App Store :: Get A Backup Disc Mailed?

Mar 15, 2012

I downloaded Aperture on my Mac. Can I also get a backup disc mailed?

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Cannot Open Mailed PDF File

May 5, 2010

I have been emailed a PDF attachment and when i try to use preview to open it, I get the message "cannot open file. The file may be damaged or use a file that preview can recognise" I installed adobe reader and viewer and I get similar messages. I know the file is not corrupt or damaged as I can open it on my vista laptop.

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OS X :: Backup Copy Of Leopard On Disc

Mar 16, 2009

I am trying to make a back up copy of Leopard on disc but the files don't show up when I insert the disc in my windows PC (running XP Pro). I want to burn a back up disc for my own purpose and unfortunately only have a dvd writer on my PC. Can someone advise please as I can't seem to find an option on my PC saying show hidden files etc, if that's the case?

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OS X :: Backup A Grey ILife Restore Disc?

May 8, 2009

A baby managed to get its hands on one of my very important grey iLife restore discs. It appears to be severely scratched, though I do not have access to my mac at the moment to make check on whether it is working or not. Nonetheless, in an effort to salvage it, is there any way to make an identical copy for backup purposes? As in, rip the contents of the original DVD and then burn them to a blank DVD?

I am not financially prepared to pay some ludicrous price to get a replacement from apple, and would like to try everything I can before I resort to... other means of obtaining iLife.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Trying To Backup On New MacBook Pro - Disc Is Unavailable?

May 2, 2012

When I try to backup on new MacBook Pro Lion, it says backup disc is unavailable??

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Load Backup Disc In Leopard?

Jun 7, 2012

How do I load my Lion backup disc in Leopard?

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MacBook :: Keep Getting A 'Looking For Backup Disc' Message From Time Capsule?

Feb 26, 2012

I keep getting a 'Looking for backup disc' message from my  Time Capsule. I have set it up several times without any apparent problems (I have even done a Hard and Factory reset). Everything seems fine until I ask Timemachine to 'back up', and then the problems start. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook :: Keep Getting A 'Looking For Backup Disc' Message From Time Capsule.

Apr 19, 2012

I keep getting a 'Looking for backup disc' message from my  Time Capsule. I have set it up several times without any apparent problems (I have even done a Hard and Factory reset). Everything seems fine until I ask Timemachine to 'back up', and then the problems start. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: New HDD, Tried To Restore From TM Backup Now New Disc Full?

Jul 5, 2012

My mac HD failed, I had a new one installed. I tried to restore from external TM backup, but it didn't seem to work.  I tried two times - the second time, it failed and indicated that I didn't have space on my new drive.  My original drive was 320g, new drive is 500g.  I had about 80g of data on the new drive.  Finder now shows that the new drive has only 25g available (old backup was about 280g). My attempt to restore to my last backup (3/27/2012) didn't seem to work, my old files are not on my new machine.    

I'm thinking my best bet is just to undo whatever has been done to my new drive.  I don't have a problem formatting the new drive, as there is nothing really on it that must be saved at this point.  I am not well versed in Macs (obviously), but I have enough tech sense to follow steps if somebody could offer them.  How can I undo this?  Should I just format the new HD and do a Snow Leopard install from scratch, and then try again to restore from my time machine backup? 

iMac (20-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Error Occurred While Copying Files To Backup Disc

Jun 25, 2012

Skipping all the fine details, my MBP is having insane freezing issues and I need to reinstall Lion ASAP. But I also need to backup my files since I haven't been able to backup in a month. Yet whenever I try to backup, I'm told: The backup was not performed because an error occurred while copying files to the backup disk. While Trying to repair my external drive thinking it was the problem initially, I verified and repaired that disc and still had the problem. I tried verifying/repairing my permissions for my internal drive, and I get these amounts of errors: [URL]. No idea what these mean.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Time Machine Backup Failure - Disc Ownership Not Being Set

Jun 27, 2012

My time machine backup failed last night. Tells me that disc cannot be repaired and to backup and reformat. But it wont let me copy anything off the disc it tells me that the operation cannot be completed due to the ownership of the volume not being set. I have tried changing the sharing and permissions but its permanently greyed out.

Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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App Store :: USB Backup Drive Is Signalling A Update From It?

Jun 17, 2012

I use Carbon Copy Cloner to run a scheduled task of backing up my hard drive to a 1TB USB backup drive When my USB backup drive is plugged into my MAC the App store says that I have 1 update (Pixelmator) - (which by the way is fully updated...) When I unplug the drive from my MAC  the update goes away (and comes back when I plug the drive in again) ? 

Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.8 GHx Intel Core i7 - 8GB Memory

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Possible To Store Files On Disk With Time Machine Backup?

Apr 2, 2012

I have a 500GB HD in my mini. I have a 2TB drive with about 1TB of files on it. Can I use some of the free space for backup and still use the rest for files?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Software :: Time Machine Unable To Perform Backup / Backup Is Too Large For Backup Volume

Oct 26, 2008

I am getting the following error from Time Machine when doing my first backup. The startup disk being backed up, and the TM disk are both the same size.

Macintosh HD: 465.44 (total); 393.99 (free); 71.45 (free)
Time Machine: 465.44 (total); 465.29 (free)

The Time Machine error is: Quote:

"This backup is too large for the backup volume. The backup requires 472.7 GB but only 465.3 GB are available." why would this be? Other disks are excluded from the backup, and Time Machine is telling me that it needs more space than it actually needs. What should I do?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Unmount A Disc / So Disc Utility Can Repair Corrupt Hard Drive

May 12, 2012

In trying to repair my hard drive, which disc utility said was corrupt, it stopped repairing it because it could not unmount the disc?I booted my macbook pro from my backup hard drive.

macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Windows On Mac :: Full Install Leopard / SL Disc To Run Bootcamp / Update Disc?

Oct 13, 2009

Please take pity on a confused newbie. I'm running 10.4.11 (Tiger) on a 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 13" Macbook with 1GB ram. My school requires me to run Bootcamp to take my exams. They told us that we need 10.5 minimum OS and must have our 'original system discs'. The installation dics that I have are for Tiger. If I buy an upgrade disc to Leopard/SL, will that contain the windows drivers I need to install after I install bootcamp? Or do I need to buy a full installation disc of Snow Leopard (since I think you can't buy the Leopard full installation anymore)? Another issue someone mentioned is that both Leopard & SL require 1BG ram minimum, which is what I have. I'm worried the os will run very slow, but I don't really have the money to buy new ram and get it install (and don't want to crack the fragile top case) now that I have to buy the new software too.

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Intel Mac :: Disc Drive On It Not Working Properly - Noise When Burning A Disc?

Mar 15, 2012

My iMac is making the most terrible noise when burning a disc, and after two or three tracks are burnt it gives me an error message and then will not burn anymore?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Can't Insert Any Disc In Disc Drive Slot Something Is Blocking Insideside

Apr 10, 2012

i can't insert any disc in my disc drive slot something is blocking insideside

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MacBook :: Get A Disc Stick In The Disc Drive Out Eject Doesn't Work

May 2, 2012

Is there a release or something to push the eject does not work

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OS X :: Start Up From Install Disc - Run Disc Utilities From Earlier Version

Jun 1, 2010

I have recently tried to run Onyx which has identified a problem which requires me to run disc utilities from the start up disc. The Snow leopard disc I have only appears to offer Install option.

