ITunes :: Can't Get A Cd To Eject From Mac
Apr 11, 2012I can't get a cd to eject from my Mac
I can't get a cd to eject from my Mac
I am a new itunes user and can use your help. I'm sure it is a simple solution.finding a way to eject a cd when there is no eject symbol showing in the usual place.
I'm not a total newbie with mac and computers in general, but I cannot get the one and only super drive to eject... yes, I have hit the eject button, it shows the eject icon in the screen and can I get the thing to eject?
View 17 Replies View RelatedI am unable to eject my CD after playing in iTunes.
View 1 Replies View RelatediTunes did not recognise the CD. Now the CD will not eject. I have tried to 'Command E' although its still not working!
MacBook Pro
I rarely use my superdrive, so I thought it might be more practical to have the button eject my external hard drive(s). Is there a way to do this through OS X or a third party app?
I've been having problem with either Firefox or Safari and I download something and the dmg extracts and I'm left with the white casing shell where the app is housed and it won't eject. I can't eject it from finder but dumping it to the trash from finder took it off the sidebar. I can't get them off my desktop unless I restart my Mac.
I've noticed now that along with disk images not mounting for me anymore. My external drive images or DVD's won't eject either.
When I use right click with Mighty Mouse I don't even see an option anymore to eject that image. Is there any solution out there to fix this glitch? The work around I'm using is unmounting or ejecting images or disks from Disk Utility.
Why is this happening and how do I fix it? I'm using Leopard 10.5.2 and am on an intel iMac.
How to eject an installation disk, the eject button won't work?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
My brothers friend's iMac won't eject the disc. It locked up the computer and now it won't boot. They have tried holding down the mouse on start up but with no luck. Any thoughts?
View 24 Replies View Relatedi've had a Macbook for a couple years and I have some knowledge of OS X but this one has stumped me.My friend called me tonight and she told me on her new iMac that in the finder window, after clicking on Macintosh HD, the eject button was missing that should be next to the device.This apparently happened earlier today with a CD and happened when she called me with an External HDD.
She was however able to eject the stuff by either dragging it to the trash or doing "Open Apple" + E, key shortcut. I'm stumped on this because she was till able to eject the HDD or CD with the previous methods but the Finder, "eject" button for the devices was missing.
My husband (who has my old iMac) inserted a CD that a friend gave him into his disk drive. He played the disk in iTunes, but then could not get it to eject. I came over to "help" and after clicking the eject button in ITunes and then holdiing the eject button on the keyboard down for some time, the drive is stuck in kind of a loop trying to eject the CD. Here are the things that we have tried:
restarting the iMac
shutting it down and rebooting after waiting a while
shutting it down and unplugging it. Waiting for a while and then plugging it back in and rebooting
rebooting while holding the eject button down (on keyboard)
resetting the PRAM by holding down option-command-p-r while booting
drutil eject -drive internal in Terminal Mode
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5), 2.16 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo
What happens if i have a cd/dvd in my mbp and cant eject it? Are there various ways to eject it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI started burning a data DVD in itunes and I decided that it was taking to long so I canceled it, well now I have a disk in my drive the the computer does not recognize is there, and it is stuck! The eject button does not work at all.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a old 2.0 GHz MBP and there's a dvd in it that it wont recognize or eject.
View 8 Replies View RelatedOut of the blue, the eject key on my keyboard produces no results whatsoever. Also, pressing the eject button in Finder does not work, and dragging a disc to the trash does not eject it, either (it does change the trash can to the eject symbol, though). The specs for my Mac Pro are in my signature (Early 2008 2.8).
I looked up a terminal commands to this, and found the following, all of which work on my Mac Pro:
drutil tray eject
drutil tray close
drutil tray open
I made AppleScripts for those, all of which work every time, no problem. Audio CD's eject from iTunes when pressing the eject button within iTunes as well. I have a workaround, but I want everything back to normal. Do you know of any solutions to restore functionality to the eject button on the keyboard, within Finder, and dragging discs to the trash?
I installed Parallels, & then installed Windows XP. How do I eject the Windows XP CD.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an external drive image on my desktop. when i highlight it and press the eject key for 1 second, it doesn't do anything. however i can drag it to the trash and it'll eject. This occurs for usb or anything that mounts. So what's the point of having a dedicated key then if it doesn't work for anything else besides disks?
View 7 Replies View Relatedhow should i eject cd from mac book pro?
I turned it off for an hour to cool down and try again but it still won't work.It's making the eject noise but the DVD doesn't come out, and it just seems to restart the film again as though I've put in a new DVD.
how to make a dvd eject
iPhone 4, iOS 4.3.2
Ho wdo I eject a dvd. I installed Adobe photoshop, and now can't seem to get the cd to eject
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have an A1229 late 2007 2.4 or 2.6 Core 2 Duo 4GB 150GB 17" (my 10.5.8 won't boot past the grey apple screen - it shuts down) and I am trying to install 10.6.3. After a dozen false starts where the disc was spit out after 10 minutes, uninstalled, It accepted about 20% of the install and then stopped, shutting down. I tried repairing the HD using DU but it told me to reformat the HD. My 10.6.3 disc is still is the machine and the installation start loads and I can't get the disc out?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2.6 GHz Intel Core Duo 4GB 150GB
I put a cd that was a copy into my cd slot and started to import the songs on to the computer, it then started to make noises and stopped importing . i tried to eject the cd but it wont. i have tried a forced shut down and restart it then tried again but nothings happening.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), mac os x and life
I was burning a DVD and left while it did its thing. When I came back it said your disk is complete. I ejected the disk, no problem. When I put it back in the machine to test it just continued to spin. Tried to eject, nothing, restarted, nothing. I've tried everything except the external drive. I've tried the mouse, F12, USB mouse, safe boot, etc... Is there an eject hole on the macbooks? The credit bit freaks me out. I'd rather take it apart.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), macbookpro will not eject cd
We inserted a dvd in the iMAc, and it now would not eject.
Since there no way to get in the hardware, do you have any solution to get it out?
airport extreme
My iMac doesn´t accept cd´s anymore, it will spit them out?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I eject a cd from a mac
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow do I manually eject a DVD. It may have been put in upside down.
How do I eject a DVD that might be in upside down?
my mbp from late 2007 doesn't eject the cd anymore. it doesn´t even shows that it has a cd inside. what can i do?
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)