Applications :: Software Having Learning Curve For Potential Accounting Employees?
Mar 11, 2009
We've been running Clients & Profits for the longest time in our Mac-only office. Frankly it sucks, and we are looking toward something with less of a learning curve for potential accounting employees whose experience mostly seems to center around Quickbooks. Looking at Quickbooks for Mac, it is clearly not the same thing and I don't think it suits our needs. We need something where all users can access the database and add time, create POs and invoices, etc, but at the same time isn't foreign to someone trained in Quickbooks. Does this exist??
I admit I have never really touched a real guitar in my life (obviously a Rock Band guitar does not count). But since I just got my new 27" iMac, I came to the realization that learning guitar with GarageBand might actually be pretty interesting.
So, what is the minimum buying requirements in order to start learning guitar when you are starting with nothing (other than GarageBand itself, of course).
Here is what I think I need at a minimum, but I want to make sure: Acoustic Electric OR Electric guitar. A regular acoustic guitar won't work because it does not have a line output (is that correct?).
I have seen some acoustic electric guitars on eBay for less than $100. What do I need to make sure the Guitar comes with before buying? [By the way, I have my eye on one acoustic electric guitar that comes with an Active Pickup ... is active pickup necessary?] 1/4" to 1/8" adapater
Here are some extras that might be nice for better tone, but are not required: USB or Firewire Audio Interface. I think I have seen I can get one of these for $50-$100 A microphone to connect to the audio interface An amplifier
I was thinking of starting with the minimum requirements (assuming what I listed is the minimum) and if I decide I enjoy this, go for the extras I listed.
I just introduced my mother to the world of Mac and she is looking for a personal accounting software program. She has been using Quicken for YEARS but is ready to change to something.
I've just got a new iMac, run a small limited company and am VAT registered, based in the UK...just wondering which accounting software is best? There doesn't seem to be many reviews on the web so thought
starting a new small business and need some first hand advice. have seen bad write-ups on quickbooks 2009 for mac and so-so opinions for myob. what about quickbooks 2010 coming out soon?
Im currently using an Excel spreadsheet, but my business is expanding so I need to use something more functional. I have tried Sage and Quickbooks but didnt really like them, not to mention the price was ridiculous.
I'm not sure if this should be in the iPod forum, the Mac Apps forum (I can't believe there isn't an iTunes forum), or the MacRumors forum. Subject: Airplay. Went to the local Apple Store yesterday for a One-to-One appointment. I asked one of the associates if any of the dozen speakers they have on display were AirPlay compatible. He looked at me like I was crazy. After refreshing his memory on the topic briefly, he said that no, it was too new and suggested I add an Airport Express to my system to achieve my desired results (to stream music to speakers in my house). Question: Will AirPlay negate the need for an Airport Express? I'm expecting that very soon AirPlay compatible speaker(s) will come to market which will handle wirelessly all the necessary work to stream music from my iDevices to the speakers. Am I understanding AirPlay and its potential correctly?
I currently need a laptop of some sort but have a very fast PC desktop for my heavy lifting, PC gaming, photoshop, etc. I am also interested in learning to program for iOS using Xcode, and I don't want to go the hackintosh route. Since I have a desktop, my general usage for this laptop would be very light, i.e. web browsing, email, tweetdeck, iTunes, light Microsoft Office use, etc. I am just wondering if these models would be good enough for Xcode? Would the 11" model be sufficient?
(I could plug into one of my PC's external monitors for more screen real estate). I guess I mainly ask that question from a processor standpoint (1.4 versus the 1.86 in the 13"). 2GB versus 4GB RAM? Again, this would be used very casually other than learning programming on Xcode. Before the Airs were released I was considering a base 13" pro. The only benefit I see in the 13" pro at this point is a backlit keyboard and cheaper than the 13" air. (Apple Store has the 13" pro refurb for $1020 right now).
good book for learning photoshopi know my way around it a little bit, but i nwat to get really good at it....any books out there that are worth the money? looking to spend 40 annd under
I'm having some trouble with my Logitech V450 Nano mouse. It feels awkward compared to a regular PC mouse.
To be more specific, I have trouble accurately moving the cursor. When I move the cursor a short distance, it feels like I'm moving through mud. By contrast, when I move the mouse over a longer distance, it feels much faster. This makes it really difficult for me to close windows and play any sort of FPS game.
Now, the Logitech software allows me to change the mouse acceleration, but it still feels really awkward. I've experimented with almost every setting but the speed still doesn't feel accurate/consistent. Does this make sense or am I taking crazy pills?
The other day I decided to use the Mail program instead of checking my webmail constantly. I LOVE it. It's so much easier. Anyway, ever since then I haven't been receiving my mail on my Blackberry? I get a sporadic email or two but then I come home to 28 emails on my Mac. I don't understand what's going on here. Also, my webmail inbox never retains any mail. It's always empty. I feel like this may be the cause?
