Applications :: Using IMovie 11 And Virtual Memory
Dec 4, 2010
I am shooting high school basketball video with two Sony HD cameras:1 camera follows the action on the court, the other stays on the clock.
I then use iMovie 11 to superimpose the clock video using Picture-in-Picture onto the game footage.
Both cameras shooting highest HD at 30 fps.
Last basketball season, I was using iMovie 09 on a MacBook Pro, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, 256GB SSD. I would import Video 1, import Video 2, superimpose Picture-in-Picture, share to iDVD, burn videos, no worries.
This basketball season, I am using iMovie 11 on a Mac Pro, dual Intel-6-core, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD. I am having some kind of problem with memory (I think).
I boot my Mac Pro. I import the 1-hour Video 1, it takes 11 minutes. If I now import the 1-hour Video 2 (with no reboot), it takes about 30 minutes.
If I boot my Mac Pro, import 1-hour Video 1 in 11 minutes, then reboot the Mac Pro again, the 1-hour Video 2 takes 11 minutes.
When I share to iDVD to burn standard DVDs, if I reboot, it takes about 30 minutes. If I do not reboot, it takes about 2 hours.
When I export to Quicktime at 1920x1080 to burn on a Blu-Ray disc using Toast without a reboot, the export fails 4 times out of 5. If I reboot before exporting to Quicktime, the export always works.
On my MacBook Pro, using iMovie 09, of course all the times were slower because of fewer/slower cores, but I was never rebooting constantly.
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Apr 23, 2009
I'm sure most of you use Growl. Well I left my MacBook Pro on all night uploading some junk and when I went to it this morning it was doggggg slow, the dock refresh was tearing, it was horrid. So I opened the activity monitor and Growl was taking up 3.4 GIGS of virtual memory.
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Apr 5, 2008
I thought I read awhile back someone posted on how to move the virtual memory to another hard drive. Now, I could be wrong, so I did a search and couldn't find the thread. So my question is on my Mac Pro, I have three HDs. 350GB that has OS. 500GB that is free. 1TB that has data. Is there a way to move the paging file (VM) so that it is being used on the 500GB hd?
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Apr 28, 2009
like a mounth ago I bought a new Nahelm Mac Pro, 2,26 GHz, i'm very happy with it, here is the configuration:
16 gb ram ( 8 x2 gb ram)
640 gb + 2 x 1 TB Harddisk
two GT120 video card
Two Samsung T240 HD screens
and the other stuff are standart
The other day I didnt have anything to do so i was just having fun a little with some drawings on painter and photoshop while doing my everyday stuff (watching some streaming videos, or listening to music..etc) since it is my only computer, i do it for my work but also for my fun when I have nothing to do. When I watch a streaming video, let's say from youtube, i have it in full screen in one screen and on the other screen, I do my other stuff, like msn and doodling on photoshop and painter with my tablet..etc and my computer starts to lag, starts to respond very slowly, in a way that i cant do anything at all, and the streaming starts to play slow as well, then i reduce the size of the video instead of full screen and it looks a lil better for some time but then again it slows down my computer. Then when I check Activity Monitor I notice that I still have 10-12 GB free ram since I have only my everyday stuff open. but it shows 54 GB virtual memory and I dont understand what uses this much memory? I mean ok I make multi tab browsing..Etc but not more than I used to do on my old pc laptop with 4 gb ram, why does it use virtual memory when I still have 10 GB free ram? what should i do to avoid such situation other than not opening those applications at the same time? I wish that I was clear enough to explain my problem, I'm attaching a screenshot of my Activity Monitor,
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Sep 6, 2010
I have an 40 GB SSD installed on my 2010 iMac 27" with a 2TB HDD hosting the users folder. I was running Transmission and encoding a DVD when I was told that I am out of Virtual Memory and must restart.
My question is: will using the SSD for Virtual Memory affect its performance down the line (as they should not be written to too much.) If so, how can I change my virtual memory storage location? *Xupport didn't work.
