Applications :: Alternative To IDVD To Burn 3 Hours Movie?
Jan 31, 2010
I've searched and I still cannot find a free program that will let me burn a movie to a DVD. I used handbrake to bring the video file down to 4.5 GB. I'm trying to put it on a 4.7 GB disc and iDVD still won't let me because it says it is too big! I've been tinkering with iDVD and it's making me crazy. There must be a way to just burn it. I don't need a menu. Keep in mind that I want to be able to watch it on a dvd player (as opposed to just transferring the file). Just an FYI, the video file is 3 hours and 28 mins. It can be .mkv or .mp4 (through handbrake).
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Dec 26, 2010
I couldn't find what I was looking for in MRoogle.
The thing I hate about iDVD (besides it taking so long to burn video DVDs on Mac) is that the themes are more than I need and take up valuable disc space.
1. Are there any iDVD themes that are simply a music, no video clip previews, no sappy backgrounds, etc?
2. Is there a free (or cheap) alternative to iDVD excluding Toast?
3. I'd be using .mov or .mp4 as my source video.
4. I have iDVD 7.0.4 and am using Snow Leopard. I really don't want to pay for iLife 11 as I never use Garage Band or iPhoto. iMovie kinda sucks too.
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Jun 28, 2012
ow do i burn a movie .mp4 straight to a dvd without all the idvd menus. having a lot of problems burning it through idvd.
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Sep 11, 2010
I've done a few (well a lot) of DVDs now with iDVD using avi files on my hard disk with a view to either giving as presents or watching with the family on TV.
We do not want to hover around my laptop to watch a movie In about 90% of these iDVD created DVDs I get an error message from iDVD that there was a problem during encoding and if we try to watch them throgh the TV/DVD player then the film just stops about 75% of the way through.
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Nov 25, 2010
Every time I try to export a movie in iMovie or burn a disk in iDVD an error message pops up and says that my startup disk is full. So I bought an external hard drive and backed up my mac using Time Machine. Now I want to delete everything off my mac's internal Hard Drive and use my external hard drive so I can empty my disk. Does this make sense? If so will you please tell me how to do so.
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Jun 21, 2005
I have iMovie 2.1.2 on a Mac G4 with a superdrive burner. I've captured video from my mini-dv camcorder and now I want to put it on DVD to be played on any DVD player.
I've tried a few of the "expert" settings to export it, but none do the trick as far as producing playable DVD's. I have toast titanium 5 and I don't have Quicktime Pro. I also do not have iDVD.
I have Final Cut Pro on this computer, but have no idea how to use it.
Is there a simple way to to export directly from iMovie onto a playable DVD, or do I need something else?
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Jan 1, 2010
I have several seasons of a TV show downloaded to my MacBook Pro and I'd like to burn the content onto a blank DVD. I'm still new to Mac so I didn't know what applications could be used to do this. I thought iDVD could do it, so I when I inserted the blank DVD, I (stupidly) made it my default to have iDVD open when I put a blank DVD in. I found that it didn't work in iDVD so I'd like to just do it with Finder... How do I change my default setting so I can do it with Finder instead?
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Mar 3, 2009
I created a movie using IDVD, only I apparently don't have the kind of drive needed to burn dvds, so my questions (which is probably a stupid one) is how do I put it onto a dvd? I know there are external burners, but I rather not buy one. Are there any types of services that do that? I know there are ones for tapes to dvds, but this is already on my computer.. Can I save it and do it through a pc? Would I have to convert the file?
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Nov 30, 2008
I'm an oldie so not very computer savvy, and a newbie here, so forgive me if this is the wrong place to post, or the topic has been dealt with before......
I have a macbook with 2.4ghz intel duo processor, 2 gigs of ram and a 150gig hard drive ( 50 gigs free ).
I've been downloading some free movies for the kids and burning copies with idvd. Trouble is it take 3-4 hours to burn each disk. The original files are .avi and range around 700mb.
I use the magicidvd option in idvd, as it seems the most straight forward. I drag and drop the avi into the movie box, but usually get a message saying the project is too big and I have to change settings in project info. Not fully sure why this is but I find setting the quality to 'professional' ( I think.....disc burning at present so can't open the menu, ) allows me to continue.
My questions are - Am I causing idvd to take longer by the method I've outlined above?
Is there a way to speed up the burn time? I would prefer not to have to buy some other software but am open to suggestions. If I could reduce the burn time with idvd to a couple of hours that would be fine.
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Dec 4, 2008
I edited a video in FCP and exported it as a quicktime. The resulting file is a little over an hour, about 13gb in size, and has 14 chapters. The quicktime movie plays perfectly. When I build the DVD in iDVD it works perfectly. However, once it's burned I lose the audio in the middle of the 13th chapter until the end. I've deleted preferences, re-exported the quicktime, created new DVD projects, used an older template (I'm now using a version 7 template).... I'm not sure what's going on!
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May 19, 2009
I recently went all out for this girl and ended up having to make a Dual Layer dvd. After it went through all the stages of burning up to mixing I was met with this prompt and the dvd ejected. I slid the dvd back in and it stopped making noises after a few seconds. I wait until the time ran down to "about one minute" and then it froze for about three minutes until I got fed up and hit cancel. I can't figure out why this isn't working but I am pretty certain the DVD's are now unusable. The movie is just under the size for a DLDVD (7.21) but yeah.
I had a similar issue with itunes when burning CDs only when I reinserted the CD I successfully burned the music. If the trick is a full reinstall then please advise on how to not loose any data (I use time machine). Well I gave it another Go with a different movie that had just 1 menu with a filled drop zone and custom music and got this error (below). So I am going to copy my pref files and then delete the originals to see if that turns out.
