ITunes :: Can't Find Harry Potter Audio Books On It
Apr 7, 2012
I bought the first 3 Potter audio books in iTunes January 2012.When I search the iTunes store, the Harry Potter audio books are no longer appearing. We just purchased the first 3 ones this year 2012 and would like to purchase the rest but they dont show up at the iTunes store.
I just bought the Harry Potter Lego Years 5-7 off the App Store but it's been downloading for 45 minutes and hasn't made any progress what so ever. I tried pausing it and then unpausing to keep downloading but it still won't do anything.
Just purchased several audio books by CDs. Since they have several cds, is there a way to import them on to itunes and then have the seen as one album rather than several cds?
bought a new computer and when I sync iPhone to it my audio books did not move over. it is still on my old laptop but how do i get it on the new computer so i can sync it back to my phone.
I have 35GB of music, most podcasts, and some audio books. Does iTunes iMatch store podcasts and audio books? If all my 35GB are on the iCloud can I reduce the 35GB in my MacBook Air so I can have better of my 128 GB limited storage.
Info: MacBook Air 1.86 GHz w/SSD 128GB (Rev B), Mac OS X (10.6.2), 16GB iPhone 3G, iPad 16GB WiFi only
I was reviewing audio books on my wish list and the list just became empty. I have stopped and restarted iTunes and I have manually re-logged into my apple account but the list keeps coming up empty. I have tried both the shortcut on the top right and from the drop down on the top left but nothing. Is this a temporary issue with Apple..I'm on a Mac running OS10.9.4 and iTunes 11.3.1Â
I have some audio books that i have on CD which I ripped and they show up under the "music" section on the sidebar in iTunes 10.5.3 (3) even though I set the genre to "Audio book" (in "get info") How can I get it to appear under the "books" section like audio books purchased on the iTunes store? It's really annoying to be playing my music library shuffled and then have to skip through audio book chapters. I realize that I could make a playlist with only music, but this seems pretty counterintuitive as I'd have to update it every time I added a new song.
I have a few hundred books in my iTunes. Everytime I add more books they are by default added to all my devices. Is there a way to do a mass select or un-select in the book selection of iTunes. I normally only keep the current book I am reading on my device. You can select and un-selected in mass for the music just not the books which seems strange.Â
iTunes 9.2 just came out. I am trying to add all my PDF's as books but is becoming really daunting. For some reason it will not let me add whole folders of pfd's using import (apple+O). I can import if I select a bunch but its time consuming since I have levels and levels of PDF's. An easier way of importing them. Also was this intended or maybe a bug?
I just purchased a new MacBook Pro and had my local apple store transfer my iTunes library from my old iMac to my new MacBook. To look at it on the screen, everything looks fine. But when I try to download my book that I purchased from to my new iPod it's telling me, "Some of the Audible files in the iTunes library were not copied to the iPod because you are not authorized to play them on this computer."Â
I've download books from iTunes on my Macbook to read on my Iphone 4s. How do I read them from my MacBook?  They appear in myMac itunes book library but when I click on them they do not open.
just purchased an iphone 4S for my wife and trying to sync music and a couple of ebooks. I am not able to sync individual songs as gives the no entry symbol when trying to drag over iphone and music. If I press autofill on the bottom it transfers the entire music library just can't do individual songs. Also can't sync any books. I am running itunes 10.6. Can do any of this on my iphone 4 on my own itunes account but not on wife's new account.
iTunes 10.6.1 crashes on my iMac (10.7.3, 4 GB) whenever I try to open, play or interact in any way with Audible books. This is new in the last 2-3 weeks. Â
I have tried (Command) O, drag n drop, double click on file and "add to library". Every time it crashes. I have sent reports to Apple. I can add the files to iTunes Library, but they never open in iTunes without crashing it.Â
Everything in my Audible account looks appropriate so I don't think it's that end?Â
Anyone with similar issues? Or, better, a solution? I am going to try backing up and re-downloading the app, I think.Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, 4 GB 13333MH
I have an iTunes library which contains many PDFs, but for some reason they don't show up in the "Books" library section, but rather in "Music".
The rather cumbersome workaround to this is to drag the PDF files over to the Finder desktop, delete them in iTunes (taking notes of which playlists they belong to etc.) then drag them into iTunes again. This time they magically pop up in the "Books" library section.
I'm hoping there's a simpler way to make PDF files go into the correct library section -is there?
(the reason this is a problem is because I've tried to move (export) my iTunes library to another hard drive, only to find out that all my PDF files were missing! However, I tried to insert (drag from the Finder into iTunes) a PDF file or two (for testing purposes) before exporting, and they all came through fine).
I want to make my iMac the master and sync info to my MBP. Particularity the address book, ical and selected itunes playlists. I use Sugarsync to sync files.
I have tried synctogether 1.0.3 but it keeps quitting. I tried google for contacts sync but everytime I try I get duplicates and my contacts get trashed so I have to go back to a backup.
Recently downloaded audiobooks are not appearing in the 'BOOKS' category, but in the main music library. I have tried dragging and dropping so that they appear there, but to no avail. Have also changed the info so that it reads 'books' or 'audiobooks' but they will not appear in the Books section of my library which makes finding them tricky. I have previously downloaded titles and they have been recognised as Audiobooks and been properly categorized. (These recent titles have been downloaded from Audiogo. )
Is there a way to prevent newly added books and pdf's to iTunes from syncing automatically to all my iOS devices? Every time I add a new book or PDF to my iTunes library (under OS X) the next time I sync any of my iOS devices they are automatically synched to that device. I want to select by my myself which books or PDF's I want to sync and when. As i own 2 iPad's and 2 iPhones it is very annoying to delete the new additions from each device tab in iTunes or on the device itselfs after synching. Sometimes I add 10 books at a time to iTunes manually and I don't want them to be synced to any device at the moment but they get automatically marked for syncing in iTunes. I use the latest iTunes 10.6. and all devices are on iOS 5.1?
Scrolling through that little window is the most annoying thing, besides, right in the middle of a scroll the window sends you back to the top. So you have to start again. There are updates for iTunes at least once a week and yet none of these make this feature a bit more usable.
I purchased three books and downloaded them onto my computer. I now want to read them on my computer not my iPhone and I do not have an iPad. I was told that an icon next to the books purchased indicates that it's for the ipad or iphone only. I had no idea that this was the case when I purchasd them.
1) can I return these?
2) If not, is there a way to read them on my computer that I may not be aware of - e.g. an app for the computer?Â
I've just acquired a new MacBook Pro with all the trimmings, and I've been importing my iTunes library from my old Windows PC, for the most part successfully.Â
The one missing piece is that iTunes for Mac does not have a Books icon in the ULH corner toolbar, and when I go into Preferences there's no category "Books" for me to check.Â