ITunes For Mac :: Why Does Airplay Button Disappear When Choose NPR Radio
Jun 28, 2014
I use an airplay enabled Bose speaker to listen to iTunes everything, but when I choose NPR radio the airplay button disappears from iTunes and reverts to my mac speakers. Why can't I use airplay when listening to NPR?
I recently switched routers. I've been able to configure the router to join my wireless network. I know it has joined because the light changes from green to amber when the router reboots. When I was configuring, I checked the Enable Airplay checkbox and gave the Airport Express a name and password. I start up iTunes and there is no Airplay icon in the lower right like there used to be with the old router. What am I missing about enabling Airplay? Is there an Airplay app I'm missing that would allow me to find the Airport Express with Airplay?
I have been using Airplay and an Airport Express to stream iTunes to my Harman Kardon speakers for the last 3 years. This morning I find that the volume sliders are missing for my Hi-fi AE in the 'select multiple speakers' window and I cannot select them.
The AE has a green light and shows up fine in Airport Utility. Repairing permissions and restarting has not helped. It was working fine last night when I shut my iMac down, and nothing has changed!
Mac OS 10.6.8 and iTunes v10.6 (40)
Info: Mac OS X (10.6.8), also Mac Pro Avid and Pro Tools HD systems at work :)
I bought a Mac Pro 13' Retina Display two weeks ago and today i bought a Bose SoundTouch 20 and i connected both to my home network by ethernet cord. when i try to use applications like iTunes to send the sound of a song from mac to bose it work perfect, but when i try to do the same with spottily (i downloaded the app for my mac) simply doesn't work and don't know why. Another issue is that either can't send the sound of the movies and videos from mac to bose (i already try this using this configuration: send by airplay the movie to apple tv and from apple tv send the sound to bose, all work perfect because all was connected with ethernet cord).Â
So the question is, why the Airplay function only work with iTunes and with other applications simply doesn't?
I have three Airport Express units around my house, and I regularly stream to them from my mauc using airplay. Last week I updated the firmware for the AE's and now none of them show up as remote speakers in itunes. Even the little airplay icon is gone from iTunes.
when I try to choose either of my two airport expresses or apple tv in the speaker button - bottom right - in iTunes... the result is that is says " connecting to airport express" and just times out. this has happened over and over today.
I have built-in home speakers and I wanted to know if you have to buy airport express to use airplay. Do you have to have airplay wireless speakers to play music from airplay?
I have an airport express that is configured properly but for some reason iTunes cannot find it after it wakes up in the morning. To fix it I have to restart the computer. My computer is connected to a time capsule via an ethernet cable and the airport express extends the same network wirelessly. My computer goes to sleep everynight at 1 am and wake up at 7am. I like my coffee and bbc every morning and am tired of having to go downstairs to the restart my computer to get the airplay working again. This started happening about four or five months ago.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3,1 2.8 GHz 1Gb Radeon HD 4870
I some local internet streams which I listen to, when I added them a long time ago I couldn't add them to the itunes radio tab :-( but created a playlist.I would like to have those streams available on my laptop but since there is no "music" it does not sync. Is there a way to do this? It would be nice to have them on the idevices as well but there i just use a radio app.Â
I have a setup as in the diagram below. Internet Router connected to my Airport Express N which creates a N-class network. Then I have an Time Capsule in another room that extends this network. My iMac is connected to this Time Capsule using Ethernet (WiFi is turned off completely).
iTunes is 10.6.1 (7) Airport Express and Time Capsule have the latest firmware (v7.6.1)
Internet, sharing and other functions are working fine, just Airplay from the iMac doesn't work anymore to the Airport Express. I've tried lots of solutions, and this just seems to be broken. I've submitted to Apple feedback as well explaining the situation and that this doesn't work. If I add/remove a password or enable/disable airplay on the Express, it does reflect in iTunes. It also shows that the Airplay is locked/unlocked (see image) and also shows it as a visible audio destination.
But when you activate it from iTunes, it doesn't ask for any password (if enabled), but it just displays the "connecting" dialog for about 1 minute and then closes the window without any error and just does nothing. It's like iTunes cannot communicate to the Airport Express, although at the same time I can connect to it's internal configuration (edit) and also connect to the internet, my router's config using a browser, etc. without any problems. Also, if I'm using my iPad and iPhone, I can easily use the Airport Express from those devices, but NOT from the iMac.
When using airplay to watch a game from my computer to the TV, how can I use the TV speakers? We have to listen to the sound from my iMac while using airplay. There is no speaker icon on my airplay drop down list.Â
My iPhone has finally hit capacity, mostly with music.I don't want to delete things from my library, because my comptuer has plenty of space, but I want to limit what gets sync'd to my iphone. I.E. There is old music that I don't listen to regularly anymore that I don't want on my iPhone, but I would still like to keep.I know one option would be to create a playlist and just sync that playlist, but I don't want to have to drag new stuff into a playlist every time (Because I know I will forget.)
I did a MacBook Pro update last night and now my Itunes radio will not connect. Stuck on "contacting tuning service"Â Did a CME from a solar flare knock out a satellite?
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I listen my favorite radio station on Safari. How can I lock in my radio station on iTunes? I want to use my airport express to manage an external loudspeaker.Â
I mean, it really "hangs" as in NOT RESPONDING. And don't go into the "your running it on Win7 on the backside of your MacBook Pro". It typically hangs for 2-5 minutes then "connects" to the station.
I was wondering how can I add a radio station to my itunes or make a quick launch or shortcut instead of opening it in firefox. The website to the radio station is [URL] its an Egyptian radio station the thing is the once you open the website the radio start playing and I cant get the link to the radio.
I can't get radio streaming from all categories on iTunes. I keep getting the dialogue box that says, "An error occurred while contacting the radio tuning service. Check your Internet connection, or try again later." I've tried rebooting the computer.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.2)