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Oct 2, 2010
Any movie that I play that was burned in iDVD starts playing the movie from the beginning. What do i have to do in iDVD to get the movie to start at the menu?
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Jan 18, 2010
I have lots of DV cassettes I want to load and eventually get to DVD.
In iMovie I have taken the first cassette and did my montage the way I want it. Now, I want to export this movie (as a single file if possible) so that when I will have a few of them, I will use iDVD to do DVD menus and add all my movies.
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Apr 1, 2009
I have 12 Videos in .mov format that I saved from .wmv format using quicktime and flip4mac. I have also tried saving them as AVI and same result.
Here's the problem, when I put them into iDVD and save as disk image to check, the videos are there, but no sound. I tried also burning them to DVD, using a maxell DVD-R 16x, and all the will come up on the dvd is the title menu. Movies will not play on my macbook or in the dvd player on TV. I tried using the .avi format but there still was no sound, and the movies were really choppy.
if i try to use iMovie, it will not even import these .mov files (doesn't let me click on them to import)
is there another format i need to export to, or change some setting to get the sound in my project, and get the movies to play have i burn them?
All the movies are approx 1hr long except one, and I was using the best performance setting putting 2 movies per dvd.
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Apr 10, 2010
I'm just downloading Toy Story 1 & 2 from iTunes, because my girlfriend hasn't seen it and I wanted to show her before we see Toy Story 3 this summer.
Anyway, I want to take it over to hers to play, but she doesn't have a TV with any kind of input that could run from my MacBook. In other words, I can only take it round if it's on DVD.
Is there a free way to burn this movie onto a DVD?
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Oct 4, 2009
This is a pretty basic question. iDVD
I have dual layer DVDs and want to burn the same small movie on both layers, one would be full screen, the other wide screen so the viewer can choose.
Is this possible? Is it just a matter of burning one movie at a time; will the comp recognize which layer is empty after the first burn?
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Jan 3, 2010
That is what iDVD is reporting... This could be a really horrible prediction or otherwise accurate?
To top it off... the CPU is around 80-83C and CPU usage is at 100% almost.
I don't understand why it would take this long to burn 2 simple .avi 750 MB clips to a DVD?
Is Toast any faster than this?
I'm also curious why my files appear to be 7GB on the disc when they are only 750 MB a piece? I had to change it from "Best Performance" to "Pro Quality" or something... which didn't make sense for Pro Quality to take only 4.1 gigs on the disc.
Can someone explain this to me or at least tell me if this is all normal?
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Jul 8, 2009
Set of a video burning with roxio toast 10, its been going 3hours and at this right and does anyone know of a good dvd video burning software, with menus,
apparently idvd is called at 60min with video
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Mar 31, 2012
Before i left my house there were 2 hours remaining on 2 movies i downloaded to rent. Now I am at the airport and they say 23 hours remaining I have a flight in 2 hours. What happened and what can i do to cut the time down if I want to watch at least one of the movies on the plane?
MacBook Pro
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Jan 3, 2009
I imported a HD film from my Sony HD Handycam at full HD resolution. When I want to export it to iDVD for burning, the only publishing video option is 960 by 540. How do i get it to 1920 by 1080. I want to get HD quality but on a regular DVD disc.
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Jun 9, 2012
I don't understand why it takes so long, is this unusual? I have a great connection with my DSL, and I am only downloading one item. There is nothing special about this movie, it is 1 1/2 hr long.
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
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Aug 12, 2009
I've just started mucking about with idvd and it looks good but unfortunately my mac cannot burn dvds, so I was wondering if any body new a way I could put the file on a standard disk or flash drive and transfer it to a computer that can burn the dvd using the file?
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May 21, 2010
I have a huge problem creating a DVD.
I start the burning and IDVD starts rendering and stuff BUT when its just about done it shots out the dvd and theres is NO message at all about whats wrong...
And he mac just continues the burning section with the dvd hangin out untill I stop it?
What the hell is wrong?
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Aug 2, 2005
I set up iDVD to burn a disc of my movie; it did so just fine. I saved the set up, then tried to reburn additional DVDs. It opened ok, but refused to burn anything-when it got to the "Burn" stage, it would display "recording finished" then lock up.
Are there some preferences I can trash on this, or what?
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Jul 7, 2008
Well, I've shot myself in the foot again. I wanted to make a demo video (see youtube, drumagination, new drum pedal) and I wanted to use iMovie '06 on my brand new iMac (running OSX 10.5.4). I deleted iDVD '08 and brought in just iMovie '06 and iDVD '06 from an iLife '06 disk. iMovie works fine, but iDVD '06 will not open.
To make matters worse, I've lost the disks that came with the machine.
Any ideas as to how to burn a DVD from here?
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Mar 12, 2009
I want to ask what is the best (biggest file) supported by iDVD? Such as Quick Time Movie, or mpeg2 or mpeg4 or avi?
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Feb 1, 2012
My Macbook pro can't burn dvds in idvd but it works fine on external burner?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 11, 2012
Has anyone else bought a PC that cannot burn imovie project to DVD?My circle needs disc sharing. Please advise how to complete/ finish imovie to burn a dvd.
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Apr 27, 2012
How do I burn a movie project to a DVD from i Movie if i DVD was not installed on my Mac?
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May 29, 2012
Created iDVD with slideshow and music on my 5 yr old MBP.Tried to burn it to a Staples -R DVD disc.It appears to be burning for about 35 minutes, then with one minute left, it stops and ejects the disc.No error message. I saved the file as a Disc Image and was able to view it with the DVD player on my MBP.However, when I went to burn it to the disc, I got this message:"The disc can't be burned, because the device failed to calibrate the laser power level for this media."
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