Applications :: Size Difference Between Tiger And Leopard - Installing A New OS
Nov 28, 2010
I am still on Tiger, mainly because I really like its feel and simplicity as compared to Leopard or Snow Leopard, and its been fine up until recently because it did everything I needed. Recently, I've been encountering more frequently apps that I want to try but that are only available on 10.5+.I have a Leopard CPU Drop-in Disk, and am thinking about upgrading soon, however, I am using a 120 GB HDD that is getting close to being full, and I am concerned that installing a new OS would eat up some of that precious available HDD spaceDoes anyone know what the size difference is between Tiger and Leopard or between Tiger and Snow Leopard? If it's more than 4 GB, I don't think it is really worth it to me.
I'm wondering if it is possible to install different MAC OS versions (for example, having Leopard and Tiger OS X) on the same computer, as you usually do with different versions of Windows just making some partitions. Is it possible? If yes... how?
I am having trouble installing Leopard over my 10.4 Tiger Mac, I am using "grey faced" dvd's that came with my 10.5 Leopard Macbook, to install Leopard on my Mac, but whenever it starts up the process of installing it, it gives me an error " Mac OS X can not be installed on this computer" It gives me 2 options, to restart or "ok", if i choose "OK" i can roam about in disk utility, password reset etc etc as you would" I am wondering if this is a computer/disk problem, or will I just need to go buy snow leopard from a retailer?
ive got a Imac 17inch 1.0ghz with 215mb ddr ram. anyways, as Sheepy suggested, i upgraded her to a nice speedy 500GB 7200 Sata drive and dropped 1.5gb ram into her...... but lets take a step back. when i got her, she was full of dust and had tiger on her.. no dramas, tiger is good. anyways, i wanted to do a reinstall of tiger, and so grabbed my tiger retail disk and started her up, no dramas there either, ran disk util, repartitioned (the old disk) and started to install. the install never finished and then it just rebooted after about 80% through... The reboot came to the disk flashing with the osx face and a question mark. I try a few more times, with the same result, and also with Leopard, also with the same result, but the leopard install actually tells me after about 80% that "Install failed" try again? anyways, so i think its a shagged optical drive. i have a few lying around and i need to get in there anyways to upgrade the hard drive. installing the HD and the new Optical drive went fine, all works well.. and while i was there also installed 500mb ddr400 stick in the main memory non user slot. close her up, checked the heatsink matchup spots and there dry as a nuns nasty.. theres no paste on them, but kinda like a pad.. (which isnt even sticky either) anyways, i stick em back together (without) cleaning the pad stuff nor with applying any paste and boot her up. I insert the leopard disk to istall and it all goes fine, i re-partition the newspeedy 7200rpm sata disk and start the install. and again.... gets to about 90% and reboots. flashing smily face with alternating question mark.
I have a 17" iMac G4 that I was rung Tiger with, then I installed Leopard 10.5. I use this as a second computer. All is fine except that my Epson scanner does not work with 10.5. I've tried the latest drivers. I'd like to reinstall Tiger. I used the 10.5 disc to reformat the drive and start from square one. When I boot from my original Tiger disc it starts opening it's windows, but when I get to the point where I can choose Install or use Disk Utility to reformat from the Tiger disc, all windows freeze and I need to hard reboot from the power switch. Am I correct to assume that 10.5 won't let 10.4 to reinstall. Is this correct?
"it is possible to completely erase a hard drive and install Snow Leopard without a pre-existing operating system in place, enabling users to bypass the possible headaches of an upgrade and go with a clean install instead. Wired said many users upgrading from Tiger should probably consider backing up their files from Tiger and doing a clean install instead."
I don't have an external harddrive. What other backup options do I have?
I've tried installing Final Cut Express 4 on my Macbook. I run Tiger. It can't be done. Just after I choose the hard drive for the installation, it starts installing for a split second and then stops saying that an error occurred and that I have to start all over again. Can anyone help me with this? Maybe the Final Cut Express 4 isn't compatible with Tiger?
I made a playlist of 103 songs, which, at the bottom of the window, showed 6.2 hours, 708.1 MB. So I burn it, and iTunes separates it into 3 disks. Now the info on one disk shows 22 songs 1.2 hours and a rollicking 783.6 MB!Â
How is it that 22 songs on the disk have a larger file size than 103 songs in the playlist?Â
Info: Mac OS X (10.7.4), also, iBook G4 from Sept. '04, 10.5.8, 1.25 GB ram
I did a fresh Leopard install onto a new HDD. I use the migration assistant to transfer my Tiger profile to a new account on the Leopard install. My default Leopard user account Mail app works for but the profile/user I migrated just will not work (mail). When I start Mail on the migrated profile I get nothing; no window except the File Menu Bar changes to "Mail". New Mail Window does nothing and I can't Quit the application..
