App Store :: Bought IWork Now How To Add To Purchased
Mar 30, 2012
I just got my hands on a retail copy of iWork '09... Installed, updated and works great! But when I launch App Store on Mac, I do not see it under "purchased". I have even gone in Pages -> Register Pages and registered the iWork Suite with Apple. How do I get it to show in Purchased in the App Store.
Mac OS X (10.7.3), AirPort Extreme Base Station 5th
what's the different between I download iwork on app stores and buy iwork software?and one more question about Pages in iwork is that can Microsoft office word open the document create by Pages ?
I just bought a slightly used 2011 MBP MD313LL/A that has Lion installed. This is my first macbook (I have an iMac) I need to take Lion off and install Snow Leopard to be compatible with my current software. Any suggestions to the safest way to do this? I will be installing VmFusion 4 to run my Windows XP.
Info: MacBook Pro, 13.3" Macbook Pro MD313LL/A-4GB/750
Yesterday I bought Grand Theft Auto San Andreas with my virtual credit card (which I can only use to pay things online).Anyways, no money is still gone from my account. I got the game and it works, but it shows I paid only 1€ to Apple... So how do I find out if I have paid for the app?
I bought an app called english prepositions, I already received the invoice but I can´t download or install it. Where Can I ask for a refund of my money?I bought other apps and no problem. What can I do?
My new macbook leopard spits out store bought music cd's. I was able to play them in my PC laptop and other mac computers, just not my macbook. I have played burned cd's on the same macbook though.
just upgraded to snow leapard and got new app store on my dock but bought some apps and do not know how to load them to the iphone. I usually would sync them through itunes but they are not in there.
I recently bought a 2nd hand Macbook Air and it already had Lion installed. It didn't come with the Lion USB so I can't do a reinstall if I wanted. Now when I sign in to the App Store and try to download iPhoto or Garageband, I can't. It says something about my profile not being allowed to download it as the download is attached to another account, presumably the previous owner.So how am I able to download iPhoto? I don't mind paying for it, but it still won't let me as the only option I get is "Download".Â
I bought Sketch 2 from the App Store two days ago. After working less than an hour it froze and I had to restart my Mac. After that every attempt to start Sketch gives an immediate crash. I submitted the error report to Bohemian Coding (the author) but no reaction so far.I downloaded the trial version from their site: it seems to work but it lasts only 14 days. I asked Bohemian Coding for a license key but I got no reaction.
I tried to reinstall following the method described elsewhere in the support forum. Unfortunately, that leaves me with 1) Sketch deleted, 2) App Store still mentions it as "installed". No way to download it a second time. It disappeared from my "purchased" list in App Store.
I bought a 13" 2.53 GHz Macbook Pro on June 15. I exchanged it for a new one on June 25th because the graphics would randomly distort. I didn't have the box for the first one so I did a laptop for laptop direct exchange.I noticed two small dents on the bottom right corner on the bottom case a few days ago and took it to the Apple Store to exchange again (still within 14 days) because I am certain that I did not cause them. The laptop has been sitting on my desk or in a padded sleeve in a padded laptop compartment. he store manager at the Apple store was incredibly rude. He kept stating that the laptop could not have left the box with the two dents. I mentioned getting a laptop for laptop exchange and he again said there was no way it would've left the box like that. He was also incredibly surprised that I just noticed the dents. I don't do anything that needs the laptop to have the bottom case facing up.
Is there a way to change the install location of apps bought from the the Mac App Store that have yet to be installed?I have googled, but I can' t find anything to say it can or cannot be done?
I wonder how I can recover the music and Apps that I already bought from iTunes store. I lost my iPod and I want to check for the music and the Apps I bought since I am thinking in buying a new iPod, but there are not in my iTunes. I tried all I could try to get them back but nothing. I check the list of the thing I bought from Apple Store through iTunes and some of the music and Apps are in the list, couldn't find how to downloads again, but not all the music or Apps were there.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8), iTunes version 10.6.3
Sometimes I will notice the audio is out of sync on my iTunes store bought videos. Rebooting the computer helps until the next time. This really started to become a problem over the last few months. This is a 15" MBP, 2009 bought in March, 4GB ram. Storage is on a 1TB WD drive in a LaCie 2 big tripple enclosure with firewire. No extra software installed and the computer is only used for iTunes and internet. Has all updates.
My friend has a MacPro with 10.7 on it. He upgraded his OS by buying it on the App store. Now he has a weird screen at start up We would like to run Apple Hardware Test on the install DVD but as mentioned he bought it from the App store.The only file we get is an installer (4.2 GB) but it is not a start up disk.
I just purchased Swift Publisher 3 because I thought I could create address labels with it but I can not. Can I unpurchased the App and get my $19.99 back.I am looking my a way to way stickers with Avery labels. Does any one know if a Mac can do that and/or with what program?
I had a hard drive crash in my iMac. Lost all data because my external back had failed two day earlier! Anyway, how do I get stuff I purchased back on my machine, such as iWork, and more that I can 't recall right now.
I recently discovered that an app I previously purchased is no longer on my iPhone or iMac. When I log in to my Apple account and look at my purchase history it clearly shows I paid $4.99 for it on March 11th 2011. Now if I go to the App Store to re-download it I see that it's $4.99, I assumed once I clicked on "Buy" that a pop-up would appear notifying me that it has already been purchased and ask if I would like to re-download it for free. However, when I click on it a pop-up appeared asking if I would like to buy it and that $4.99 will be charged to my credit card if I do. Has anybody heard of this happening before and more importantly does anyone know how I can re-download this app without paying for it?
I purchased Call of Duty 2 on the app store, played it through and then deleted it, expecting that I could download it again when I wanted to play it again. That has been possible with other games - and Call of Duty 2 - but now COD2 isn't in my purchased list, and the App store asks me to pay again for it.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), late 2011 model
I tried to open iPages after upgrading to Mavericks. I was given a report that the current software could not be opened and to contact the developer. I have tried to download the new version from App Store. It won't do that since I have up to date software according to their record of purchase. I have now deleted and emptied the trash containing these old programs. Now I still can't download new versions.