ITunes :: Match Heading Disappeared From Under Store
Jun 15, 2012I had 5 devices authorised so i de authorised all. how do i Authorize iMac. iTunes match heading disappeared from under iTunes store.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.1.1
I had 5 devices authorised so i de authorised all. how do i Authorize iMac. iTunes match heading disappeared from under iTunes store.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.1.1
As of this afternoon after I deleted a mailbox folder from, suddenly the 'On my Mac' heading that was above all my custom folders has disappeared. All my mailboxes are now stuck to the Inbox, Sent etc... ones above.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've got an issue with time machine. It seems to be stuck at preparing backups for a long time, and after backing up, it indexes all the time. So a backup process takes about an hour. Started happening a few days ago. Using Airport Extreme with a disk connected over the network. Tried resetting and deleting the spotlight file as specified on pondini troubleshooting D2.
Here is a log file:
Starting standard backup
Attempting to mount network destination URL: afp://Chris@
Mounted network destination at mountpoint: /Volumes/Time Machine-1 using URL: afp://Chris@ .....
Backup canceled.
Ejected Time Machine disk image.
Ejected Time Machine network volume.
I noticed that Time Machine-1 is mounted instead of Time Machine. Is this part of the problem.
I need space on my computer - video files take up most space and I have a bunch of music videos in my iTunes library. My question is -Â
If I upgrade to iTunes Match - would that mean I can then delete files on my computer in my iTunes library and still access them later?
I some local internet streams which I listen to, when I added them a long time ago I couldn't add them to the itunes radio tab :-( but created a playlist.I would like to have those streams available on my laptop but since there is no "music" it does not sync. Is there a way to do this? It would be nice to have them on the idevices as well but there i just use a radio app.Â
View 3 Replies View RelatedEverytime I use iTunes Match my iMac crashes after iTunes Match has matched about 3500 songs with the iTunes Store. Time after time
iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Everywhere I look I find comples answers about the best way to use the Match service, etc.I am starting simple.if possible I do NOT want to get ICloud. I just want my music world to work about as well as it has until now:
1) I have my CDs on my IMac.
2) I sync what I need to my IPad using a cable. (I hear you an do it wirelessly, but I have not seen how to do that.)
We are told we have to hurry as MM will end and then we will not be able to carry over stuff to the Cloud.
1) Will Itunes sync still work as it does if I do not choose to go over to the cloud?
2) Will I still be able to move some or all pictures over to the IPad the same way I do now?
If so, then I don't think I need the Cloud or Match (I am in Japan and not sure we even have the Match program).I do not need my mobile me address.I do not need to have documents duplicated across devices. I just want to go on as I have.I understand you can have stuff in the cloud so you can have access to it all the time. But I don't travel. I just want my muisc selection in the living room and upstairs in my room.Plus I have many GB of musc, so I think I would go righth over the 5GB limit right away.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), and a 64GB Ipad version 2
My i phone app has disappeared from my phone. How can I retrieve it?
Info:iPhone 3GS
I have altered the metadata in most of my songs by either changing the genre or album art. Will itunes change this data back to the original if I sign up for the Match service?
iOS 5.1
If I needed/wanted to start a brand new iTunes Match file and completely wipe out the old one how would I go about that?Also when I go to do an update the order is such that a download starts of the current [incorrect] Match file and then the update/upload follows-why is that? (It seems to me that they should be individual commands.)
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have recently re-located the the US from Canada and have been trying to change my ITunes account acordingly. When I try and change my Country/Region I get the following message:Â
You have an active iTunes Match Subscription; you must cancel it before you can change stores.Is there any way to cancel the subscription short of calling apple Tech support? There must be some way to cancel the service on iTunes.
How get iTunes music from iTunes match to my iPad
I cannot see iTunes Match in iTunes screen ?
