Desktops :: Cores Or Faster Processor For Video Editing?
Jun 16, 2009
I am in the market for a Mac Pro for all my FCP editing. I found a guy who can get me a great deal on a brand new 8 core 2.8GHz Mac Pro, but it is the older version before the "Nehalem" chips.
This computer will be right around the same price as purchasing a brand new quad core 2.93GHz Nehalem Mac Pro.
So what I need to figure out is, what is more important, more cores, or faster newer processor?
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Mar 30, 2009
I'm looking at replacing my ancient G5 tower with a new Mac Pro, and looking at the options, obviously I have to decide between the single CPU quad-core or the 2 CPU "eight-core" solution.
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Jun 18, 2009
I have seen some images posted of the cores being monitored to show their usage but I don't know what people use to see this activity. Are there any free apps that you can install on the Mac Pro to monitor usage of the cores?
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Aug 7, 2009
My father owns one of the original G5s, so its power pc not intel. Today while browsing an excel spreadsheet he says part of the screen turned black, then the monitor shut off, then the monitor came back on but not video. Mean while the fans started spinning out of control. Now when he tries to turn it on, he gets power, but all that happens is the fans spinning faster and faster and faster until he turns it off. No video or anything. Just speeding fans. He fears the CPUs died since they control the fans. Any suggestions? He also says the fans were spinning unusually fast these last few days.
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Aug 12, 2010
I'm definitely no computer expert, but with all these Mac Pros with all these cores, I'm not sure how to read their configurations. The single quad core is 2.8 GHz. But if you get an 8 core, you get 2.4GHz. And then there's the six core which is 3.33 GHz!! Which of those is faster and why? I don't want to spend $1000 more for more cores if it's actually a slower processor
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Mar 24, 2009
New to the Mac world here,and really diggin my G4,which I got for free.But I need help with a frustrating situation. Here's the specs: Powermac Gigabit Ethernet dual 500 mHz G4,40 GB primary and 160 GB slave HDs,2 GB RAM,and a fresh install of Tiger with almost nothing downloaded,basically,a brand new machine. The issue: both firefox and Safari are sludgy on internet speed--watching Youtube videos,using Facebook,etc. It's not an ish with my router or modem--my older PC's blaze. it's really frustrating,and I've maxed out the RAM,so I want to know if an upgrade to a 1.8 or 2.0 processor will alleviate this problem once and for all,or if I have a boat anchor. Honestly,I don't do hardcore computing,just burn DVDs,a little photoshop,and play on the internet. There's no reason it should be so damn sluggish watchibng streaming video or simply writing on someone's 'wall' on Facebook.
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Jun 23, 2012
I am looking to either increase ram or better still if I can afford it, put in a faster processor, my laptop is quite slow....and with more than two programs open, it can sometimes grind to a halt..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Feb 16, 2008
Which, if any, of the video editors make use of all eight cores of the Mac Pro? I haven't tried the pro apps yet, but CPU utilization for iMovieHD was only about 200% on the one project I have done on my new 2.8 Octo. It seems like this would be widely-known information, but I was unable to find it on Apple's site, and my extensive search of this forum was unavailing.
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May 27, 2009
Apple alongside its 2009 Back-to-School promotion on Wednesday also updated its entry-level white MacBook with a faster Intel processor, memory architecture and more hard disk space.
The update was announced quietly on the company's online store. For the same $999 Apple charged for the previous iteration of the white polycarbonate model, users get a 2.13GHz processor (up from 2.0GHz), a 160GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm (up from 120GB), and 2GB 800MHz DDR2 SDRAM (up from 2GB 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM).The update is the second this year to the Cupertino-based company's entry-level notebook offering, the first of which arrived on January 21st when model was updated with NVIDIA's 9400M graphics architecture.
That update also saw the notebook gain the same 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 1,066MHz front-side bus employed by the mid-range aluminum unibody MacBook, as well as a doubling of its memory to 2GB. The new white MacBook is eligible for Apple's just-announced Back-to-School promo, which offers a $229 online rebate good for a free 8GB iPod touch to qualifying education individuals who purchase a qualifying Mac and the iPod on the same receipt before September 8th.
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Mar 15, 2012
The loss of MobileMe Galleries is a HUGE loss to Apple's most loyal consumers and I would think a HUGE loss of revenue to Apple.
I certainly hope that the news of Photo Journals for IOS devices will also soon allow us to store, edit and save our photos not only on IOS devices, but also on our laptops, MacAirs and desktops.