I�m not a complete dummy but I am not too good with macs, as I have ony switched over from a PC a couple of months ago. I have a new unibody MBP. Everything is fine, except for the mousing situation.
I have done some research as to why the mouse feel is downright brutal for me with OSX. The acceleration curve is different than in Windows. My only complaint with Apple right now is that they do not offer any kind of fix for this. I want to throw my macbook out the window when using an external mouse.
MS Intellipoint is supposedly the only true fix. Anyways from what I have read, MS Intellipoint will only override OSX�s cursor acceleration curve when using a Microsoft mouse. This person (link at bottom) found a way around it, although I think he is doing it with an "alphagrip". I need to see if I can do it with a Logitech wireless mouse. On the bottom, people commented that it worked for them. I find his directions very unclear, but that may be because I am not a wizard.
i have been a long time macbook pro user and I finally got around to installing bootcamp to run some windows software for school. I'm sure that many of you have noticed how the acceleration path for the mouse tracking on OSX feel "different" than Windows and my problem is that I prefer the OSX method of tracking and can't stand the fidgety nature of windows tracking (especially while using the new buttonless trackpads which work great on OSX but fail miserably on windows). I did a search on google and found that there are many ways to get the OSX tracking to "feel" like windows using software like USBOverdrive but I couldn't find any solutions for my problem which involves the opposite, getting windows tracking to feel like OSX.
i've been using Logic Express 9 for a few months now and started today messing about with the included demo project "The Numbers Game".Unfortunately, I accidentally hit save on a change and now have fundamentally affected the demo.
If I do a re-install of Logic Express 9 will this wipe out or affect my other projects in any way? I really don't want to lose any of the work I've done so far, but would really like to have back the original demo project as a learning tool.
I very recently purchased a refurb late 2009 27 inch i7 iMac. It is more computer than I currently need. I do have one concern that SSD is supposedly much faster than a conventional hard drive and although a solid state drive is now pretty pricey, they will come down in price and I suspect become more mainstream over the next couple of years.
Does it make any sense to consider swapping my computer for a late 2010 i7 refurb (+ $200) so that I have an upgrade path to SSD in the future?
Today I started to export my first iMovie project and when I export the movie it seems it is only using 50% of the CPU (looks more like it is only working on 1 core) but when I check the activity monitor it shows it is working on 2.I have an SSD 4GB Ram and Core duo on my Macbook pro.Is there a way to check if the MBP is using its full potential?Right now I can perfectly work and watch movies without interference but the export takes very long, what if I just want to make sure the export goes the fastest?
I've been trying to find an easy-to-use, inexpensive bookkeeping/accounting package for the Mac to help me manage my business.
Most things I've found have either been too expensive (several hundred pounds) or too difficult for a non-accountant to use.
A few days ago I stumbled upon a Bristol, England firm called InstantAdmin. The software is very straightforward, easy-to-use, and does pretty much what I need it to do.
The only problem: I can't get anyone to answer my emails about a few questions I have and a couple of problems with functionality that I've found.
Does anyone here have any experience of InstantAdmin? I'm hoping this isn't some fly-by-night outfit as I'd really like to buy this software, but not if I can't get a simple reply to an email.
I am thinking of buying a new mac mini that I will use for my studies when I go to sixth form in september, but I am worried that there might be some compatibility issues with windows based files, such as if I need to email someone something but they are one a windows pc, or if I need to open a file that was designed on a windows pc. Does anyone know of any that I should know about? This would be my first mac so I don't know the deal with them. Should I just stick with a windows pc?
I am tempted to jump on getting a new Mac Pro now instead of waiting. Primarily because i dont want to be priced out of getting the higher end model with more cores. If they do come out with a 6 and 12 core config. i would want to buy the 12 core but a lot of rumors around here and on other sites say that the new models will likely come with a price increase. potentially leaving me having to buy the 6 core model. 8 core current Vs 6 core future This makes me think i'll just get the 8 core current. BUT Are there any features that apple may add that would blow the current models away. USB 3.0, BluRay, etc. I can live without many of these things.. but perhaps i am missing something.
I posted my G4 Powerbook on craigslist, and, after filtering out the nigerian scammers, I received some legit-seeming inquiries, a couple of which requested I print my system profiler information as a pdf and send to them so they could see how the machine is set up. One of them had an email address, so it seemed like it was probably not a malicious request.
I bought my MacBook Pro in January and quickly discovered that most Adobe products don't work on Lion. I'm looking to sell and have a prospective buyer when I realized that I wasn't sure how to do a clean install of Lion for a potential buyer. Do I need to buy a copy of Lion from App store in order to do a clean install for a new buyer? Is there a way to clean the HD of my user profile and info without reinstalling Lion, or do I need to do a clean install? How do I do a clean install if necessary?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)