I handle a bit of finances at a small business. Each week I pull out a report from a web-based economy system. That then opens in Excel. What I'd like to do is simple:
1. The first week I pull the report and mark some stuff on the Excel page (for example highlighting certain debitors, making comments, color fills etc.)
2. The following week I pull the report again, and now I'd like to merge the two together. That is, keep the data from week 1 (or replace parts of it, if that's relevant) and simply add the data from week 2 onto that same sheet, so all information is right there.
I thought that would be a no-brainer. Now I've tried to merge workbooks, consolidate data, looked at tutorials on youtube, read forum posts - the lot, and I still can't get it to work. (Brain possibly smaller than I thought).
I am searching for a plugin, software or a solution for a situation I have with an Excel/Word Mail Merge.
It's a law firm we specialize in DUI/DWI and Reckless Driving defense. We subscribe to a data collection service that pulls data from various court systems around the state. We are then given this data by jurisdiction. The Excel files we receive come with 2 workbooks in one file for Traffic and Criminal arrests data with name, address, reason for arrest, etc, etc.
What I have been doing is opening each Excel file and copying and pasting into a new worksheet only grabbing the DUI and Reckless driving arrests because tis is all I am needing from the various files. I then save the new workbook and do a mail merge with Word from this newly created workbook.
Now my question is there such a plugin or software that will combine all the Excel files I receive from the Data collection house and then be able to filter out only the DUI and Reckless Driving arrests to a single Excel Workbook?
I'm running an experiment that will give me a spreadsheet in Excel with 20 participants names, addresses, email addresses, and profits (from the experiment). My goal is to take this data and create individual receipts in Word that have all the above information and can be printed out and handed to the individuals (20 receipts). I have access to Office 2004 (Mac) or 2007 (Windows).
Microsoft Word Mail Merge launches a file converter when using Excel files as the data source. Nothing new about that. However, when using Mail Merge in Word 2008 and an Excel xlsx file as data source under OS X 10.6, the file converter will not recognize the file unless the extension .xlsx is actually appended to the file name. The file converter used by Word 2008 still recognizes xls files with or without the extension appended, as did the file converter used by Word X.
I need to merge about 17 excel files. All have the same headers and are data from different individuals on the same topics.How can I merge into 1 master file without cutting and pasting all 17 files into a master. Also would be great to be able to break out new spreadsheets by individual columns. ( i.e. Location, Part Number , ect ). A friend wrote a little program for me that worked when I was using a windows based machine, but will not work in the Mac environment.
I have a large iTunes library which I manually moved to an external HD about 2 years ago. Back then I did this by literally moving the contents of my "Music" folder to the HD, then launching iTunes while holding the alt/option key and pointing iTunes at the library on the HD. Since then I have learned about the feature of iTunes to change the location where music is stored, then consolidate your library so that the library files are stored locally and only the music resides on the external HD.
Are there advantages to this setup? I am thinking in terms of speed and what happens if you launch iTunes without the external HD attached. I ask now as I have just bought a new MBP with ~250GB free which would allow me to copy my music back to the internal HD then move it back the "proper way".
I would like to know how to consolidate my two inbox from gmail and apple mail? Because every time I get an email and read it in inbox it still shows as unread in gmail folder "All mail".
When you consolidate your itunes library does it actually move all your files to one folder or does it just make a copy or reference them? Because my itunes media is scattered throughout my computer and an external hard drive and I'd like to move it all to one spot.
1. Turned the List Manager on by accident in Excel. Can't figure out how to turn it off now. I am using Excel 2004, and a MAC mouse - so no right-clicking for me...
2. How do I move columns in Excel? I select the column on top, but then try dragging it to a place I'd like it to move, but nothing happens. How do I do that?
3. General Mac Word/Excel question - how do I get to use "Home" and "End" buttons? When I hit them I simply jump somewhere, but not to the beginning or end of the paragraph. I have a MAC keyboard with the "Home" and "End" buttons along with the "Help", "Delete", "Pg Up" and "Pg Dwn" keys - basically it looks a lot like a PC keyboard...
I have been asked to do a project at work in Excel. I am keeping track of around 7,000 properties all over the United States. My boss wants to know a lot about each one. I am really struggling with the weather part!! I need to somehow pull the temp and if its snowing or raining from the internet into excel. I have all the addresses and zip codes for each property. I was thinking i could write a formula that looks at an RSS feed or website (like yahoo or Google weather) based on the zip code of the address. I could also write the formula that pulls the weather to excel then VLOOKUP the zip. Does anyone have any ideas about this?? I am not sure what to do!!