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Sep 2, 2009
I just noticed that my VM size is 140.17 GB, is this normal? Also Im using SL.
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Feb 24, 2010
I recently noticed my Virtual Memory is ridiculously high. Is this something I should be concerned with?
Right now I have Safari and Mail open and as you can see in the screen shot the VM Memory is over 122 GIG! Any ideas?
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Mar 7, 2010
how to increase virtual memory what i have to do?
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Sep 27, 2010
tell me its solution - why do i have such a high virtual memory size?
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Dec 28, 2006
I know this probably isn't topic-worthy, but I searched Apple's website along with the forums and couldn't find an answer. In System Preferences, under Security, what will happen if I check off "Use secure virtual memory?"
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Jul 23, 2009
I see "Use Secure Virtual Memory" under the Security Preference Pane in System Preferences.
It is currently checked. What is this option and if I uncheck it (if it is safe), will I notice a speed boost for Mac OS X?
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May 14, 2012
How to reduce virtual memory in lion, I have install the maximum amount of memory on my Macbook Pro but losing valuable hd space due to having an extra partition. I want to recover some disk space.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 9, 2012
I have a mac book air, is there a way to increase the virtual memory?, I have a mac book air, is there a way to increase the virtual memory?
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Jun 11, 2012
So I have a Mac Pro, quad core xeon with 12 GB of RAM.Â
I have noticed that when I watch videos, usually from YouTube but elsewhere also, the video is very choppy and the overally computer performance becomes laggy. I thought it was Flash, so I deleted flash and switched my youtube preferences to HTML 5. No change.Â
So I bust out activity monitor, and it doesn't seem to be a CPU issue, but I note that the VM size is 200-400 GB. That seems excessive. I've about 80 GB available free space on my startup drive; I can move some stuff to another drive to create more free space if that's the issue. But is that much VM normal in 10.7? It seems like a lot.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Nov 22, 2008
I have a unibody Macbook 2.4 with 4GB RAM, running the latest version of Leopard (10.5.5). In activity monitor, I see each process has uses virtual memory of over half a gig, with a total VM size of over 40GB. Is this normal? Is all this virtual memory eating space on my hard disk? Why does each process require so much virtual memory? Is all the software on my Macbook, bloatware?
The attachments show what I am saying. Do others also have similar VM statistics?how to increase memory size
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Apr 6, 2009
I have a Mac Air (version 2) which comes with 2GB of RAM. I need to an XP shell (Parallel Desktop v4.0) to use some company based applications, which really slows the machine down. Just wondering if a Jump Drive can be used as Virtual Memory like it can be done on a Windows Vista machine?
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Jun 16, 2009
I have a unibody 13" Macbook and I just put in 4gb ram today. I noticed today that my VM size is 70.14GB. This doesn't seem normal to me... is it? If not how can I get it to where it needs to be?
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Mar 14, 2012
I'm getting messages stating "Your Mac OS X startup disk has no more space available for application memory." I've determined that my system memory is rapidly reducing after the MacBook Air is left on with only the Activity Monitor and Terminal open.
