I bought music on a PC a long time ago (in 2005 maybe?) and got a new Macbook, did the purchased songs redownloading thing, but wasn't able to get those old songs, so I checked my purchased history and it said that the oldest song I bought was in 2008. Or at least tell me what the apple support email adress is?
I'm trying to transfer some songs from my friend's band onto my friend's iPod. However iTunes just opens up a window saying that I can either "Erase and Sync" or "Transfer Purchases From Another iPod". Is there a way to just open iTunes up and transfer my music to the other iPod?
I need to transfer my itunes to my new macbook pro. I have no access to my old PC, therefore the only access to my itunes is my phone. I have my purchased files transferred, but can't transfer "non-apple" purchases. I spoke to customer service, and he recommended dowloading a software to help.
I have a Macbook with about 5,000 songs on it, all of which are burned from actual hard copies of CDs that I own. Rather than re-burning each CD to my new Windows computer, I would like to see if there's a way to transfer all these songs from Mac to PC using an external hard drive.Â
The real question is how can I format my external hard drive to be recognized on both a Macbook running Snow Leopard and a PC running Windows 7?
I want to transfer my songs to from my iMac to my MacBook but I dont want to transfer every single file I have and the iMac doesnt have iCloud. So what can i do?
I have music on my iphone that was not purchased on itunes (or it was but not on my account), I would like to transfer my music from my iphone on to my laptop itunes without syncing (otherwise i loose all my other music)is there a way i can do this.
i accidentally removed the original copy of all my songs from my mac and now i am not able to play any song on my itunes and it will be really hard to download all my songs all over again. Is there anyway that i can get my songs back or is there anyway from where i can transfer my songs form my iphone to itunes because im still having all my songs in the iphone.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2011), iOS 6.1.1, nothing
I have 2 macs with two completely independent iTunes databases. They are used for differnt purposes and contain different music. I really do not want to merge these two databases.
From time to time I need to selectively transfer some few songs from the one computer to the other one. Is there a clever way I can achieve this? I would like to transfer the files including the metadata.
I have a newish mac with everything transferred from the old. I attempted to transfer some new songs I just purchased to my iphone by manual transfer but I get the message: The iPhone is synced with another iTunes library. Do you want to erase this iPhone and sync with this iTunes library?An iPhone can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time. Erasing and syncing replaces the contents of this iPhone with the contents of this iTunes library. Its the same itunes library transferred onto this mac so i dont understand?
Can I transfer with icloud to my ipad and then icloud transfer to mackbook air? I didn't by the songs in the playlist on the macbook, so they didn't transfer automatically and I have 1300 songs to transfer. It takes too long saving them to a bunch of cd's.
I have created playlists to be synced from iTunes to iPhone, however when syncing, not all of the songs in the playlist(s) transfer to iPhone. How can I fix this?
There are some incomplete albums and some that are not even there. When i transfer it says that I can't because i'm not authorized when clearly my Computer is authorized.
I have an old macbook that has all my songs on, as well as my iPod. I have recently got an iMa which currently has no music on, how would I transfer the music from the iPod to the new iMac, or alternatively from the old Macbook to the iMac?
Just got a new applie mac computer, i am syncing my iphone for the first time on it and im worried i will lose all the "purchased" songs on my iphone, with which i will have to re-purchase them all over again.
I am trying to copy some songs from my playlist to a CD but it changes the order of the songs during the conversion. I want the songs in alphabetical by name but iTunes arranges them alphabetically by artist.
I have recently switched to a macbook pro from a windows machine. I have a iphone and a ipad and I tried to transfer all the data from them devices onto itunes on my mac. It got all of my apps across but only 91 songs out of the 251. Why won't the rest of them transfer?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just used Senuti to transfer songs, I tried to close it but it looks like it's frozen. I can't turn my computer off or actually open the Senuti window through the dock but I can see it when I minimize Safari. How can I close Senuti seeing as I can't actually click anything on it (the red X in the corner isn't there, just a circle)?
I just got a new macbook 13 inch unibody with the base stats. Anyways, i chose to snag the iPod touch 16 gig since my 8 gig is already full. Is it possible for me to put all the songs from my old iPod 8 gig touch onto my macbook then into my new iPod 16 gig touch? None of the songs were purchased on iTunes, I got them other ways... Also what about the applications I have on my old 8 gig, I have wolfenstein 3d, Bloons, and a few others that I paid for and would like to have on my new iPod without buying again. new to this board if a mod could put it in the right place for me edit: Nevermind, I allowed my new mac to be one of the authorized computers and I'm able to transfer my Applications with the songs now.
Like the title asks? How can this be done? I have my iMac and I want to transfer the large library of songs over and ethernet cable connected between the two Macs. I remember seeing this be done. How would I go about doing this?
So over the past few months I have noticed this small bug/glitch in iTunes... and it is very annoying.
I cannot drag songs from playlists into different order. iTunes just doesn't let me drag at all.
I have to quit iTunes, then restart it. It will work for one time, but as soon as I got back to "Library" and then try to go back and edit a playlist, I have to exit iTunes.
I transferred all my itunes library to an external hard drive.I had all my songs in itunes and then went to "preferences" and set itunes to look on my external hard drive for my itunes. Then I went to "library" and then "consolidate", and it moved all my library over to my external. I can verify that my songs are all there on my externalHowever, now, itunes won't play any songs of mine. I double click on the song in itunes and it just wont play. There's no error message, there's no exclamation point, it just won't play. Any idea what is goign on? Preferences still shows that my library is directing to the external
I recently cleaned out my computer and reinstalled all of my applications, photos, videos, and music. Now, some of my songs are being cutoff before the song reaches the end. I suspect this is due to iTunes inaccurately placing gaps between my songs.
so i have all my music on one computer and on my iphone, but i want to know how to go to another computer and get songs off that one without losing my original library,
How come this feature has never been released? How many times have you been listening to music with friends through a stereo, or simply enjoying a good shuffle list, and all of a sudden you're struck with an urging to hear a different song. Problem is, you don't want to leave the one you're on, you only want to listen to it next. And even after you finish listening to it, you want to be able to resume your previous shuffle list. Seems common enough right?
Then why has Apple never released this feature? I understand the ability to make customizable playlists, but we're not talking about lots of songs. Just one single song. And it could be designed to only allow one song to be qued. Not too challenging I would think.
And it would be so easy to implement. Add a button next to the genius button on the bottom of iTunes with a big Q on it. Highlight the song you want, press that button, and BAM. Done. On an iPod touch/iPhone, just swipe over the song you want to que up (like in email), and a red button will pop up saying "que" and done. And on an iPod with a click wheel, maybe hold down the center button and the fast-foward button when you're highlighted over the song you want to que and done.
i made my first purchase in itunes store. I purchased the Following song: Shakira Waka Waka Single. Then i copied it to my bootcam partition and it can play on windows media player and ituens without having to authorize the computer. Shouldn't it be blocked? im confused.