App Store :: Unable To Download Application?
Mar 29, 2012I keep getting this error. I am connected to wifi, logged into the app store. Started about three weeks ago.
iPad 2 Wi-Fi
I keep getting this error. I am connected to wifi, logged into the app store. Started about three weeks ago.
iPad 2 Wi-Fi
not able to download apps on my iphone 4. error message says "unable to down load application" at this time
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
I bought a used mac mini and I was viewng the App Store and wanted to purchase IPhoto app but it was purchase previously and could not update because not associated with my Apple ID. The error message reads I would need to purchase it again My issue I have it the icon for the application just give me a the options to "update" and not purchase. What do I need to do to purchase this app?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to learn how to create better quality videos.
motion5, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I unable to download from app store, due to account billing problem!but I do not know how much is the outstanding
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, Even upgrade the application also u
I have accidentally uninstalled an application. I cannot install it back as in "My Purchases" section on App Store it is marked as "Installed". I simply cannot download it back. What do I do now?
MacBook Air, iOS 5.1
Having trouble accessing the App Store. I don't have the App Store Icon in my dock nor can I find it in the applications folder. I tried installing the Lion 10.7.3 update. If I go to the online Mac App Store in Safari and click on "View in the Mac App Store" button for an app, I get the following error:
It seems that the computer cannot find the App Store application to launch.How do I get the App Store application back?
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Macbook 4.1, Intel Core 2 Duo
I've had this problem for a while now. I can open up the app store fine and view apps however there is a probelm when i try to install one.I click on the app, the button turns green and says 'Install app', I then click on it to install and all that happens is the loading wheel (in the top left hand corner next to the forward and back naviagtion buttons) continues to turn indefinitely.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to download Lion and I have been getting the following error everytime I sign in with my Apple ID:
'We could not complete your request.
There was an error in the app store. Please try again later (4).'
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am trying to download the free version of xcode. I have tried several times and when I go to the folder Developer/Applications I only see two folders: Performance Tools, and Utilities.
I can't seem to actually download anything or complete updates all of a sudden.
View 14 Replies View RelatedSo I recently upgraded to OSX Lion and bought Deus Ex Human Revolution on the App Store. For the past two days I have been trying to download the game unsuccessfully. The first time I tried to download it, it downloaded the first 14 GB no problem but then It wouldn't continue past that, only saying that it was "Waiting." I then restarted my computer hoping to solve the problem and reopened the mac app store and it started the download all over again from the beginning. I Let it download through the night and when I woke up to check my Mac in the morning it said there was an error with the download. I restarted my mac again and am now trying to download it a third time in two days. As of right now it has download 8.9 GB out of 16.65 but it just stalled saying waiting for the past 45 minutes.... My internet connection is working perfectly throughout this entire time so I am at a loss to explain why this is happening.
Early 2008 MBP 15'
I am unable to install Twitter app from Mac store. It says downloaded, but when i click install nothing happens and error message pops out. Already tried to install other free apps and everything went well, just the twitter app failed. Running latest version of OSX Lion on Macbook Pro 13.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mac app store
When I try to download Lion, the download sign in window appears and is populated with someone else's Apple ID. If I change the ID to mine and use my password I get 2 messages: "We could not complete your request. There was an error in the App Store. Please try again later. (4)" Click OK and 2nd message: "Unknown Error" iTunes does not exhibit this, and normal sign in to App Store shows correct ID, only the Download Authentication does this. I have been able to update other Apps just fine, this requires a purchase, and is the only difference.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was unable to download the latest Aperture update because I do not have OS 10.7. I want to delete the red App Store reminder. I tried to do this using the "reset all warnings" button in My Account/Settings but it has not worked, even after a restart. (other than taking the App Store icon, and the annoying reminder, out of the dock, which I have done)?
Aperture 3, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have purchased Mountain Lion from the App Store. When I try to download i get a message stating that it cannot be downloaded. My Mac Book Air has the correct specifications needed but Apple won't let me download the software.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
When downloading small files online they will download through Speed Download. Before I installed Speed Download it would just download through the regular downloading client. How do I change it back to using the regular one as standard? I use firefox btw
View 6 Replies View RelatedI reside in Spain and I've recently opened a joint account with a US resident here in Los Angeles at Charles Schwab bank.The financial consultant told us it's possible to deposit checks into schwab account through an app for iphone [URL]I've tried to download but it appears the following window: "your application has not been able to complete" and "The article you requested is not available at this time in Spanish Store, but is available in the U.S. Store. Click Change Store to view this article". If I click to change the Store from the Spanish to the American store, I have to fill the data but my ID apple is not working on the "foreign" store. What can I do? Is there a way to buy / download items from a different Itunes stores?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
I have purchased OS X Lion from OS X 10.6.8 and all requirements. No action after clicking download.., I have purchased OS X Lion from OS X 10.6.8 and all requirements. No action after clicking download..
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I need to download OS X Lion but cannot download the Mac App store.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
im trying to download Deus Ex: ultimate edition but nothing happens it just stays at 0% and i meet all the requirements i dont know what to do
Info:APP store , iOS 5.1.1
When I try to download something from or other websites, it just goes to a blank page and the download never happen, I open the download tab and saw it was blank.
this really frustrating, its the same on Safari and mozilla on my Mac.
I'm unable to download songs from iCloud by clicking on the cloud/download button, why?
MacBook Air (13-inch Late 2010), iOS 5.1.1
I know what it is, so I know simply deleting it won't help. I don't understand why it's suddenly showing up on the desktop though! More of a nuisance than anything.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am trying to download MAC OSX 10.5 that I just purchased and my hard drive on the computer won't show up as a destination drive to download the software on. I erased the disk figuring that would help but it did not.
Any ideas as to what the problem is .The computer is a PowerMac G5 1.8 mhz, 1GB RAM, 160MB HD.
I know how to dl on a PC but how I would I do it on a Mac? On PC, I play the MP3 and a file dl to your temp file. On Mac how would I go about it? Is is the same as the Activity monitor when you want to dl a video
from YouTube?
When I attempt to download a .wmv file, it appears to download (as evidenced in download manager) but then stalls forever and never finishes the job. I can download other media files without problem. I have updated WMP. Im on G4 PB 10.4.3.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIve recently downloaded a trail for the download accelerator DAP (Download Accelerator Plus) to speed up the download of a world of warcraft patch. Unfortunately, I had to delete this program when I realized that this was causing my computer to overheat due to pushing my computer's abilities through the roof. My computer has not been damaged in anyway, and i have "deleted" the program but when i still continue to try to download something it says that "DAP Plugin cannot find Download accelerator plus"; even thuogh i just deleted everything. so then i try to delete the plugin, but my mac says that "this item cannot be deleted when it is in use" but it really is not.
Can any of you help me to try to delete this plugin so i can start downloading again. After several attempts and techniques I STILL am not able to download anythinh
If it helps here is my computer info: iMac G5
1.9 GHz PowerPC G5
Is it the same way as Unix does, or in some file like .pst with all the inherent problems?
View 1 Replies View RelatedGarageband is not installing on my os x lion 10.7.3 it downloaded to mac mini just fine now it wont install everytime I click on the Garageband icon in launchpad it trys to download other parts of the program. I let it download 4 different times all the same size download and it is always the same. The program wont run.
GarageBand (Mac) '11, Mac OS X (10.7.3)