ITunes For Mac :: How To Re-download Purchased Music In AIFF Format
Jun 3, 2014I've downloaded a ton of music from the itunes store as mp3 files but now I want to re-download them in AIFF format.
MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1.1
I've downloaded a ton of music from the itunes store as mp3 files but now I want to re-download them in AIFF format.
MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1.1
i bought a new computer since the other one stop working... how do i get purchased music back if i also lost my itouch.. can it be redownloaded?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I redownload previously purchased music from iTunes in OS 10.6.8? The buttons for the songs and albums al have downloaded in grey.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Accidentally wiped out music files purchased from iTunes store. Why can I not redownload them without paying for them once again?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iTunes 10.5.3
When trying to update applications or download music purchased i am getting the error message you may not have enough access privileges and check your network connection and try again.
I am not using itunes match. able to update and download from mobile devices.
I accidentally erased a music album that I purchased on iTunes. How can I get the iTunes store to recognize that it is no longer in my iTunes library and download it again?
View 1 Replies View RelatedRecently purchased music and video appears in Purchased playlist, but not in Library. Tried reboot, toggling Match, Genius and Store on/off, now running out of ideas.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I recently bought an album via iTunes Music Store on my iPhone 4S, but I can't seem to figure out why it isn't syncing to my iTunes account on my computer. I am not using iTunes Match cloud or anything. This was happening even with automatic downloads set on iTunes, but I have since turned it off because I have bandwidth limits for my satellite Internet. One of the reasons I bought the album on my iPhone was so I could download it at a public WiFi.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5, White!
1) Up until today (6/8/12) my purchases would show up in my library after downloading. After purchasing some songs today, I did not see them in the library, but I did find them under 'Purchases'. And the little iCloud icon seems to be 'working'. I have the most recent iTunes (10.6.1), scanned for viruses, and haven't been doing anything differently. I am using a 13" MacBook Pro (early 2011) with Lion v10.7.4 installed.
2) iTunes usually shows a song as 'Purchased' in the Store if you already downloaded it (I assume to prevent duplicate downloading). But a few minutes after purchasing some music, the Store still shows it as available for purchase.
The only thing I have done recently is clean out some cache files in my browser (using Intego). Could this be the culprit? If so, how do I remedy these issues?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
The purchased music folder in iTunes has only 2 recent purchases on it, and is missing all of the other albums.When I go onto iTunes Store, tha purchases are there, but do not appear in iTunes under purchased music.
Info:G5, Mac OS X (10.4.8)
i lost all of my purchased music... what do i do to get it back?
Info:music, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
All of my music purchased from iTunes is gone from my iPhone. When I open the app the page is blank. On my iPad I can open the app and see the music but cannot play anything or go to another page. All other apps and Internet work fine including iTunes Store. I have the latest updates. I want my music where did my songs go?
iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iOS 7.1.1, And iphone4
After losing my iBook HDD and then my external backup drive (long story) I have bought a new Mac and its great etc etc. The problem I have is that I don't have a backup of my huge iTunes library, so I am re-importing all of my music.
I thought the process would be as simple for iTunes purchased music where I could go to my account and redownload it, but I can't seem to see an option for this. Please could someone explain how I would go about redownloading all of my iTunes purchased music?
Is this possible via the automatic update? I have been looking around and I am beginning to think it is not possible. IE I upload a new ripped cd to my server and then since the home sharing is turned on the newly ripped files I was hoping would then be shared across to the other iTunes setups. But since it says newly purchased
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo had just sent in my MBP with dead logic board. Got it back. Everything works great except all my purchased music on iTunes needed to be re-authorized. No problem, I know the password. (By the way the account is an AOL account) So I type in my password, it recognizes it as being correct but would like me to update my account for use with an Apple ID. This is also fine (although I remember doing this a few months ago already. Whatever I'll do it again.)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI bought itunes match and I want to delete music from the Purchased tab in the Itunes store that is there in the icloud. I backed up the music I want. I turned on itunes match and downloaded the music and then deleted it all and selected the option to delete from icloud. After running itunes match again it says there is no music in icloud so I thought all the songs were gone from icloud. I go back into the Purchased tab in the itunes store and all the music I ever bought is still there. Is there a way I can get rid of all the music in the Purchased tab? I thought by getting itunes match and deleting from the icloud it would get rid of the music from the Purchased tab. Please advise who to get rid of the music from the Purchased tab in the itunes store.
