I have 2 macs - mac mini and a macbook pro Both audio outputs of the computers are teathered to my speakers with a Y cable. When computer one is playing music to the speakers, I'll be using computer two for work purposes. Should computer two experience an audible alert (instance message, new e-mail message, etc) the music will dim for about 30 seconds. How do I prevent the "dimming" of the music?
I have iTunes 10.6.1 (7) an Airport Extream Version 6.0 Airport Utility (600.92) That I use with two airport express stations, an Apple TV 2nd Generation with latest software up date. Also have Ipad 3rd Generation and two I phone 4's. Issue: After installing the latest Airport Utility software update I'm unable to connect to my remote speakers in iTunes. The speakers are visible in the pop up menu but iTunes times out when trying to connect. If I use remote to select Apple TV and then via Apple TV select my Computers Library I'm able to play music on the Apple TV / Home Speakers... but still not the Airport Express Stations.
When using remote on the iPhone or iPad the speakers are visible as well but I'm unable to select them... iTunes times out. I can steam music from that is on my iPhone or iPad to each individual speaker, but multiple speaker control is not available and the music from my library is not available. I believe the problem is in the Airplay feature of iTunes and I believe the problems arise when you install the latest version of Airport Utility. You can play on remote speakers, only one at a time, and only if you have the music on a stand alone device (iPhone or iPad)... in summary, bypass iTunes and you can be successful... marginally successful.
I'm looking for a free or inexpensive, quality software program that can record and log the key strokes, web, and email usage of my family for MAC OSX. That functions invisibly. Must include remote monitoring.
I tried to record the live TV on Filmon HDI Player 2.10.11 and I can see on top that said recording and everything but I can't find the recorded file after I stopped the recording. Is it a bug or is there anyway that I can fix it. I try using the PC and I can record and I can see the recorded file and playback no problem. So the problem is only when I use my MacBook Pro with Filmon HDI Player for Mac.
How can use new QuickTime Record Audio in my mac for recording all sound of in my mac? like record iTunes Radio or any application sound etc... is it any codec? or method ? or any component?
I am looking for some software for mac that allows me to record from up to 4 webcams at one time. So far I've only found this one called EvoCam, but I don't feel like paying that much and it's got way more features then I need so it's not worth it. I don't mind paying a bit of money but 95% of the features in EvoCam are useless to me.
So, I treated myself to a brand spanking new Macbook Pro Yeahhh, I picked up the 15" 2.3Ghz and suped it up with 16gigs of Ram and a 750gig 7200rpm HD and this baby flies, especially taking into consideration my last laptop was an ibook (chuckle).
Okay here is the question: Is there any way I can record applications that I am running on my laptop, I am into some new video projection controll software and would like to create a trouble shooting vid/manual as I resolve sits.
At the moment I can only use the screen record function on the main MacBook monitor. I move the QuickTime window around but it will still only record the main monitor. Other than changing the monitor on which the menu bar is located, is there a way to record on a second screen?
So with Quicktime X, it gives me the options to Record using my Macs Camera, i can record my screen, and i can record audio. but how do i record the screen and the screens audio. like if i am going to record a video on the screen, and want the audio of that video to be recorded, then how do i do that?
I am wondering if anyone has any recommendations for software geared to vinyl collectors. I've toyed with delicious library, but that was ok. I found some dead links for an app called Vinyl Tracker, but that seems to be no longer available. I am wondering if there is anything for OSX more specifically designed for collecting records.
Boom Recorder states that it won't work on SL so... I out of luck.I know I could just type down the lecture but I would like to record at the same time. Recording Pen that records as you write something on the specialized notebook would be perfect but I am looking for something similar that I can use on my Macbook.
I'm going to miss the Canada-Russia Olympic Hockey game tomorrow, and I was hoping to find some way of recording the streaming video onto my computer to watch when i got home. I've managed to get the "Screen Recording" function working properly (how cool is that??) but it doesn't seem to be picking up any audio. Is there any way to do that? I tried running a simultaneous audio recording, but it doesn't recognize the audio coming in with the video as an audio feed. I'm using Quicktime X on a Dec. 2007 macbook running Snow Leopard. Is there a better way to record ths game from the site streaming the video?
having recorded my Piano playing in Garageband with my oh-so-sexy Apogee Duet, I'm more than please with the quality of the Audio I'm getting.However, I'm wondering if there's a way for me to capture the MIDI at the same time.I'm using a Roland RD700x series Professional stage piano which has a lovely sounding sample in it which is good from an Audio perspective, however I also want to record the MIDI events while I'm capturing the Audio.
I have a macbook pro 13 (The new 2010 one). What software would you recommend that would allow me to screen record a portion of my screen that is playing a 720P video. Basically I'm for the best screen record program with:
-High quality capturing (720P) -Portion of the screen capture(Not the whole desktop) -High frames per second capture (not jerky, but smooth)
I expect to make some compromises but I'm just looking for the best software that will fit the most of my needs.
I'm looking for a command line utility (Audacity isn't scriptable as far as I know) to record from line-in or microphone to just raw audio (like .wav file). Does anyone know of any free tool that would do this?
I need help in being able to have my EyeTV communicate with my ZephIR Infrared device so that the EyeTV can change channels and record TV shows by itself on my Cable Box. They're not communicating with each other at all.
I am trying to record from a disc and convert it into mp3 format so that I can upload to a website. I used to do this on my PC by recording directly from the cd into a program called audacity. I have downloaded Audacity for Mac but I can't figure out how to do this. Or can this be done in Garage Band? I would prefer to stick with Apple software if it is possible.