I have been asked to do a project at work in Excel. I am keeping track of around 7,000 properties all over the United States. My boss wants to know a lot about each one. I am really struggling with the weather part!! I need to somehow pull the temp and if its snowing or raining from the internet into excel. I have all the addresses and zip codes for each property. I was thinking i could write a formula that looks at an RSS feed or website (like yahoo or Google weather) based on the zip code of the address. I could also write the formula that pulls the weather to excel then VLOOKUP the zip. Does anyone have any ideas about this?? I am not sure what to do
I recently purchased my first MAC with Excel for Mac 2008. I am unable to open any files created in it on my PC which has Excel 2003. Apple is of no help. They had assured me of compatibility at purchase citing the new open format. The MAC Excel 08 file won't open on the MAC on which is was created with their Numbers program either.
When I send my .xls files from my Mac (Office 2008) to my boss's Windows machine (Office 2003), he gets an error message when he attempts to open the excel spreadsheet: Excel has encountered an error and must shut down. I've sent files to other computers and not had a problem, and my boss has received other excel files and been able to open them. So it must be something between these two machines/softwares that is affecting it. Any suggestions or ideas? I can add any additional info you need.
i need to merge partitions on external drive. one is empty, one is not. i tried with ipartition demo, but demo to them means you can just take a look at options and not actually demo them.
i do not want to pay for software since i will only be using it once FFS.any recommendations please?
I have one official iTunes library with music files on my Mac and then I have a folder on my backup drive with iTunes music files. These two directories are mostly the same but they each have a few differences. I want to backup my iTunes music onto that backup drive but I need to make sure that I get all the music from my Mac and the backup drive. The folders are slightly different and I don't want to lose any music.Should I just run an rsync command to merge the two folders together into a third folder and then use that as my backup?
I have some songs that have specific intros that are seperate tracks, but when I play in shuffle mode, it may play the song or the intro all by its self but not together.how to merge 2 songs to always play together?
I have Time Machine backups of two iPhoto Library files, one of which I've flawlessly copied to my new iMac, everything is in working order and awesome. Now I have an additional iPhoto Library from another computer that I'd like to add.
How should I go about doing this? I fear that if I simply drag-n-drop the Library file into iPhoto I'll get duplicates (the Original/Modified folders) and lose all the albums, etc.
I've got 20 MP4 files I'm trying to merge into a single MP4. When I drag any one of the MP4 files into MKV Tools it comes up with an error that says: "The variable theTrackData is not defined. (-2753)". Can someone either help with a solution to the MKV Tools problem or suggest another program to merge MP4 files without losing any video quality.
After you have downloaded say 10 movie clips from a video camera into I- Movie, is there a way to connect 2 or more of the clips and make it into one clip? When making movies every time you pause the video camera it creates a different clip. If you pause it 15 times at the same event you download 15 clips which in turn you have to create a button for each clip in I- DVD. I would like to combine some of them to somewhat fewer.
I have about 40 documents I'd like to merge into one huge document. How do I do that all at once? I don't want to open them individually and merge them into the document one by one.
i need to merge partitions on external drive. one is empty, one is not. i tried with ipartition demo, but demo to them means you can just take a look at options and not actually demo them.i do not want to pay for software since i will only be using it once FFS.
can i somehow delete the leopard partition on my 500 gb hard drive. and with that free space can i consolidate it to music? so my music partition will be 500 gb?
also, if not, is there a way i can make my leopard partition be replaces by bootcamp? .. i dont wanna use my whole 500 gb dedicated to windows 7.. thats way too much.
Does any body know, how to merge Podcast episodes from different albums and subscriptions, together? Lets say: I have news; collected for one week; I'd like to listen those in one episode, continues each after another, without stoping between episodes. My iPod Nano plays one, and than I have to swich to next one manually. Not convenient, when running in Gym or so. Could not find any good script for iTunes or some things can be done in iPod, after episodes have been transferred in.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4) iTune10. iPod, Nano ( very first edition )
I have created a document in Pages that consists of 10 certification cards on one page. I want to mail merge names, dates etc. from a Numbers file but have each card on the one page contain a different name, date etc. When I mail merge it adds the same person to each card on the page and then creates a new page for each additional person.
I'd like to announce moveAddict, a Snow Leopard-only application that provides a functionality the Finder was missing, the ability to move files using the keyboard. It�s meant to replace dragging and dropping for anyone that would rather use the keyboard instead of the mouse.
In a nutshell, you can use it to cut files or folders and then paste them where you want.
As a bonus, you can also use it to merge folders instead of completely replacing them, another functionality that the Finder was missing.
For anyone that hasn't used cut and paste for files before, here's a short description:Cut - when you cut files the only thing that happens is that moveAddict remembers the location of the files, it does not change the files in any way Paste - when you paste, moveAddict moves the files from their original locations to the new one If you cut a file and forget to paste it, nothing happens!
moveAddict does not change the system or the Finder in any way, it's just a regular application which you can uninstall by deleting it.
I am the developer of moveAddict, for any questions/suggestions/bugs please reply to this thread or contact me personally.