New to macs here actually new to apple also. I had a few questions regarding installing windows 7 on my late 2009 macbook pro 15". What is the difference in bootcamp and parallels is it? Does one run like a virtual windows in the background while bootcamp let's you boot in either osx or windows? I have a xps desktop from Dell that has windows vista pre installed. Now I bought a copy of windows 7 when it was released fro newegg. Now I assume I cannot use that disc and serial, is that correct? Since I use it on my xps desktop? I would need to purchase another copy of windows correct? With that said, which version do I purchase? 32 or 64 bit? My Macbook pro is pretty much already setup (apps, pics, music, etc) can i still install windows 7 or will it format my HD and i would need to then reinstall everything on the Mac side? What are the "major" cons to installing windows 7 on a mbp? So far I have gathered battery life being the biggest con, any others?
i'm trying to get the file size displayed in the finder.i can right click on an individual file to 'get info' and find the size, but can the size be displayed routinely in the finder? i tried to 'view options' but 'size' and 'calculate size' are greyed out and cannot be checked.
I have two macs(one is macbook, another one is G4 cube). On my G4 Cube OS 9.2 is running and it is up to date. (last firmware update installed) I want to install mac os x tiger on it but i can not. I tried almost everything but i couldn't install yet.
Firstly I downloaded tiger.dmg and burned into a dvd, then inserted to the Cube. It can read the DVD but couldn't run the tiger dmg file. so i could not install in this way.
Then i connect the macbook to my Cube via firewire and I inserted the installation dvd to the macbook but the result was same. cube can read the DVD but couldn't run the tiger dmg file.
Then I changed the host and target. I saw G4's harddisk as an external harddisk on my macbook's screen and i found the OSInstall.mpkg after I mounted Tiger dmg file on desktop. I choosed as installation destination G4's harddisk and installed the tiger on it. Then i open the Cube and I opened startup disc on os9 to choose os x as startup system. Though Tiger's system files are on the G4's harddisk there is no choise as os x in the startup disc menu so i couldn't start tiger.
is it possible to install Tiger on a iMac G3 with you iPod. Im in the process of selling it & i want to do some maintenance on it, so that its nice & speedy. Can i install Tiger using my Ipod Nano 2G? If so what is the process of going about doing so?
I have a G3 iBook, 600MHz, 2 USB slots, 1 firewire slot, DVD ROM/CDRW with 640Mb. I bought a Tiger DVD which on the front says: "Mac OS X Tiger. Includes Xcode 2. Install DVD. Version 10.4.6." It came as new, inside a Mac OS X box (no grey installation discs - just 1 black DVD). won't install on my iBook. In fact, it won't even mount on my desktop! I've tried holding "C" on startup but that won't help. Incidentally, I can't repair permissions (I just get "No valid packages (-9997)") but that seems to be the only thing going on with my Mac! Any ideas to get this show on the road?
I recently acquired an original iMac G3 from my Uncle. I put a 80GB PATA drive in there, and installed OS9 without any hitches (apart from the fact that it doesn't recognise the HD because I think I have the jumpers wrong, it still boots eventually though). Anyways to my question, does this version of iMac support OSX? I am hoping to install Tiger onto it, regardless of the speed that the machine will be. I had a Graphite iMac so I'm used to slow speeds baha. I'm guessing the main problem would be in regards to the CD drive, it isn't a DVD drive.
I've got an old Ibook G4 with Panther and Ilife installed - I want to update to Tiger but keep Ilife - I have a retail copy of Tiger that doesn't include Ilife... What is the cleanest way for me to install Tiger and keep Ilife ?
I have a macbook pro 13".. the HD crashed and i had to send it out for recovery (the platter was f'd up) and the optical drive stopped working.
i have a thingy i use where i pllug in the internal HD and it becomes a USB on my imac... can i run Tiger and install it to that specific HD and format it as well? then when i plug the HD back into the macbook it will work?
I recently recived a iBook G3, Specs are 600Mhz, 635Mb Ram, 20Gb HDD. I go to install OS X Tiger and it either shows "You Have To Restart Your Computer......) or a System Failure: CPU=0 (Unaligned Stack) error. This is as it boots the CD for install. When it spits the error code in the background is the apple boot screen
My girlfriend has an imac g5 running panther, she was able to get a copy of tiger also for the g5 from her job. Is it possible to run this operating system on her imac.
