Applications :: To Use IWork With Office Documents.?
Nov 24, 2010
Do you think it's too much work with the conversions and stuff and possible formatting differences or do you think it wouldn't be a big deal? I'm talking about for like high school or college
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Aug 19, 2007
I'm not sure why, but all my MS Word documents have the generic file icon and nothing that makes me think Pages '08 is going to open that file. This goes the same for .xls documents. Even though both file types are set to open in iWork, they retain the generic blank icon.
Is this normal? Shouldn't they have Pages/Numbers icons respectively, even if they were created in Word?
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Apr 27, 2012
I have not upgraded my Microsoft Office to operate in OS 10.7.2.Thus to open a word or excel document I must first open Pages or Numbers then find the document and it will open.To move to another document I must start over.How can I set a default that always opens the Word or Excel document directly with Pages or Numbers?
Info:iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 13, 2009
I have iWork 08 and it is HARD to use because of not being able to send my documents or open up others - originally made on a PC. I just got an email about iWork 09 and while looking noticed it says we can now open up windows docs AND save our work as documents!? So does this kill the essentialness of anything windows for students?
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Feb 27, 2010
Whilst still waiting for the MBP refresh, I would like some advice on which office software you would recommend.
I have decided to convert from being a pc user to have a go with a mac as i have heard so much positive info about its OSX operating system.
I have many word files etc (obviosuly coming from a pc).
What would you recommend,
iwork (�55 pre installed)
office for mac (�?)
open office (free)
Which one if all of these will enable me to just plug in my usb stick and download all my word/ excel files and pictures without any issues and edit/ change/send again without any issues.
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Apr 20, 2009
Something new for iWork users to share documents.
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Apr 21, 2010
...File sharing over network with iWork documents?
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Oct 12, 2009
Which one do you use? I prefer iWork by far, but am forced to use Office b/c my college only uses Office. Tell us your opinions..
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Dec 26, 2009
What is included in iWork when you buy it? And is it worth the money or is something like Mac Office better?
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Mar 8, 2010
I am a college student and am about to get my first Mac. I found out through student discounts I can get Office professional for $59.99 but just noticed that iWork can open and save as .Doc, .PPT, etc. and I can get it for $71.
I am not a heavy user of any Office programs and would really only use this for school, etc.
What would you suggest I go with?
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Apr 21, 2010
Hope I'm asking this in the right section (if not feel free to move this as needed!). I'm totally new to Macs (actually I haven't got one yet but I'm ordering the MBP 13" in the next couple of weeks), I'm doing a degree part-time at university and I also work full time. At the moment I use microsoft office 2007 for my course and job (essays, invoices etc), so I use word, powerpoint and (occasionally onenote and excel). I know most of my lecturers use word so I would have to be able to email them my documents in this format. I was all set to get iWork pre-installed but now I keep hearing about compatability issues when saving/sending/sharing documents that are made with pages and then saved and shared in word format - tables misaligning, bits missing etc. I then looked at Office 2008 for Mac but the reviews on this are a bit so-so aswell, saying it's not as good as the windows version, features hard to find etc. So now I'm really confused which bit of software to get. I know I could run office for windows with bootcamp but my copy of windows is OEM and I don't want to go to the hassle and expense of buying another copy of windows and have to keep re-booting from one OS to the other. Has anyone got any opinions on the 2 programs, particularly from a new windows -> mac user point of view?
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Jun 27, 2010
Im going to be a college freshman and i was wondering which software would be better. I have tried Pages and it seems to work a lot better with my mac. I am torn about which to get since i will need it for school in fall. I would like to see your opinions as to which software to get.
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Jul 28, 2010
Rumors are floating about of the imminent release of Apple's iWork '10. Also, Microsoft is saying Office:mac 2011 will be released near the end of the year. I go to a school that runs completely on PCs, and yes, completely running Office. This is going to be my sophomore year. On my Mac I currently run iWork '09. Over the past year I've grown to love it and its features, many of which are not available for Office. However, all of the documents my teachers send me are Office-based, and all of the papers I have to hand in online must be in Office format (.doc, .xls, .ppt). iWork can export as these formats, but it's a hassle. There's my backstory. Now here's my question for the good people of the MacRumors Forums. I love the features of iWork, but Office is SO much more compatible. When the new software gets released, should I get iWork '10 or Office:mac 2011? I like upgrades, so I'm going to get one. I was thinking about getting both, but that could be expensive, and as a student, I don't have much money. What would you do, and what do you think I should do?
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Aug 19, 2010
I have iWork 09 and Office 2008 on my current Mac. I'm looking to upgrade sometime soon. I know that time machine will migrate all my documents, settings, and apps to the new one when I first start it up. My question is though, will iWork and Office migrate? Or are only certain apps allowed to do that?
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Apr 26, 2009
Anyone have direct experience and know whether or not the Apple corporate offices encourage the use of iWork over Office? I would think that in some jobs Numbers would be fine, but the engineers for instance would have an easier time with Excel.
I'd imagine everyone uses Keynote for sure though.
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Dec 21, 2009
Many of the operations I perform related to business, such as setting up different tables, doing different functions, etc., are easily performed on Microsoft Excel for PC. I'm sure all of the other business professionals in this forum can agree that Excel for PC truly is the application of the business world, allowing a vast array of different functions to be performed.
