ITunes :: Best Method For Transferring Its Library From PC To IMac?
Jun 20, 2012
I have a new iMac. I have authorized it with my iTunes account. My current iTunes library is on a Windows Vista PC, not on the same network. What is the best method for me to use to transfer the iTunes library from the PC to the iMac? iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 9, 2009
I just recently purchased a 24" imac and I am having trouble transfering my itunes library files on my new imac? When its connected to the PC I can view and see the files on the external hard drive but when I connect the external hard drive to the imac and I try to add those files to the itunes library they are not visible to add?
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Mar 9, 2010
I just recently got a new iMac and I want to transfer my iTunes library on over. My primary rig used to be a MBP and to conserve HD space, I put my music library on an external HD. The problem is that I can't seem to get it to work. So, rather than me describing my failed attempts, let me show you where I'm at. The first pic is Steve(my user name)>Music>iTunes on my iMac. As you can see, a few of my folders have populated but obviously everything is not there. Also, for instance, the song Twilight of the Thunder Gods by Amon Amarth doesn't play even though the folder is in there. It *will* however play if I have my external HD plugged in because it locates the song on said device. The second picture is that of the same folder on my external HD. As you can see, all of my song folders are there. I currently have my iTunes Media folder location set to Users>Steve?Music/iTunes.
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May 29, 2009
This will be my first mac. (Can't wait!) I consider myself pretty tech savvy, but when I transfer my iTunes library, can I go into iTunes, select all the songs, put them in a new folder, and transfer that folder to the new Mac? Will the Mac/iTunes automatically sort them and stuff? (My iTunes library is split into 3 different libraries. When opening iTunes, I have to hold down shift and double click and select my .xml to open up my iTunes.) Any other tips for transferring files over a network?
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Sep 2, 2014
My wife and I have an iPhone each with our individual music collection on each. My music library is on my Macbook Air but my wife's is on an Acer laptop that has now broken so she is unable to add any new CD's she purchased to her library, I've tried logging into my Mac as a new user and using a different iTunes but it gives a message that all existing content will be wiped off the phone as it is a new library.Â
MacBook Air, iOS 6.1.3
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Nov 6, 2010
I had ITunes on Win XP, desktop. All my selections have been downloaded to my IPOD. Have now purchased new laptop but had problems transferring ITunes library from old computer to new so just recreated Library from scratch on new laptop by copying my CD's but did not have all CD's as some were borrowed. In other words, I now have songs on my IPOD (and on old desktop) that I was not able to reload onto the Laptop.
I want to make sure that when I plug my IPod (which now has all the songs on it from my desktop) into the laptop, I don't lose those that are not in my Laptop library. Do I have to upload into the laptop from the IPOD those which have not been duplicated? Or make CD's of the songs on the desktop that I couldn't load in, and upload them to the laptop?
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Sep 15, 2009
Looks like I'm going to have to use a work supplied PC for my next contract. There's no way around it. How do I go about transferring my iTunes library (40GB music, 100GB movies) onto the new machine?
I don't have a large iPod so ipod.itunes is out.
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Aug 2, 2004
I'm looking to buy a powerbook, and I'm wondering if there is some easy way to transfer all my existing music files, as well as my playlists, ratings, etc.. from my powermac (MDD) to my new machine. I'm guessing there must be some simple way to do it with an ethernet or firewire cable.
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Jun 3, 2012
How to transfer a full itunes Library from Mac to PC.
iTunes 10.6.1 on old Mac
160GB ipod
Transferring to new Windows 7 Laptop
iTunes 10.6.1 does not seem to have the 'File > Library > Back up to Disc' function available
From Apple's site: "Windows operating systems don't recognize Mac OS-formatted disks (HFS or HFS Plus formats), so you can't use a Mac-formatted iPod to move your music to a Windows PC."
Is it possible to move this entire library to the new PC? It is ok if I need to deauthorize the itunes on Mac.
iPod Classic, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 5, 2010
So my uncle passed and among family heirlooms that I picked up he also left me his iMac. For the longest time all we had needed was a cheap laptop to keep our iTunes on for our iPhones and for internet access. With the addition of this desktop, I'd like to make it just as functional as my PC for my needs. The mp3 files on my uncles iMac were stored on a external drive so I just deleted his library. Here's my issue. I want to make the iTunes on my iMac just like the iTunes on my PC. Is there a way to upload all of my music from my iPhone to the current iTunes or do I have to put all of my music on a disk and transfer it that way?
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Jan 11, 2011
So I recently just got my MacBook Pro in mail yesterday. The first thing I wanted to do was to transfer my itunes music/library from my PC to my new Mac so that I kept all my playlists and count numbers and etc. I watch the video on youtube ( of david kadavy showing how to do it but however he does it from one mac to another.
I have a PC and I did everything he did correctly. When I tried to import my library.xml file it said "not all files were able to be transferred because they may not exist". So can anybody help me transfer my library from my PC to my Mac? BTW both of my iTunes on my PC and Mac were up to date.
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Jun 20, 2008
Can anyone explain to me how transfer an entire itunes library from one mac to another(including album covers), I want to avoid duplicate tracks and also want to be able to sift out some crap after, if i just delete a track will it actually be gone or will it still be hanging around in the hard drive somewhere?
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Apr 4, 2009
About six months ago I ran into the problem a lot of people face with a macbook, where my itunes library was taking up an unreasonable portion of my internal hard drive. I took the easy way out, and just got a 500gb usb seagate portable. Now being that I'm a dj, and I'm always producing tracks and remixes on the go I needed to have my music with me all the time so I velcroed the drive to the back of my mac and basically always left it on and treated it like a second partition.
