ITunes For Mac :: 11.2.2 Freezes When Syncing IPhone Or IPad
Jun 24, 2014
I am running iTunes 11.2.2 on Mac OS 10.9.3. I experience an issue with iTunes becoming unresponsive when either my iphone 5s (fully updated) and ipad 4th gen (fully updated) attempts to sync either wirelessly or with the cord. I have went through the apple trouble shooting and came up with no solution. I've also reinstalled iTunes with no luck. I am not able to transfer purchases or backup either device on my mac, including iBooks. Â
iTunes 10.6 quits when syncing iphone 3g or ipad 2 on imac with os 10.7.3. iTunes seems to work OK until syncing one of the two devices is in progress.
Crashes with ipad when syncing by wifi or usb cable.
I am trying to sync my contacts and my ical from my mac to my iphone and my ipad. It gives message that there is not enough storage. Can I really be using 5 gigs to sync only contacts and ical? I only have 198 cards in contacts and the ical is what I would say as average on entries.Â
I use mail app on my Mac Pro to view my gmail account, now with iCloud how do I sync my mail on my mac pro, iPhone, & iPad so they are all updated as one account. Currently I my mail on my iPhone and iPad update with each, but my mail on my Mac Pro does not. I thought when I updated to Lion I would be able to use iCloud to solve this problem, but it has not.
I have an MacBook Pro with 10.5.8, iMac with 10.7.3, iPhone 4S and the new iPad. My problem is that I want to sync my emails with all my devices (like google email) but I cant do it properly because my work email is a POP server. Changing my email server to IMAP is not a option currently.
I'm running Yosemite on Mac and iOS 8.1.1 on iPad and iPhone. When i setup Messages on my Mac a couple of months ago all conversations were synced up between all 3 devices. i've continued many of those conversations on my iPad and iPhone but when I opened Messages on my Mac today i noticed that they had stopped syncing about 2 weeks ago. Now when i try to send a message from my Mac it sends it as SMS not as iMessage. how to correct both the SMS issue but more importantly the sync?Â
I have been encountering a current issue that I find to be alarming, and want to know if anyone else knows how to remedy the issue. I have OS X Lion and all my software is up to date; I have an iPad 2 and it is also up to date. There has been an issue when I try to sync my music from iTunes to my iPad. It gets to the final stage of syncing, and then the music starts to download, and then it will only download a couple songs onto the iPad and then the computer will freeze. It forces me to completely shut down my computer, and it is really concerning me now. The whole computer is moving completely slow, almost to the point where a simple click on an application causes the rainbow spinning wheel.
I have several music videos in my iTunes library and for some reason they are no longer syncing to my iPad.They show in iTunes on my computer, and all my music syncs, but the videos do not show in the music location on my iPad, or in the video folder for my iPad. In the past they would show up in video icon, but now they no longer do.
At least two of my albums in my library refuse to stay on playlists I build both on iPad, and my MBA and MBP notebooks.At first, I created the playlist on iPad from my Songs list but when I synced to my MBP, they disappeared off the playlist (but still appear in my songs/music library). I rebuilt the playlist on iPad and synced to my MBA and the same thing happened.Not to be daunted, I created the playlist on each of my notebooks and synced, and each time the same albums would disappear off the synced iPad playlists (but still appear in the Songs/Music library and on my MBA/MBP playlists).Any ideas why certain albums will not sync to a playlist? Both albums with this problem were purchased as CDs then imported into iTunes.
I have just downloaded, and updated iTunes to 10.6.  Now I only get a beach ball in iTunes (which can only be force quit) when doing any kind of sync with the with 5th Gen Nano. I can no longer delete or add songs or movies. The Nano still works perfectly. Â
Is the 5th Gen Nano no longer supported by Apple?Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 27 inch iMac, 4GB, 5th gen Nano
I'm using iTunes 10.5.3 (3) on Mac OS X 10.7.3 When I drag and drop music from my iTunes library onto the iPad the iPad will first start to 'sync' but I'll notice that it immediately starts to try and sync up all of my music (I have more music than I have space on my iPad so that would just fail eventually but it starts the slow wi-fi sync of all my music). I check the settings for the iPad (via iTunes) and I notice that the Music tab's "sync" option has suddenly been enabled again (when I've previously turned it off).Â
This is very strange and annoying as all I want to do is copy music from iTunes onto my iPad. I can do this no problem with my iPhone (has the same sync settings turned off and that doesn't re-enable the sync setting when I drag and drop music from iTunes to it? The only difference from my iPad is that i have the apps tab 'sync' option turned on - see P.s below for more on that)Â
if I turn off syncing of apps for my iPad I get a message that tells me 22 apps will be deleted and that all data will be lost as well. I'm assuming because some apps I've paid for and some are free I'll be able to re-download them no problem, it's just that some apps have extra settings/configurations on them that I'd rather not lose and I just don't see how turning off the 'sync' option would affect them? Just leave them on the iPad device and stop trying to sync them with iTunes??