However, I am simply not satisfied with Micrsoft Office for Mac 2008. I know a lot of this has to do with the suite of applications (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.) being designed to run on Mac OS X, as opposed to a Windows operating system, but the feel and functionality is completely different.
Therefore, I am considering purchasing iWork when a new version is released.. this will allow me to perform different business operations on my Mac while I don't have access to Excel for PC. I will therefore avoid the frustration of Excel for Mac.
As a businessman or businesswoman, would you recommend iWork? How do you cope with needing to perform different complex business operations when you do not have access to Microsoft Excel for PC?
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Feb 10, 2009
I was just wondering if there was any known issue to having both installed on the same machine....I will have a need to use both if I get iWork '09.
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Jan 4, 2011
Done some searching on my own but haven't found anything... Is there any sort of downloadable trial of Office 2011 out there like Apple does with iWork?
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Apr 14, 2010
I have recently started using Pages in iwork over Office, I like the easy formatting and usability of Pages. But I have to send all these recently create pages doc in a word format to someone and so I did the Save as Word option.When I opened the Word file in Word all the text formatting went all over the place, it looked like it put extra tabs in there and there is a split down the middle of the text like it has put it in two columns.
Is there any way to ensure that when I create my pages document that the formatting is agreeable with word.
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May 20, 2010
How do I set my Mac up so that when I get a Word, Excel or Powerpoint file, I can click on it to open it and have it automatically open in Pages, Numbers or Keynote?
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Jun 18, 2010
Does anyone have any recommendations on one software suite versus another? I have used iWork (brief use of the trial) and MS Office in the past, and right now I am looking at Openoffice, which seems really nice.
I am considering dropping some money on iWork, but I am not sure if it is worth it.
Any shared experiences or recommendations or comparisons will be very welcome.
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Apr 21, 2012
I updated to Lion on my desktop a few months ago and I swear now I can't read older Microsoft word and Excel documents correctly on this computer using Office 2011. The document opens and you can see all of the data in a preview window (from finder) but once it opens fully the data/words are not there. I have Lion on a brand new Macbook Pro I just purchased and installed the Microsoft Office 2011 and it opened the excel document I was having trouble with fine.I can't find many links for Office for Mac issues.
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Mar 11, 2009
I'm getting my first Mac tomorrow, an iMac 24" 2.8. After 20 years on PCs, I'm fed up with Windows. I've been fairly methodical in going over the PC, inch by inch and file by file, to make sure everything I need is brought over and can be used on the iMac. One of the biggest problems is 15 years of documents which were prepared in WordPerfect. I understand that neither iWork or MS Office can convert them. I also heard of AbiWord, a freeware program which can view and convert almost anything. So, I have a few choices. Since I'm going through each doc to see if I even need it or want it, I can convert each one in WordPerfect after I make the decision, to an MS Doc file (MS WORD 2003, RTF, ANSI, ASCII, or other files. If I do that, will iWork be able to read the file? What would be the best format to convert it too?
Or, I can decide what to keep and bring it over in WordPerfect format. When and if I need it, I can use AbiWord to convert at that time. Of course, this means adding an application to my computer. Does iWork/Pages emulate MS Word in the ability to read and convert other formats? What is the native format for saving in iWork? Is it a .DOC file? Any suggestions for the best method for me to transfer the files to the new computer and eventually use them? Does any program Batch process the conversions? BTW: I already purchased iWork, because of my belief that its 100% compatible with MS Office, and because it appears that any type of document I want to produce can be accomplished in iWork.
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Mar 7, 2012
I have 2 computers and want to use iCloud with iWork docs, but my files don't show up. Software is up to date and iCloud turned on, but all I get is the intro screen like "Pages for iCloud" with buttons at the bottom "Get Pages for IOS" and "Learn More". My Contacts and email was working from moment go, but what do I need to do to to use iWork in iCloud?
MacBook 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iMac 24-inch 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with OS 10.5.8
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Mar 27, 2012
Logged into iCloud on Mac but iWorks Numbers screen is links to purchase Numbers for iOS.
Already have Numbers on Mac but do not want on iPhone. Require upload as I work from different computers.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 23, 2010
I have been a PC all my life and I am going to be switching to Mac very soon. Im sure this is always asked. But im trying to figure out if I should get iWork or Microsoft Office 2008 for mac.
Im in high school, so I will be using it for school work. I will be using it for college as well when I get there. As far as I know I wont be doing any advanced work.
I like the fact that if I got iWork it would be made my apple so it runs smoother than office. However, Im hesitant about getting iWork because most people do use office and I might learn one thing at school on office and I might not know how to do that on iWork.
Ive also hear that iWork isnt half as good as office and that a lot of things are missing from iWork that office has.
I also wanted to know if I can make iWork automatically save my douments as a .doc.
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Feb 25, 2012
On my iMac and MacBookPro I cannot save .pages documents to iCloud iWork. They appear on the iWork screen, but I cannot retrieve them.
However, from my iPad it is no problem!. After editing in iPad and save the documents to iCloud back it is possible to download these on my iMac or MacBookPro without problem.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iMac, iPad2
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Apr 27, 2012
I haven't been able to synchronize documents from iWork to my iPad
Info:iPad, iOS 5.1
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Sep 29, 2009
should i get iworks 09 or office 08? i got a discount for office but im just wondering if iwork is better. im just going to be using it for word documents and powerpoints at most
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Jun 2, 2012
I am not able to see my documents in my PC or MacBook Pro in IWork?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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