Applications :: Why Does ITunes Separate Albums
May 26, 2010
I made sure that all tags were the same, including album artwork, and I edited all of the album's information at the same time so that it would be the same. But still iTunes seems to see these guys as two separate albums.
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Feb 25, 2012
Downloading songs from cd's. One will go in as one album, shows a single artwork for the set.   Volume 2 loads like separate songs with the same album name AND with the sequence number, i.e., No. 4 of 15, On my iPad it appears as 15 albums with 1 song on them. Volume 1 appears as one album with 15 songs on it. Looks messy on the iPad. . .I have 16 albums with the same name. How to get albums together??
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 14, 2009
My wife and I each have iPods and each have our own computers with our own iTunes libraries. We have a wireless router and want to play music from our computers to a hifi system. If I purchase an Airport Express, is it possible that my wife and I can both play music from our separate computers to the one Airport Express Base Station (obviously not at the same time)?
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Jan 25, 2009
I checked complete my album just now and saw these two albums. Who the * is Yanni? I did not purchase these and the weird thing is, they aren't in my recent purchases nor did they appear in any receipts I was emailed. Is iTunes screwing with me?
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Sep 29, 2009
My iTunes 9 is making my songs not organize correctly by album. Most of the songs are grouped together in my library that are of the same album, but one album has separated songs. They are the exact same album and spelled correctly. I just bought them off iTunes and was looking for them in my library and couldn't find them when I looked at the rest of the album. I look farther down the list, and way farther down they appear. Album name is correct, but I guess iTunes just decided to not place them with the rest of the songs in the album in alphabetical order it should. My iPod touch lists the same albums multiple times when I search for albums. The album "classical" shows up almost 10 times in the list for some reason. The song list doesn't differ b/w them, and some songs are missing. All other albums are fine. What is going on here? Did my classical songs all of a sudden decide to become unique in a bad way?
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Nov 7, 2010
Any idea why iTunes is importing a few cd's I have where each song is its own album and not grouping the albums together?
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Feb 21, 2009
Is there anyway I can keep the tracks in a compilation album (typically, 'The Very Best Most Relaxing Classical Album Ever, Ever Ever!) in on place? It's almost as if iTunes picks out the individual artist and treats each one as if it's an album. This is a PITA becaus I have had to append artwork to each track to identify it on the pod.
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Nov 30, 2009
When I import an album some albums split into several albums. How do I stop this from happening? I have tried dragging and dropping them into one location.
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Jan 18, 2010
I have put four CD's into iTunes but the albums appear out of order in iTunes (ie 2,1,3,4). Is there any way I can re-organise the 4 albums into the correct order - for example by dragging one above the other in iTunes?
The album which appears first in the list (album 2) has been given a slightly different name (not by me!) from the other three!
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Sep 13, 2006
Since installing iTunes 7, all of my Various Artists Soundtrack albums are now all broken up. For instance, 5 songs might be grouped together, and then another 4 songs grouped together elsewhere, even though all of them are labeled the same. Any idea on the proper way to label them to keep them all together?
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May 9, 2008
i am really shocked with iTunes. I have just bought my mother an 160GB Classic and am starting to rip her entire music collection which is at least 100CDs.. however sometimes for albums iTunes gets mixed up with disc 1 and disc 2 and labels them wrong and sometimes does [disc 1] and (disc 2)... it should be consistent not mixing brackets... i have had to edit the tags manually..
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Feb 13, 2009
So for one of my classes, I am going to be using a bunch of audio files, that I will eventually want to put on my iPhone to listen to. However, once they are on my iPhone, I would like to be able to still have them, just not in my library. Is there a way to make a playlist of these audio files, that do not show up in my main library?
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Jun 16, 2009
I have an external hard drive which holds all of my music. It is my main iTunes library and is in AIFF (CD) format. What I want to do is copy this music and convert it to MP3 (or similar compressed format compatible with iPod) from the external drive, and put it into a separate library on my Mac's internal hard drive in the MP3 format. That way I'd still have my original music in AIFF on the external drive, and a copy of it in MP3 format on the internal drive for moving to my iPod or iPhone. Is this possible? Does it make sense? Also, is there a better (in terms of sound quality) compressed format than MP3 to use?
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Jul 13, 2010
I changed my mobile me password today because I didn't like it being the same as iTunes which I share with a few family members. In the past I had them the same but now wish them to have seperate passwords, is this possible? Today I changed my mobile me login password and it changed iTunes too.
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Nov 29, 2009
I'd really like to split my music (all from CD's) into separate libraries. One for my popular music, and one for my classical music.
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Feb 23, 2010
I've got it all on one drive right now. I want to replace my main drive with a velociraptor drive and keep my apps/system stuff on there and move everything else including my music library to another drive. But i cant figure it out.