Most of us that have been using iPhoto for the past 5 (ish) years, prefer to edit and store them on our laptops and desktops.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Oct 28, 2009
I recently bought a Canon HD camcorder bc I want my movies to look like the ones at the apple store. I edited my first movie in imovie 09, but it come out like they were recorded on miniDV tapes. I have a Macbook Pro and Im not a MAC genius. What do i need to do?
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May 25, 2010
Well I got rid of the quicksilvers since they died. Power supplys gave out and took the motherboards, So I sold what was left on EBAY.
My G4 Ethernet was sold to a co-worked and he is quite happy.
And I got this off ebay today:
Dual 1.8GHz PowerPC G5Procs
Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-117D
Samsung HD160JJ/P 160GB SATA HDD (not apple labeled, not original to this system)
(1) Power Cord
pci106b,9 PCI Ethernet Controller
Well I didnt' read the fine print and BAZINGA! I noticed that it comes without a video card.
So For video editing, watching hulu and youtube and netflix What do you guys recommend.
I do have a PCI GEforce at home with 512 megs for PC and I was wondering if I could flash it and if so, does anyone know of a good walkthrough?
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Dec 29, 2009
I wanted to do some research on this processor, do you guys know what is the processor model code for the iMac's processor?
Is it a mobile processor or a desktop processor?
What is the difference between this one and this one?
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Mar 16, 2009
I Have been agonizing over which Mac Pro would optimize the performance of my Digital Audio Workstations, Pro Tools in particular. Honestly, I have been back and forth with deliberating that now I am burnt out,
I hear Mixed Reviews on the New Nehalem 2.26 GHz Mac Pro Octo. I have also come to believe that 8 Cores Benefit Video More Than Audio, the diagnosis being that 8 Cores Is Overkill for audio. Is Pro Tools A Multi-Threaded App. And What Mac Pro Would Be Best For Audio?
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Mar 18, 2009
Right now im working on a video at school. We have 2006 Quad core mac pros with final cut express. I exported my video in 1080P and it took about 20 minutes to export. But when I went to export it in standard def it says 1 hour remaining. Why is HD exporting 3x faster then SD? Im really confused. I have plenty of ram and CPu Im lost.
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Apr 7, 2009
I just got a new 2010 mini to use for some web development, as well as a media streamer for my tv. I want to be able to stream standard and HD mkv/h.264 video from either the internal HD, external HD, or my server.
Obviously, the internal HD should work question is, would it be faster to stream from an external HD or my server? The server and mini are wired into the network via Gbit ethernet, and the external would be USB (or it could be FW800 if that would make a difference).I'm going to use Plex as the front-end.
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Jan 31, 2010
I recently obtained a (free) Power Mac G4 (Dual 500Mhz, AGP, Gigabit Ethernet) I am looking to upgrade the processor and video. Can anyone advise on what video card would work on this machine? Do I have to go with a Mac edition AGP card (ATI Radeon X800 Pro Mac Edition) or can I use any (PC) AGP card, for example the Radeon HD 4000 or Geforce 7 series?
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Mar 23, 2009
Just wondering, if I were to go for a higher specd Imac with a more powerful video card (thinking possibly the refurb with the 8800), would this be a significantly bigger energy drain, or does the card not kick in to full force unless a task requires it to do so?
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Mar 8, 2008
Does anyone use a MBP for video editing or do you find it much more easier on a desktop?
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Apr 13, 2008
Ive got a friend that has a mac pro 2.66 quad core and it came stock with only 2gb of ram. He wants to order some today but is not sure how much to get. If getting it from OWC what would be the best bang for the buck? is there a point where more ram wont make that much difference?
oh and his has 4x512mb sticks, what are your opinions on not matching the sticks? (such as 1gb with 512mb)
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May 24, 2010
I would love some suggestions for some video editing programs that might work on my G3 imac. 500Mhz, 640MB ram, 16MB graphics. I would prefer freeware, and no imovie. Im not looking for anything too extreme, just some basic or above average editing.
