cooling system. After some investigating I found it had a coolant leak. All the fans and lights come on as well as the bootup �chime�. I think (hoping) that the motherboard and power supply are still good. My question is this:
Can I use different processors on this motherboard? Lets say a dual 2.5ghz non-quad core processor assembly. Am I making sense? I am very new to the Mac world and would appreciate any help on this issue.
Today I ran msconfig and checked out the the boot tab.. I saw I had only 1 processor selected (default) there for booting. Does changing it to 2 processors help overall booting and general performance? I am on MBA Rev B and my bootcamp partition has win 7 Profesional 64 bit.
This was in my console log. Does this mean my processors are throttling down?
3/9/10 7:41:17 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds 3/9/10 7:41:17 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds 3/9/10 7:41:17 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds 3/9/10 7:41:17 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds 3/9/10 7:41:17 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds 3/9/10 7:41:17 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds 3/9/10 7:41:17 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds 3/9/10 7:41:17 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds 3/9/10 7:41:18 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds 3/9/10 7:41:18 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
I have a powermac g4 AGP (single 450mhz processor). will this computer support dual processors, such as a dual 500mhz? If so, which processors from which computer model(s) can i use? like can i put a dual 500 from a Gigabit Ethernet mac in the AGP mac?
I just ordered a Mac Pro with Two 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 2G of memory, 2 500G hard drives and I am wondering it is possible to upgrade it to 3.2GHz more cost effectively then buying it from apple directly during the purchase of a computer or even post purchase?
Also my unit came with 2 500G HD's, this comp is the lifeline for my webstore, web design and storage for all my personal stuff. So i am wondering if I should just buy 2 more 500G drives for roughly 80-90 a drive(memoryamerica.com) and a Raid Card to back up the first 2 500G drives or just buy a Western Digital 1 or 2 TB external OR buy a 1TB Time capsule.
The sole reason for the external or extra internal drives is in case the first 2 500G drives fail I don't lose any data.
Lastly, I bought the basic ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT 256MB card to run two monitors(one for the webstore, one for web design, photoshop and Adium or anything else I would use on the daily). I plan on putting in as BR drive(i know Leopard does not support it) but I was looking to use it for burning BR movies, and if need be run MV(microsoft Vista) to view/copy and burn BR movies(the two screens I am getting are HDCP), i am afraid this card does not support 1080P BR data, does any one know which one will?
I have talked to a Mac Genius and got no real info do to me wanting to use non Apple components IE non apple supplied HD's, memory(buying a 8G memory kit from Memoryamerica.com to reach 10G of memory) and BR drive and Dell Monitors(more cost effective and supports HDCP/BR)....
after patiently awaiting to upgrade to the 2009 MP, I'm not sure I'm going to take the plunge. I had read here of people dropping in the quad core processors into the dual core 2.66 Mac Pros. I'd be willing to explore this instead but am having a hard time finding this on Google. Does anyone have any firsthand experience or links? After being a Mac person from the beginning, I think that it is interesting the current frustration in the value of the hardware that was last evident during the time of the clones... We all remember how Apple did during that time
I noticed that with the new dell precisions workstations that the standard configuration is as a server, not really a desktop which made me wonder what advantages server grade machines offer over desktop machines.
With the Mac Pros, one of the reasons why they are so expensive (well, a lot of the reason why) is because they use processors that intel created for servers and workstations as opposed to desktop computers. What is the advantage of these processors over your typical desktop processors?
(and are all the Mac Pros using server grade processors?)
I'm just wanting a free word processor for OS 9. I was happy using Bean on my white iBook, but I now have a Clamshell iBook that I've designated as my OS 9 machine.
I want something that can stand to a standard file type that will be lossless when it comes to sizing and formatting. I understand there were a lot of HTML-based editors back in those days :P but I don't want to have to deal with converting.
More specifically, I'd like something like WriteRoom! Something that takes over your entire display for nothing but a mere word processor.
Free is the name of the game, so what have you got?
I'm a little confused of some of the options with Westmere. I was reading the features page on the Mac Pro site and Apple states:�Westmere� is available in both quad-core and 6-core versions, and the Mac Pro comes with either one or two processorsI thought Westmere started at 6 cores in a single processor configuration? I then went to the tech specs page and under "Processor upgrade options", it only shows the quad cores as "Nehalem".So is there such thing as a Westmere quad? Or is this just a goof up from Apple? If there is a quad version, might anyone more knowledgeable in processors know what might be a predictable BTO price would be from Apple? And if this might use the newer 1333Mhz RAM?
I remembered that at one point Mac Pro's CPU was a direct successor to its previous model, as in you can buy one of the successor chip and replace the older one, since the MLB could support it.
Is this the case with Harpertown to Nehalem? Can you just go on Newegg and get 2 Nehalem, and throw them in to the current Mac Pro?
Does anyone know if the logic board is the same for all current dual nehalem processors offered by Apple? Or does the dual 2.26GHz quad have a different logic board than the dual 2.93GHz quad?
It seems like if they have the same logic board you could buy the dual 2.26GHz now and down the road you could buy the dual 2.93GHz chips (when they aren't $2,600 more) and just replace the dual 2.26GHz chips. Maybe it's not that easy, but if it is it seems like a great alternative to buying the top machine right now. Does anyone know if this is possible??
I want to use a windows based movie editing program and it needs all the resources it can get. I am thinking that Boot Camp might be my best bet as I heard Parallels shares resources and I may not get the full use of my processor and 4 GB of ram. I really want to use it to its full capacity that I can. I have not used Boot Camp but I do own Parallels 4.0 But every time I install it and want to remove it I get corrupted files. I hope Boot Camp is better. Any advice? Would Boot Camp allow me to use all of my 4 GB of Ram and my 3.06 Ghz processors?
Do all macs that ship right now use 64-bit ready processors? I am assuming the new iMac I just bought a week ago will be able to take advantage of the new 64-bit kernel and rewritten applications? A wikipedia entry in the snow leopard article kinda threw me off, said that dual core processors are 32-bit?
I am a bit puzzled about my new MacBook Pro. I got the i5 but I have read online that these are actually dual core processors. What is the difference between the Core 2 Duo and the new i5s then?
Also I have a 27" iMac with i7 Processor, those are quad-core, any difference in processing power besides the clock speed?
I've just established that my copy of Windows 7 home premium only uses one of my two duel core processors on my 1,1 mac pro. I need to upgrade to Windows 7 professional for it to use the other processor. I only use windows for games and would like to know if my system is/will become CPU bound unless I upgrade to Windows 7 professional. I've run a test running Portal and coming out and looking at the processor history in Resource Monitor and both my cores on the single processor it sees have been maxed out while running the game. I'm currently using one of the new Apple 5770 graphics cards but am thinking about buying another one to run under cross fire. However, if I do this it looks like I will need more CPU power to make use of it so I will have to upgrade to Windows 7 Professional. My concern is will the games use the 2 processors if I upgrade. I would hate to spend �130 on Windows 7 professional upgrade only to find that games don't use the extra processor anyway.