When i tried installing i got a kernel panic.
Her imac has a 1.6ghz power pc processor. 756mb ram 60 gigs of space left
I recently did some work to a 15" 700mhz G4 iMac I got as a gift. I put in a new hard drive, DVD burner and an airport card. Now I'm at the point where I need to install Tiger. I have the original owner's disks, but the only form of input I have for the iMac is an old USB keyboard which was used for the PlayStation 2.
I tested the keyboard on my MacBook and found that it works fine, but only after I had to run a test to recognize what kind it was. I'm pretty sure that since I can't plug and play with this keyboard (without running a test) I won't be able to use it to install Tiger.
So this is where I'm stuck. Is my problem as easy to fix as borrowing a more modern, made-for-a-computer keyboard? And if so, does it have to be from Apple, or will a Logitech or Dell work nicely?
Sometime ago, I installed MAC OSX Tiger 10.4 onto my E Mac (CPU Power PC G4.1.1). It functioned OK for a couple of years, but then began freezing.
We tried to re-install the OSX system from an external DVD drive and although it registered the Install DVD, it would never boot from it. Eventually, we used my son's Mac laptop as a slave and reinstalled.Unfortunately, the computer still freezes randomly. It seems worse when pulling things from the dock (eg: Word files, Firefox etc.) or when pull down menus appear.
I had some great last night regarding the need to get a "Black" retail disk in order to install Tiger onto my iMac, I have searched on ebay and have found some grey disks which read - "For Mac Computers" on the left hand side. In small print at the bottom they have 'Mac OS version 10.4.10, AHT version 3a133, disc version 1.0, 2z691-6089-A'
I have an intel iMac (non-aluminum) without an operating system. But there are lots of important files on the iMac's hard drive. Can I install OS X Tiger on it without erasing any files, and still have them be accessible on the computer? If so, how?
For the moment I have my OS back up (10.3.9 )cloned to an ext FW HD. I have a 10.4 install or unpgrade disc (not sure which, nor if the disc is any good and would prefer not to risk screwing up my int.HD). Could I install Tiger directly to my ext.HD, thus being able to use the two systems depending on where I boot from. (if the install works?) Asking this because I'm not sure if I have enough free space on my Int HD (7GB) to do an Install and Archive, where as on my Ext HD I have about 11GB free space on the partition. Then if it all works could I CCC it back to my Int.HD?
Further to one of my previous questions i have now managed to get hold of OSX tiger for my Imac G4 800mhz superdrive. However no matter what I try I cannot get this to install. If I go through custom instal it checks my disk and then comes up with a notice saying "mail cannot be intalled on this computer - intallation not possible" or something along these lines. I have also tried restarting while holding down the command button but the 10.4 disk does not appear. I have completely wiped my harddrive and reinstalled my original osx 10.3 and even taken out the airport card and additional ram memory card which i thought was causing the problem.
why the iphoto library file size in the finder appears to be a certain size, while iphoto itself reports a very different size. Is there any way to recover any disk space or reconcile the numbers here? Please see the attachments below, it may make a bit more sense that way. I would like to recover the disk space and if it really is a 16gb difference somewhere.
I'm using iTunes 9.2.1 and it states that my music library is 159.99gb with 25,994 songs, however the folder containing music files is 171.26gb with 30,309 files. This is a difference of 11.27gb and 4315 files. The folder only contains mp3 or m4a files with their respective album and band folders; no images, text files or anything else. The iTunes folder is located elsewhere. I added the folder to iTunes again to see if there were 11gb of songs I'd forgotten to add and there was no difference. I even deleted all iTunes settings and the current library and added the folder again and it is still missing 11.27gb.
I'm about 95% sure that none of my music collection is missing from iTunes so my first thought was that iTunes is just reading the file sizes and count inaccurately and it really is 171.26gb, but I'm not sure.
Can anyone think of a solution without going though my entire collection and comparing it to iTunes to see if anything is missing?
I just bought a 4GB macbook pro and need to install Windows Vista Business for school because I am an engineering Student starting this fall and my school requires it. how much space to partition for windows. I will be using Windows for school related purposes including Microsoft office and engineering programs such as Matlab but everything else i.e. my photos, music, etc. will be be on the Mac OS. How much space would you recommend I partition for Windows?