App Store :: Why Is It Saying Username Is Disabled
Jun 6, 2012Why is it saying my username is disabled
View 1 RepliesWhy is it saying my username is disabled
View 1 RepliesI recently bought a used macbook. Everything works great, except that when i try to update my apps, this old user keeps popping up. My iCloud id is used throughout the MacOS, but when i try to update my apps, the permission is reverting back to the old user's iCloud account.
MacBook, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
How do I fix this since ID is not disabled?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I was hacked like 6 days ago and 61$ were stolen from my account. Did apple help? NO. Did paypal help? NOT YET. And now, I haven't been able to do **** with my phone since it has been disable for the last 5 days. So how am I getting it back?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was purchasing apps and suddenly my Apple Id has been disabled. What do I do to get it dis-ambled?
iPad 2
When I click on Apple Apps, my ipad says my password is disabled. How do i enable it
iPad, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
intel disabled and flashpoint too after doing updates on my imac desk top computer how can I fix this for at certain places I go to it says no plugins
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
My account is "disabled" how can I reactive it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedTried to update 2 apps on my iPad2. Pop up window says "Apple ID has been disabled" with no explanation given. Reset password where needed. Still does not allow me into APP store. Or who do I call?  ha ha  Got into App store on computer.
iPad 2
For some weird reason, whenever I install a new program, or when I open iChat, my buddy in my address book comes up as the "install name" or on top of the iChat window where MY name should be...How do I change this...?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am about to ship an iBook laptop off. I don't have any personal information on my computer, but when I log in, it says "[My Name]'s iBook G4." I kind of want to get rid of that, since I don't know who will be using this laptop.Is there some way I can change this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI forgot my username to login to my macbook.
Yesterday i changed my full username by adding my telephone #. today when i started my macbook i had to type the username and pasw.
I might have mistyped my telephone number yesterday so i want to find out what the users are right now.
i got my MacBook yesterday and during the Mac Setup as I first booted the device, it asked me for information including my mac user id (the one I use for iTunes purchases and etc). Now, I didnt know that my computer would have this as its directory. Because I use my e-mail account as my username on iTunes.When I click on the finder, it shows my e-mail address under "Places" but without the [URL]and etc.So how do I go about changing that to something else? Any ideas?
View 9 Replies View Relatedhow to change the USERNAME in this Apple Communitie? When I first entered in this communitie, my username was automatic seted up as "HOW TO BUILD IN TO COMPUTERS".
I didn't have a chance to choose my own username.
MacBook Pro
I set my computer name to my full name and I wish I had not done that but by the time i decided to change it or re do a user I installed so much that I dont want to sit and spend a few hours re installing everything and setting my browsers to how they are, so my question is is there an easier way to change my macs name to something else with out having to re install anything?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.40GHz processor, 250GB 4GB ram
when surfing to websites where a username and password is required, the first time you fill in these data keychain access will ask to remember the password.
If U click 'never for this website' keychain access won't ask this again.How can I change this setting? I'm trying to autolog into facebook but it won't work.I keychain access I added it manually but it still doesn't work.
What could I be doing wrong?
I have a MacBook Pro 2008. Unfortunately I forgot my username and password in my Mac, so I can't create or delete any files. Is it possibe to do something with it, or I have to reload the new OS?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI can't display my username as I would like.Up to the status(Available, Away, etc) it shows the name I want, but, on the contact list, it keeps showing my e-mail!
I've already changed:Adium > Preferences > MSN account > Edit > 'Personal' tab > Display name. (it has the name I want).Adium > Preferences > Personal > Name.
(it has the name I want).Adium > Advanced > Messages > Checked 'Custom name format' > Choose user name.What could be wrong?
I've recently purchased a 2nd hand Apple Powerbook G4 A1104 and the previous user details and password are still on the system and to reset it has asked to install the Mac OS disc.The powerbook suffered minor damage to the aluminium casing causing it non-economic to repair, therefore i had successfully tendered for the item.
I don't have the disc - is there any way that the username and password be re-set without this disc?
I can't login my iMac with my username and password.
I Can't Login To My Laptop Because My Username Has A Special Character & There Is No Way To Insert It. Is There A Shortcut For The Heart Symbol. I Need To Login.
MacBook Air
The wrong username is showing on my Mac book pro
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
I bought a computer that was on display and thus already configured to the store's settings (i.e. username, Mail, etc.). I've managed to change every setting to my liking except the username that appears on Terminal and the one on Sharing & Permissions; I keep getting the store's username on those fields. I changed the home folder's name using a tutorial on YouTube but that change does not affect Terminal or Sharing & Permissions! I don't want to re-install Lion...
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My Mac won't let me print without asking me for a user name and password. I don't remember setting one up and so I can't print. How can I get rid of this?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012)
When I open iChat the following text appears:
"iChat was unable to login to the AOL Instant Messenger service because your screen name or password was incorrect."
However, I haven't even tried to logg in! Secondly, I don't have an AOL account, and want to logg in with my mac account. I thus in preferences told the comp that I wanted to logg on with my appleid account. But it doesn't seem to work!
I just purchased my first ever Mac yesterday. I've wanted one for years.
I'm trying to install some programs and when I attempt to, Installer prompts me for a Username and Password.
I was never asked while setting up my computer whether or not I wanted to assign my computer with a Username or password.
The Username field is already filled in with "Apple Owner" and the Password field is blank.
Does anyone know if there is a default Username and Password and if so, what it is?
Is there any way to make Safari only remember the username and not the password of a website when using Autofill? I've noticed that Firefox does this and Facebook does this in Safari when disabling "keep me logged in" (maybe a cookie feature?), and this is the exact behaviour I want.
I use 1Password and thats great, but I'd love to just type my password and automatically have the username show, and not keep having to type in my 1Password keychain's password.
I have a problem connecting to the wifi from my macbook pro and my iphone. I have a D-Link DI-624 router. When there?s no password, both connect to the internet just fine. However, when I enable a WEP network key I cannot connect because it keeps asking me for a username and password, not the network key. Which username and password is it asking me for?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a G4 Powerbook that I bought 2005. After it slowed down, I decided to perform a complete install. I backed up all my data on an external harddrive , reinstalled and it worked fine for a week. (My data is not on the external hard drive anymore because I transferred it to the laptop as I had to empty it for another back up project). So in brief, my data is not backed up anymore.
My notebook suddenly crashed, I restarted it but it wouldnt turn on. I then performed archive and install, restarted it, it asked me for my username and password, I entered them, but it didnt take it.
I then changed my password again from utilities, but it still wouldnt take it. I called apple support and they were clueless. The discs I used to perform the installation are the same ones I got with my laptop when I bought it. When I try to change the password in utilities, it would not give me an option to chose username, but only to change the password.
What can I do at this point?
I have my HP photo smart printer plugged into my time capsule. I never had any issues printing with my last laptop (MBA) but i just got a new 13" MBP and can't print. MBP sees the printer on my time capsule via Bonjour, but when I try to add it to my printers i get a dialog box that says: "type the name and password of a user in teh "_Ipadmin" group to allow AddPrinter to make changes." I have no idea what the "_Ipadmin" group is and i've tried all my normal user names & passwords but it tells me they are all wrong.
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