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Mar 31, 2012
I have an iMac 27 (end of year 2009) I5.It has 1 TB internal and I want to replace it with a 2 TB internal. I have time machine backups on an external hard drive that has been connected via Firewire. I have another iMac (my son's)Imac 24 Intel Core 2 Duo that has it's own separate Time machine backup to it's own separate firewire connected external drive.Both machines are completely up to date with the latest version of Lion and all other necessary software updates.When the internal hardrive is replaced - I want to use my latest time machine backup to create one profile on the imac and then use my son's latest time machine back up for a second profile.The end goal being to have everything from my current set up ie: apps, documents, itunes, etc existing in one profile and everything in my son's current set up existing in the other profile.We can both be administrators for the time being as well.I should note even though we both have some of the same apps, we both also have other apps that the other does not.
My profile will be using about 900 gigs of total space.My son's profile will be using about 250 gigs of total space.This is temporary until the new iMac is released.Then I will want to transfer my profile to that leaving my son's intact on the iMac 27 I5.I realize that during the temporary period that Time Machine will be making backups of this entire two profile setup, which I am now understanding as I write this will create a new issue for me when I want to transfer only my profile to the new computer as well.But one bridge to cross at a time, I guess.I need to do this because we must bring his current computer to my father - as his iMac G5 is inoperable. We have been doing this round robin hand me down in our family since IMac DV special edition :-)
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 14, 2012
Can I use Automator to put seperate files into seperate folder
Automator, iOS 5.1.1
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Sep 29, 2010
I noticed this about a year ago. So, there are some songs that I cannot play in iTunes, on either my laptop or home computer. However, I can play them on my iPhone 3GS and my 3rd Generation iPod after being sync'd. A friend thought that it was perhaps these songs/albums were not "official" Apple iTunes downloads or not direct downloads from CDs. This is not correct, random songs from random mp3 sources including iTunes (Apple iTunes Store), and even complete albums (from CDs) are affected. Why is this? how can I correct this?
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Apr 11, 2012
I've just found out that I can not properly put my music on both iPhone 4S and iPad (iOS 5.1).
try do the following and place the result here whether you see same behavior.
1. Enable Manual sync on you iOS device;
2. Drag and Drop any album from your library to iPhone -> songs start to transfer;
3. Now, while songs are transfering get another album and drop it to your iPhone;
4. ISSUE IS THAT: you should notice that the transfer of the first album is interrupted and the latest album is transferring ONLY;
So, at the end you have just several songs from first album and all songs from the second one. So, basically each new album you drag and drop interrupts previous transfer.
Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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Apr 23, 2012
I would like to purchase music from the French i-tunes store. The music is not available in the US store. I was told I have to be a resident of France, with a French Credit Card and adderss. Seems rediculous in a world market to not allow electronic download purchases across the pond. At the very least the French artists should be listed on the us site too. I suspect the "cloud" has plenty of room.
MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 3, 2012
After years of downloading single songs from iTunes, today I downloading an entire album. I thought that a Playlist would be created for this album, but itwasn't. So I manually created a playlist with the album name and then added all the songs. Is this the correct way? Or did I do something wrong? Is there a way to download an entire album into a playlist of the same name?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 29, 2012
Having transferred my iTunes library from my old PC to my new Mac. Many of the albums will not play because they are not authorized. Authorization lists very old email addresses of which I do not have the passwords or, in fact, access to the email websites.
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Jun 2, 2012
To free up space on my Mac os x Leopard I want to download my iTunes albums to a flash drive.and then delete them from my computer. How do I do this without losing the albums? I'm not quite sure how to copy then download.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 19, 2014
Can't add albums in library to iPhone.
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Jun 5, 2014
I ripped the "Top 10" Billboard albums from each of the last 30 years. Some of them are great while some are crap, but I am a completist so I do not want to delete them. how I can essentially hide all of these albums (or a subset of these albums) from basically all views in iTunes or alternatively to move all of them under one tag, such as "Billboard Top 10 - 2001"? I thought about using the compilation tag, but do not know if that's the best way to go.Â
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Jun 17, 2014
I pre order two new albums that came out today thinking they would just automatically download on the day of there release. But that didn't happen. So I figured, "heck, I'll just go in and download them buy clicking the "complete my album" and paying the 10.99 it wants me to pay." Well that didn't work. Furthermore, it won't let me "complete my album" on one of the albums all together. It won't let me download either of the albums at all...
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Apr 25, 2010
I recently upgraded from iMac OS 10.4.11 to OS 10.6 and transferred my iTune songs to my new computer--Intel Core 2 Duo. Now, I have 8,870 songs in one big list. I can play them, but I also want to make them into albums. Is there some way to do that instead of adding a new album title in the playlist and then copying songs from the music list those songs that belong in that particular album title?
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Feb 18, 2012
How do i remove music albums from my iphone?
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Mar 24, 2012
I have been downloading a lot of my old CD's and have found I have a lot of duplicate songs from a variety of my album can I delete them so I only have one of each one?
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