Applications :: File Renaming App That Supports Wildcards?

Jul 25, 2010

I use Name mangler and have no idea how to use it other than with the find & replace, and I would like to use wild cards to identify lists of files that are numerically listed, so it would be easier for me to use wildcards rather than write/use a droplet.

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Applications :: ITunes Scripting On Windows (file Renaming)?

Feb 18, 2010

We are looking for a script for iTunes on windows XP.

Something that will allow us to rename the media files on disk from the info in iTunes. And if possible the Artist and Album names aswell.

Since we choose for .wav files we don't have an option for metadata included in the file. Now, we were wondering if we would use the Broadcast Wave format that includes metadata in the file. My guess is that iTunes doesn't support BWF?

On the mac side i suppose there is something like this from [URL]

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OS X :: Create File List And Batch File Renaming?

Aug 10, 2009

So in windows I can create a file list, save it to a text file, and create a .bat file with rename commands for each file. for example:

Rename 000055-060409232023-CAM1.jpg cal000image0000055.jpg
Rename 000056-060409232020-CAM1.jpg cal000image0000056.jpg
Rename 000057-060409232016-CAM1.jpg cal000image0000057.jpg
Rename 000058-060409232012-CAM1.jpg cal000image0000058.jpg
Rename 000059-060409232008-CAM1.jpg cal000image0000059.jpg
Rename 000060-060409232004-CAM1.jpg cal000image0000060.jpg
Rename 000061-060409232001-CAM1.jpg cal000image0000061.jpg
Rename 000062-060409231957-CAM1.jpg cal000image0000062.jpg
Rename 000063-060409231953-CAM1.jpg cal000image0000063.jpg

how do I create a file list and then create a way to batch rename in os x? I know the commands, but I don't know of a way to do it on more than one file at a time. I have found a few renaming apps but they all appear to be focused on just iterating up instead of renaming specific files to a new name.

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Renaming A File In Pages?

Sep 8, 2014

I am running mountain lion 10.8.5 and just want to rename this fileĀ 

Mac mini, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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OS X :: Finder Bug / Cover Flow Thumbnails And Renaming A File?

Jun 14, 2009

When in Cover Flow view in Finder, try renaming a file when the thumbnails are being generated. It'll highlight the file name, then unselect it. Only way to successfully rename something is to wait till all the thumbnails are generated.

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OS X :: Any Way To Specify Wildcards For Keychain?

Jan 2, 2009

I'm just wondering if there is any way to specify some kind of wildcard/regex for a keychain entry, so that instead of having an entry for [URL] and one for [uRL] and one for [URL], I could have a single [URL] or something similar? I've googled for more information on the keychain quite a bit but haven't been able to find anything useful.

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Applications :: Looking For MP3 Renaming App?

Sep 27, 2009

I have a large collection of MP3s that were ripped on a Windows PC and I want to add them to my iTunes library on my Mac. The problem is there is either no meta data for the files or the info that is there is wrong or badly formatted. The collection is organized with each album in its own folder, so I am able to tell what is what. Is there a program for OS X that would allow me to dump an album into it and rename all of the files and set meta data according to a certain format and get this track info from Amazon, Gracenote, or similar? Also, I would like to set the album art for each track.

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Applications :: Batch Renaming Files In OSX?

Mar 3, 2004

I've got a whole bunch of photos in various subfolders. Some of these photos have the same relative name (ie same file name but in different folders).

I would like to rename all these files like 000001.ext, 000002.ext etc, independently of file location so I can copy all the files back to one single folder (I can handle that bit in Terminal). There are many sub-folders so I need something recursive.

I've tried Renamer4Mac, but it isn't recursive. Does anyone know of a different app that would work, or even a terminal command/script/binary that would do the trick?

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Applications :: Any Camcorder Which Supports Firewire?

Feb 7, 2009

I need to get a camcorder which supports firewire and has a HDD.

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Applications :: ITunes / Compilation Massive Renaming?

Sep 20, 2010

When I have a compilation album, I like to keep it all as one album in iTunes and especially on my iPod. Traditionally I would copy the artist name into the song name, so it was "Artist - Song" and then change the artist name to the name of the compilation. That way, on my Ipod, I would scroll through artists, get to the compilation and play it all from there, meaning I wouldn't have a whole load of new artists, each with one song.

