App Store :: Says "You Have Not Yet Purchased Any Apps."?
May 30, 2012
The mac App Strore seems to have forgotten all of my purchases. When I go to the Purchases page it says "You have not yet purchased any apps." However, it did tell me that I had two updates and then let me update them. While they were updating they also showed up on the Purchase page, buy when they finished downloading the Purchases page resumed saying "You have not yet purchased any apps." I tried signing out of my account and then signing back in but that didn't help. I have a ID that I continue to use, so I tried signing in with the form and that didn't help. I tried signing in on another Mac, same results. I recalled that I had a couple of hidden purchases and when I went to my Accounts Details page it said that I had 2 hidden items, but when I clicked on the View Hidden Purchases link it said I did not have any hidden purchase. However, if I return the the account details page it still says I have 2 hidden items. I'm running 10.7.4 on a 15" MacBook Pro, last falls model.
I've been working with this problem and have tried almost everything. I have my macbook new reinstall with a clean installation of Lion.From that moment it is totally impossible to purchased apps to download or update from the appstore.I reset everything. (Appstore & Store agent)
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4), SSD
Running into the following problem. When I try to update some of my purchased apps, I get an error message stating that I need to sign into the account that I used to purchase the apps. I only have one Apple ID and use it to purchase apps. Now, I cannot perform any updates on these apps. I am worried that if I delete the apps and try to install them again through the Mac App Store, I will not be able to do so as I feel that the mapping between my account and the apps has been lost.
Info:iMac 20", MacBook, iPhone 8 GB, iPod Nano 3G, Mac OS X (10.5)
I have purchased many apps in the last year or two with my iphone using apple apps but when I try to find those apps for downloading to my macbook air, they're not there. It makes it seem as if I need to repurchase them again using the same account. Is there something I need to do to find them?
Just bought a MacBook Pro. Currently transferring my various files. I purchased Pages and Keynote on an older iMac via the AppStore. Can I somehow bring over these applications to the new laptop without having to "re-buy" them?
Under purchases I'm getting "you have not purchased any apps." Under Itunes in the Cloud all my apps are listed as hidden but when I click "view hidden purchases" it says I do not have any hidden purchases. I have three Macs and all are experiencing the same issue so this is an account problem and not a computer software problem. The funny thing is that it's still recognizing updates.Yes, I've tried signing out and back in to view my account with no luck. The only thing I did weird last night was I disabled the Itunes store and automatic downloading on one computer. This morning when I had the above problem I put all the settings back.
My employer wants me to take a print out of all the apps ever purchased with their cost for our financial records. I scoured the internte but couldnt find any solution. All I can do is see the purchase history, but cant print it out. I tried printing my apps as songs, it does print a list but it doesnt give the the price.
i have been using my iPad and iPhone for a little over a year and have many many apps on both that I can easily update from device to device...I recently added the Mac Mini desk top to my work and want to sync some of the apps plus the info they contain on my desk top but can not figure out how to please help
I am an iphone and ipad user and have just bought a MacBook Air. I have transferred items purchased bought on the ipad and iphone to my library and all my apps are appearing in iTunes on my new MacBook. However I cannot seem to use/launch the apps? They are not appearing under Finder > Applications and do not appear on the Desktop as I would have expected them to appear. Where are these apps or can I not use them on the MacBook?
The MacBook Pro that I have used for iTunes crashed yesterday, fortunately I have a Time Machine backup. I was informed that it was unlikely that I could repair the system given its age. With that understanding I began to restore my files etc onto our iMac system. I used the Data Migration tool and copied everything across.
For my music in iTunes I simply downloaded all of the songs from the cloud to the new system. All is well there. However I do not see any of the Apps that I have purchased previously on my older system. I was able to locate them on the Time Machine backup and I copied them to the following folder: Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Apps. When I restart iTunes they are not present in the Apps folder. How I can get iTunes to recognize these Apps or is there a way download purchased Apps from the iTunes store? I had the latest version of Mavericks installed
I've got more than one person downloading apps to my iTunes, and so I'd like to list all apps purchased by one account (meaning the same email address). How can I separate apps like this? I can't seem to find any columns that I can add to the Apps tab to sort apps in this way.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 3.2 GHz Intel Core i3, 16 GB RAM
ok so every time i plug my iPhone 5s into my mac and open up iTunes to sync some music to my phone, i go to "music" and click the button "sync" at the bottom of the page in the iPhone music section. but all my apps gets transferred on my phone again even the apps that i deleted
Receiving individual Final Cut X redemption codes for our fleet of MAC Minis begs the question; "How do we deploy this software". There must be a better(easier faster way) than to download, install and configure each machine separately. (This will take weeks). This software cannot, it seems, be deployed by Apple Remote Desktop. Is there anyway of downloading FC X to one MAC and cloning the image to the rest of the fleet?
Are apps purchased from iTunes only intended for devices, and not for iMac computers? I purchased two (AgingBooth & FatBooth), but the suffixes(?) are .ipa - not something my computer will open. I assume these downloads were intended for iPhone or iPad, but I thought I had selected for Mac Apps. Perhaps I would have to buy them from the App Store instead, but I just wanted to know so I did not make the same mistake in the future.
I had a hard drive crash in my iMac. Lost all data because my external back had failed two day earlier! Anyway, how do I get stuff I purchased back on my machine, such as iWork, and more that I can 't recall right now.
I recently discovered that an app I previously purchased is no longer on my iPhone or iMac. When I log in to my Apple account and look at my purchase history it clearly shows I paid $4.99 for it on March 11th 2011. Now if I go to the App Store to re-download it I see that it's $4.99, I assumed once I clicked on "Buy" that a pop-up would appear notifying me that it has already been purchased and ask if I would like to re-download it for free. However, when I click on it a pop-up appeared asking if I would like to buy it and that $4.99 will be charged to my credit card if I do. Has anybody heard of this happening before and more importantly does anyone know how I can re-download this app without paying for it?
I purchased Call of Duty 2 on the app store, played it through and then deleted it, expecting that I could download it again when I wanted to play it again. That has been possible with other games - and Call of Duty 2 - but now COD2 isn't in my purchased list, and the App store asks me to pay again for it.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), late 2011 model