Aperture :: Retrieve Photos From IMac That Have Been Deleted?
Aug 24, 2014
I copied some photos of my daughter's wedding to a disc. The disc was somehow erased on the way to her how through the mail...and the process of copying to a disc removed them from my computer. Is there anyway to retrieve these photos?
My hard drive is full,mostly with photos within Aperture. I have created separate libraries for each year. How do I move one or more of these libraries to an external drive to free up memory on the iMac. I am using Aperture 3
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
I regularly download my photos and videos from my iPhone to Aperture for storage. In my latest download approximately 100 videos and photos did not download successfully - I get a message "unsupported image format". They were deleted from my phone as the message stated they had downloaded successfully (which they hadn't). I can retrieve the photos via my Photo Stream but how can I retrieve the lost videos?
i accidentally clicked "erase all history" instead of view all...and i have EXTREMELY important info on there i need. I looked in cookies, and don't have a time machine running. There has to be a way, right?
My husband attempted to create an album in iphoto w/ the photos of our daughter's birth, and now when we open the album, it's empty! Have we lost or pics forever?
how best to download photos from a SD card, not use the storage on the MacBook, have the ability to back up to a cloud system bbut able to view photos in iPhoto?
How do I retrieve old photos from iCloud - as i had my hard drive replaced on my macbook pro ? as there is an update on this computer now..... I haven't lost all my data from before?
Occasionally when I am composing a message in Mail (Version 4.3), I accidentally hit a key that deletes a whole sentence. Is there a way I can retrieve this sentence or do I have to start over? In my old Outlook Express on my Dell pc, I could arrow back to find anything that accidentally deleted while composing.
I am a new mac user with a used Macbook. I believe it is from 2007, but has been upgraded several times. I got this Macbook from my boyfriend. He moved overseas for a religious mission. I am not able to call him, only send letters. I am having an issue with the laptop and need help asap. Before he left, he cleared EVERYTHING off his Macbook onto an external hard drive to give me more space. The only problem is, he cleared too much off! We had a year's worth of pictures of us that were stored only on his laptop. Now I don't have a single copy of those photo's. I have access to his external hard drive, but I have no idea how to use it to retrieve those pictures. I believe all his pictures are stored on iPhoto. I really want those pictures off his hard drive, but I don't want to do anything to mess up the rest of the valuable information he has on the external hard drive. How do I get copies of the pictures off the hard drive and back onto the Macbook?
how to restore my pictures from my old time machine backups. I have gone back to the dates I want the pictures from, but the only thing in the picture folder is the iPhoto library icon and there seems to be no way to restore it or even select individual pictures to restore.
My wife deleted all my iphoto album and trash it thus all my album in facebook is gone. How can I retrieve back all those album that she had deleted and trash it? I do not have any backup for all those pic that I post in facebook.
I'm not sure how but some of my files just got deleted by accident.They have been emptied from trash!Is there any way i can retrive them?PLEASE!i'm desperate!These file are very important!
I accidentally erased all my bookmarks and need to access them from my time machine. I would need to import them into either safari or firefox (my firefox seems to be corrupted).
By mistake the Mac OS X Lion (10.7.4) file was deleted from the purchase section (Order Number: MGN5FKZ58X) of the Apple App Store. Because of this I am unable to update the OSX Lion software and now If I try to update/download the version from the Apple Store I will be charged again, because earlier on the OSX Lion page in the Apple App Store the option mentioned was either Install or Download, but since the deletion of the file from the purchase section the option shows $29.9. Why should I buy it again when I had already purchased the software. Is there a way to retrieve my previous purchase. I was given an option from the Apple App Consumer Support that downloading and paying for the software again is the only option.
After running the latest release of updates today (ilife, raw camera, etc.) Aperture 2.2.1 (whatever the latest release) no longer sees all of my photos - about half of my projects are missing from the Aperture program itself, however they are still in the library as I can get to them in finder.
My Aperure (version 3.2.2.) can't display certain pictures from the Library. I can see from these "pictures" only their information, rating, adjustments, but not the photo itself. Their is a message saying that the picture was edited with a previous version of Aperture RAW version. BUT the older photos are okay in my Library.
I want to transfer my fotos and videos from Aperture on my old mac, to a new mac. I have tried to create a vault on an external drive, and then open it from Aperture on my new mac, but nothing happens when I open the vault - a new library is available, but no fotos/videos.
Then I have tried to export some on my projects as a new library, and this works. I can open the fotos, but a lot of fotos/videos now have a small yellow triangle in the right corner. The videos that have this triangle will not play in Aperture, whereas the videos without this triangle are ok.