Applications :: IDefrag Message - Unable To Complete

Mar 15, 2010

I have used iDefrag many times and it worked perfectly but now it gets like halfway and says this "Defragmentation of the disk main has finished.NOTE: Some files were skipped due to lack of contiguous free space and therefore remain fragmented." anyone know what that means?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Error Message: Unable To Complete Backup

Jun 30, 2012

error msg: Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup directory. - What can I do to fix this? I tried restarting.

Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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IMac (Intel) :: Time Machine Error Message - Unable To Complete Backup Folder

Aug 29, 2014

iMAC with OSX10.9.4 ; 8GB ram ; two partitions external disk formatted MAC jurnaled ; connected via Fire Wire or USB2 .

During Backup the sistem get stack and display into the "details window"  Time machine was unable to complete the backup because unable to complete the backup folder.

This problem happens with USB and Fire Wire. The file backups.backupdb is excluded from virus scanning.

Also happens time to time that (without doing things) both the partitions of the external disk disappaire from the desk-top and a message "the disk must be ejected properly" is displayed.

This two problems are independent une to the other. I have change the backup disk but both the problems persist.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 8GB ram ; external backup HD

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Applications :: Neooffice - Unable To Write Complete Word

Nov 12, 2009

When I start typing a word, it tries to finish it for me (for example, if I want to just write the word "commit" it tries to sort of finish it for me by adding on "commit-ment" unless I press the Space bar-its sorta annoying-how can I change that?

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Applications :: Unable To Complete Bacjkup / Time Machine With Parallels Installed

Jul 14, 2010

I have time machine running as well as Parallels installed. Every time Time Machine backs up it does a minimum of 18.4GB. I 100% do not have that many changes each hour. BTW, running Snow Leopard. I have a screen shot of all the items I have excluded, but it still is doing it.

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Applications :: Unable To View All Emails / Mail Inbox Showing Complete List

Oct 30, 2009

A friend recently downloaded 500 messages from her ISP to Mac Mail (4.4) The inbox says she has 500 messages but she can only see around 150 / 200. How can she see that complete list ? I'm trying to convince her to remove those messages off her ISP's server.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To View Complete Header Of Message

Jun 4, 2012

How do I view the full header of a message? I would like to find the IP address of the sender.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), MacBook Air, IPad v1, Apple TV v2

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Applications :: Unable To Send Message While Using Msn Messenger?

Apr 26, 2009

everything in my msn messenger works fine until I start having a conversation with someone. After I send a message I need to click on the message area every time I want to respond.

It gets pretty frustrating. I was thinking it might have something to do with the safari 4 beta? Just wondering if anybody knows what might be wrong.

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Applications :: Unable To Burn DVD - Get An Error Message?

May 30, 2009

I am trying to burn a 4.2 GB project in iDVD. My project is saved onto an external hard drive, and when I start it burning, I get an error message that says "Not enough free disk space for encoding the remaining assets." It says I only have 825 MB available on my hard drive and 3.362 are needed for encoding, but I actually have 786 GB free! Any idea what could be causing this?

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Applications :: Unable To Delete Mail Message

Aug 4, 2010

When I delete a message from my inbox in Mail I'm used to the following message being current. Mail always moves to the prior message.

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Applications :: Unable To See Original Message Content / When Replying To Email

Jun 9, 2009

When replying an Mail, I cant see the original email any more, just a white page as with a new mail.Instead, I have to forward the email and copy all the addresses if I want to have the originals and it's so uncomfortable.

Everything has been working brilliantly until last week.

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Applications :: Unable To Use Java - Shows Error Message. 'JVM Terminated. Exit Code=-1'

Oct 28, 2010

I have a little problem with one of my applications. The application is very important for me and I need it nearly every day. But now it shows my an error message. 'JVM terminated. Exit code=-1' [...]

I'm using Mac OS X 10.6.4 and my system is up to date.

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OS X :: Unable To Complete Backup / There Isn't Enough Space

Apr 1, 2009

I have been the proud owner of a Macbook Pro 2.5Ghz with 4GB RAM, running Leopard 10.5.6 for just under a year and I have never been able to get Time Machine to backup my files properly. Instead I have been backing up my really important files manually to an external NAS drive.

However, I would like to back up all files to an external USB drive using Time Machine. I have a Freecom USB2 drive which I purposely bought, but when I try to perform the initial back up I get a message telling me there isn't enough space.

My MacBook has a 250Gb HDD and my USB drive is 500Gb (465Gb available), so I have no idea why I am getting this message. I have ensured that no other devices are connected in case it was also trying to back up those (USB & NAS drive), but still get the same message. It says I need 698Gb of space to perform the full backup - where is it getting this from?!

Within the options it shows me a panel containing an entry 'Time Machine Backups' with a size of 154.4Mb, which I'm guessing is the directory that I am trying to save the backups to.

I'm probably doing something obviously stupid but would appreciate it if somebody could point it out for me.

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OS X Technologies :: Unable To Complete Backup

Feb 20, 2012

Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup folder.