However, I just got a 6 CD compilation album.. 150 or so tracks. I don't want to individually rename every song this time, but I want it all to be under one Artist in iTunes (preferably). Is there any way to maybe select all of them and switch the artist for the album artist? Or is there another way to do all this that would allow me to have it all appear as one artist, but not have to rename each track individually?

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Applications :: Renaming Garage Band Loops?

Apr 24, 2008

I just found some third-party GarageBand loops and put them in my library. I didn't rename them before I added them and now they appear in lowercase with underscores between words. How do I rename them?

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Applications :: ICal Icon Weird Look After Renaming?

Feb 8, 2009

I renamed iCal cuz I was bored. Then I changed it back to iCal. Then I dragged it onto the dock. While the application wasn't running, for some reason, it looked like this. It obviously does that because the date changes, but the calendar pic doesn't. When the application is running, it looks like normal. And when I quit it, it goes back to the weird looking icon.

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Applications :: Renaming Files Sequentially By Containing - Folder's Name

Apr 11, 2009

Dear fellow Applephiles, I'm looking for a fast, efficient way (via an Automator Workflow for example) to do the following: Rename sequentially several files in certain folders so that their names end up being: "folder_name xx" e.g. I have 2 folders called Anne's Birthday, Berlin Vacation, and 2008 Prom with several JPEGs called "DSCxxxxxx" within them.

I want the files within each folder to be named: "Anne's Birthday 1", "Anne's Birthday 2", "Anne's Birthday 3", etc. instead of "DSCxxxxxx","Berlin Vacation 1", "Berlin Vacation 2", "Berlin Vacation 3", etc. and "2008 Prom 1", "2008 Prom 2", "2008 Prom 3", etc. and thus for each respective folder. By using a workflow.I truly hope it's just my being slow with Automator (or Mac OS X in general) the obstacle for accomplishing this.

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Applications :: ITunes Will Not Find Files After Renaming

Feb 12, 2010

In iTunes I manage my music manually. Sometimes I need to change a song's file name because something was spelled incorrectly. To change a song's file name I rename it in Finder. iTunes is running the background. Now here's the catch: After renaming a file I check whether iTunes detected its new location (CMD+I for "Get Info"). Mostly iTunes DOES recognize the new file path, but sometimes it doesn't. What helps iTunes detecting the new location? I really can't see a pattern in iTunes' behavior.

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Applications :: IWork 09 Supports Multi Touch

Jan 29, 2009

Pages 09 works with multitouch!! Just select text, and zoom and the text will grow/shrink!

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Applications :: ITunes Home Sharing And Renaming Libraries?

Jan 3, 2011

I have two computers setup using home sharing. The problem is, I want to rename the libraries on each of them so they make more sense to me.

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Applications :: Renaming The Page Name Without Effecting What Is Visible In The Navigation Bar?

Jul 16, 2010

I am new to iWeb and I have built a site for my father in law [URL]. It looks fine in Safari, Chrome and IE. But a friend of mine has just sent me a screen grab from Firefox. I have attached it and there seems to be a character encoding issue.

Also is there a way of renaming the page name without effecting what is visible in the navigation bar?

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Applications :: IWork 09 Numbers Supports Right To Left Languages

Jan 10, 2009

I just purchased iWork 09 and I'm using a language that writes from right to left. I notice that Numbers, after I deselect the cell switches the writing from right to left to the opposite. Does this mean Numbers doesn't support RTL languages??? Pages seems to work fine but Numbers doesn't

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Applications :: FTP Client That Supports Stat-l And Fingerprint Disabling?

Nov 12, 2009

Flashfxp and a couple others are the only apps for windows that support these features. I've tried Filezilla and a few other mac applications and have had no luck. I'm trying to avoid installing windows on vmware or bootcamp. So far i've found all my apps that I use on windows (or alternatives) on my mac. If any ideas

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Applications :: Video Conversion Software That Supports Encoding?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a bunch of mkv video files with ass subtitles, and I've tried Handbrake, which is fine and dandy except it doesn't support .ass subtitles or the Xvid format. Anyone know a good video conversion software that supports encoding to Xvid/Divx, .ass subtitle, and mp3 audio?

