Applications :: Itunes Unable To Download Purchased Items?
Nov 3, 2009
I have a gateway laptop running vista. I purchased 251 songs and videos on itunes. When I attempts to download I receives the error.
"Unable to check for available downloads. The network connection timed out.
Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active, then try again."
After running all the useless itunes diags which pass. I contacted Apple and they told him that I needed to modify the network settings. I verified that all network setting where fine. Apple told me it was his computer so I bought a Mac and the error still continue on the new computer.
When trying to update applications or download music purchased i am getting the error message you may not have enough access privileges and check your network connection and try again.
I am not using itunes match. able to update and download from mobile devices.
I just attempted to update my iPhone to IOS 5.1, but before the update started I got this message: "There are purchased items on the iPhone “Charles Bond’s iPhone” that have not been transferred to your iTunes library. You should transfer these items to your iTunes library before updating this iPhone. Are you sure you want to continue?"
I don't understand this message. I thought that if I bought a song or an app from my iPhone it would be brought to iTunes on my MacBook when I did a synch, or direclty from the store. How would I identify what items the message is referring to, and how would I add them to my library?
Purchases originally made from iTunes store on a PC, although they appear in Mac iTunes, are not available to play or sync on the Mac- says this computer is not authorized, although it is.
This is my first time on here and I have only just bought a MacBook Pro (1st one) so sorry if this has been answered elsewhere.
I have an iPad 2 and an iPhone 4 - everything I have bought on iTunes has synced with my Mac and mobile devices. All my music, pictures TV shows and books have also synced with mobile devices and MacBook but for some reason the films I have purchased I need to buy again!!
I just upgraded to 10.6 - and was horrified to find out when opening iTunes again, my playlists, podcasts, purchased items, etc weren't there. It's a total iTunes reboot! All my audio content is stored on an external HDD (yes, its plugged in) - though the iTunes Libraries are on my laptop.
how to recover these without having to go through the hassle of Time Machine?
In Purchased Items,We need a Show/Hide Button to show any Resolution from 720 to 1080p, so we may see exactly what is D/Led, and what we may have missed, or need, we don't have. At any resolution Offered from what we purchased and Deleted to save space on Drives. I have deleted all but the 1080p copies. Have I missed any 1080p from my Library I need? iTunes should be able to show this information. Select the 1080p choice and any purchase that has not been D/Led in the selected Resolution will show up in the Purchased window. *(only the resolution's selected).Also in Search we should be able to search by Resolution and Time (duaration of film)
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.2), Focal CMS 50's,Duet, LED Display 24, iPhone 4
Just got an iMac. iTunes purchased items such as music/ movies are not updated after iTunes installation - despite using same Apple Store ID and registering the iMac in the Apps Store account.
I just purchased an album from the iTunes store and it downloaded the whole album except one song, which it tells me it can't download because the file is corrupted. It tells me to re-download by pressing "Check Available Downloads", which if done many times and it doesn't work! It just keeps telling me the same thing over and over. I think the error is -100000.
I pre-ordered an album from my iphone 5. Its downloaded and playing on my iphone, but only two songs have downloaded onto my Mac's itunes It says purchased in the itunes store and doesn't give me access to anything like the icloud icons to download the album. I have tried syncing and transferring purchases but nothing works. Its especially weird as I have got two songs of the album!
Recently the songs I puchase from Itunes store will not download to my computer. I keep getting an error message... something about check my internet connection. I can download purchased songs on my other Apple devices on the same network. So I think there is something wrong with my settings.
Info: iMovie '11, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iMac 2.8GHz core 2 duo
I purchased a song on my iPhone (iOS 8.1.1) and then later purchased the rest of the album. When I go then to my MacBook and open the album in iTunes ( on Yosemite, for some reason at least half of the tracks aren't there. When I went to the iTunes store to try and re-download them to my iTunes, it told me that I'd already purchased them, yet it gave me no option to download anywhere that I could see. Is there an option somewhere within iTunes that I'm missing or is this a lost cause?
On my old IMac i purchased 3 movies and a season of a tv show. when signing into iTunes on my new macbook air it wont allow the download of theses movies or tv shows. it says to check the connection and the connection is fine. what should i do?
I accidentally erased a music album that I purchased on iTunes. How can I get the iTunes store to recognize that it is no longer in my iTunes library and download it again?
I purchased an entire album on iTMS, on my Mac(Lion), and all but one track will play on iTunes, and iPhone4(iOS 5.1). I've additionally downloaded the purchased album on another Mac(Snow Leopard), and all tracks play, except the one track in question. When I go to play this song, it prompts me to 'authorize' the track to be played. I put in the correct info, and it does NOT play. This happens on each device. There were no iterruptions in any of the downloads of the tracks.
I purchased this music and I want to be able to listen to it! Apple
I have purchased movies from itunes on my laptop but I can't find them on my PC. I can see the Tv shows that I have bought on laptop but not the movies. Does anyone know how I can find the movies?
I have updated my iPhone 5 to the 8.1.1 iOS, and am trying to clear space by removing songs from my phone. When I open my iTunes, it registers there are 243 songs on my phone, but when I open the music app on my phone there are 268 songs showing. So I can't delete the songs via my iTunes on my Macbook. Apple support first told me to turn off "Show All Music" under the Music tab in Settings, which I did. Then he told me to hold my finger over the song and "swipe left" to get the delete option. This works for any other song on my phone except for the ones that were iTunes purchases, including this just average U2 album that magically deposited itself as well. Do not know of any other way to remove songs from my phone. Possibly restoring the phone to original settings? I don't really want to do that.
Recently purchased music and video appears in Purchased playlist, but not in Library. Tried reboot, toggling Match, Genius and Store on/off, now running out of ideas.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)