I got this several times on my Time machine error messages in the past 2 weeks. Bought a new 1TB drive, initialized it and it worked successuflly for 2 days now back to the same problem.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Unable To Complete Backup

May 29, 2012

Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while copying files to the backup volume.

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), External Harddrive

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Intel Mac :: Unable To Complete Startup?

Jun 28, 2012

My iMac running OS 10.4.11 can't complete startup. It opens a couple of windows, then reverts to a blue screen, over and over, no matter what restart procedure I try, including the OS X installation disk.

MacBook Air (11-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Running / Quitting Finder And IDefrag

Oct 14, 2009

One of the first things I did when I got my new MBP was to input the command that granted a 'quit' option for Finder, and since then, I've been keeping Finder quit / closed pretty much all the time. This is in part to free up what little RAM it uses (I know it's next to nothing, but it seems pointless to use even that to keep permanently open an application that's used less than 2% of the time) but mostly because I simply cannot stand keeping applications running if I'm not actively using them. Having tried to look this up, I've come across a wide variety of different thoughts on the subject, so I was hoping for something a little more clear-cut. I've read advice stating that Finder is just another app and that quitting it does no harm... and I've also read advice that insists it's part of the fundamental workings of the OS.... so what I'm hoping for is some kind of definitive answer as to whether it's likely to damage Snow Leopard at all if I continue to keep Finder quit / closed, or whether it really is necessary to keep it running the whole time?

Unrelated, but I'm hoping just as relevant to this forum as the other question... I have the demo version of iDefrag, simply to check the level of fragmentation on my files / free space, and I'm more than a little confused by the results it's showing. The 'statistics' tab show 0.1% fragmentation of files and 0.3% fragmentation of data forks (which is obviously insignificant), but the 'layout' tab shows well over half of my used space as red (which, according to the key, translates as 'fragmented'). The highest percentage of fragmentation on any part of my system, according to the 'statistics' tab, is in my free space, but even that's only at 1.8%, so wouldn't account for such a large chunk of neon red on the 'layout' tab, and certainly not one right in the middle of my used space.

So my question is whether there's a logical explanation for what seems to be two completely conflicting pieces of information, whether I'm just being an ex-Windows moron (I've only been a Mac user for a couple of weeks, so I'm still way at the bottom of the learning curve and very much still adapting to the differences), or whether there really is a conflict there that shouldn't be. Additionally, is there a means of doing something about that free space fragmentation without running a complete system defrag on the perfectly fine state of my files? I only ask because (though it's only 1.8% at the moment) what research I've done on the subject, while it makes the repeated point that Mac OS X defrags small files on its own, also seems to imply that it doesn't do anything to defrag free space, so I'm led to assume (possibly wrongly, but that's why I'm asking) that without third-party interference, that 1.8% isn't going to be defragmented on its own and will just end up getting bigger over time.

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OS X :: How To Create Bootable Disc Of IDefrag

Jan 30, 2010

Can anyone tell me how to create a bootable disc of iDefrag using Toast Titanium? I want to run a full defrag but need to do so off of a disc.

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Software :: Unable To Convert Complete MOV File To WMV

Jul 22, 2006

I have to convert .mov to .wmv for and internet website. I got quick time pro 7 as I was sure I could convert the movie from this application but the strange thing is that it only converts 22sec of the movie - not the whole one - to .wmv. Does anyone know why this is happening? In addition I tried exporting the movie from Final Cut to a windows media player file - same thing happens - 22 sec of the movie get converted.

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OS X :: Time Machine - Unable To Complete Backup

Dec 30, 2008

I have an Imac 24" and a Mybook external HDD. ever since Leopard came out Ive been doing backups with time machine, then one day I start time machine for my weekly backup and this message comes up: "Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while copying files to the backup volume." Now I notice that my external HDD was almost not spinning while time machine was trying to backup the status bar of time machine saying how much files need to be copied and the total amount of space needed was super slow and stoped at something like maybe 10 mb I started time machine again same message. I though maybe Mac OSX needed some permission repaires. So I did just that and after that did time machine again same problem. then I said to myself maybe my External HDD has problems so I even formated the HDD, then stated Time machine again this time it was running smoothly just like before I had the problem but the problem came back after 6 gig being copied out of the 25 gig needed to complete the backup process. Now hope I dont need a clean install of my Mac OSX or maybe its my external HDD. maybe my USB having problems?

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OS X :: Unable To Complete And Save Project / Because The HD Was Full

Apr 6, 2009

Yesterday I made a project with iMovie and started to import it as a QuickTime .mov file. I�ve set everything to the best quality and encoding, without compression. My HD had 101Gb free space. This morning there was an error warning that the project could not be completed because the HD was full. I checked and there's 0kb of free space! How do I fix it? Where do I look for files to delete? What shall I do?

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OS X :: Unable To Complete Restore / Using Time Machine

May 27, 2009

I'm using Time Machine which makes periodic backups of my data to Time Capsule a couple times a day. If I had a problem with my computer would I be able to completely restore all of the data like the way it was?

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App Store :: Unable To Download Anything Or Complete Updates?

Apr 20, 2012

I can't seem to actually download anything or complete updates all of a sudden.