I am doing this on my macbook with Lion installed and latest version of itunes. I have deleted and recreated the library at least 3 times as well trying to vanquish that music from the Purchased tab.
I'm using a 2008 iMac with OS 10.6.8, and iTunes 11.4. The U2 album "Songs Of Innocence" is supposedly to be found in the Purchased page on iTunes, but it's definitely not there. Is this something to do with the version of OS X that I'm running? How can I download the free album if I can't actually see it?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just purchased an album from the iTunes store and it downloaded the whole album except one song, which it tells me it can't download because the file is corrupted. It tells me to re-download by pressing "Check Available Downloads", which if done many times and it doesn't work! It just keeps telling me the same thing over and over. I think the error is -100000.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhave deleted file, restarted computer and iTunes and same result. how do i get it to work or get a refund
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I pre-ordered an album from my iphone 5. Its downloaded and playing on my iphone, but only two songs have downloaded onto my Mac's itunes It says purchased in the itunes store and doesn't give me access to anything like the icloud icons to download the album. I have tried syncing and transferring purchases but nothing works. Its especially weird as I have got two songs of the album!
View 14 Replies View RelatedRecently the songs I puchase from Itunes store will not download to my computer. I keep getting an error message... something about check my internet connection. I can download purchased songs on my other Apple devices on the same network. So I think there is something wrong with my settings.
iMovie '11, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iMac 2.8GHz core 2 duo
Please can anyone tell me how I can transfere my purchased music from my iPad too my iPod.
iPad 2
I just got a new Macbook and i'm trying to transfer music I already have on my iPhone 4 from the phone to the laptop... Shouldn't it already be in my purchased folder?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have already paid for the book, from itunes, but how to read it on my mac book air.
apple, Mac OS X (10.4.9)
I purchased one album. 11 songs downloaded, one won't. I keep getting an error message. What can I do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI purchased a song on my iPhone (iOS 8.1.1) and then later purchased the rest of the album. When I go then to my MacBook and open the album in iTunes ( on Yosemite, for some reason at least half of the tracks aren't there. When I went to the iTunes store to try and re-download them to my iTunes, it told me that I'd already purchased them, yet it gave me no option to download anywhere that I could see. Is there an option somewhere within iTunes that I'm missing or is this a lost cause?
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Just got an iMac. iTunes purchased items such as music/ movies are not updated after iTunes installation - despite using same Apple Store ID and registering the iMac in the Apps Store account.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
we set up OUR Apple account using my then wife's (now ex-wife's) e-mail address and created OUR apple ID account under her name. Fast forward eight years, it has now been two years since my divorce and I have tons of music that was purchased using my ex-wife's Apple account. During the last two years, playing the music that was purchased with her account has not been an issue. I select my music that I want to listen to, hit play and it played. But ever since the latest update from iTunes, I now have a HUGE issue. The latest update requires computers to now be "authorized" to play purchased music and any purchased music must now be verified by the account ID and password used to purchase the music. This has created a catastrophe because my ex-wife has now of course changed her Apple ID password which means I no longer have access to about $1000 worth of music because of this new authorization! This has made me livid to say the least because this seems to be an arbitrary and completely random bull crap requirement from Apple. I have tried to resolve this through Apple support but since it is now nearly impossible to speak to a human at Apple, the email method of communication has yielded diddly squat. I doubt this "forum method" will be any more productive but I have to try. I have begun a social media campaign against Apple's methods of burying random and arbitrary requirements deep within their regular software updates. I've already paid for the music once. I won't pay for it again.
iTunes, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
How do I authorize my 100+ previously purchased itunes music that is in protected aac form? It prompts that my computer is not authorized even though it is.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have tried everything to transfer the purchased music on my iPad to my macbook. It simply won't transfer.
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.1)