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Aug 2, 2010
is it safe to move over a couple of my whole itunes library (which includes all music, iphone/ipad apps, movies and books) from my mbp to a g5 tower just by making a copy of the library.
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Apr 9, 2012
Transferring my itunes library from macbook to imac....what is the easiest way to handle?
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Aug 21, 2014
After weeks of issues since migrating my entire iTunes library to a NAS (WD MyCloud) from a PC I think I'm going to move it to the harddrive of my new iMac.Â
My questions are:Â
1) iTunes keeps showing that there are around 150 songs it can't locate (displays the exclamation mark next to the songs) which I then have to find manually - do I need to find all songs first before moving the library?Â
2) The total size will eventually be around 550GB once all further CD's are ripped - will this considerably slow down my iMac which is 1TB? (so far I have only used 79GB of it)Â
3) One of the reasons I want to move the library is that the NAS somehow more than duplicated most of the files so now my itunes shows I have 264GB of music but the NAS is showing 540GB - iff I migrate the iTunes library, I'm assuming it will only move the 264GB that it links to and not all the duplicates - is this correct?Â
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Dec 3, 2014
I recently purchased a Retina iMac running OS 10.10.1.  My previous computer is a Mac Pro (2006) with 10.7.5 (latest OS it will support). The Mac Pro has iTunes 12.0.1 with the database files on the system hard drive and the media files on a secondary internal hard drive. getting my iTunes library on to the new iMac.Â
Migration Assistant doesn't work.
Open Migration Assistant on the iMac and it finds the Mac Pro and offers a code which should be verified on the Mac Pro. Open Migration Assistant on the Mac Pro and tell it to "Transfer to another Mac" and get the spinning gear. Left it on all night, they never connected.Â
Consolidating my iTunes library back to the Mac Pro system hard drive doesn't work.
Following the directions from Apple Support, I pointed my current copy of iTunes (on the Mac Pro) to the default Music folder in order to consolidate the library all in to one folder so that I could transfer it at once to the iMac (iTunes > File > Library > Organize Library). After about 20 minutes I got an error message: "Copying files failed. An unknown error occurred (-22)". I assume there is one or more files screwing this up, but can't figure out which one(s).Â
Simply copying the entire iTunes media folder over my network from the Mac Pro to the iMac doesn't work.
Error (-50) and the copying fails before it gets more than 50 mb. I'm currently attempting to copy one folder at a time. But I don't assume that I'll be able to rebuild my old library on the new machine this way.Â
The current iTunes library is about 250 GB. It is slow, but works on the old machine.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Jun 20, 2012
I have thousands of pictures in my photo library on my iphone 4s. How do I transfer them back to my laptop more quickly than emailing individually?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 22, 2009
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
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May 22, 2010
My search skills are seriously lacking here, as I cant find a guide to do what I want.I currently have a windows 7 pc and an iphone 3g plus ipod touch which sync via the windows 7 pc.I have a 27" imac arriving on tuesday and want to transfer the itunes library from the windows machine to the new imac.What is the easiest way to achieve this?
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May 10, 2012
I just bought a iMac and I would like to transfer all my iTunes Music and Apps from my iTunes from my Macbook Pro to the iMac So my iphone and ipad will have no problem. I want to make the iMac my main computer for all iTunes things.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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May 15, 2012
I've bought several movies on ITunes store with the same user and when I Sync my PC with my IPhone and IPad some movies didn't transfer to my devices. I have checked if my devices has space or if I select the specific movies to be transfer.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011)
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Feb 13, 2012
What is the best programme/method of converting .avi files for use in iTunes and on iPhone/iPad?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 12, 2012
I wanna change my payment but I can't ! because My payment befor from Jordan I use master card after I use the apple gift card I wanna change Jordan again but I can becase say you have balance my balance in apple gift card just 00.07 $ how I can change payment country and use my master card again
iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 20, 2009
I use my iMac for my media business, however I will be on the road more this year, and so I was going to put all my files, apps etc over to my work's MacBook so I can get things done for my clients while I'm on the go. Of course the thing is all my apps, files etc are lodged in the iMac, so I thought that the only way to avoid manually reinstalling stuff (and then have to move it all back to the iMac again) was to clone the user account or drive? Is there a way that this can be done?
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Apr 21, 2009
I thought it would be interesting as well as a good learning point for new Mac users whether you are moving files from your old PC to Mac or Mac to Mac. Explain if you would what method you are using such as Time Machine, or manual backups, or utilizing Mobile Me for your misc backups and how did you use them. What other methods worked for you? Be specific if you don't mind. I think this would be educational for all concerned. Let the Discussion begin:
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Jan 24, 2009
I'd like to get all of my iPhoto library that is organized into events and stuff onto a windows machine. How can I do this so it stays organized?
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Sep 15, 2009
I have a 300+ gig iTunes library stored on an external HD. My G4 Powerbook plays from that library all the time. I just got a new iMac, and want to use the same library, preserving playcounts, playlists, artwork, date added, etc. I know this is possible, but I'm not sure how. The last time I moved my library from a 250G external to a 500G, I got the library all messed up, ended up with the files being there, but lost all of the data I referenced above (playlists, dates, etc). I'd like to avoid doing that again. If it matters my Powerbook runs Mac OS X, version 10.4.11, while the new iMac has Snow Leopard.
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Mar 18, 2012
I've got over 320g of music on an external hard drive. I am in the process of switching to a Mac. I have iTunes installed on the Mac....I just need to figure out how to get all the music from the pc to the Mac. I've been running iTunes on my pc since the very first version for Windows. Both pc and Mac have the latest versions of iTunes.
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Mar 26, 2012
What is the simplest way of transferring my itunes library from my imac to a new mac book?Â
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