Applications :: Maximizing Windows To Fill The Screen
Jul 31, 2010
I downloaded something last year that lets me maximise the window I'm looking at, but can't remember what it was or where it came from. Does anyone know? Reason is that my OH's login doesn't let her maximise like this - you have to drag the corner of the window to the biggest size.
First, I understand that the green button maximizes the window to fit the contents. Here is my problem...
Word maximizes the window as though the view is set to 100%. When I use Word, however, I always have the view set to 125%. So, when I maximize the window, it acts as though the view is set to 100% and some text gets cut off.
I hope that made sense - It's really more of an annoyance than anything.
Also, why does the green button maximize to full screen for some apps (e.g. firefox), but not others? I swear it has a mind of its own!
I just bought a Mac and I'm loving it but I can't seem to make iTune fill up the screen. I've done the zoom thing and it just takes me between the mini-player and a screen that fills up about 1/2 my screen.
Every time on Messenger, or another window I right click to get to a certain conversation, it never comes up when I want it to... it just simply goes to the first conversation I opened - and then when I minimize all the windows, after a few seconds it slides out from the side.
My MBA gives out squeaking sound around bass beats. Doesn't happen all the time, but when it does happen, it irritates me. When I listen to the same song on the iphone, I get a very clear sound. Can anyone do this for me? Can you listen to "Speak to me/Breathe" by Pink Floyd on your headphones / earphones if you have that track? Along with the first few heartbeats, I hear squeaking noises. Do you hear anything like that?
This squeaking noise could also happen sometimes when I am minimizing / maximizing windows, or doing something processor intensive.
Is it possible to maximize the workspace for all application i.e. Safari browser or MS Word etc to occupy the whole 'screen' area other than to drag the bottom corner or clicking the 'Green' maximize button?
So, I need a new SSD for my late 2008 unibody MacBook Pro cause apparently the G.skill Titan epic fails working with the unibodies *sadness*.
The Titan I have is a 256GB SSD. Like most people, I've been looking at OCZ (which some say is the best and their performance doesn't drop too much which I didn't think was possible until trim) or the Intel one (anandtech's very thorough article recommends it, and so do many).
Unfortunately, the Intel SSD only has 160GB (though much easier on the wallet than the 250GB Vertex).
Add to that, I'm a video and audio editor as well as gamer >_< and here I've heard of people happy with 80GB and less!
If I were to get the Intel, this would be the first time I'd have to split files. For example, Final Cut Studio takes up 50 GB, but I've read that 47 of those GB you can move onto an external hard drive.
How else would I go about splitting and basically cramming Final Cut Studio, Logic Studio, Adobe Production Premium, Windows 7 (by the time I get the SSD, it would have already released), iLife '09, and a whole slew of high space games such as Neverwinter Nights 2 and both expansions, Oblivion, Spore, Fallout 3, CS:S, and DoD:S with an ample amount of room?
Or would I have to switch out games and have them in one at a time?
Or would I just have to pay 75% more and get the 250GB?
Due to a HUGE misundesrtanding, my dad erased my external HD!! But not only that... he cleaned it and made a zero fill!!! Is there any way I can recover my information? Is there maybe any way I can undo the zero fill?
I just bought my new mac mini 2.53 C2D. And I love it! I have eye tv 3 hooked up and it runs flawless. I tested it all out with my imac to make sure that my wife could use it and would ok the purchase.
The only thing I am kinda sad about is the fact that the display does not fill the screen without overscan on. But if I have overscan on the top bar does not show.
I new about this with my imac but was reassured it was because my imac was 16X10 and that the mac mini would not have that problem. I have a samsung DLP that only does 720p which I am fine with.
Any Ideas to fill the screen? Also 1080i is an option but the screen looks shakey?
On this laptop that I just recently got in a trade it had an hd screen installed on it but for some reason the guy didn't fix the resolution on it to fit the whole screen and I can't quite figure out how on a mac to change the screen resolution to anything higher then what it's about to get to which is only like 1024-768(stretched). Please help me fix this as I assume it's just a program something I need to manipulate the resolution dimensions. I just lack the information in the field of macs, so that's why I'm asking an expert.
I just bought the latest MacBook Pro with Lion 10.7.3 in Australia last month. I use firefox but am having trouble reading as the total screen isn't being utilised I use [URL] as a home page but it does not fill the screen and it hard to read. I was just in the Apple store and an employee there said she was having the same issue..
The Control 2 finger gesture makes it bigger but doesn't get rid of what look like large margins. I have tried the pinch gesture but maybe I am not using the correct technique as nothing happens...Â
I tried adding a screen shot by dragging a dropping but that didn't work Finally, I don't know which forum is best: Lion or MacBook Pro...Â
I have a 23 inch Samsung LED that I am using with a new 15 inch i7 MBP. Everything was working wonderfully until today when I had to power my MBP off due to a program lockup. Now the picture on the MPB that used to fill the Samsung screen no longer does. It leaves about 1 1/2 inches of black on either side of the Samsung that is just dead space. Some of my programs now hang over into those areas and you cannot see them fully.Why would it have changed like this just due to a power off and how do I get it back to displaying the full screen on the Samsung? I have toyed with this for over an hour now and am getting nowhere.