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2), Processor 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo ~ Memory 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
When I connect my iPad2 with my MBP (mid-2012), iTunes hangs within a few seconds for user A.Â
I've followed all of the instructions in this article (iTunes: May become unresponsive when connecting iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch), but there's no resolution path for my case:Doesn't hang with a different user account (user B)Still hangs after rebuilding iTunes Library for user AÂ
i just bought a new mac, and i have attempted to sync my iphone wireless. the "sync now" under itunes wi-fi sync does not , or will not work. both the mac and the iphone are on a shared home wifi. is there a setting im missing in which my phone has to be "authorized"?
I purchased a couple TV shows on my iPhone, and they synced to my Mac.
I watched them on my Mac, and deleted them off my iPhone to save space, given their size. I also do NOT have the "sync new TV shows" box checked.
Yet, the shows keep re-syncing and loading onto my iPhone every time I sync. I suspect this has something to do with the fact that I purchased them on my iPhone. But how do I make this stop?
I used to sync on an office pc with my Iphone. All music was fine but now I no longer work there and want to sync all music on phone to mac PLUS when I downloaded a purchased cd to my mac it wont go to my Iphone. Any ways to make this all happen?
My laptop got stolen a few weeks ago, i've replaced it with a new MBP, and fortunatley I done a full backup at xmas time, so my computer is just like it was on the 23rd of December 2011. However, my iphone has a ton of new photos, music and playlists on it since that date.
Now I want to keep all these tracks, playlists and photos, but i don't no how to go about it.
If i plug it in to the MBP now, won't itunes back sync and delete all the new stuff?
How do i go about keeping the recent stuff on my iphone?
Sync'd my iPhone with iTunes on my mac and lost all imported ringtones. I go to reset the alarm ringtone for example and cannot find any of my imported ringtones. My default imported ringtone for the phone still shows, but if I go to edit it, none of my imported ringtones show up as options. This has happened since the last s/w update for my iPhone (didn't happen before)...
I have a HD movie that I bought from iTunes and when I want to sync the movie to my 4S, it only shows the SD version in itunes under the iphone 4s movie sync tab. It shows the HD version if I launch it from my imac, but for some reason I can't get it to sync the HD version to the 4S.Â
I did originally buy the HD movie on my 4S but had to download it at home on my mac due to large file sizes.Â
Any reason why my imac can see the HD movie but neither my iphone 4s or ipad 2 can sync the hd movie?Â
I am beyond frustrated right now. So far my transition to iPhone, iPad, and OS X has been really pleasant and convenient. This is just so beyond stupid though. Here is what I would like to happen:
I download podcasts on my phone while on the road, and I listen to them and delete them at my discretion. When I sync my phone to my computer, iTunes doesn't download any of the podcasts from my phone to the comptuer, nor does it delete them off my phone. That's ALL I want to happen.
Instead, I download podcasts on my phone, listen and delete them at my discretion, and that works fine. But when I sync to my computer, it is just an exercise in frustration. It downloads the podcasts from my phone to my computer/iTunes, even though I have gone through every setting to make sure "sync podcasts" is off. I do not want the files transferred to my limited desktop space. Furthermore, it sometimes decides to just delete the podcast off my phone entirely. I like to leave old podcasts on to re-listen to sometimes.Â
i Have an iPhone 6 (128Gb) with over 60gb of music synced and I have noticed that whenever I make several changes on my iTunes (genre changes, files directory changes, etc) to multiple songs and then try to sync it to my phone it gets stuck on the last step until I'm forced to unplugged the phone (trying to stop the sync doesn'to work).
Once I reconnect my phone and the backup process starts again all my music files now appear as "other" and thus ITunes now tries to sync all my music again causing an error message stating that I do not have enough capacity..Â
i Have tried to troubleshoot this issue to isolate the problem but with no success. I was just forced to reinstall all my apps and music once again and I am extremely annoyed since it happens quite often (since I do end up editing large amount of songs on a constat basis). after making all those changes on ITunes i always make sure ITunes recognizes those files. I try to close and open iTunes to ensure it updates its library and all the files' links. All songs do appear and play normally on iTunes. Everything works on iTunes but then when I plug in my phone all new or modified songs appear grayed out with the circle to the left (indicating they will be synced, but it never happens)
My iphone 5 won't sync to itunes since I updated Os X and Itunes. Â
These are my updates installed:
iPhone iOS 7.1.1
OS X 10.9.3
iTunes version 11.2.2 Â
I have tried a lot of things, such as rebooting mac, signing out itunes etc.
itunes only option is to restore iphone, and im not sure about that since my phone has been backing up on iCloud for the last 6 hours and doesn't seems to end :/ Â Â
I upgraded to the new 9.0 version of iTunes and now my iPhone won't sync. Every time I try t it gives me the eternal windmill.... Solutions I've tried include the following:
-Plugging in iPhone while not connected to the airport
I use a PC and a Mac. I have my music, apps etc on my PC desktop, and my photos and videos on my Macbook.
Just got an iPhone 4, is it possible to use my PC to sync most of my stuff, then plug it into my Macbook and sync only my photos and videos and nothing else?
I purchased a song from the iTunes Store on my iPhone and wanted to sync it to my Mac. But it doesn't. I found out that its size is not there, but it is a "stream" (if I open the list in iTunes with all my songs on my iPhone), but it isn't! Any ideas what I can do now? I don't want to purchase the same song again to have it on my Mac and iPad.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)