I've tried both of these browsers and I like Chrome more in almost every aspect except one. Because of this aspect, I continue to use Safari.
I don't know if this is the official name of the feature but it seems logical to me. Autocomplete or autofill.
Basically, when I am typing a URL in Safari, if the URL is in my bookmarks or history it will complete the rest of the address for me and all I have to do is hit enter.
For example, I have [URL] in my favorites. I type "fa" and safari fills in the rest, I just hit enter and I'm there.
I get this ad every time I load the page. I figured it was a cookie problem so I searched my cookies for 'Google' and deleted all the results. I'm still getting it. It's not happening in Firefox, only Safari. It's been there since Friday or Saturday. Am I the only one?
Just got my first IMac. Beautiful machine to look at, but there are a few things that I have to get used to. One of them is Safari. Actually, I prefer Google. Any comments?
I cannot seems to find a good browser, yes I know Safari 5 is decent but as my wife just noted me today.
It seems that it cannot "multi-task' with tabs, what I mean she opened 2 flash games from Facebook in two tabs, so while 1 tab is playing the game the second one stands still on loading screen. I have decided to test if that was the Facebook problem and loaded 2 games in separate tabs from other game website, to my surprise same result.
Im also experiencing some issues with youtube, while Im loading video sometimes it stops loading video half way through or may be 40%.
Chrome, well its ok but sometimes it slows on flash as well.
Now the real issue I'm having is from Firefox; I have the latest version installed I think 3.6. After a few minutes it starts to get slow, later on it stops responding to the point that my dock and apple bar just freezes. The only solution is to activate spaces, move to empty space and force quit it.
Not sure if this has been talked about a bunch but I have noticed that the scrolling is very jerky in Chrome but in Safari its smooth. Btw both are updated to the current version. Could anyone else chime in if they have seen this problem or are currently experiencing this.
I recently bought a 13" MacBook Pro and I've been using Safari as my default browser. Before I got my Macbook and used a Windows 7 laptop, Google Chrome was my default browser. I still wanna use it as my default browser but not sure if it's as good for the Macbook as it is for Windows. I know both are fast browsers but which is the best one for the Macbook? Should I stick with Safari or should I switch to Google Chrome?
Whenever I go onto Safari or Google Chrome there are always advertisements. Also occasionally when I click on something a new tab appears or a 'pop up page'. Im almost certain I have a virus on my MacBook Pro. how to remove it and is it removable.
Every time I try to connect to any social media websites and a few others, I experience one of a few things. The first being an SSL error. This happens on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and even Google. The second is an SSL error again, BUT I can proceed anyway, which brings me to the third issue. I get onto the website but all the graphics on the website are gone and I get something looking like the image below. Time and date are correct.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I currently own a late 2008 15 inch macbook pro. It's my first Mac, and I'm very satisfied with it.
I recently downloaded Safari 5 and have been less than impressed. I find the performance extremely sporadic: sometimes very fast, sometimes painfully slow. I have also lost Youtube and Justintv functionality, and since I take online courses the video sites are imperative for me.
I've re-loaded Firefox and also Chrome, and over the last three days seem to be leaning towards Chrome for its balance of speed and overall functionality.
so i just got bored with safari so i decided to try out google chrome. but i had a few questions.
is there a way to add custom buttons like in safari? i like how in safari i can put buttons like + Bookmark and place it anywhere i like. is there a way to do this in chrome?
and also any recommended extensions? right now i just have, add block, flash block, and speed dial (top sites) extensions.
I am using Windows 7 and recently switched to Safari, when I try to open an email link in Safari it takes me to google chrome, how do I fix this? I switched my default browser to safari and looked in settings for any mail options but cant find
Snow leopard antivirus works with mail, safari, ichat, but if i install google chrome will it work with it? I am talking about the built in malware detector that comes with Snow Leopard
Until today, I have been able to email using reader. Today, I am getting the following error message: Safari can't create an email message because Google Chrome doesn’t support sending webpages from Safari.
So we OS X users haven't been able to get our hands on Google Chrome, yet, but apparently there's this new browser set to fill that void called "Stainless."
I've tried it out and it seems pretty good, but I'm interested in seeing its benchmarks in comparison to Chrome. I'm lovin' the GUI of Stainless!
I was wondering if anyone has run into the problem I'm having with Google Chrome. One day last week it just wouldn't load anymore. i can click it and it will appear in my taskbar like its running, but no go on the UI. I've "googled it".... the problem that is... wow googling a problem with google. What are we coming to? Anyway, I've seen some stuff about it not running on Windows XP, but nothing about MAC.
I've been using Google Chrome for ages and never really had a problem with it until lately, I prefer it to Safari or Firefox etc.
Lately I've found that it's crashing frequently, sometimes webpages just won't load (it will load the title bar and just leave an empty white space on the actual content), and more and more frequently I'm getting the flash plugin crash message come up on it.
I have the latest version of Chrome, and have re-downloaded it and installed it again, repaired permissions etc, but nothing seems to help.
Anyone else come across this or know of a possible resolution?
I am using Google Chrome 8.0.552.215 on my Mac (running OSX 10.6.5). I can't get Chrome sync working properly. I had everything setup and working properly this morning between my iMac and my Mac Pro, but then I noticed that my bookmarks didn't import properly from Firefox (I'd imported my bookmarks from Firefox into Chrome on my Mac Pro just prior to initially setting up Chrome Sync).
I decided to delete all of the bookmarks from Chrome on my Mac Pro, then immediately reimport them a second time (making sure to fix the issue that caused my initial problem this second time around). For some strange reason, this has somehow completely screwed up Chrome sync, which doesn't sync anything anymore (bookmarks, extensions, etc...) I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome, but still no luck!
I've logged into my Google Dashboard and deleted all of the Chrome Sync Data, waited a good half hour, then tried setting up Chrome sync again... Google Dashboard does show that data is being synced from this first machine, but then when I set it up on the second computer (with a completely clean install of Chrome), the data never makes it there! I am at a complete loss here. I've even tried using an alternate Google Account, but that didn't work either!
The two things preventing me from using Chrome as my main browser is the lack of Google Gears, unless it does exists and am just not aware of it...so figured i'd ask here.
2nd-ly, 1password support.
But as for now i'm asking if Google Gears exists on Chrome for Mac as I need to be able to access Gmail offline.