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Mac Mini :: Empty Trash Unable To Complete

Apr 29, 2012

This should be a relatively easy task, but the problem is when I try to empty the trash it tells me that a certain device is still running so it is unable to complete the operation. I can not seem to find said device on the computer anywhere and am not sure how to find it and stop it from running so I can complete the action.

Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Using IDefrag - MacBook Giving Unsatisfying Performance?

Sep 22, 2010

I was wondering if any one got any idea about idefrag, I recently found my macbook is giving me unsatisfying performance after around a year and a half of purchase so I thought I would do a defrag for the hard disk. I understand that the mac system does not need defrag but I have been dealing with huge files, i download a lot of videos and delete them. IDefrag price looks a bit high at around $35 for an app i will use once or twice a year. Any one with experience using this app, does it really help? is it worth it? are there any alternatives. If its going to keep my mac in tip top shape I will buy, I am afraid that it will not really help.

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OS X :: External HD Failure / Unable To Complete Data Recovery

Aug 31, 2009

So i have been searching the Internet and forums to find someone with the same issue as myself. there are many that are close to it. though nothing that has helped me in this situation. so here i go posting a thread. My USB self powered HD was plugged in with data being accessed (Movie) when the cord got knocked out and unplugged the HD. This has happened before, though not when i was accessing the HD... usually this is fine.

Any way, i herd the HD struggle three time as if the needle jumped from the physical disk, it kinda sounded like it died. though when i plug it in now it sounds fine, the disk spins and receives power.
although the disk no longer mounts. though when i look it up under the Disk Utility it sees the drive and the fancy name i gave it (though it cant mount the drive) when I run verify and repair it gives me this message which is probably pretty standard:

Verrify and Repair "NCC-1701 D"
**Phase 1 - Read FAT
Unable to read FAT (input/output error)
Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit

1 Non HFS volume checked
1 Volume could not be repaired because of an error.

boom nerdy music producer get stumped. got any tips? i have been trying to download some recovery software, though it more challenging to find them with out paying big dollar bills.

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OS X :: Time Machine Not Doing Backups / Unable To Complete Backup

Aug 5, 2010

I have an Imac 24" and a Mybook external HDD. Ever since Leopard came out Ive been doing backups with time machine, then day..I start time machine for my weekly backup..and this message comes up: "Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while copying files to the backup volume."

Now I notice that my external HDD was almost not spinning while time machine was trying to backup ... the status bar of time machine saying how much files need to be copied and the total amount of space needed was super slow .... and stoped at something like maybe 10 mb ...

I started time machine again ... same message.

I though maybe Mac OSX needed some permission repaires. So I did just that and after that did time machine again ... same problem ....

Then I said to myself ... maybe my External HDD has problems ... so I even formated the HDD, then stated Time machine again ... this time it was running smoothly just like before I had the problem ... but the problem came back after 6 gig being copied out of the 25 gig needed to complete the backup process.

Now ... I hope I dont need a clean install of my Mac OSX ... or maybe its my external HDD ... maybe my USB having problems?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Complete A Reboot / Must Manually Power Off

May 24, 2012

I've had my original MBP since 2007, which was originally on 10.4 I believe. I've done upgrades up to the current 10.7.4. My original MBP was encountering end-of-life hardware issues, so 3 months ago I purchased a new MBP. I used the Migration Assistant utility to move my files and user settings.My older MBP toward the end of its life was having OS shutdown / reboot problems. The OS would never completely shut down. It would go to a light gray screen, and the twirling icon in the middle never went away. A manual shut down from the power button was the only recourse. It seems that the issue is tied to issue(s) with my user account settings, since the problem is still present, despite newer hardware.I'm comfortable with reviewing my system.log in Console and issuing Terminal commands, if that will help with any troubleshooting.

iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.4), MBP, 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7

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MacBook Air :: Unable To Complete Printing Job On HP Officejet 7410?

Sep 1, 2014

Used to have no problem connecting my MacBook Air to my HP OfficeJet 7410 via wifi and printing things.  Now, the printer utility seems to connect to the printer with the print job, but then it only downloads 50% of the job and freezes?  It even starts printing that 50% of the job before the freeze.  And then nothing.

MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)

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OS X :: Time Machine Not Working Fine / Unable To Complete Backup

Feb 13, 2009

So I finally got around to getting a 1tb drive to hook up to my airport extreme to do TM backups. I have ~420gb to backup on my mbp's hard drive. To avoid an absurdly long backup, I did the initial backup via usb (took the better part of the day).

Just now I was excited because it finished - I hooked the drive up to the extreme, mounted the drive so that it would show up as an option in the TM pref pane for a backup disk, and thought I was good to go. However, when I tried to get TM to do a backup so I could see it work (by selecting Back Up Now from the menubar), it took a ridiculously long time "preparing" and I saw that it was trying to create a whole new TM backup on the drive based on my computer's network name. It even had the audacity to think that the previous backup file was ~2gb, which freaked me out because I thought it had deleted it. But sure enough when I canceled the new backup and hooked it up to my mbp again, the backup was the correct size.

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