Info:MacBook Air
When I purchased my MBPro last year, it was given a free upgrade to OSX Lion. Sometime later that "purchase" disappeared from the list of other purchases I've made at the App store. My question is how to restore it to the list of purchases.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 13" MBP, 8 gb RAM, Lion
I purchased Neverwinter Nights 2 from the app store when it was on sale and I installed it on my iMac but now I cannot access it through the app store. When I click on it on my iMac I get a message that my request could not be completed. I have been trying to put it on my Macbook but I can't find it.
iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I tried to open my mac app store a few days ago but a question mark showed up on top of the icon, than the icon just disappeared and now I can't find it anywhere. How do I get it back?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My icons disappeared what should I do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedA good portion of my local explicit music became censored once I enabled iTunes Match. It's not all songs on every album so its hard ot determine the scope of the issue or just re-upload those particular songs
iTunes Match, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I added two CDs to my iTunes library and they are not updating into iCloud (they don't show on my iPhone 4S). I checked the iTunes store and they do have the two CDs available to purchase so it's not that they can't match them.
I've tried deleting them and then re-importing them into iTunes and still nothing. They work fine on my computer but are not available to my iPhone 4S which is the whole point of iTunes Match for me.The only information I was able to find online is to go in iTunes under Store and select "update iTunes Match" which doesn't exist in my latest version of iTunes 10.6.1 (7).
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 27" 2.93 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB which doesn
I setup iTunes Match a couple of weeks ago (love it, btw), but for some reason since I set it up I can no longer import .m4v files into the Movies library. There is no error, they just never copy over.
iTunes 10.6.1(7) 64-bit on MacPro running OS X 10.7.3
is this "iTunes Match" like a thing where i can play them without downloading them or something? I don't understand I can already download songs from iCloud that are not on the device I bought it on eg if I bought the song on my Mac there will be an icon with a cloud letting me download the song for free on my iPad, iPod etc and I am not even subscribed to iTunes Match
View 3 Replies View RelatedOver the past fortnight, iTunes Match has gone from working seamlessly, to hanging at the first step - Gathering Information about your iTunes Library. I am-running the laters version of iTunes - Ver. 10.6.1.Â
iTunes, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have had a number issues with my iTunes setup on my new Mac Mini so thought I would start again. I deleted my iTunes folders and then intended to set up again, downloading the 10,000 tracks that were previously on Match. When I log in to my account and update Match, there isn't any content. how I can retrieve it, or has deleting the folders on my local drive somehow wiped my Match account?
View 1 Replies View Relatedangry birds space has disappeared from mypurchased and update pages as well as the app store
View 1 Replies View RelatedI wanted to listen to my music (iTunes match) it asked me to verify my password, it then asked me to reset my password. Then when accessed only shows my purchased music.
View 1 Replies View RelatedRecently purchased iTunes Match for MacBook Pro When I try to format on iPhone 4s and iPad2, receive a message asserting not subscribed & requesting me to "use iTunes on your computer to subscribe"
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
I had a fairly extensive music collection and recently i had to get a new hard drive. I didn't think it would be a big deal because i had always updated itunes Match. But iTunes match isn't showing me my library to download my music again.Â
Did i completely misunderstand iTunes Match? Do i have to start over?Â
All the music properly downloads on my iphone but not my mac.
I had selected a whole bunch of music from my iTunes to sync onto my iPhone using my USB cable. Now I've signed up for iTunes Match and none of that music is on my iPhone anymore except by streaming. How do I get those tunes and podcasts back on my iPhone so I can listen to them when streaming is not available (like downstairs in my gym where there's no signal) WHILE ALSO being able to access the other non-sync'd tunes if I want whenever I've got a good signal. I spent some time choosing which tunes to keep on my iPhone and which not to sync.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
I have emails in my inbox , all from same person and email address, that show up under the "From" heading with different labels - or names, such as
Can I change these so all emails from one person show up with same name (makes searching for email by sorting 'from' more productive) ??
and what are these < > ? where did they come from
I put a pic in the headings of my outgoing emails.I cant work out how to remove it.
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