I just bought a Powerbook G4 off of Clist. The previous owner replaced the screen with a higher resolution screen from a newer Powerbook. The display looks great, except that it doesn't fill the whole screen. There is a long group of colored lines on the right side, and the bottom starts to show the top of the display (it looks almost tiled and shows the screen again on the bottom). I'm guessing that this is just a formatting issue, but I'm not sure how to correct it.
The green button on top of my safari browser doesnt always do the same operation. Sometimes the window maximizes to fill the screen and sometimes it just doubles in size. How do I maximize the window to fill the screen everytime?
I have a MacBook 5,1 (late 2008) running Mac OS X 10.6.3 which I would like to connect to our Sony Bravia KDL-37S5500 to watch films. The Sony Bravia has a 1080p resolution (1920x1080) and my MacBook can output up to 1920x1200 (which it has been doing fine on my Dell monitor).
I am connecting it using the Apple mini-display-port to DVI converter, then a DVI cable and finally a DVI to HDMI converter which plugs straight into the TV.
It looks great except that it doesn't fill the screen entirely. It seems the resolution is correct (text looks normal, not stretched in any way), but when Overscan is turned on the image is slightly too big horizontal-wise. When Overscan is turned off I get black borders around the image (horizontal as well as vertical). We've tried different settings both on the TV and on the MacBook, but we can't get the right view.
My home page on MacBook Pro is NY Times. The home page does not fill the space. There are white space margins of approximately 1 inch on both sides of the page. Shouldn't the home page fill the entire space with no white empty margins? How to correct?
While online at a web site, filling in important forms, the screen suddenly fades to one side and disappears, and I cannot get it back, forcing me to start all over again. How can I stop this from happening?
I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this. When I fill something in on the internet when I start putting my name in the fields it put's my address and all my other info in the blanks. How do I change the info that should go there. That is my old address and I want to update it for my new one.
I just noticed that when I start to type a URL in the URL field in Safari 5, it behaves differently than before. For example, before, if I typed "app" in the URL field and hit enter, it would automatically fill in "[URL:..] and load the site. That's because Apple's site was the only site in my bookmark list that started with "app". Now when I type "app", it fills in [URL:..] instead, because that site's DESCRIPTIVE TEXT begins "Apple, Macintosh...". So now, it assumes the letters I type in the URL bar are to help me find a site based on the "descriptive" text, instead of the actual URL text. I really hate this new behavior. I looked for an option or preference to change, but found nothing. Any of you know how to revert this behavior, or if it is even possible to do so?
This has been bugging me for months, so I'm hoping someone out there can answer this query. Our county changed our house number several months ago. I use auto-fill on Web page forms very frequently. Of course, every time I auto-fill my address info, my original house number comes up, and I have to edit it to the new number. I've searched around, but I have not been able to locate where the data for filling in the forms are kept, or any procedure available for changing what data Safari uses to auto-fill. Does anyone know how to accomplish this feat?
Should I go for a 2.26GHz + 4GB ram mac mini for photoshop, illustration works, some video editing and my 3d studio Max the most. Does 2.0 & 2.26Ghz really tell the different when I am doing the rendering on my 3d max?
Ever since I upgraded to Snow Leopard, when a new message arrives in my in box, Mail maximizes from the dock and takes up the whole screen interrupting whatever I'm working on. This is very annoying! I've looked through help and the preference menus, but I cannot find a way to shut this off.
After searching endlessly with no luck I've yet to find a way to disable dock animations or an application that can do so. Has anyone had any luck with this and with disabling shadows as well?
I just bought a 13" MBP which I know has some clever battery technology built in. I also know that the overall life of some rechargeable batteries is lengthened by ensuring they are regularly fully discharged and recharged instead of keeping them charged to a maximum at all times. Does anyone know whether the overall life of the MCP's innovative battery is maximized by adopting the same policy?
I have a MacBook and my strategy is to keep it plugged in as much as possible to avoid using charge cycles. If I use it down to 50%, then get home, I'll plug it in so I've only used half a cycle. Then when I'm just using it around the house, I try to keep it plugged in.
My friend has a completely different strategy. At the Apple Store, one of the salesmen told him that he should use it down to almost nothing and then charge it back up again. He would never plug it in at 50%, but wait until it is 10% or less. He gave me this analogy: if you have a bottle of milk in the refrigerator and you have a cow outside, you refill the bottle when it is empty. If you keep refilling the bottle when it is only half empty, that milk is going to go bad. He really doesn't understand how it works himself, but said something about the battery's memory? I never imagined that a battery would have its own little memory or something, but now that he mentioned it, it does seem reasonable.