Q1 Have I missed something?
Q2 Otherwise should I try to run Disc Utilities from an earlier version of OSX

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MacBook Air :: Ripping Leopard Install Disc Via Remote Disc

Jun 2, 2008

Well, my question is very simple: I have a MBA and this other laptop from work, a crappy HP which is old as hell. I'm planning to use Remote Disc to reinstall my Leopard, since the upgrade to 10.5.3 really screwed things here, and I can't figure out why. Point is: instead of running all Leopard installation thru Remote Disc, I would prefer to share Leopard disc 1 over Remote Disc and restore it to a partition on my external HD, making a clone of it, which would install *much* faster. Has anyone tried anything like this? There's any Windows program which allows me to rip a Mac DVD to a Mac partition?

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Intel Mac :: Disc Full Of Photo's Stuck In The Disc Drive?

Mar 14, 2012

I have a disc full of photo's stuck in the disc drive on my imac.  When I try to eject it, I get a spinning rainbow circle and have to do a hard shut down.  It sounds like it is trying to eject it, but then gets hung up.

iMac, iOS 5.1

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OS X :: Start Up Disc Full And I Can't Open Disc Drive?

Apr 4, 2009

My G-4 startup disc is full and now the computer won't start up. I am told to put a startup disc in the drive and restart from it, but I cannot get the disc drive to open. I have tried everything, including copying over to external hard drive. I read that if you hold the mouse button down, the disc drive will open, but this hasn't worked.

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OS X :: MBP Disc Drive Won't Recognize Snow Leopard Disc?

Aug 29, 2009

I have a 2007 Intel MBP, running Leopard. I purchased the family version of Snow Leopard. When I tried to install it, it just spins the disc for a minute, makes the noise like it's trying to read it and then spits it out. All other discs work fine with my MBP so I know it is not the disc drive itself. I have all software "up to date." My brother installed SL on both of his MBs, one newer than mine and one older, just fine (with the same disc). I haven't seen anything out there with this issue so I wanted to start a thread to see if anyone knows how to resolve this issue (beyond taking it back to Apple and exchanging).

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Intel Mac :: Copy A Music Disc To A Blank Disc?

Apr 9, 2012

how I can copy a music disc to a blank disc. I'm on an iMac?

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Download Remote Disc Without The Disc?

Feb 27, 2008

I just got my MBA, it is my first Mac. I left my disc at my house and need to download the remote disc onto a vista based pc. Is there any where i can go and download the software i need?

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OS X :: Gray Screen After Restart Between Disc 1 And Disc 2?

May 24, 2009

So last night, my Macbook started to show a folder icon with a question mark on it when I tried to boot it up. I tried to restart a couple different ways, using the Install disc, and when nothing worked, decided to reinstall OS X entirely.

Well, after the first disk finished installing, it said to restart the computer and be prepared with disc 2. Unfortunately, after the restart, I just get a blank gray screen, while my optical drive makes short repetitive noises.

Any advice on how to get the reinstall to work right?

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OS X :: Disc Drive Wont Let Me Insert Disc?

Dec 9, 2009

For some reason my opitcal drive wont let me insert any disc. theres nothing in it cause when i tried to put a disc in it wouldnt hit anything!? i have no idea. If it helps i have a macbook, i bought in early 2009, Mac OSX 10.5.8!

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Intel Mac :: What Is The Correct Disc Name When For Burning Disc

May 27, 2012

Getting Incorrect disc name when trying to burn a disc.  is there a particulare fomatt I should be using?


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OS X :: Disc Could Not Be Used Because The Disc Drive Is Not Supported?

Apr 28, 2009

I am trying to burn a DVD of files I want to back up from my computer, and it gives me this error when I try to burn a DVD from the folder that my files are in. Finder gives no mention that there is a DVD in the DVD-drive, but it does pop-up with a message recognizing that a DVD was inserted initially. My drive has been working fine in the past, so this is something that has just recently happened to my computer. Does anyone have any ideas about this? My computer specifications are in my signature below and I'm running leopard 10.5.6.

The specific error message that I get is this "the disc could not be used because the disc drive is not supported." I did a google of this, but the results turned up stuff relating to 10.3 and 10.4, neither of which being relevant to my situation

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