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Applications :: Juniper Network Connect Supports Snow Leopard?

Feb 14, 2010

Does anyone know if Juniper Network Connect supports Snow Leopard? I can't find any info on their website, but maybe I'm just looking in the wrong spot(s).

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Applications :: Backup Utility That Supports FAT32 Or NTFS Volumes?

Aug 21, 2010

Was just wondering that are there any backup apps similar to Carbon Copy Cloner and SuperDuper that support formats others than HFS+. I did search via MRoogle but couldn't find anything. I would just like to have an automated backup of my home folder that can be accessed with a PC as well

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Applications :: IPhoto 11 - Doesn't Supports New "HD" Picture Uploads Facebook?

Oct 20, 2010

So the new iPhoto '11 brings new features and enhancements to Facebook, but it doesn't say if it supports the new "HD" picture uploads facebook just added a few days ago. So, any of you first buyers could check that out please Ps: yes I did search, and doesn't say anything about that either. Oh and btw I can't check myself since I live in Chile and everything takes like a century to arrive down here, damn you apple lol

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Applications :: Mac FTP - Supports Site To Site Transfer?

Apr 3, 2006

I'm looking for an app that supports Site to Site (FXP) Transfers. I tried wlFxp-0.4 and had no luck. Does anyone know of any others?

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OS X :: Mac HD Renaming Itself?

Apr 29, 2010

i went on my macbook today, and saw that the HD was renamed to "hehehe"...I initially assumed it was one of my roommates messing with me, but it seems like a pointless prank, and nobody admitted to, i doubt they would know how. So my question is, and i know this probably sounds stupid, but is it possible for someone to access my computer through the internet or something? Did somebody hack me?

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OS X :: Would Renaming Be Possible With Automator

Feb 26, 2009

i want to to make a workflow renames my anime automatically that searches a smart folder ive got containing all, the episodes eg.

search folder and finds "[DB]_Bleach_208_[191E1D38].avi" and makes it look like "Bleach 208.avi"

would it be possible? i cant find actions for the specific renaming i would need getting rid of selective parts of a name

if anyone has a idea how i could do this automator or not let me know

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OS X :: Renaming Folders On Mac?

Apr 18, 2009

I've only realized there is no option to rename a folder on a mac right click menu. You either have to double click it slowly, press enter or right click then "Get Info". It is probably actually easier on PC to rename folders

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OS X :: Renaming An External HD?

Sep 19, 2009

I'm trying to name my USB HD "External HD," but everytime I do, it defaults to all caps "EXTERNAL HD." Very annoying to see on my desktop, just mocking me The same thing happens with my Windows partition HD. Why the all caps?? I've just gone along with it for all this time, but I finally want to take action. What am I doing wrong?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mac Keeps Renaming Itself

Jun 28, 2012

My Mac keep renaming itself by adding a (2) to the sharing name.I have 3 Macs on on a network (no Windows) and this happens after the Macs wake from sleep.Each Mac has a unique name and each time I take off the (2) or whatever number it has added to the name, it happens again randomly later.I think part of the problem is each Mac connects to the network via Ethernet and wifi.I need Ethernet for speed, but Apple's "Find my Mac" feature only works with wifi so I need that on too.

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OS X :: Renaming Files In ITunes?

Apr 18, 2009

I've been removing a bunch of bloat from the iTunes library, and one of the things I did was transcode my 10 GB or so of lossless audio to 256 kbps VBR, then delete the lossless files. The problem is that since the transcode creates new copies of the audio files, I ended up with

10 The Mariner's Revenge Song.m4a

10 The Mariner's Revenge Song 1.m4a

Once the transcode was complete, I deleted all of the original lossless files from library and my computer, but I can't get rid of the 1 on the end of the remaining filenames. I seem to remember File -> Library -> Consolidate Library to have worked on an earlier version of iTunes, but it doesn't seem to do anything now. My library is set to keep things organized, but that doesn't seem to be working for files already in the library.

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