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Aug 20, 2010
I just installed CS5 and was able to play with Premiere Pro and After Effects. Before I was debating on getting an iMac 27 i7 or a Mac Pro. Well for the money, the iMac i7 does everything I ask it to. Computers can still get faster as this thing is fast, but it's not instant meaning, it still takes time to render. But to give you an idea...on my 13.3 Macbook, a 1 hour render takes about 10 minutes on the i7. The interesting thing is playing Starcraft 2...I don't hear the iMac fans at all...however, rendering HD video puts the CPU to work. I only have 8GB of RAM now and it seems responsive, but I can guarantee for these kinds of video editing programs, the more RAM the merrier. I order 8GB more RAM today and I will have a total of 12GB (I stole 4GB out of my Macbook temporarily). I can certainly say for anyone thinking about iMac for video editing it definitely can get the job done. If money however is not an issue go with the Mac Pro...the extra hard drives make a difference. For those on a budget. like me. this is the top of the line product for a prosumer. It's hard to beat the price for the big monitor and i7 chip. BTW...even 27 isn't enough. I got an external 24 next to it and in fact... running both After Effects and Premiere Pro it would not be out of the question to have a 3rd monitor for web browsing or have a document to look at or something. Let's all hope Adobe supports our video cards in the future.
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Dec 11, 2014
I have a VHS tape of an educational program that I did and plan to transfer it to a DVD and then do some editing on it with a video editing app... Like breaking it up into shorter clips and adding some text to it, etc) I'm looking for a video editing program that I can do this with. Can I use Motion 5 to accomplish this or is there another app in the App Store that would be better... and not cost a fortune
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Jun 23, 2014
I currently have a Mac Mini, ssd drive, 2.6ghz quad core i7 with 16gb of ram. Graphics is intel hd4000. Despite it's not having dedicated graphics, would I be able to do some fairly heavy video editing, in Final Cut Pro, with it? I'm still learning, but the computer was an investment and I hope it grows with me. Right now I'm learning with iMovie, but I plan on purchasing FcP in the near future. I am hoping I don't have to worry about purchasing another Mac for at least a couple of years, just because I don't have discrete graphics or iris in this one.
Basically I'm not looking to edit a feature-length presentation, but I'd like to do some music videos, with some cool effects, maybe get into short films or documentaries of 10 to 15 min in length. Nothing too intense, but I'd like to play around with some effects.
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Aug 12, 2008
I was just wondering how good the video/picture editing is on the MBP??What would it be rated out of ten?? (If 1 was a normal computer editing program and 10 was photoshop)
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Nov 8, 2010
i am going to buy the new macbook pro with the i5 card and I was wondering what would be the best option for me because i will use the laptop more often for graphic design then for video editing.
1. to get the macbook with 5400rpm hd, this way my laptop wont over-heat and will be sufficient for graphic softwares such as photoshop. when i will want to use the laptop for video editing i will hook it to a portable hd through firewire cable for maximum data transference speed.
2. other option is to get the 7200rpm hd, but i'm afraid for the well being of my laptop because it will already get quite hot with the fast i5 processor. and the great graphic card.
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Nov 5, 2010
I currently have an old PPC G4 iMac that has finally shown its age for me now that I want to start doing some basic HD video editing in iMovie to start. I wouldn't totally rule out using Final Cut, but most likely I will be using iMovie for a while. I use consoles for gaming mostly, but would be open to using the iMac for it. So I am basically wondering if I can get away with using the following refurb for at least the next 3 years or so:
Refurbished iMac 27-inch 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
27-inch LED-backlit glossy widescreen display
4GB memory
1TB hard drive
8x SuperDrive (DVD�R DL/DVD�RW/CD-RW)
ATI Radeon HD 4670 graphics with 256MB memory
Built-in iSight camera
Or seeing as how I do not replace stuff very fast, am I just better off taking the bigger plunge now on this iMac:
Refurbished iMac 27-inch 2.93GHz Intel Quad-Core i7 processor
27-inch LED-backlit glossy widescreen display
4GB memory
1TB hard drive
8x SuperDrive (DVD�R DL/DVD�RW/CD-RW)
ATI Radeon HD 5750 graphics with 1GB memory
Built-in iSight camera
I am not looking to start a which one is better conversation, that is obvious. I just do not know enough about the performance of these to determine if I am purchasing a machine that is built for something that I will never use.
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Nov 5, 2010
Has anyone tried this with the 4gb version on the 13". What will slow these things down, or what can you not do? Streaming HD video? Does anyone seeing the memory being an issue in the future?
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Dec 17, 2010
I have G5 which takes 15 hours to write a DVD home movie.
I am planning to buy a new imac.
My choice is 27" 2.93 i7 8 ram or 21" 3.60 i5 8 ram Does anyone know if there would be a SIGNIFICANT difference in processing a DVD between these two. It has been suggested i7 could do it in 3 hours.
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Apr 8, 2009
i was looking for a new video editing software and saw this pic and it looks good but i dont know what the software name is.
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