MacBook Air Stats:
11-Inch, Mid 2011
Processor: 1.8 Ghz Intel Core i7
Memory: 4GB 1333 Mhz DDR3
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 384MB
Software: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3
My SSD drive space is rapidly reduced after the "free memory" is almost completed used - the MacBook then starts using the SSD drive as virtual memory and almost uses that space (I have a 250GB drive with 60GB available when I start the mac).Everything works great for the first 5-10 minutes, then I see the "free memory" decrese until it's down to about 30MB or so and then the SWAP used increases until my hard drive is almost totally out of space and gives me the error above. During this time the MacBook Airs little fan turns on.I can only use my Mac for about 30 minutes or so until I have to restart due to the HD being filled up by the virtual memory SWAP. The Mac is also very slow during this time as you can imagine.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 29, 2008
So I've got a 2.0 GHz, white MacBook with 1gb ram, and a G4 Powerbook 1.67 with 1gb of ram. The major software difference between the two is the OS, the MacBook is running Leopard. So, I noticed the MacBook started to lag a little from when it was new, so when I upgraded to Leopard I did a clean install. Still noticed the lag so I checked my ram, and here's what I got:
The Powerbook was running the same exact apps (iTunes, iChat, iPhoto, Safari) as the MacBook, and even after loading dashboard on the Powerbook it still used only 500mb of ram and 4.45gb of Virtual Ram. The MacBook was using 615mb of ram and 32 GB OF VIRTUAL MEMORY?I thought it might just be counting space set aside, but I checked the apps and adding all them up is about 32gb. They both have the same iPhoto library yet the powerbook's only took up 240mb of virtual ram and the macbook's over 1000mb.
I realize there are some slight differences (different iChat, spaces was running) but why in gods name would it make the MacBook use almost 7 times the amount of virtual ram!
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Jan 3, 2009
I was in my system preferences turning off the IR port and may have changed the "use secure virtual memory" setting by mistake and can't remember if it was on of off by default.
I've searched other posts but see conflicting info..
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Oct 22, 2009
Does changing the paging file (virtual memory) in Win Xp which I installed using bootcamp have any effect on my OSX installation? Can it impact the speed of my OSX (not my Windows)?
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Dec 2, 2005
yesterday, my machine starting dragging along. granted, i had a load of programs open, but that's macOS, innit?
then i looked in the activity monitor and something stood out. cpu and memory levels were reasonable, but there was a strange program taking up 1.3gb virtual memory. "TrueBlue Environment" it was called, and i killed it immediately. the dock restarted and then it was fine. none of my apps quit. what was this?
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Jul 14, 2010
When I open Activity Monitor, kernel_task is using approx 240 MB of real memory, and 67 of virtual. All I have open is Safari (and Activity Monitor)Seems like alot of real memory for one process.
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May 27, 2012
My wife has an Intel Core 2 Duo Macbook with Leopard 10.5.8. We've run the software update. We've run repair disk permissions. We've restarted the computer. But despite all of that, her virtual memory usage is really high compared to my computer. Each process is using from approximately 600 - 1100 MB of virtual memory. She has 12 GB of free space on her hard drive, but her computer has been running slower lately and has had the low startup disk space warning.
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 16, 2012
I'm trying to share an Imovie to Idvd and is telling me that I need more memory, how do I free some memory. I need to finish this project ASAP.
Mac OS X (10.6.7), It finds it when I'm installing it
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Oct 24, 2008
I just took a quiz online on Blackboard (university online suite for tests/homework/class notes) and I had to accept a trust certificate so a 30 min. limit timer would begin. After finishing the test, I looked in activity monitor and there are 2 processes: httpd(root) and http(_www). They are taking up about 2.6 GB of virtual ram each, and almost all of my physical memory is being used. Also, under the "kind" column, it lists them as Intel (64-Bit). What are these and why will they not disappear when I try to force-quit them?
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May 2, 2009
I love the old iMovie HD, and would like to keep working on projects with it. If I install iLife '09 , will it erase the old version of iMovie HD?
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Jun 2, 2010
I have a very old purple iMac, circa 2000, with an old version of iMovie. I copied the files onto a USB and tried to open/import them onto my new Intel Core 2 Duo, 3.06 GHz iMac. However my new iMac with iMovie '09 won't recognise the files when I try to import them. They stay greyed, not allowing me to import them.
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Nov 16, 2009
My activity monitor says I'm suing 122.43 GB of virtual memory. I'm sure that the number is much, much less. But I would still like to reset the virtual memory.
Are there any terminal commands to rest the vm?
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Mar 27, 2012
How do I delete macbook pro osx 10.7 virtual partition on virtual box? I already deleted the virtual machine and the app but the partition is still there.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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